Mix Have Got, There Is, Orden Frases

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Fill in the question words What, Where, Why, When,

How, Who to form the question.

1. __________ do you like best?

2. __________ does Manolo get up in the morning?

3. __________ don´t you go by bus, Cristina?

4. __________ hobbies does Carlos like?

5. __________ do they go to every week?

6. __________ old are you Silvia?

7. __________ is Maria´s birthday?

8. __________ are my exercise books?

9. __________ are you doing at the moment, Harry?

10. __________ do the Petersons live?

Choose between What, Which and Whose.

1. ________ time is it?

2. ________ colour is her hair?

3. ________ kind of clothes do you like to wear?

4. ________ school do you go to?

5. ________ doll is your favourite?

6. ________ road leads to the Zoo?

7. ________ runner is the last one?

8. Do you know ________ girl won the prize?

9. ________ foot print´s are these?

10. ________ baby is this?

Completa las frases
1. There _____ thirty students in my class.

2. There _____ some books in my bag.

3. There _____ some computers in the library.

4. There _____ a blackboard in the classroom.

5. There _____ a CD player on our teacher´s desk.

6. There _____ some posters.

7. There _____ some dictionaries in the classroom

Completa las frases. Utiliza la afirmativa

1. ________ an Italian boy in my class.

2. ________ an internet café opposite our school.

3. ________ five supermarkets in my town.

4. ________ a museum next to the park.

5. ________ some posters in front of the cinema.

Completa las frases. Utiliza la negativa

1. ___________ any shopping centres in this town.

2. ___________any beaches in London.

3. ___________an American café here.

4. ___________a Hollywood in Spain.

5. ___________any rap CDs in this shop.

Escribe preguntas y las respuestas breves


/ any Brazilian footballers in your favourite team?

Are there any Brazilian footballers in your favourite team?Yes there are.

1. / a skateboard park near here?


No, __________________________

2. / a Hollywood in Ireland?


Yes, __________________________

3. / any famous football teams in your town?


Yes, __________________________

4. / any interesting places near your house?


No, __________________________

5. / an English boy in your class?


No, __________________________
Have got - afirmativo

1. She ________ long hair.

2. We ________ short hair.

3. You ________ big eyes.

4. My dog ________ big ears.

5. They ________ black hair.

Have got - negativo

1. She ________ long hair.

2. We ________ short hair.

3. You ________ big eyes.

4. My dog ________ big ears.

5. They ________ black hair.

Have got - preguntas

1. __________ Mark __________ a CD?

2. __________ he __________ a watch?

3. __________ Nina __________ a computer?

4. __________ Linda __________ a book?

5. __________ Peter and Lisa __________ videos?

6. __________ they __________ bicycles?

Have got
1. I _________ some apples.

2. I _________ (not) any shoes.

3. He _________ a new car.

4. They _________ (not) a new car.

5. How many children ________ he ______ ?

6. We _________ (not) a dog.

7. I _________ (not) any food.

8. They _________ some fruit.

9. She _________ (not) any friends.

10. I´m busy, I _________ (not) a lot of time.

11. This flat is great, it ________ a lot of space.

12. What ________ you ________ ?

13. ________ you ________ a pencil?

14. We ________ (not) any fruit.

15. They ________ (not) much money.

16. They ________ a lot of happiness.

17. We ________ (not) a new computer.

18. Málaga ________ a lot of nice hotels.

19. He ________ (not) any problems.

20. Madrid ________ many old buildings.

A) Pon las frases en el orden correcto

1. Help / my friends / I / with their homework


2. make / people / laugh / when they are sad/ I


3. talk / to my friends / on the phone / I


4. do sports / I / at the weekends / not / do


5. play / I / a musical instrument / in the evening


6. do / the housework / I / for my parents


7. shy / not / when I meet / new people / I am


8. do / exercise / how / you / do / often / ?


9. your / how / best friend / old / is / ?


10. have / many / you / brother and sisters / how / got / ?


11. home work / last night / how / you / did / much / do / ?


12. you / the / often / do / cinema / go / to / how / ?


13. my best friend / next to me / is sitting


14. not / I / wearing / am / something blue


15. raining / it / not / is


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