Principles of Einstein-Finsler Gravity and Perspectives in Modern Cosmology

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Goals and Motivation

Einstein–Finsler Gravity
Finsler–Branes, Cosmology and Astrophysics

Principles of Einstein–Finsler Gravity and

Perspectives in Modern Cosmology

Sergiu I. Vacaru

Department of Science
University Al. I. Cuza (UAIC), Iaşi, Romania

ERE2010, Granada
Spanish Relativity Meeting
September 6–10, 2010

Sergiu I. Vacaru Principles of Einstein–Finsler Gravity

Goals and Motivation
Einstein–Finsler Gravity
Finsler–Branes, Cosmology and Astrophysics


1 Goals and Motivation

Nonlinear dispersions from QG and LV
Exact solutions & modified cosmology
2 Einstein–Finsler Gravity
Einstein–Finsler spacetimes/gravity, EFG
Principles and axioms of EFG
3 Finsler–Branes, Cosmology and Astrophysics
Gravitational field eqs in EFG
Finsler–branes & cosmological solutions
4 Conclusions

Sergiu I. Vacaru Principles of Einstein–Finsler Gravity

Goals and Motivation
Einstein–Finsler Gravity
Nonlinear dispersions
Finsler–Branes, Cosmology and Astrophysics


Finsler modifications of GR derived for QG theories;

Geometric models for quantum contributions and LV
Canonical models for Einstein–Finsler gravity (EFG);
principles and axioms
Physical implications of EFG: Finsler branes,
locally anisotropic cosmology & astrophysics
Reviews and new results:
arXiv: 1008.4912; 1004.3007; 1003.0044;
0909.3949; 0907.4278

Sergiu I. Vacaru Principles of Einstein–Finsler Gravity

Goals and Motivation
Einstein–Finsler Gravity
Nonlinear dispersions
Finsler–Branes, Cosmology and Astrophysics

Motivation: nonlinear disps; QG & LV, cosmology

1. Deforms in Minkovski s-t: E 2 = p 2 c 2 + m02 c 4 + ϕ(E, p; µ; MP )
2 2 2 2 h 2 4
E∼ ∂t , pbi

∼ ∂
, ω = ∂φ ∂φ
∂t kbi = ∂xbi , ω = cs k + cs ( 2m0 cs ) k + ...
effective cs , (x 1 = ct, x 2 , x 3 , x 4 ); bi, bj... = 2, 3, 4;
b b b b b b
ω 2 = c 2 [gbibj k i k j ]2 (1 − qbi bi y i1 ...y i2r /r [gbibj k i k j ]2r )
12 2r

b b b
light velocity in "media/ether" c 2 = gbibj (x i )y i y j /τ 2 → F̌ 2 (y j )/τ 2
fundamental Finsler function F (x i , βy j ) = βF (x i , y j ), β > 0,
b b
b b qbi bi (x k )y i1 ...y i2r
ds 2 = F 2 ≈ −(cdt)2 + gbibj (x k )y i y j [1 + 1r 12 2r
] + O(q 2 )
(gbibj (x k )ybi ybj )r
Fg i, yj) 1 ∂F 2
Finsler "metrics", velocities on TV , ij (x = 2 ∂y i ∂y j

2. Exact solutions & modified cosmology with generic

off–diagonal metrics and local anisotropy.
Sergiu I. Vacaru Principles of Einstein–Finsler Gravity
Goals and Motivation
Einstein–Finsler Gravity Einstein–Finsler spacetimes/gravity, EFG
Finsler–Branes, Cosmology and Astrophysics Principles and axioms of EFG

Einstein–Finsler Gravity (EFG)

Statement I: A (pseudo) Finsler metric, F gij (x k , y a ), DOES
NOT define completely a geometric model (not Riemannian !)
Statement II: A model of Finsler geometry is defined on TV by
THREE fundamental geometric objects induced by F (x, y) :
1 N–connection, Nia (x, y), splitting F N : TTV = hTV ⊕ vTV
canonically, Euler–Lagrange for L = F 2 are semi–sprays,
2 d–connection, N–adapted linear connect. F D = (hD, vD),
preferred/ canonically induced by F gij and Nia
3 d–metric, F g = hg ⊕ vg
2 classes: a) nonmetricity, F Q := F D F g, Chern d–conn., Ch D
b) metricity, F Q = 0, Cartan d–conn., Cart D
Levi–Civita F∇ is NOT adapted to nonholonomic F N.

∃ induced by Fg : torsion F T, and/or F Q(not Riemann-Cartan)

Sergiu I. Vacaru Principles of Einstein–Finsler Gravity
Goals and Motivation
Einstein–Finsler Gravity Einstein–Finsler spacetimes/gravity, EFG
Finsler–Branes, Cosmology and Astrophysics Principles and axioms of EFG

Einstein–Finsler spacetimes/gravity, EFG

Spacetime as a nonholonomic manifold/ bundle V := (V , D)
(Vrǎnceanu, 1926), or TM, with a non–integrable distribution D.
Geometric data: Finsler (F : N, D, g) and Riemannian (∇, g)
N–anholonomic frames: eν = (ei = ∂i − Nia ∂a , ea = ∂a )
Sasaki d–metric: F g = F gij (u)dx i ⊗ dx j + Fg
ab (u)
c ea ⊗ c eb ,
for c ea = dy a + c Nia (u) dx i .
For D̃, standard Riemannian, Ricci, Einstein d–tensors; h-/v–splitting.
N–adapted coef.: Cart D = D̃ = (hD̃, v D̃) = {Γ̃αγτ = (L̃ijk , C̃bc
a )},

1 F ir
L̃ijk = F F F
2 g (ek gjr + ej gkr − er gjk ),
a = 1 F g ad (e F g
C̃bc F F
2 c bd + ec gcd − ed gbc ).

Theorem: Equivalent (pseudo) Finsler & Riemannian theories

if g D = g ∇ + g Z, distortion determined by g = F g.
Sergiu I. Vacaru Principles of Einstein–Finsler Gravity
Goals and Motivation
Einstein–Finsler Gravity Einstein–Finsler spacetimes/gravity, EFG
Finsler–Branes, Cosmology and Astrophysics Principles and axioms of EFG

Principles and axioms of EFG

Principles: Similarly to GR with g ∇ on V construct EFG: with
g ∼ F g, N ∼ F N and Cart D on TV , or V.
1 Generalized equivalence principle: Ideas on Free Fall and
Universality of Gravitational Redshift for Cart D.
2 Generalized Mach principle: quantum energy/motion
encoded via (N, g, D) for spacetime ether with y a .
3 Principle of general covariance extended on V, or TV , with
"mixing of Finsler parametrizations".
4 Motion eqs and conservation laws: Nonholonomc Bianchi
identities for F D; ∇i T ij = 0 → Dα Υαβ 6= 0.
5 Einstein–Finsler gravitational field eqs for F D.
6 Axiomatics: Constructive–axiomatic appr. (Ehlers-Pirani
–Schild, EPS axioms), paradigm "Lorentzian 4–manifold"
in GR; nonholon. tangent bunle on "L ..." for EFG.
Sergiu I. Vacaru Principles of Einstein–Finsler Gravity
Goals and Motivation
Einstein–Finsler Gravity Gravitational field eqs in EFG
Finsler–Branes, Cosmology and Astrophysics Finsler–branes & cosmological solutions

Gravitational field eqs in EFG

∀ D, Einstein eqs: Eαβ = Υαβ ,
h–/v–components, for Rai = R baib and Ria = R kikb :
Rij − (R + S)gij = Υij ,
Rab − (R + S)hab = Υab ,
Rai = Υai , Ria = −Υia ,
Remark: For Cart D, general off–diagonal solutions for EFG,
restrictions to GR, g = g αβ (u) du α ⊗ du β ,
gij + Nia Njb hab Nje hae
g αβ = , where Nia 6= Aabi (x)y b
Nie hbe hab
Claim: Compactification/trapping/warping mechanism on
velocity/momenta for a "new" QG and LV phenomenology.
Sergiu I. Vacaru Principles of Einstein–Finsler Gravity
Goals and Motivation
Einstein–Finsler Gravity Gravitational field eqs in EFG
Finsler–Branes, Cosmology and Astrophysics Finsler–branes & cosmological solutions

Finsler–branes & cosmological solutions

Nonholon. trapping solutions (cosmology, with h 3 (x i , y 3 = t)) :
g = g1 dx 1 ⊗ dx 1 + g2 dx 2 ⊗ dx 2 + h3 e3 ⊗e3 + h4 e4 ⊗e4 +
(lP )2 2 [ q h5 e5 ⊗ e5 + q h6 e6 ⊗ e6 + q h7 e7 ⊗ e7 + q h8 e8 ⊗ e8 ]
e3 = dy 3 + wi dx i , e4 = dy 4 + ni dx i , e5 = dy 5 + 1 wi dx i ,
e6 = dy 6 + 1 ni dx i , e7 = dy 7 + 2 wi dx i , e8 = dy 8 + 2 ni dx i .
32 + a(y 5 )2 94
φ2 (y 5 ) = and l P |h(y 5 )| =
 2 ,
32 + (y 5 )2 32 + (y 5 )2
N–connection coefficients determined by sources
Λ(x i ) = Υ e4 + Υ e 8 , v Λ(x i , v) = Υ
e6 + Υ e2 + Υe6 + Υ
e 8,
Λ(x i , y 5 ) = Υ
e2 + Υ e 8 , 7 Λ(x i , y 5 , y 7 ) = Υ
e4 + Υ e2 + Υ
e4 + Υ
e 6.

Sergiu I. Vacaru Principles of Einstein–Finsler Gravity

Goals and Motivation
Einstein–Finsler Gravity
Finsler–Branes, Cosmology and Astrophysics

Almost all models of QG with nonlinear dispersions can be
geometrized as certain Finsler spacetimes.
Natural/ Canonical Principles for metric compatible EFG
generalizing the GR on TV , ∇ → Cart D.
Finsler branes, trapping: "new" QG/ LV phenomenology.
Outlook (recently developed, under elaboration):
EFG is almost completely integrable, can be quantized as
almost Kähler–Fedosov/ A–brane geometries, and
renormalizable for bi–connection/gauge gravity models.
Finsler for black holes (ellipsoids, toruses, holes,
wormholes, solitons); anisotropic cosmological models
(off–diagonal inflation, dark energy/matter etc).
Noncommutative/ Ricci–Finsler flows, emergent (non)
commutative Lagrange–Finsler analogous gravity and
quantization, Clifford–Finsler algebroids etc.
Sergiu I. Vacaru Principles of Einstein–Finsler Gravity

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