Nabard Esi Ard Short Notes & Mcqs

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Sources and Methods of Irrigation

The monsoonal rainfall in India is concentrated only in four months and more
than 50% of the net sown area is rainfed only. Irrigation is thus essential to
overcome spatial and temporal variation of rainfall.
Archaeological and historical records show that from ancient times we have
been constructing sophisticated hydraulic structures like dams built of stone
rubble, reservoirs or lakes, embankments and canals for irrigation. Not
surprisingly, we have continued this tradition in modern India by building dams in
most of our river basins. Before we look at these methods of irrigation in detail,
let’s have a look at some of the hydraulic structures used in ancient India!

Some Hydraulic Structures used in Ancient India:

 In the first century BC, Sringaverapura near Allahabad had sophisticated water
harvesting system channelling the flood water of the river Ganga.
 During the time of Chandragupta Maurya, dams, lakes and irrigation systems were
extensively built.
 Evidences of sophisticated irrigation works have also been found in Kalinga
(Orissa), Nagarjunakonda (Andhra Pradesh), Bennur (Karnataka), Kolhapur
(Maharashtra), etc.
 In the eleventh century, Bhopal Lake, one of the largest artificial lakes of its time
was built.
 In the 14th century, the tank in Hauz Khas, Delhi was constructed by Iltutmish for
supplying water to the Siri Fort Area.

Coming back to irrigation in the present day India, let’s look at some important
facts and figures before we move forward:

Some important facts and figures:

 The net irrigated area = 66.1 million hectares.

 Total/Gross Irrigated Area = 92.6 million hectares.
 Irrigation Intensity in India = (Gross Irrigated Area ÷Gross Sown Area) * 100

= (92.6 ÷ 194.4) *100

= 47.6%
More than 50% of the country’s cropped area depends exclusively on rainfall,
most of which is concentrated in a few months of the year. Even where the
annual overall precipitation is high, the available moisture is not adequate to
support multiple cropping.
Ultimate Irrigation Potential:
As seen in the above figures, only about 66mha i.e. 47.6% of the net sown area
is estimated to be irrigated. There is a need to bring more cropped area under
assured irrigation so as to increase agricultural productivity and production.
The total ultimate irrigation potential of the country has been estimated as
140mha, with about 76 mha from surface water sources and about 64mha from
groundwater sources.

Irrigation – Sources and Methods

The main sources of irrigation in India are:

1. Canals
2. Wells (and tubewells)
3. Tanks

The relative importance of these has been changing from time to time. Let’s look
at these in detail:
1. Canal Irrigation:

 A canal is an artificial watercourse constructed for water supply and irrigation.

 There are two types of canals:

1. Inundation Canals – These are taken out from the rivers without any regulating
system like weirs etc at their head. Such canals are useful only during the rainy
2. Perennial Canals – These are those which are taken off from perennial rivers by
constructing a barrage across the river. Most of the canals at present in India are
 Canals can be an effective source of irrigation in areas of low relief, deep fertile
soils, perennial source of water and an extensive command area. Therefore the
main concentration of canal irrigation is in the northern plains.
 The canals are practically absent from the peninsular plateau region because of
rocky terrain. However, the coastal and the delta regions in South India have some
canals for irrigation.

 The percentage of canal irrigation area to total irrigated area in the country has
fallen from about 40% in 1950-51 to less than 25% at present.
 The states UP, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Bihar account for about 60% of the
canal irrigated area in the country.
 Merits of canal irrigation:
1. Perennial Source
2. Provides safety from droughts
3. Brings fertile sediments to the fields
4. Economical to serve a large area

 Demerits:
1. Canal water soaks into the ground and leads to water logging, increases salinization,
and leads to marshy conditions leading to malaria and flooding
2. Wastage of water.

2. Wells (and Tube Wells)

 A well is a hole dug in the ground to obtain the subsoil water. An ordinary well is
about 3-5 metres deep but deeper wells up to 15 metres are also dug.
 This method of irrigation has been used in India from time immemorial. Various
methods are used to lift the ground water from the well. Some of the widely used
methods are the persian wheel, reht, charas or mot, and dhinghly (lever) etc.
 A tube well is a deeper well (generally over 15 metres deep) from which water is
lifted with the help of a pumping set operated by an electric motor or a diesel

 Well irrigation is gradually giving way to energized tube wells. But there are many
wells still in use where electricity is not available or the farmers are too poor t0
afford diesel oil.
 This method of irrigation is popular in those areas where sufficient sweet ground
water is available.
 It is particularly suitable in areas with permeable rock structure which allows
accumulation of ground water through percolation. Therefore wells are seen more
in areas with alluvial soil, regur soil, etc. and less seen in rocky terrain or
mountainous regions.
 These areas include a large part of the great northern plains, the deltaic regions of
the Mahanadi, the Godavari, the Krishna and the Cauvery, parts of the Narmada
and the Tapi valleys and the weathered layers of the Deccan trap and crystalline
rocks and the sedimentary zones of the peninsula
 However, the greater part of peninsular India is not suitable for well irrigation due
to rocky structure, uneven surface and lack of underground water.
 Large dry tracts of Rajasthan, the adjoining parts of Punjab, Haryana and Gujarat
and some parts of Up have brackish ground water which is not fit for irrigation and
human consumption and hence unsuitable for well irrigation
 At present irrigation from wells and tubewells accounts for more than 60% of the
net irrigated area in the country.
 UP has the largest area under well irrigation which accounts for 28% of the well
irrigated area of the country. U.P., Rajasthan, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat,
Bihar and Andhra Pradesh account for about three-fourths of the total well-
irrigated area

 Merits of well irrigation

o Simplest
o Cheapest
o Well is an independent source of irrigation and can be used as and when the
necessity arises. Canal irrigation, on the other hand, is controlled by other agencies
and cannot be used at will.
o Some ground water salts are useful for crops
o Does not lead to salinization and flooding problems
o There is a limit to the extent of canal irrigation beyond the tail end of the canal
while a well can be dug at any convenient place.
 Demerits
o Only limited area can be irrigated. Normally, a well can irrigate 1 to 8 hectares of
o Not suitable for dry regions
o Overuse may lead to lowering of water table

3. Tank irrigation

 A tank is a reservoir for irrigation, a small lake or pool made by damming the
valley of a stream to retain the monsoon rain for later use.

 It accounts for approximately 3% of the net irrigated area in India.

 Tank Irrigation is popular in the peninsular plateau area where Andhra Pradesh
and Tamil Nadu are the leading states.
 Andhra Pradesh has the largest area (29%) of tank irrigation in India followed by
Tamil nadu (23%).

 It is practised mainly in the peninsular region due to the following reasons:
o The undulating relief and hard rocks make it difficult to dig canals and wells
o There is little percolation of water due to hard rock structure and ground water is
not available in large quantities.
o Most of the rivers are seasonal; there are many streams which become torrential
during the rainy season – so the only way to use this water is to impound it by
constructing bunds and building tanks. Also, it is easy to collect rainwater in natural
or artificial pits because of impermeable rocks.
o Scattered nature of agricultural fields
 Merits
o Most of the tanks are natural and do not involve cost for their construction
o Independent source for an individual farmer or a small group of farmers
o longer life span
o can be used for fishing also
 Demerits
o Depends on rain and these tanks may dry up during the dry season
o Silting of their beds
o Require large areas
o Evaporation losses
o Sometimes there might be a need to lift the water to take it to the field

What is Solar Farming

On a solar farm, large amounts of power are generated from sunlight. Since solar
energy is collected from a wide area, it is important to view the process as “farming” to
“harvest” renewable energy from the sun. Solar farming is an opportunity for those in
the agricultural sector to view solar energy as a “replacement harvest” and create
cleaner forms of energy by transforming vacant or even underused land into farms that
produce electrical energy. Having a solar energy system would allow you to produce
your own electricity. Additionally you could sell some of your electricity to your
neighbors, local businesses or even the local utility company.
Solar energy farms, especially larger ones, can be interconnected into the electricity
grid and produce significant levels of electricity offsetting traditional sources of
generation. Moreover, large-scale solar-power generation has the potential to help meet
India's enormous energy needs.
Solar energy provides a new kind of experience to farmers in growing their crops. New
commercial solar technologies enable farmers to capture solar energy to produce
electricity, heat and hot water to enrich their farms, and energy independence to

How to Implement Solar Farming?

Some governments are providing huge grants or subsidies to fund community solar
farm projects as part of their energy programs. Solar farming can help advance India’s
use of renewable energy and help assure achievement of economic development goals.
To successfully implement solar farming requires feed-in tariffs. This allows farmers to
invest with the security of 20- to 25-year government grants. The energy from these
farms is purchased directly by utilities, which often sign 10- to 20-year energy purchase
contracts with solar farm owners, thereby securing low-cost energy for the end user.
Solar farms will also play a vital role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions that
contribute to global warming. By installing solar farm equipment, owners will also
considerably boost the value of their property.

The Future of Solar Farming in Modern India

India is blessed with a vast solar energy potential. About 5,000 trillion kWh of solar
energy is incident over India every year. Each day most parts of the country receive 4-7
kWh of solar energy per square meter. India’s deserts and farmland are the sunniest in
the world, and thus suitable for large-scale power production. The Indian government
should embrace favorable tax structures and consider providing financial resources to
fund projects to put up community solar farms as part of their energy development
programs. India can become the Saudi Arabia of clean solar energy.
Solar electricity could also shift about 90 percent of daily trip mileage from gasoline to
electricity by encouraging increased use of plug-in hybrid cars. For drivers in India this
means that the cost per mile could be reduced by one-fourth (in today’s prices).
A decline in solar panel prices over the last two years also has contributed to
exponential increases in solar deployment worldwide and lower project costs. A new
technology that also holds promise is CPV. First brought to commercial operation in
2008, CPV uses a concentrating optical system that focuses a large area of sunlight
onto the individual photovoltaic cells. This feature makes CPV panels two to three times
more efficient (approximately 40 percent) at converting sunlight to electricity as
compared to silicon-based PV (15 to 20 percent) and thin films (9 to 13 percent).
Major cost reductions will be realized through mass manufacturing. The steep increase
in system efficiency, combined with decreases in manufacturing costs could levelize the
cost of energy for CPV at around $0.10/kWh by 2015. Various incentives by central and
state governments, including tax credits and feed-in tariffs, can further reduce the cost.
Cost reductions are so dramatic that Bloomberg recently reported solar energy could
soon rival coal. The cost has become so competitive during peak times in Japan and
California that the U.S. Department of Energy’s SunShot goal of $1 per watt for large
projects by 2017 may happen a lot sooner .
In my opinion, all new energy production in India could be from renewable sources by
2030 and all existing generation could be converted to renewable energy by 2050, if
deployment is backed by the right public policies.

Farming Solar Energy in Space

Harvesting solar power from space through orbiting solar farms sounds extremely
interesting. The concept of solar panels beaming down energy from space has long
been thought as too costly and difficult. Japanese researchers at the Institute for Laser
Technology in Osaka have produced up to 180 watts of laser power from sunlight.
Scientists in Hokkaido have completed tests of a power transmission system designed
to send energy in microwave form to Earth.
Japan has already started working toward its goal by developing a technology for a 1-
gigawatt solar farm, which would include four square kilometers of solar panels
stationed 36,000 kilometers above the earth’s surface. The energy that will be produced
by the solar farm would be enough to supply power to nearly 400,000 average
Japanese homes.
California's next source of renewable power could be an orbiting set of solar panels,
high above the equator that would beam electricity back to earth via a receiving station
in Fresno County. Sometime before 2016, Solaren Corp. hopes to launch the world's
first orbiting solar farm to provide a steady flow of electricity day and night. Receivers on
the ground would take the energy -- transmitted through a beam of electromagnetic
waves -- and feed it into California's power grid. If the project becomes reality, Pacific
Gas and Electric Co. has agreed to buy power from the company.

Where We’re Going

Solar energy represents a bright spot on India’s economic front. If India makes a
massive switch from coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear power plants to solar and other
renewable sources, it is possible that 100 percent of India’s electricity could be from
renewable energy by 2050. Solar energy would require the creation of a vast region of
photovoltaic cells in the southwest and other parts of the country that could operate at
night as well as during the day. Excess daytime energy can be stored in various forms
such as molten or liquid salt (a mixture of sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate),
compressed air, pumped hydro, hydrogen, battery storage, etc., which would be used
as an energy source during nighttime hours.
Solar energy will be competitive with coal as improved and efficient solar cells, CPV and
CSP enter the market. I predict that solar farming advancements and growth would
empower India’s rural economies and companies will move their operations from urban
areas to rural areas due to cheaper land and labor within the solar belt.
Solar farming is a renewable source of energy and the greenest form of commercial
energy. Solar energy has become the leading alternative to the costly and eco disasters
associated with fossil fuels. I urge the government of India to accelerate the country's solar
energy expansion plans and policies by implementing government subsidies for residential solar
power through renewable energy rebates and feed-in tariffs. Solar farming is a great concept for
an efficient use of barren land and the ideal way to develop large utility scale solar energy farms
to meet India’s economic development goals.

Bio Mass Energy

With serious concern globally and in India on the use of fossil fuels, it is important for India to start using
renewable energy sources. India is the 7th largest country in the world spanning 328 million hectares and
amply bestowed with renewable sources of energy. Among the renewable energy sources, biomass plays
a vital role especially in rural areas, as it constitutes the major energy source to majority of households in
India. Biomass energy is the utilization of organic matter present and can be utilized for various
 Biomass can be used to produce heat and electricity, or used in combined heat and power (CHP) plants.

 Biomass can also be used in combination with fossil fuels (co-firing) to improve efficiency and reduce the
build up of combustion residues.

 Biomass can also replace petroleum as a source for transportation fuels.

Types of Biomass

Biomass is highly diverse in nature and classified on the basis of site of origin, as follows:
a. Field and plantation biomass
b. Industrial biomass
c. Forest biomass
d. Urban waste biomass
e. Aquatic biomass

Technologies involved in Biomass Energy Production

Biomass is a complex class of feed stocks with significant energy potential to apply different technologies
for energy recovery. Typically technologies for biomass energy are broadly classified on the basis of
principles of thermo chemistry as combustion, gasification, pyrolysis and biochemistry as anaerobic
digestion, fermentation and trans-esterification. Each technology has its uniqueness to produce a major
calorific end product and a mixture of by-products.

Biomass Energy in India

 India produces about 450-500 million tonnes of biomass per year. Biomass provides 32% of all the
primary energy use in the country at present.
 EAI estimates that the potential in the short term for power from biomass in India varies from about
18,000 MW, when the scope of biomass is as traditionally defined, to a high of about 50,000 MW if one
were to expand the scope of definition of biomass.

 The current share of biofuels in total fuel consumption is extremely low and is confined mainly to 5%
blending of ethanol in gasoline, which the government has made mandatory in 10 states.

 Currently, biodiesel is not sold on the Indian fuel market, but the government plans to meet 20% of the
country’s diesel requirements by 2020 using biodiesel.

 Plants like Jatropha curcas, Neem, Mahua and other wild plants are identified as the potential sources for
biodiesel production in India.

 There are about 63 million ha waste land in the country, out of which about 40 million ha area can be
developed by undertaking plantations of Jatropha. India uses several incentive schemes to induce
villagers to rehabilitate waste lands through the cultivation of Jatropha.

 The Indian government is targeting a Jatropha plantation area of 11.2 million ha by 2012.

Government incentives and Subsidies for Biomass Energy Production

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) provides Central Financial Assistance (CFA) in the
form of capital subsidy and financial incentives to the biomass energy projects in India. CFA is allotted to
the projects on the basis of installed capacity, energy generation mode and its application etc. Financial
support will be made available selectively through a transparent and competitive procedure.

Bottlenecks faced by the Indian Biomass Industry

Biomass to Power/Heat
One of the most critical bottlenecks for biomass plants (based on any technology) is the supply chain
bottlenecks that could result in non-availability of feedstock. A related problem is the volatility, or more
precisely increase, in the feedstock price. Both these could render the project unviable. There is other
concerns and bottlenecks as well such as:

 Lack of adequate policy framework and effective financing mechanisms

 Lack of effective regulatory framework

 Lack of technical capacity

 Absence of effective information dissemination

 Limited successful commercial demonstration model experience

Biomass to Transportation fuels

One of the main problems in getting the biodiesel programme rolling is the difficulty linked to initiating
large-scale cultivation of Jatropha. The following problems have been cited by farmers regarding Jatropha

 Lack of confidence in farmers due to the delay in notifying, publicizing and explaining the government
biodiesel policy.

 No minimum support price.

 In the absence of long-term purchase contracts, there are no buy-back arrangements or purchase centres
for Jatropha plantations.

 Lack of availability certified seeds of higher yield containing higher oil content.

 No announcement of incentives/subsidy and other benefits proposed to be provided to farmers

 The overwhelmingly dominant factor in the production of ethanol in India is the price and availability of

 The Central government sets the policy regarding ethanol blending, but the State governments control the
movement of molasses and often restrict molasses transport over State boundaries. State governments
also impose excise taxes on potable alcohol sales, a lucrative source of revenue.



Conservation, meeting basic needs of the people and provision of raw material for

Industry & Commerce form the basis of Forest Management.

Relative prominence amongst these

three cornerstones in forest

management rests as much on the

physical nature of the forest

resource as on the objectives of management. Conservation aspect cannot be

disregarded in any kind of forest management, but emphasis and weight given to it may

vary. This is not quite so for the other two. In a Protected Area for wildlife conservation

for example, there may not be any consideration or concession for industry and

commerce and minimal or none even for forest fringe dwellers depending on the ground

situation and government decision. Requirement of the fringe population may also be

curtailed or reduced to an extent as may be prudent after a thorough assessment in

case of a plantation project established to feed an important industry or enterprise. In all

other cases and particularly in management of forests adjoining villages, basic needs of

the rural poor shall be addressed adequately not merely to fulfill the National Forest

Policy requirement but to enlist the goodwill of the people and their support in forest

management including protection.


A tract of forest may be managed for a variety of purposes like production of wood or

other plant products for industry and commerce; to meet consumption needs of forest

fringe population; recreation, etc. Forest management principles aim at optimization of

outputs, products or services, on a sustained basis from a given forest management

unit year after year at the highest level without adversely affecting site productivity and

quality of environment.

Natural regeneration (NR)/ Assisted Natural Regneration (ANR)

Whenever all or a portion of a tree crop is harvested, there arises the need to raise a

crop of new generation. The juvenile growth that often develops before felling of the

matured trees is known as advance growth or advance regeneration. Natural

regeneration without any special intervention is a very long drawn and uncertain

process barring exceptions like sal regeneration in forests of Bihar. Successful

regeneration is dependent up on adequate seed production, seed dissemination, timely

germination and establishment of seedlings. It may often be necessary to alter the

ecological conditions of the forest floor to the extent that regeneration is encouraged

and that they survive and get established. Various operations like manipulation of

canopy, weeding of ground vegetation, soil working, control grazing, controlled fire,

slash disposal, direct seeding in patches and protection against grazing, fire and wild

animal are employed to create the right ecological conditions for regeneration of new

growth and their establishment. Weeding is an important tool for natural regeneration of

moist sal forests in Assam and Tripura.

ANR has been gainfully employed in Tripura to enhance establishment of luxuriant

secondary forests from degraded shrub vegetation by protecting and nurturing the

mother trees and their wildlings and by cutting back malformed, badly damaged pollard

trees and stumps followed by multiple shoot cutting to induce robust coppice growth.

One good example is the healthy crop of sal with its associates in Jeevandeep JFMC at

Melaghar in West Tripura.

Artificial Regeneration (AR)

AR involves raising a forest crop by sowing of seeds, planting of seedlings or vegetative

cuttings. This is an ideal option for raising a forest crop in tree less or heavily degraded

forests with minimal chance for natural renewal to optimum level. Similarly, when a
forest is under-stocked with malformed trees of several species of low value, and the

object is to raise valuable products for industry and commerce, artificial regeneration will

be the better option. AR can supplement natural regeneration; restock forests destroyed

by fire; change the composition of a forest crop; introduce exotic species; and more.

Moreover, creation and management of artificial plantations is much simpler compared

to that of natural regeneration. Yet, natural regeneration remains the better option for

renewal of a forest, wherever feasible on practical and economic considerations, to

ensure sustained flow of multiplicity of products and ecological services.


Misc MCQ For Practice :

1. Jalpriya is a variety of— (A) Maize (B) Jowar (C) Paddy (D)
Barley Ans : (C)
2. Sugarcane + Potato is an intercropping system of— (A)
Autumn season (B) Zaid season (C) Spring season (D) Rainy
season Ans : (A)
3. Seed-rate of potato per hectare is— (A) 25 quintal/hectare
(B) 10 quintal/hectare (C) 15 quintal/hectare (D) 40
quintal/hectare Ans : (D)
4. Deficiency symptoms of calcium on plants first appear at—
(A) Lower leaves (B) Middle leaves (C) Terminal leaves (D) All
leaves Ans : (C)
5. Which weedicide is used to kill broad leaf weeds in wheat ?
(A) 2, 4 – D.S.S. (WPSS) (B) 2, 4, 5 – T (C) 2, 4 – DB (D) None of
these Ans : (A)
6. Maya is the variety of— (A) Potato (B) Gram (C) Pea (D)
Mustard Ans : (D)
7. The weed that causes Asthma is— (A) Hirankhuri (B) Bathua
(C) Parthenium (D) Krishna Neel Ans : (C)
8. Which crop requires maximum amount of nitrogen ? (A)
Potato (B) Wheat (C) Barley (D) Sugarcane
Ans : (D)
9. First dwarf variety of paddy developed in India is— (A) Jaya
(B) Saket-4 (C) Govind (D) Narendra-97 Ans : (C)
10. Sprinkler irrigation is suitable, where the soil has— (A)
Clayey texture (B) Loamy texture (C) Undulating topography (D)
All of these Ans : (D)
11. Endosulphan is also known as— (A) Lindane (B) Thiodan (C)
Aldrin (D) B.H.C. Ans : (B)
12. Which of the following is systemic poison ? (A) Metasystox
(B) Phosphomidan (C) Phorate (D) All of these Ans : (C)
13. DDVP is known as— (A) Nuvan (B) Malathion (C) Thiodan
(D) Sulfex Ans : (A)
14. Seed treatment with Vitavex is the main controlling
method of— (A) Loose smut (B) Rust (C) Downy mildew (D) All
of these Ans : (D)
15. Covered smut of barley is a disease of— (A) Externally seed-
borne (B) Internally seed-borne (C) Air-borne (D) None of these
Ans : (B)
16. Which of the following cakes is not edible ? (A) Castor cake
(B) Mustard cake (C) Sesame (D) Groundnut cake Ans : (A)
17. In India, about 142 million hectare land is under— (A)
Cultivation (B) Waste land (C) Forest (D) Eroded land Ans : (A)
18. The headquarters of Indian Meteorological Department was
established in 1875 at— (A) New Delhi (B) Hyderabad (C) Pune
(D) Calcutta Ans : (D)
19. Moisture condensed in small drops upon cool surface is
called— (A) Hail (B) Dew (C) Snow (D) Fog Ans : (B
20. How many agro-climatic zones (ACZ) are found in India ? (A)
16 (B) 18 (C) 15 (D) 20 Ans : (C)
21. Tilt angle of a disc plough is generally— (A) 10° (B) 15° (C)
20° (D) 45° Ans : (D)
22. Pudding is done to— (A) Reduce percolation of water (B)
Pulverise and levelling soil (C) Kill weeds (D) All of the above
Ans : (D)
23. The Community Development Programme (CDP) was
started in India on— (A) 2nd October, 1950 (B) 2nd October,
1952 (C) 2nd October, 1951 (D) None of these Ans : (B)
24. The main unit of Integrated Rural Development Programme
is— (A) Family (B) Village (C) Block (D) District Ans : (B)
25. Element of Communication is— (A) Message (B) Feedback
(C) Channel (D) All of these Ans : (D)
26. The first Kshetriya Gramin Bank (KGB) was opened in India
is— (A) 1972 (B) 1980 (C) 1975 (D) 1969 Ans : (C)
27. The main function of NABARD is— (A) Farmers’ loaning (B)
Agricultural research (C) Refinancing to agricultural financing
institutions (D) Development of agriculture Ans : (C)
28. Rent theory of profit was given by— (A) Hawley (B) C.P.
Blacker (C) Tanssig (D) F.A. Walker Ans : (D)
29. In L.D.R., the profit will be maximum when— (A) MC = MP
(B) MC > MP (C) MP = TP (D) MP > TP Ans : (D)
30. The period of 11th Five Year Plan is— (A) 2000-2005 (B)
2002-2007 (C) 2007-2012 (D) 2008-2012 Ans : (C)
31. Acid rain contains mainly— (A) PO4 (B) NO2 (C) NO3 (D)
CH4 Ans : (B)
32. Cell Organelle found only in plants are-- (A) Mitochondria
(B) Golgi complex (C) Ribosomes (D) Plastids Ans : (D)
33. Proteins are synthesized in— (A) Centrosomes (B)
Ribosomes (C) Mitochondria (D) Golgi bodies Ans : (B)
34. Milk fever is caused due to the deficiency of— (A) P (B) Ca
(C) Mg (D) K Ans : (B)



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