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About Information

Are you familiar with this logo? To what company does it belong?

Do you use this company’s products? How often?

What do you think about this company?

Make a series of notes for each one of the questions.

1.- Match the word with its definition:

Hegemony: __

Monopoly: __

Net Neutrality: __

Browser: __

Telecommunications: __

Information Technologies: __

Profiling: __

A.- A platform to search information within the internet

B.- When a single company has most of the power of their business area

C.- When information is taken from a user to tailor results according to interests and searches

D.- The platform where all media and information are transmitted, this involves radio, television,
internet and other channels

F.- Technology focused in gathering information, making it available for research and has as
objective to make information as open ended as possible

G.- When a culture or force has a dominion or power over others, whether culturally, socially,
economically, politically, and it can’t be disputed

H.- Technology related to hardware, such as computers and tablets

I.- A common agreement between nations in which the internet and its contents should be
undisputed and for easy access to the public

J.- An international treaty where companies acquire the right to shape the internet to their liking.

K.- A common agreement where certain information must remain confidential to most users
2.- You will watch a video about the history of Google, using the information provided answer
the following:

1.- What was the original name of Google?

2.- Name at least 3 apps created by Google?

3.- What was the revolutionary system that Google created to search information?

4.- Does Google make laptops and cellphones?

5.- Of the following, choose all the options that have been google mottos:

A) Don’t be evil B) Choose the lesser evil C) Do the right thing D) Try your best

6.- Do you believe google is good or bad, why?

8.- What made Google’s add system relevant against its competitors?

9.- What was revolutionary about gmail?

10.- Do you use google chrome frequently? Why?

11.- What do you think is Google’s current role in the world?

Do you think the concepts you’ve seen previously have any relationship with what you just learnt
about Google? Discuss this with a classmate and then make a brief text about it.

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