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Exposure to Formaldehyde and Its

Potential Human Health Hazards

Article in Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part C Environmental

Carcinogenesis & Ecotoxicology Reviews · November 2011
DOI: 10.1080/10590501.2011.629972 · Source: PubMed


38 248

3 authors, including:

Ki-Hyun Kim Jong-Tae Lee

Hanyang University Korea University


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Exposure to Formaldehyde and Its

Potential Human Health Hazards
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Ki-Hyun Kim , Shamin Ara Jahan & Jong-Tae Lee
Department of Environment & Energy, Sejong University, Seoul,
Department of Environmental Health, Korea University, Seoul,

Available online: 22 Nov 2011

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Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C, 29:277–299, 2011
Copyright C Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1059-0501 print / 1532-4095 online
DOI: 10.1080/10590501.2011.629972

Exposure to Formaldehyde
and Its Potential Human
Health Hazards
Downloaded by [Ki-Hyun Kim] at 12:57 22 November 2011

Ki-Hyun Kim,1 Shamin Ara Jahan,2 and Jong-Tae Lee2

Department of Environment & Energy, Sejong University, Seoul, Korea
Department of Environmental Health, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
A widely used chemical, formaldehyde is normally present in both indoor and outdoor
air. The rapid growth of formaldehyde-related industries in the past two decades re-
flects the result of its increased use in building materials and other commercial sectors.
Consequently, formaldehyde is encountered almost every day from large segments of so-
ciety due to its various sources. Many governments and agencies around the world have
thus issued a series of standards to regulate its exposure in homes, office buildings,
workshops, public places, and food. In light of the deleterious properties of formalde-
hyde, this article provides an overview of its market, regulation standards, and human
health effects.

Keywords: formaldehyde; health effects; exposure levels; regulatory guideline

Formaldehyde (HCHO) is an important chemical, widely used not only in
construction (wood processing, furniture, textiles, and carpeting) but also in
various industries [1, 2]. It is also a byproduct of certain natural (e.g., for-
est fires) and anthropogenic activities (e.g., smoking tobacco, burning auto-
motive (and other) fuels, and residential wood burning) [1]. Formaldehyde is
even a component of many consumable household products such as antiseptics,
medicines, cosmetics, dish-washing liquids, fabric softeners, shoe-care agents,
carpet cleaners, glues and adhesives, lacquers, etc. [3, 4]. Its application is ex-
tended further to food preservatives such as some Italian cheeses, dried foods,
and fish [5, 6]. Because of the widespread use of formaldehyde-containing prod-
ucts, it is generally found more abundantly indoors than outdoors. Acute expo-
sure to formaldehyde can, however, cause various health-related issues such
as irritation on various body parts (eyes, nose, throat, and skin). Moreover,

Address correspondence to K.-H. Kim, Department of Environment & Energy, Sejong

University, Seoul 143-747, Korea. E-mail: khkim@sejong.ac.kr
278 K.-H. Kim, S. A. Jahan, and J.-T. Lee

sustained exposure can lead to certain types of cancers (e.g., nasopharyngeal)

and asthma [1, 7–9].
As the world’s formaldehyde industry grows to meet the demands of eco-
nomic expansion, its pollution is perceived to affect millions of people. Due to
growing concern over its deleterious effects, many nations (i.e., Denmark, Swe-
den, the Netherlands, Italy, Finland, Germany, Canada, United States, etc.)
have already adopted or proposed stringent regulations on its concentration
levels (e.g., indoor air quality standards for formaldehyde to limit exposures)
[10]. The primary objective of this review is to summarize the current findings
of its pollution status and the associated health impacts that can arise from its
Downloaded by [Ki-Hyun Kim] at 12:57 22 November 2011



Formaldehyde is normally present in both indoor and outdoor air due to its
abundant and (almost) ubiquitous sources. Given its economic importance and
widespread use, many people are exposed to formaldehyde during occupational
activities. This involves not only individuals employed in the direct manu-
facture of products containing certain levels of formaldehyde but also those
actively utilizing such products (e.g., construction and decoration). Exposure
occurs primarily by inhaling formaldehyde gas (or vapor) from the air or by ab-
sorbing liquids containing formaldehyde through the skin. Hence, those work-
ing in certain job sectors (e.g., manufacturers of resins, plywood, and particle
board; laboratory technicians; certain health care professionals; fire fighters;
and mortuary employees) are exposed to high doses of formaldehyde relative to
the general public. Table 1 presents the range of formaldehyde concentration
to which workers are commonly exposed under various conditions.
The highest levels of airborne formaldehyde have been detected in indoor
air. According to the Air Pollution Exposure of Adult Urban Populations in
Europe (EXPOLIS) study conducted in Helsinki, Finland in 1997, the mean
formaldehyde values of personal exposure, indoor residential areas, outdoor
residential areas, and workplaces were 21.4, 33.3, 2.60, and 12.0 parts per
billion (ppb), respectively [11]. Although formaldehyde can be released from
various indoor sources, many construction materials (e.g., medium-density
fiber board, particleboard, and plywood), which contain phenol–formaldehyde
or urea–formaldehyde resin glues, and glass wool insulation (with similar
types of binders) are known to emit large quantities of formaldehyde [12].
Formaldehyde can also result from gas-phase ozonolysis of indoor alkenes
(often monoterpenes), which occur in numerous household products (e.g.,
air fresheners, fragrances products, etc.) [13, 14]. Electronic equipments
such as photocopiers and laser printers are also reported to release certain
quantities of formaldehyde [15]. The level of its emission from the indoor
Human Health Hazards of Formaldehyde 279
Table 1: Selected Case Studies of Formaldehyde Exposure Levels for the Workers of
Various Professions

Exposure range Study

Profession (ppm) location Reference

Chemical workers 0.04 to 0.4 Turin, Italy [144]

Furniture workers 0.16 to 0.4 Copenhagen, [145]
Plywood, particle board 0.28 to 3.48 Hawaii, USA [146]
production workers
Office workers 0.07 to 0.13 Tainan, Taiwan [147]
Laboratory technicians 0.11 to 0.27 Ankara, Turkey [148]
Downloaded by [Ki-Hyun Kim] at 12:57 22 November 2011

Electrician/mechanic 0.06 to .18 Massachusetts, [149]

Cleaner 0.15 to 0.21 Denver, USA [150]
Firefighter 0.10 to 2.2 Arizona, USA [151]
Mortuary employees 0.5 to 1.5 Utah, USA [152]

sources can be affected by such factors as area of exposed boards, temperature,

relative humidity, frequency of ventilation, etc. [16]. As formaldehyde emission
can proceed via evaporation (methylene glycol) or initial hydrolysis, its diffu-
sion processes are likely to exert a direct influence on its emission strengths
[17]. Some examples of its release rates per unit surface area (µg m−2 hr−1) are
listed for a number of consumer products in Table 2.
Note that the level of exposure to formaldehyde is typically lower in com-
mon indoor places relative to occupational conditions. Hence, a great number
of people are routinely exposed to low levels of formaldehyde in their daily lives
[6]. The average outdoor concentrations reported in urban areas of the United
States were in the range of 11 to 20 ppb [18]. IARC [19] generalized that its
outdoor concentrations in urban environments ranged from 0.08 to 16.3 ppb,

Table 2: Release Rates of Formaldehyde Per Unit Surface Area (µg m−2 hr−1) from
Consumer Products

Emission rate Study

Products (µg m-2 hr-1) location Reference

Bare urea–formaldehyde 9 to 1578 Gdynia, Poland [153]

wood products
Coated urea−formaldehyde 1 to 461 Gdynia, Poland [153]
wood products
Permanent press fabrics 42 to 214 Seoul, South Korea [154]
Decorative laminates 4 to 50 Seoul, South Korea [154]
Fiber glass products 16 to 32 Seoul, South Korea [154]
Paper grocery bags and 0.5 to 0.6 California, USA [155]
Latex paint 326 to 854 California, USA [155]
Nail polish 20 to 700 California, USA [155]
280 K.-H. Kim, S. A. Jahan, and J.-T. Lee

depending on local conditions. Its sources of outdoor environment are also di-
verse enough to include (1) power plants, manufacturing facilities, (2) inciner-
ators, (3) automobile engines, and (4) the burning of forests and manufactured
wood products [20–22].


Formaldehyde is one of the most commercially important aldehydes. It is used
most extensively in the production of resins with urea, phenol and melamine,
Downloaded by [Ki-Hyun Kim] at 12:57 22 November 2011

and polyacetal resins [23]. Formaldehyde-based resins are also used as adhe-
sives and impregnating resins in the manufacture of particle-board, plywood,
furniture, and other wood products [24]. They are also used in the textile,
leather, rubber, and cement industries [19]. Further uses include binders for
foundry sand, stone wool, and glass wool mats in insulating materials, abra-
sive paper, brake linings, dyes, tanning agents, precursors of dispersion and
plastics, extraction agents, crop protection agents, animal feeds, perfumes,
vitamins, flavorings, and drugs [19, 23, 25, 26]. Formaldehyde is also used as
an antimicrobial agent in many cosmetics products, including soaps, sham-
poos, hair preparations, deodorants, lotions, make-up, mouthwashes, and nail
products [23].
As the global consumption of formaldehyde mainly occurs in the form of
construction/remodeling activity, vehicle and furniture production, and origi-
nal equipment manufacture (OEM), its market demand can be influenced by
general economic conditions to a degree. For instance, annual production of
formaldehyde in the United States recorded about 1 million metric tons (0.9
million tons) in 1960 and underwent 5-fold increases by 2006 [27]. As of 2009,
the amount reached 21 million metric tons [28]. This kind of situation is not
much different in other countries. For instance, the production and consump-
tion of formaldehyde was 580,000 tons in Korea in 2000, and its demand is
increasing every year [29]. The production of formaldehyde-based resins in
Korea was about 207,000 tons in 2005, which was equivalent to 39% of the to-
tal adhesive production. Moreover, a dominant proportion (e.g., 75% or 155,000
tons) of formaldehyde-based resin adhesives is represented by those produced
in the form of UF resin adhesives [30].
World consumption of formaldehyde is forecasted to grow at an average
annual rate of 4% from 2009 through 2014 as a result of increased pro-
duction of wood panels, laminates, pentaerythritol, etc. [28]. Internationally,
152 formaldehyde suppliers in 25 countries, 59 paraformaldehyde suppliers
in 15 countries, and 21 trioxane suppliers in 9 countries were identified in
2009 [31–33]. Because of issues associated with transportation and storage of
formaldehyde, its production is generally made very near the site of final con-
sumption. Therefore, its international trade is considerably low, accounting for
less than 2% of worldwide production [27].
Human Health Hazards of Formaldehyde 281


An extensive body of literature exists on both the acute and chronic health ef-
fects of formaldehyde exposure. Formaldehyde released from external sources
enters the human body either via inhalation of its gaseous form or via inges-
tion of substances [1, 19, 34, 35]. There is also some possibility of intake via
dermal absorption [34]. Once absorbed, almost every tissue in the body has the
ability to break down formaldehyde [36]. It is usually converted to a nontoxic
chemical called formate, which is excreted through the urine [35] and can be
exhaled via conversion to carbon dioxide. It can also be broken down so that
Downloaded by [Ki-Hyun Kim] at 12:57 22 November 2011

the body can use it to make larger molecules needed in human tissues. Other-
wise, it can be attached to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or to protein in body
[35]. A summary of the acute and chronic health effects due to formaldehyde
transmission is provided next.

4.1. Effects Due to Acute Exposure

Formaldehyde is known to induce acute poisoning and cause irritation, as
well as other immunotoxic effects. It is a highly reactive chemical that readily
reacts with biological tissues, particularly the mucous tissues lining the respi-
ratory tract and the eyes [35]. Mucous tissues are moist and characterized by
a thin-walled cellular (epithelial) layer that is highly susceptible to chemical
irritation [20]. As a result of its reactivity, inhaled formaldehyde is rapidly and
almost entirely absorbed by the mucous tissues lining the upper-respiratory
tract. Hence, if supplied at low or medium concentrations, it cannot penetrate
farther than the major bronchi of the respiratory tract [34].

4.1.1. Irritation
Acute mucus membrane irritation is the most common adverse effect of
formaldehyde exposure, often leading to dry skin, dermatitis, tearing eyes,
sneezing, and coughing [37]. Serious formaldehyde exposure can often re-
sult in eye conjunctivitis and nasal and pharyngeal diseases, while increasing
the likelihood of dangerous conditions such as laryngospasm and pulmonary
edema [38–41]. In a study conducted in China, 66 workers in the chemical in-
dustry exposed occupationally to formaldehyde were reported to suffer from
congestion in the cornea, nasal membrane, and pharynx [42]. In other stud-
ies, volunteers exposed to formaldehyde in the range of 0.25 to 3.0 ppm ex-
perienced eye, nose, and throat irritation [37]. Kulle [37] reported that eye
irritation was the dominant symptom with a linear trend at a dose range of
0.5–3 ppm. Although no effect was observed below 0.5 ppm, 21% experienced
mild eye irritation at 1 ppm. One Finish study reported that formaldehyde can
cause sensory irritation more effectively than the mixture of common volatile
organic compounds (VOCs) [43].
282 K.-H. Kim, S. A. Jahan, and J.-T. Lee

4.1.2. Acute Poisoning

Acute formaldehyde poisoning can result from inhaling its fumes or from
swallowing its liquid phase. The severity of its poisoning depends on the
inhaled (or ingested) amount. Acute ingestion of formaldehyde will lead to
(1) irritation and burns of the mouth and throat, (2) burns and ulceration of
the gastrointestinal tract, (3) chest or abdominal pain, (4) nausea, (5) vomiting,
(6) diarrhea, and (7) gastrointestinal hemorrhage [44–45]. Formaldehyde in-
gestion may also result in metabolic acidosis, tachypnoea, jaundice, protein-
uria, haematuria, and acute renal failure [45]. A total of 17 employees in
a pharmaceutical company who continuously inhaled formaldehyde vapors
Downloaded by [Ki-Hyun Kim] at 12:57 22 November 2011

showed symptoms of irritated eyes, tearing, sneezing, coughing, chest conges-

tion, fever, heartburn, lethargy, and loss of appetite [46]. As a result of this
poisoning, some even experienced vomiting, abdominal pain, and nodal tachy-
cardia [46]. In another study, it was found that an adult experienced abdominal
pain, bloody stools, hematemesis, and a high serum alanine-amino transferase
(ALT) after imbibing formaldehyde contaminated water [47]. It was also re-
ported that symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and dizziness can be found after
eating formaldehyde preserved fish [48, 49].

4.1.3. Dermal Allergies

Skin sensitization following dermal exposure to formaldehyde has been
well documented [50]. Human skin sensitivity to formaldehyde has been asso-
ciated with many situations of dermal exposure, including contact with forma-
lin, formaldehyde-containing resins, formaldehyde-treated fabrics, formalde-
hyde containing household products, facial tissues, etc. [51–54]. Formaldehyde
has been widely reported to cause dermal allergic reactions in occupation-
ally exposed nurses, doctors, and dentists, as well as cosmetic workers, textile
workers, and construction workers [54–56].
Four of 10 operators of chemical melting devices in a phenol-formaldehyde
factory experienced dermatitis after occupational contact with formaldehyde
[57]. In another instance, at a mushroom farm where formaldehyde was
sprayed to make the products whiter, two-thirds of the employees exposed at
0.49–3 ppm range experienced dermatitis on their arms and forearms [58]. The
symptoms of these employees included red spots, swelling, irritation, pain, and
burning sensations.

4.1.4. Allergic Asthma

Asthma induced by inhaled formaldehyde may be classified as an irritant-
induced asthma, as short exposures to high level formaldehyde are identified to
cause a sudden onset of asthmatic symptoms called “Reactive airways dysfunc-
tion syndrome” (RADS) [59, 60]. Because of its airway-irritating properties, it
may also aggravate preexisting asthma [60]. It was reported that the likelihood
Human Health Hazards of Formaldehyde 283
for the development of allergic asthma increases proportionately with level of
indoor formaldehyde concentration, especially when levels exceed 0.08 ppm
[61]. An Australian study also found that indoor formaldehyde levels, when ex-
ceeding 0.09 ppm, significantly increased likelihood of asthma in children [62].
A study conducted in France found that inhalation of formaldehyde at 1 ppm
level resulted in enhanced sensitivity to other allergens in asthmatic patients
[9]. McGwin et al. [63] also confirmed a significant positive association between
formaldehyde exposure and childhood asthma. As such, formaldehyde-induced
asthma may as well be the result of an allergic response. Although some stud-
ies investigated immunoglobulin G (IgG) and/or immunoglobulin E (IgE) an-
Downloaded by [Ki-Hyun Kim] at 12:57 22 November 2011

tibodies to formaldehyde/human serum albumin conjugates, the results were

not consistent [60, 64, 65]. Kim and his team [65] did not find any correlation
between the severity of asthma (and IgE levels) and formaldehyde concentra-
tions in Korean medical students.

4.2. Effect Due to Chronic Exposure

Long-term exposure to elevated levels of formaldehyde, especially in the
occupational setting, has been designated as the cause of irritation and pain
such as upper and lower airway irritation, eye irritation, degenerative dis-
eases, coughing, wheezing, body sores, chest pain, abdominal pain, and loss
of appetite [66–68]. Long-term occupational formaldehyde exposure is also re-
ported to be responsible for such serious and chronic health effects as inflam-
matory and hyperplastic changes of the nasal mucosa, pharyngeal congestion,
chronic pharyngitis, chronic rhinitis, loss of olfactory functioning, lacrima-
tion and cornea disorder, heartburn, tremor, lethargy, etc. [67, 69, 70]. Rager
et al. [71] reported that formaldehyde can alter micro-RNA patterns associ-
ated with regulation of gene expression, potentially leading to the initiation
of a variety of diseases. In a pathologic study conducted by Bono et al. [72],
it was found that exposure to formaldehyde levels above 66 µg m−3 may lead
to oxidative stress as evidenced by the increased levels of malondialdehyde-
deoxyguanosine adduct in leukocytes, a biomarker of oxidative stress and lipid

4.2.1. Neurotoxicity
Chronic exposure to formaldehyde can be responsible for the symptoms of
neurasthenia which include headaches, dizziness, sleep disorders, and memory
loss. Many reports indicate that chronic exposure to formaldehyde increased
the chances of headache and dizziness by 30%–60% [73–75]. As such, formalde-
hyde appears to have neurotoxic characteristics with systemic toxic effects. It
is thus hypothesized that inhalation of formaldehyde, during the early postna-
tal period, can cause some neurological diseases with aging [76].
It was also recognized that apart from age and gender, environmental
tobacco smoking (ETS) is perhaps the most consistent nongenetic risk factor
284 K.-H. Kim, S. A. Jahan, and J.-T. Lee

for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) [19]; it is a fatal, neurodegenerative

disease caused by the degeneration of motor neurons system that controls
voluntary muscle movement [77]. To examine the association between ETS
and ALS, Wang et al. [78] analyzed data obtained from five different long-term
studies involving a total of more than 1.1 million participants; among those
participants, 832 people were found as ALS patients. In another investigation
conducted by the American Cancer Society’s Cancer Prevention Study II, more
than 1 million individuals were examined over time. Based on this study, it was
concluded that individuals who reported formaldehyde exposure in the work-
place (e.g., beauticians, pharmacists, morticians, chemists, laboratory techni-
Downloaded by [Ki-Hyun Kim] at 12:57 22 November 2011

cians, physicians, veterinarians, dentists, firefighters, photographers, printers,

and nurses) had a 34% higher rate of ALS than the no-exposure group [79].

4.2.2. Cellular Change

Inhalation exposure to formaldehyde causes a number of cellular effects
depending on its concentration and exposure duration. In short-term studies, it
was found that formaldehyde caused cell proliferation in the nasal epithelium
at doses of 2 ppm and above [80, 81]. Cell proliferation is a part of the restora-
tive process to repair cellular damage. In chronic studies, cellular effects, i.e.,
rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal mucosa), epithelial dysplasia (displacement
of one cell type with another one), and squamous metaplasia (replacement of
normal mucosal cells with squamous cells) developed in the nasal cavities of
rats [82] and monkeys [83] after exposures for 12 months and 26 weeks, re-
spectively to 2–3 ppm of formaldehyde. After 24 months of exposure, the inci-
dence of squamous metaplasia in rats increased to nearly 100% [83]. Lacroix
et al. [84] observed abnormal nasal mucosa and nasal secretion on the clinical
assessment of 76 children who had been exposed to urea-formaldehyde foam
insulation. In another human study, Boysen et al. [85] reported that people
who were occupationally exposed to formaldehyde in the range of 0.1–1.1 ppm
showed loss of ciliary activity with the development of squamous metaplasia
from 4 to 9 years. They also found that 25% of the exposed group had swollen
or dry changes of the nasal mucosa. This was characterized histologically as
loss of cilia and goblet cells, squamous metaplasia, and even mild dysplasia.
The mucociliary system represents an important defense mechanism in the
removal of foreign particles and bacteria that enter the upper-respiratory sys-
tem. A reduction in the efficient operation of this defense mechanism, including
formation of squamous metaplasia by exposure to formaldehyde, may increase
the risk of persons exposed to formaldehyde to develop infection and other res-
piratory diseases.

4.2.3. Pulmonary Function Damage

In humans, when exposed repetitively under occupational (or residential)
conditions, formaldehyde has led to symptoms associated with irritation of the
Human Health Hazards of Formaldehyde 285
upper-respiratory tract and eyes at concentrations between 0.1–3 ppm [86].
Previous studies on repeated human exposure to formaldehyde showed lit-
tle or no convincing evidence of any adverse effects on pulmonary function.
One study of pulmonary function showed small changes (less than 5%–10%)
compared with reference values (exposures in these studies ranged from less
than 1 to about 3.5 ppm) [87]. Kriebel and his team [88] studied 24 physi-
cal therapy students, who were exposed to formaldehyde in breathing zone
at 0.49–0.93 ppm range (during dissection for 3 hr per week over 10 weeks).
The intensity of symptoms from exposure increased in the descending order of
eyes (+43%), nose (+21%), breathing (+20%), throat (+15%), and cough (+5%).
Downloaded by [Ki-Hyun Kim] at 12:57 22 November 2011

Akbar-Khanzadeh and Mlynek [89] also studied 50 nonsmoking first-year med-

ical students exposed to 1.36–2.58 ppm levels of formaldehyde in the breathing
zone. The results showed 82% of the exposed group to suffer from nose irrita-
tion, 76% eye irritation (18% wore goggles), 36% throat irritation, and 14% air-
way irritation. Similarly, factory workers chronically exposed to formaldehyde
at 2.51 ppm levels experienced a decrease in pulmonary ventilation, relative
to a control group [87]. Likewise, with increased exposure over time, ampli-
fied pulmonary damage was seen along with more abnormalities in the small
airways and higher resistance to pulmonary ventilation [67, 70, 86].

4.2.4. Hematotoxicity
Hematotoxicity is defined as toxicity caused by chemical exposure to the
blood and hematopoietic system, often resulting in decreased blood cell counts.
It was demonstrated that long-term exposure of formaldehyde can decrease the
number of white blood cells and possibly lower platelet and hemoglobin counts
[74, 90, 91]. A report by Huang et al. [92] revealed that a previously healthy
woman experienced lower than normal counts of white blood cells, red blood
cells, platelet, and hemoglobin, just after 3 months of moving into a newly
remodeled apartment. The formaldehyde levels in that apartment unit were
about 4 times higher than the national standard set for indoor environment
in China (0.08 ppm). However, such an abnormal pattern was not apparent
for other chemicals (e.g., benzene, toluene, etc.) measured concurrently [93].
In a study targeting occupational exposure (i.e., nurses in hospital), it was
concluded that an inverse correlation between white blood cells and formalde-
hyde concentration is the best indicator of exposure among all the recognized
outcomes [94]. Contrary to this finding, another study reported no signifi-
cant differences in WBC and Hb in potential exposure groups such as wood
workers [73].

4.2.5. Reproductive Toxicity

The potential role of formaldehyde as teratogen and its impacts on hu-
man reproduction are still a matter of scientific controversy. Until recently,
very limited research has been conducted to specifically address such aspects
286 K.-H. Kim, S. A. Jahan, and J.-T. Lee

of formaldehyde. However, a few studies found menstrual disorder and dys-

menorrhea in women who were occupationally exposed to formaldehyde. Zhou
et al. [95] found that long-term formaldehyde exposure at a dose of 2.46 mg
m−3 should have a harmful effect on the reproductive function of male rats
with a build up of oxidative stress. It is interesting to note that triphlorethol-A
can exert a cytoprotective effect in V79-4 cells against formaldehyde-induced
oxidative stress by inhibiting the mitochondria-mediated caspase-dependent
apoptotic pathway [96].
In a food additive factory, more than 70% of the female employees ex-
posed to formaldehyde through inhalation (0.67–4.5 ppm) reported abnormal
Downloaded by [Ki-Hyun Kim] at 12:57 22 November 2011

menstrual cycles, while only 17% reported such occurrences in the control
group [97]. Likewise, anatomy teachers who were occupationally exposed to
formaldehyde levels around 0.41 to 3.2 ppm also reported painful menstrua-
tion (dysmenorrhea) and increased menstrual flow (with abnormal menstrual
cycles) [75]. In a case-control study, a significant association between spon-
taneous abortion and formalin exposure (odds-ratio 3.5, 95% CI 1.1–11.2,
P = 0.05) was found in Finnish women who worked in pathology or histol-
ogy laboratories for more than 3 days per week [98]. Another study focusing on
female wood workers reported significantly lower fecundability density ratios
(FDR: a ratio of average incidence densities of pregnancies) of 0.64 with 95% CI
(0.43–0.92) in women exposed to high formaldehyde levels, even after adjust-
ments for smoking and alcohol consumption [99]. It is, however, very hard to
find any studies focusing on such effect with respect to the male reproductive

4.2.6. Genotoxicity
It was reported that formaldehyde exposure can induce DNA and chromo-
somal damage in human peripheral blood cells [100–103]. A line of evidence
indicated that formaldehyde itself (not a metabolite) is capable of directly re-
acting with DNA and producing genotoxic effects on portal-of-entry tissues, es-
pecially after exceeding biotransformation capacities [104, 105]. Chinese work-
ers exposed to formaldehyde showed an increase in DNA damage in peripheral
lymphocytes, when measured by single cell gel electrophoresis (Comet assay)
[106, 107]. Several studies have also shown that short-term (8 weeks) exposure
to high levels of formaldehyde (0.41–0.80 ppm) increased micronuclei (MN) fre-
quency in nasal epithelial cells [108, 109], while long-term (1 year) exposure
increased MN frequency in lymphocytes [110, 111].
In a Portuguese case-control study, sister-chromatid exchange and MN
frequencies in peripheral lymphocytes were significantly higher in exposed
subjects (mean formaldehyde level of 0.5 ppm) than the control group [112].
In a recent review study, increased levels of CA were also reported in the
Human Health Hazards of Formaldehyde 287
peripheral blood lymphocytes of children exposed to formaldehyde in prefab-
ricated schools [113]. Environment Canada/Health Canada [114] and WHO
[115] stated formaldehyde as weakly genotoxic, with effects most likely to be
observed in vivo in cells from tissues or organs after the initial contact.

4.2.7. Carcinogenesis
The possibility of formaldehyde as a carcinogen has been tested through
diverse transmission routes—inhalation, oral administration, topical applica-
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tion, and subcutaneous injections in rodents. The findings of nasal tumors in

rodents exposed to high levels of airborne formaldehyde led to a concern about
its carcinogenic effects in occupationally exposed workers [116–118]. Based on
comprehensive researches and large-scale human studies conducted interna-
tionally, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified
formaldehyde as a human carcinogen that can cause nasopharyngeal cancer
[104]. According to this classification, formaldehyde is a probable human car-
cinogen under conditions of unusually high or prolonged exposure. The US
National Toxicology Program (NTP) reported formaldehyde as a known human
carcinogen in its 12th Report on Carcinogens [119].
There is sufficient evidence for a linkage between formaldehyde expo-
sure and nasopharyngeal cancer, nasal and paranasal cancer, and leukemias
[120–122]. Schwilk et al. [123] reported the possible link between formalde-
hyde and increased risks of leukemia, of particular myeloid leukemia (relative
risk = 1.53; 95% confidence interval = 1.11 to 2.21; P = 0.005; 14 studies). In-
creased incidences of leukemia have also been reported in several occupational
epidemiologic studies [124–126]. In a case-control study on funeral industry
workers, an association was apparent between increasing formaldehyde expo-
sure and mortality from myeloid leukemia [125]. In another previous study
covering 25,619 industrial workers exposed to formaldehyde occupationally,
it was possible to find an increased risk of death due to leukemia, partic-
ularly myeloid leukemia [127]. In a review based on several meta-analyses,
Zhang et al. [100] concluded a certain linkage between formaldehyde expo-
sure and myeloid leukemia (ML). A cohort study of 11,039 textile workers also
found a certain relationship between the duration of formaldehyde exposure
and leukemia-related deaths [124]. In contrast, another cohort study consist-
ing of 14,014 British industry workers (with an average follow-up period of 11
years) was not able to draw a significant association between the two factors
[128]. Likewise, their possible linkage supported by the National Cancer In-
stitute (NCI) with an aid of both the epidemiologic and the experimental data
was also questioned on the basis of an external comparison of relative risk
trend [129].
288 K.-H. Kim, S. A. Jahan, and J.-T. Lee

In many occupational cohort studies, there have also been many contra-
dictory findings of formaldehyde effects on cancers of the trachea, bronchus,
lung, buccal cavity, or pharynx [130–132]. Lu et al. [133] found strong evidence
that can support a genotoxic and cytotoxic mode of action for the carcinogene-
sis of inhaled formaldehyde in respiratory nasal epithelium. Meta-analyses for
epidemiological aspects of formaldehyde exposure were not able to reveal any
increased risk of cancer in the oral cavity or lung [134–136]. As formaldehyde
undergoes rapid chemical changes immediately after absorption, some scien-
tists believe that it is unlikely to exert influences on organ sites beyond the
upper respiratory tract.
Downloaded by [Ki-Hyun Kim] at 12:57 22 November 2011


Occupational and environmental exposure to formaldehyde is a public health
concern that needs to be addressed globally. The advisories, regulations, and
guidelines regarding formaldehyde exposure are summarized in Table 3. The
European Union has adopted a directive that imposes concentration limits
for formaldehyde and paraformaldehyde in cosmetics. These substances are
permitted at a maximal concentration of 0.2% by weight or volume [137]. In
Quebec, Canada, the Regulation Concerning Occupational Health and Safety
established its permissible exposure value in air at 2 ppm as the ceiling (the
value that must never be exceeded during any length of duration whatsoever)
[138]. Guidelines for ambient formaldehyde levels in living spaces have been
set in several countries in the range of 0.05 to 0.4 ppm, with a preference to
0.1 ppm [10].
The US NTP included formaldehyde as an item under consideration for the
12th Report on Carcinogens [139]. In 2006, the IARC reclassified formaldehyde
from Group 2A (probably carcinogenic to humans) to Group 1 (carcinogenic to
humans) [140]. The EPA has classified formaldehyde as a B1 compound, prob-
able human carcinogen, on the basis of limited evidence in humans but with
sufficient evidence in animals [120]. According to the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration, permissible exposure limits for occupational formalde-
hyde exposure are 0.75 ppm at or below an 8-hour time-weighted average and
the short-term exposure limit of 2 ppm [141]. The EPA regulates formalde-
hyde under the Clean Air Act by designating it as a hazardous air pollutant
[142]. The Food and Drug Administration identifies formaldehyde as an in-
direct food additive for use only as a component of adhesives [143]. The food
additive, formaldehyde, if used in accordance with specified conditions, should
be permitted only in the feed and drinking water of animals [143].
Human Health Hazards of Formaldehyde 289
Table 3: Regulations, Advisories, and Guidelines Applicable to Formaldehyde

Country or agency (ppm) Type Reference

Australia 1 TWAa [10]

Belgium 2 Ceilingc [10]
Brazil 1.6 Ceiling [10]
China 0.5 Ceiling [10]
Canada 2 Ceiling [138]
Denmark 0.3 STEL [156]
Finland 0.3 TWA [10]
Downloaded by [Ki-Hyun Kim] at 12:57 22 November 2011

1 Ceiling [10]
France 0.5 TWA [157]
Germany 0.3 TWA [10]
0.6 Ceiling [10]
Hong Kong 0.3 Ceiling [10]
Ireland 2 STEL [10]
Japan 0.5 TWA [10]
Malaysia 0.3 Ceiling [10]
Mexico 2 Ceiling [10]
Netherlands 2 STEL [10]
New Zealand 1 Ceiling [10]
Norway 1 Ceiling [158]
Executive (2002) [133]
Poland 1 Ceiling [10]
South Africa 2 STEL [10]
South Korea 2 STEL [10]
Spain 0.33 STEL [10]
Switzerland 0.6 STEL [10]
United Kingdom 2 STEL [10]
United States [10]
American Conference 0.3 TLVd [160]
of Government
Industrial Hygienists
NIOSH 0.016 TWA [161]
0.1 Ceiling
Occupational Safety 0.75 TWA [141]
and Health
Environmental 0.7 TLV [162]
Protection Agency

aTWA, time-weighted average; bSTEL, short-term exposure limit; cCeiling, the value that should
never be exceeded during any length of time; and dTLV, threshold limit value.

As the most commercially important aldehyde, formaldehyde is in great
demand with its global consumption rate growing rapidly with the in-
creased production of wood panels, laminates, pentaerythritol, etc. Exposure to
290 K.-H. Kim, S. A. Jahan, and J.-T. Lee

formaldehyde can occur via inhalation of its gas (or vapor) form or absorption
of liquid form through the skin. Hence, occupational exposure to formaldehyde
is usually quite high relative to the general public.
Formaldehyde has been widely reported to cause dermal allergic reactions
in occupationally exposed personnel. Although formaldehyde has been classi-
fied as the cause of an irritant-induced asthma, several studies have yet been
unable to find any strong correlation between the severity of asthma (and IgE
levels) and formaldehyde concentrations. Nevertheless, continual exposure to
formaldehyde is suspected to cause various symptoms (i.e., neurasthenia, up-
per and lower airway irritation, inflammatory and hyperplastic changes of
Downloaded by [Ki-Hyun Kim] at 12:57 22 November 2011

the nasal mucosa, coughing, wheezing, expectoration, pharyngeal congestion,

chronic pharyngitis, chronic rhinitis, loss of olfactory functioning, lacrimation,
cornea disorders, hematotoxicity, heartburn, tremors, body sores, chest pain,
lethargy, abdominal pain, and loss of appetite). Although formaldehyde is con-
sidered carcinogenic by some agencies (e.g., IARC, NTP, etc.), epidemiological
studies have not been able to provide sufficient evidence to fully support their
propositions. Several studies concluded that biological evidence is yet inade-
quate to support the relationship between leukemia and formaldehyde expo-
sure. At present, it is likely that low levels (<1 ppm) of formaldehyde can have
only a minimal (or nonexistant) carcinogenic potential on human cancer risk.
As such, further research is necessary to precisely describe its carcinogenicity,
especially with respect to the human body. However, in order to protect the gen-
eral population against acute and chronic sensory irritation due to formalde-
hyde, regulation agencies of different countries should put collaborated efforts
efficiently to establish more reliable guidelines for its control under various

This study was supported by a National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
grant funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST)
(No. 2009-0093848).

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