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The International Conference on Administration and Business

­ ICEA - FAA 2009 ­ 14 – 15 NOVEMBER 2009 ­ http://conference.faa.ro ­

The Faculty of Business and Administration
University of Bucharest

The International Conference on Economics and Administration, Faculty of Administration and

Business, University of Bucharest, Romania
ICEA – FAA Bucharest, 14-15th November 2009



TOCAN Madalina Cristina;

Universitatea Ecologica din Bucuresti;

Abstract commercial wisdom to their children, master

The globalization of business, the shift from craftsmen have painstakingly taught their
production-based to a knowledge-based trades to apprentices and workers have
economy, the growth of information exchanged ideas and know-how on the job.
communications technology, the strive to However, the terminology of knowledge
become learning organizations and the management was not widely used until the
emergence of the needs for knowledge workers middle of the nineties (Chaw et al., 2003).
have made knowledge management practice In the nineties, the characteristics of the
a must today across all types and levels of business environment have changed. The
firms. However, because the concept is so increasing globalization of business, leaner
new, there exist different views among organizations, products and service
practitioners and even researchers on how a convergence and vast development of
knowledge management program can be technology implied that the issues of more
designed and implemented in organizations. efficient and effective operation of an
This paper posits that knowledge organization’s knowledge assets have
management consists of critical enablers become more important than ever before.
such as employee training, employee Drucker fittingly warned us years ago that
involvement, teamwork, employee those who wait until this challenge indeed
empowerment, top management leadership becomes a “hot” issue are likely to fall
and commitment, organizational constraints, behind, perhaps never to recover. As
information system infrastructure, Drucker has predicted, knowledge has
performance measurement, egalitarian become the key economic resource and the
culture and knowledge structure that are dominant source of competitive advantage
critical to the success of a knowledge-based today.
organization. These critical factors will The main objective of this paper is to
provide a greater understanding to the identify the best practices that would make
researchers and practitioners of the enablers knowledge management program works in
of a successful knowledge management an organization. This paper posits that
program successful deployment of knowledge
management program depends on eleven
Key words: Knowledge, knowledge critical enablers such as employee training,
management, success factors, knowledge employee involvement, teamwork, employee
management initiatives. empowerment, top management leadership
and commitment, organizational constraints,
1. Introduction information system infrastructure,
performance measurement, egalitarian
Society has recognized the value of culture, benchmarking, and knowledge
knowledge for centuries. Intellectual structure. The paper proceeds to present the
reflection on knowledge has been pursued concept of knowledge management. Than the
for as long as records of human activities are key success factors emerged from the
available. For hundred of years, owners of literature are explored. The propositions of
family members have passed off their how the presence of these key success factors

The International Conference on Administration and Business
­ ICEA - FAA 2009 ­ 14 – 15 NOVEMBER 2009 ­ http://conference.faa.ro ­
The Faculty of Business and Administration
University of Bucharest

influence the successful implementation of The essence of knowledge management is

knowledge management in organizations are built on intellectual capital, which includes
then discussed. Conclusions are presented at Human Capital, Social Capital and
the end of the paper. Corporate Capital. All three are essential
The introduction shall be at most two pages components of Enterprise Knowledge.
in length, however not less than half a page. Human Capital is our greatest resource. It is
The text must provide answers for four made up of an individual's past, present and
questions. (1) What matter does the paper future. Each of us brings a unique set of
cover? (2) Why is the studied matter characteristics and values from the past.
important? (3) How does the author intend These include expertise, education and
to answer to this matter? (4) What is the experience. Built on these characteristics
relation between the paper and the already and values from the past, there are a set of
existent specialized literature? This capabilities and ways of seeing and living in
introductory section shall be written clearly, the world (such as creativity and
and any confusion in communicating the adaptability). Just as important as things
four answers might result in paper rejection. from the past and skills of the present, we
each have a future capacity and a particular
2. Literature review potential for learning.
Social Capital is the stuff of communications
The transition to the knowledge based and more. It includes human and virtual
economy, the design and functioning of the networks, relationships and the interactions
knowledge based organization it is across these networks built on those
impossible without a knowledge based relationships..
management. Thomas Clarke and Christina Corporate Capital includes intellectual
Rollo (Th. Clarke, Christina Rollo, 2001), property, both formal and informal (e.g.,
defines knowledge based management as patents, ideas, etc.), and corporate functional
“the organizations’ dedication to develop the and organizational processes. It also
knowledges production and flux, to transmit includes all the data and information
and utilize the knowledges with a view to captured in corporate databases, all that has
create economic value” been made explicit.
Uit Beijerse in “Questions in knowledge Knowledge management, then, can be
management: defining and conceptualizing a viewed as a process for optimizing the
phenomenon (Journal of Knowledge effective application of intellectual capital to
Management 1999) considers that “the achieve organizational objectives. The
knowledge management can be defined as a knowledge management challenge is to
strategic orientated way of motivation and discover and capture our tacit intellectual
facilitation of the company’s members capital (that contained in our people), share
engagement in the development and this capital through Enterprise-wide
utilization of their cognitive capacities connectivity, and leverage Corporate Capital
through the valorization of its information (that which is visible or explicit).
sources, experience and capabilities of its Without question, knowledge management,
members. and the awareness of it, has become
So what exactly is knowledge management? increasingly important in today’s business
The American Productivity & Quality Center environment. Over the last several years, we
says, "Knowledge management is a business have witnessed the emergence of what has
strategy, best practice transfer, personal increasingly become a knowledge-driven
learning, customer intelligence, intellectual economy and society. Knowledge assets
asset management and innovation." Dow have often become more important to
Chemical says it's "providing the right companies than financial and physical assets
information to the right decision maker at and are often the only way for a company to
the right time, thus creating the right distinguish itself from its competitors and
conditions for new knowledge to be created." gain a competitive advantage.
Gartner Group states, "Knowledge Evidence that the importance of KM is a
management is a coordinated attempt to tap significant issue may be found in many
the unrealized potential for sharing and areas, and can easily be illustrated with
reuse that lies in an enterprise's collective some examples. The results of several
consciousness." surveys that probed the views of executive

The International Conference on Administration and Business
­ ICEA - FAA 2009 ­ 14 – 15 NOVEMBER 2009 ­ http://conference.faa.ro ­
The Faculty of Business and Administration
University of Bucharest

managers are intriguing. For instance, one critical to successful knowledge management
survey found that 87% of European business implementation, as elucidated by Quinn et
directors believe they could enhance their al. (1996). Thus, a knowledge management
company’s competitiveness with improved program needs to identify critical
KM and 76% believe that building and performance indicators of success factors to
sharing knowledge is important for their gauge its performance.
company (Williams, 2003). Another study of In achieving this, various knowledge
500 firms conducted by KPMG illustrated management models have been reviewed so
that 80 % of senior executives feel that KM that a unified framework of knowledge
is strategic to their organization and 78 % management can be developed. From the
feel that they have missed business analyses of the models, it was found that
opportunities. The study estimated that, on several studies have proposed several key
average, 6 % of annual revenue has been variables for successful implementation of
forgone due to missed knowledge knowledge management. For example,
opportunities; that their average spending Davenport have identified eight knowledge
on knowledge programs is < 2 % of annual management success factors such as
revenue; and over 64 % said that their ROI a. technology infrastructure;
on their knowledge efforts was unknown. b. organizational infrastructure;
In spite of these surveys sited above, c. balance of flexibility, evolution and
examples abound of organizations ease-of-accessibility to knowledge;
implementing successful knowledge d. shared knowledge;
management initiatives (Davenport & e. knowledge-friendly culture;
Prusak, 1998, and Myers, 2001). Hoffmann- f. motivated workers who develop,
Roche, the Swiss pharmaceutical firm, has share and use knowledge;
estimated that it saves over $1 million per g. means of knowledge transfer using
day due to its KM activities. Hewlett- various information technology
Packard’s knowledge efforts aimed at infrastructure;
customer service have reduced average call h. senior management support and
times by two-thirds and the cost per call has commitment.
fallen by 50 percent. Chevron Corporation Ryan and Prybutok (2001) propose five
estimates that it saved an initial $150 success factors such as
million, plus at least another $20 million a. an open organizational culture;
annually by instituting a best practices b. senior management leadership and
program. Dow Chemical’s efforts to commitment;
capitalize on its intellectual property have c. employee involvement;
saved it over $40 million. Over a six-year d. teamwork;
period since its investment of $72 million, e. information systems infrastructure.
Schlumberger Corp. has realized an ROI of Perhaps the most comprehensive list of
668% on its KM programs (Swanborg & success factors has been presented by
Myers, 1997). Finally, Teltech, a firm that Moffett et al. (2003). Ten key components to
specializes in aiding companies to implement successful knowledge management were
knowledge management programs, reports identified:
that its clients enjoy an average ROI of 12:1 a. a friendly organizational culture;
for their efforts. b. senior management leadership and
3. Knowledge management success c. employee involvement;
factors d. employee training;
e. trustworthy teamwork;
Digman asserts that the critical success f. employee empowerment;
factors is useful for structuring g. information systems infrastructure;
environmental analysis because there is an h. performance measurement;
important link between environmental i. benchmarking;
analysis and critical success factors leading j. knowledge structure.
to organizational success. The analyses of In my opinion the key success factors for KM
these factors provide an important meaning are:
to knowledge management through the a. Employee training
identification of core processes that are b. Employee involvement

The International Conference on Administration and Business
­ ICEA - FAA 2009 ­ 14 – 15 NOVEMBER 2009 ­ http://conference.faa.ro ­
The Faculty of Business and Administration
University of Bucharest

c. Open and trustworthy spirit of employee knowledge is a critical resource for

teamwork competitive advantage, so they are
d. Employee empowerment encouraging employees to share this
e. Visible top management leadership knowledge. Creating a high involvement
and commitment organization involves making choice about
f. Information systems infrastructure organizational design that creates a world in
g. Performance measurement which individuals know more, do more and
h. Knowledge-friendly culture contribute more. The recognition of the
i. Knowledge structure importance of employee tacit knowledge is
j. Elimination of organizational based on the assumption that successful
constraints performance improvement may not only
Employee training depend on how work is organized, and the
Numerous studies have pointed out on the skill of the worker, but on the willingness of
importance of employee training to employees to convert tacit knowledge of the
knowledge management implementation work process into continuous process
success. So, if a company wants to become a improvement and innovation.
truly knowledge-based organization, it must Employee involvement is an array of
start with quality training. This is true techniques aimed at sharing information,
because in virtually every market, customers knowledge, rewards and authority. It is thus
are demanding high quality, lower costs and the right way to gather knowledge from
faster cycle times. To meet these various levels of management and essential
requirements, firms must continually for an organization to survive.
improve their overall organizational
performance. Rapid advances and technology Open and trustworthy spirit of
and improved processes have been important teamwork
factors helping businesses meet this Many researchers have recognized
challenge. However, the most important teamwork as one of the critical factors for
competitive advantage to any firm is its successful knowledge management
workforce – one that must remain competent implementation..
through continuous training and Teams are the units that actually carry out
development efforts. Training provides the work in many knowledge-intensive
employees and managers the skills and organizations. They are the ones that must
information to fulfill their responsibilities. access and apply distributed knowledge
Improved performance is a strategic goal for effectively. Teamwork is an essential source
organizations in order to achieve the bottom of the knowledge generation process. A well-
line purpose through training and staffed team is crucial for successful
development. For the same reason, a number implementation of knowledge management.
of organizations have become or are striving This is because knowledge that individuals
to become learning organizations. This is possess may be difficult to articulate because
because one of the reasons for the failure in it is so deeply embedded in routines and
effective work behaviors would be practices that are taken for granted. By
insufficient training to support knowledge creating teams, it allows organizations to
management principles. apply diverse skills and experiences towards
its processes and problem-solving. After all,
Employee involvement the focus of business and knowledge
Employee involvement in making management application is on providing an
organizational decisions is a well-researched environment in which knowledge workers of
area. It describes how employees can various disciplines can come together and
contribute effectively to meeting the create new knowledge.
organization’s objectives. It refers to the
degree that employees share information, Empowerment
knowledge, rewards and power throughout Empowerment refers to a feeling of control
the organization. and self-efficacy that emerges when people
Researchers found that employee are given power in a previously powerless
involvement is one of the critical factors for situation. It means eliminating the
knowledge management implementation bureaucratic controls and creating a sense of
success. Corporate leaders are realizing that freedom so that people can commit all their

The International Conference on Administration and Business
­ ICEA - FAA 2009 ­ 14 – 15 NOVEMBER 2009 ­ http://conference.faa.ro ­
The Faculty of Business and Administration
University of Bucharest

talents and energies to accomplish their commitment to the knowledge management

shared goals process is essential. Leadership is
Empowered employees are given autonomy – responsible for creating the knowledge vision
the freedom, independence and discretion – of the organization, communicating that
over their work activities. They are assigned vision, and building a culture that regards
work that has high levels of task significance knowledge as a vital company resource. It is
– important to themselves and others. therefore important that senior management
Empowered employees also have control over recognizes its importance. Without the
performance feedback that guides their work support of top-level managers, the success of
and also a feeling of self-efficacy; that is, knowledge management activities is
they believe that they are capable of cumbersome. Only strong leadership could
successfully completing the task. provide the necessary direction, where an
Many researchers have regarded employee enterprise will need to implement and
empowerment as one of the critical factors effectively deploy a knowledge management
for knowledge management implementation strategy. To realize the potential of
success. If employees are to feel empowered, knowledge management, enterprise
they need knowledge that will enable them leadership must provide the proper
to comprehend and contribute to the environment to motivate its workers to
performance of the organization. This is enable the creation, organization and
because when individuals are empowered, sharing of knowledge.
they begin to take extra responsibilities to
solve organizational problems by learning Information systems infrastructure
new skills in their jobs, which will Many researchers have supported the notion
eventually lead to them being more that effective and efficient knowledge
competent. management is unthinkable without
Effective creation and sharing of knowledge information systems. A majority of business
will fail if employees do not have a sense of managers believe in the powers of computers
ownership in the overall aim of the and communication technologies that lead to
organizational knowledge management knowledge management implementation
system. After all, most organizational success in organizations. According to a
knowledge comes from the expertise, survey top executive of both Canadian
learning and experience of their employees. Financial Post 300 firms and US Fortune
Through empowerment, employers can value 500 firms view information technology as
their employees’ expertise and help them one of the most critical success factors for
communicate their knowledge by creating knowledge management success. Further, a
ways to capture, organize and share survey conducted by “InformationWeek”
knowledge (Martinez, 1998). reveals that respondents consider knowledge
management strategic to their business and
Top management leadership and the most popular information technology
commitment tools for managing knowledge are relational
Many researchers have insisted that top databases, text and document search
management leadership and commitment engines, groupware, data warehouses and
are the most critical factors for a successful data sharing tools (Davis & Riggs, 1999).
knowledge management project, particularly An effective information systems
in knowledge creating and culture sharing infrastructure is necessary for the
activities. organization to implement the knowledge
Top management is increasingly recognizing management process. Information
that the knowledge inherent in an technology can provide an edge in harvesting
organization is an extremely valuable asset, knowledge (Bhatt, 2001). Structural capital
and that it is no longer sufficient to leave it includes the databases, organizational
unmanaged and underleveraged. The charts, process manuals, strategies and
effective management of knowledge is routines and anything whose value to the
increasingly seen as an important basis for company is higher than its material value.
competitive advantage. In fact, poor As a matter of fact, Davenport points out two
leadership quality has been identified as a most critical factors for the successful
threat to successful implementation of knowledge management project, one is the
knowledge management. Leadership establishment of a broad information

The International Conference on Administration and Business
­ ICEA - FAA 2009 ­ 14 – 15 NOVEMBER 2009 ­ http://conference.faa.ro ­
The Faculty of Business and Administration
University of Bucharest

systems infrastructure based on desktop Working Group reveals two perspectives.

computing and communications. The second One is a core set of measures to enumerate
is being the utilization of the network the intellectual capital stocks that are
technology infrastructure such as the common to most organizations. Most of the
Internet, Lotus Notes and global solutions geared towards profit making in
communications systems for effective commercial firms; measuring intellectual
transfer of knowledge. Knowledge bases and capital and the intangible assets on the
Intranets are the most popular ways of company balance sheet is an example. The
implementing knowledge management second set of key measures of financial
reports performance is to evaluate effectiveness.
Information systems have provided Regardless of the type of knowledge (tacit or
knowledge management with capabilities explicit), its contribution must be
that were not possible before. It has helped measurable not only by traditional financial
an organization to manage and leverage its measures but also by other performance
knowledge systematically and actively. measurements. Knowledge must be
Without information technology and measured because the intellectual capital of
computers, knowledge cannot be stored. As an organization includes the brain of its
storage forms an important part of employees, their know-how, the processes
knowledge management activities, the and customer knowledge that they create.
inefficiency of this part will disable Thus, it is clearly necessary to include
knowledge management. performance measurement system as a key
factor for the successful knowledge
Performance measurement management implementation.
Bavon defines performance measurement as
the collection of information about Knowledge-friendly culture
effectiveness and productivity of individuals, Culture is a set of beliefs, which provides an
groups and larger organizational units. identity for the organization, which in turn
Performance measurement is related to the defines how the organization runs day to
key areas of the organization, such as day. The set of beliefs includes
expansion, innovation and productivity, organizational purpose, criteria of
which is critical to the development of performance, the location of authority,
prosperity of an organization. legitimate base of power, decision-making
Many researchers have found a positive orientation, leadership style, compliance,
relationship between performance evaluation and motivation.
measurement and successful knowledge There is a general agreement that a
management implementation. According to knowledge-friendly culture must be present
Ellis, traditional management and or nurtured in order for knowledge
measurement techniques that focus only on management implementation success, after
financial performance can be misleading and having primarily focused efforts on
counter productive in a development information technology, practitioners are
environment. As such, the new theory of the now realizing the importance of the “soft”
organization must be expanded to capture aspects of knowledge management
the impact of knowledge on organizational initiatives.
performance. Besides financial performance, Culture practices reflect how the
organizations can measure some of its organizations view and facilitate both
intangible assets and use non-financial learning and innovation, including how it
ratios or indicators for measuring encourages employees to build the
management efficiency. organizational knowledge base in ways that
Pearson (1999) insists that effective enhance values for the customers. A study
knowledge delivery can be achieved by conducted by the American Productivity and
finding the right system of measurements, Quality Center shows that 40 companies are
as well as better ways of building and known to have corporate culture that
delivering the right information to the right supports knowledge sharing.
people at the right time. One of the recent Organizational culture as a concept is
developments of intellectual capital considered to be a key element of managing
measurement model by the American organizational change and renewal. Thus,
Society of Training and Development since knowledge management is a radical

The International Conference on Administration and Business
­ ICEA - FAA 2009 ­ 14 – 15 NOVEMBER 2009 ­ http://conference.faa.ro ­
The Faculty of Business and Administration
University of Bucharest

innovation or changes the operations of an customers and suppliers, there must be a

organization, it is regarded as an well-established knowledge structure, which
intervention to the organization’s culture. It includes knowledge about internal and
has been identified that the biggest external customers, suppliers as well as
challenge in knowledge management is not a organizational work groups in order to
technical one but a cultural one. An implement knowledge management
international survey of the approaches successfully
adapted to knowledge management in 500
companies reveals that 80 percent of Elimination of organizational
respondents cited “existing organizational constraints
culture” as a major barrier to the Successful knowledge management
implementation of knowledge-based system. implementation may not be achievable if
Similarly, another survey on 430 firms finds organizations cannot eliminate
that a majority of respondents recognized organizational constraints that present in an
that their internal cultures represent a organization. This is because organizational
major barrier to effective knowledge constraints can affect negatively the
transfer, and that employees’ behavior would perception and/or attitudes toward
have to alter . knowledge management success.
To create a knowledge friendly culture, it is Organizational constraints lead to
important to consider the cultural inefficiency, ineffectiveness and
environment of a company before powerlessness. They tend to create
implementing knowledge management. An hierarchical bureaucracy with few incentives
open culture built around integrating to innovate. Hierarchical bureaucracy means
individual skills and experiences into every task is broken into simple parts; each
organizational knowledge will be more has the responsibility of a different level of
successful. A culture of confidence and trust employees, and each defined by specific rules
is required to encourage the application and and regulations. Organizational constraints
development of knowledge within an result in not only a rigid preoccupation with
organization. standard operating procedures, but vertical
chains of command and slow response as
Knowledge structure well.
Knowledge creation can be based on Bonaventura claims that rigid regulations,
numerous sources. Knowledge can be lack of incentives to be creative and lack of
created individually, in groups and on an commitment in budgeting and funding would
organizational level. Specifically, reliable, be problems for the knowledge management
useful, up-to-date and timely knowledge can implementation. Thus, for a knowledge
be captured and created by sharing management program to be successful,
knowledge with other members of work organizations must strive to eliminate all
groups, suppliers and customers. Many the constraints that impede knowledge
researchers have identified knowledge management implementation success.
structure as one of the critical factor for
successful knowledge management 5. Conclusions and implications
Since organizations are striving to improve Knowledge management is emerging as a
their bottom line, many of them have significant organizational and management
realized the importance of customers and challenge. The pressure of the emergence of
suppliers are their sources of product and the global knowledge-based economy and
service innovation. Many organizations have recognition of knowledge as key and
in fact brought suppliers and customers into intangible asset are making the effective
the organization fold to share ideas for their management of knowledge a priority. The
product development and refinement knowledge-based economy (k-economy) in
decisions and to come up with new, the intelligence age is moving forward at a
innovative products and services. very rapid pace, especially with the role
Organizations are striving to form strategic played by information and communications
partnerships with customers so that the technology which acts as a catalyst to the
relationship becomes a long-term development of knowledge. It has become a
proposition. Knowing the importance of business phenomenon for the knowledge

The International Conference on Administration and Business
­ ICEA - FAA 2009 ­ 14 – 15 NOVEMBER 2009 ­ http://conference.faa.ro ­
The Faculty of Business and Administration
University of Bucharest

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