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Roll Over of Papercut Funds

To: Andrew Hersch, Dean of Library Services

Wenatchee Valley College
Room 2085, Brown Library

From: Madison Harrison

Student Council Member
Room 1036, Van Tassel Building

Re: Papercut funds rolling over to the following quarter

Date: 1, March 2018


The college implemented a papercut fund in 2012. The fund is virtual money that is
given to the students account to be able to print papers on campus. The students are
given $10 dollars each quarter and if a student runs out then they are required to use
their own money to print. If the students didn't use all of their virtual money in a
quarter it doesn't roll over to the next quarter. The papercut fund was implemented to
cut down on the paper waste and save money on the supplies needed to print. As a
member of the student council I am one of “90% of students who either run out of
money during a quarter, never used the printer on campus, or had no clue we had credit
funded to us to print” (Hersch). The remaining 10% are students that have the
knowledge of the Papercut fund, or run out of money each quarter.


Note: Recommendations are in no particular order

1. Allow left over money to be rolled over to the next quarter.

2. Educate the students that the money they are adding has to be used that quarter
or it goes away.

3. Delete the fund from students who take online classes because it will allow more
money to be used for the fund possibly allowing it to rollover to the next quarter.

4. Add a spreadsheet of the money students add themselves so it will be easy to

refund money after the quarter is over.

5. Refund money that students add themselves so they're not wasting money.
6. Have students sign a waiver allowing the money that is left over in the fund to be
given to future students needing the extra money in their account or to the
papercut fund fee.


Adding the credit/debit card swipe can make some concerns arise. WVC will do
everything they can to keep the students information safe and private from potential
hackers or other students.


Note: The following are in no particular order

1. A majority of the students on this campus do not have the knowledge of the
Papercut fund provided. The school never informs the students that Papercut is
available. They should add this to the information day when students first enroll.

2. When the few students that know about the Papercut fund have to add more
money to their account they have to remember to put just enough in the account
so they aren't wasting their money because Papercut can't tell the difference
between real money and the virtual money provided by the school.

3. Inform the students that they have $10 dollars a term to spend on printing. This
fee includes all of the printers around the school not just the library printers.

4. At the moment there is only one machine students are able to add money to their
account, which is located in the library. Adding a machine to all locations
students can print will allow the adding of money to be more convenient and
accessible to the students.


Papercut is given to the students as an extra resource for printing at WVC. They are
allowed $10 a term and if a student runs out they have to use real money. The funds do
not roll over to the following term even if a student has paid for extra money in their
Student Survey Results

Chart, graph and survey (see below) done by Anibal Velazques


Survey created to get data from students regarding papercut


Hersch, Andrew. 23 February. Interview.

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