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Ms. Nicoll 7th Grade History 2017
Name: Jory Gutman 

Date: 10/2/17  Grade: 7 


Grade 7. Unit 1. Lesson 5. 

Islamic Art and Trade Writing 
Prompt: Write about Islamic art and trade. Be
sure to answer all parts of the question below.

By A.D. 1000, Islam had the world's largest and most 

Describe the growth 
developed cities outside of China: Mecca, Damascus, 
of Islamic cities in 
Baghdad, Cordoba in Spain, and Cairo in Egypt (map). 
Asia, Africa, and 
Baghdad was the center of the Islamic world. Trades 
brought silks and other goods from distant lands.  

The location of the Islamic world was important for trade. 

It lay between the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian 
Describe the  Ocean and covered parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia. 
establishment of  Muslim traders traveled by land and sea, creating a 
trade routes in Asia,  network of trade routes that spanned three continents. 
Africa, and Europe.  They traveled in dhows by sea and by camel caravan by 
land. A famous land route was the Silk Road. It linked 
Baghdad to distant China. 

Describe at least three 

products that  Silk, paper, dishes, ​ ​gold, salt, amber, furs were products 
traveled along these  that traveled along the routes. They were very important 
routes (e.g., spices,  objects. 
crops, textiles, etc.). 

Describe two new 

inventions that 
Chinese compass and Gunpowder were new inventions. 
traveled along these 
They are still used today. 
routes (e.g. steel, 
Ms. Nicoll 7th Grade History 2017

Merchants took this opportunity to expand their 

Describe the role of 
businesses. The fact that Muhammad was a merchant 
merchants in Arab 
made the role of merchants more important and got more 

Extra Activity​ (below)

Describe one Islamic 
Bowl with arab inscription is an art piece. It does not have 
art piece from this 
a specific name. 

Show it’s picture in 

this box to the right. 

Describe one famous  Islamic Cairo is a famous building from Ancient Islam. It is 
Islamic architecture  characterized by hundreds of mosques, tombs, madrasas, 
building for this era.  mansions, caravanserais, and fortifications 

Show it’s picture in 

this box to the right. 

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