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Ms. Diane Nicoll 7th Grade History Unit 1: Lesson 2 

Origins of Islam
Name: Tobey Miner


Class: 7th Grade - Medieval and Early Modern World History

Slides and Notes

Slide Student Notes

Origins of Islam
Unit 1: Lesson 2

Describe the nation's blend of civic republicanism,

Main Idea  classical liberal principles, and English Parliamentary

Born in Mecca
Passage #1  Was born in 570 C.E.
He was viewed like moses

Had a lot of jobs

Passage #1  Had a lot of children
Died in 632 C.E.

Abraham is father of jews

Muhammed is father of muslims
Passage #2 
Allah sends down angel and it explained the values of

Preaches the values of islam

Passage #2 
Following gets bigger

Merchants didn’t like Muhammad's teachings

Passage #3 
Muhammed moved to Madinah with his followers.

The year Muhammed moved became the first year on

Passage #3 
the Muslim calender.

Jews and Muslims both don’t eat pork and are both
Passage #4  from the middle east
Islam had similar traits to Christianity and Judaism

Passage #4  Christians believed that Jesus was G/d

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Ms. Diane Nicoll 7th Grade History Unit 1: Lesson 2 

Jews believe that he was not a G/d

Finally… Which Islamic 
The Islamic teachings that have a connection with Judaism
teachings have a connection with 
and Christianity are …
Judaism and Christianity?

● Jewish Connection #1: Abraham is founder.

● Jewish Connection #2: Messiah has not come yet but will come.

● Christian Connection #1: Both have sacred text.

● Christian Connection #2: Both have clergy.


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