Dynamics GP Workflow (Flujo de Trabajo)

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Workflow 2.

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016

Purchase Order Approvals

Title Up to Amount
Production Buyer $2,000
Production Senior Buyer $10,000
MRO Buyer $3,500
Capital Equipment Buyer $10,000
Purchasing Agent $10,000
Purchasing Supervisor $25,000
Director Procurement $50,000
VP Operations $50,000 and over
Procurement Organizational Chart

VP Procurement > $50,000

Director of

Supervisor $25,000

Purchasing Agent
Capital Equipment Production Senior
Speciality $10,000 Buyer $10,000 Buyer $10,000

MRO Buyer $3.500 Production Buyer

The End Result:
Microsoft Dynamics GP Response:

 Create an electronic approval process to eliminate paper

 Expand the approvals process to include notification and
approval by e-mail
 Expand the number of approval processes structured in
Great Plains
 Workflow in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0: Microsoft Office SharePoint 2007
Business Portal
 Workflow in Microsoft Dynamics® GP 2010: Windows SharePoint Services
(WSS) 3.0 and SharePoint Foundation 2010
 Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2,: Four workflow types are available:
Purchase Order Approval Purchase Requisition Approval
Payroll Timecard Approval Project Timesheet Approval
 Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2, Additional workflow types are available:
Payables Batch General Ledger Batch Receivables Batch
Project Expense Vendors Direct Deposit
Employee Profile Employee Skills & Training
Dynamics 2016 Workflow Enhancements
 Workflow Reassignment Notifications
 Email notifications can be sent to the approver for:
• Delegation
• Escalation
• Alternate Approval
 Workflow Condition Management Enhancement
 Two new options for what happens when step conditions are not met:
• Continue to next step
• Reject
 Microsoft Word template for batch approval.
 Batch approvals will have a default Microsoft Word template for the edit
list. This template will be available for general ledger, payables, and
receivables batches. The Word document can be emailed to the approver
for complete information before approving the transaction(s).
Let’s take a look :
Workflow Setup
The first step is to go to: Microsoft Dynamics GP--> Tools-->Setup-->System--
>Workflow Setup.
Workflow Setup
Here you will setup the email options.
You can also enable E-Mail Actions if you would like to allow approval via email.
Filling in the Blanks:
 Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)
 E-Mail Address
Enter the name of the e-mail address for the account. This is the e-mail address that e-mail is sent from.
 Display Name
Enter the name to show on e-mail messages sent from this account. The display name is optional. This is the name displayed on
messages sent from this account.
 Server Name
Enter the name of the SMTP server the account uses to send e-mail. Typically this is in a format similar to
smtp.<your_company>.com. For help with this, consult your mail administrator.
 Port
Enter the port number of the SMTP server for this account. The default port is 25.
 This server requires a secure connection (SSL)
Encrypts communication using Secure Sockets Layer.
 SMTP Authentication
 Windows Authentication using Database Engine service credentials
Connection is made to the SMTP server using the credentials configured for the SQL Server Database Engine service.
 Basic Authentication
Specify the user name and password required by the SMTP server.
 User Name
View or update the user name that is used to log in to the SMTP server. The user name is required if the SMTP server requires
basic authentication.
 Password
Change the password that is used to log in to the SMTP server. The password is required if the SMTP server requires basic
 Confirm Password
Type the password again to confirm the password. The password is required if the SMTP server requires basic authentication.
 Anonymous Authentication
Mail is sent to the SMTP server without login credentials.
Use this option when the SMTP server does not require authentication.
Workflow Setup
Setting Up E-Mail Messages
Once you have email setup, you can also edit the email templates for the
workflow by going to: Microsoft Dynamics GP--> Tools-->Setup-->Company--
>Workflow-->E-mail Message Setup.
E-Mail Message Set-Up
Pre-Defined E-mail Messages
Pre-defined PO Approval Message - Body
Pre-defined PO Approval Message - Lines
Workflow Calendar
The workflow calendar allows you to specify your companies work hours, and
holidays. This ensures that the due date/time for workflows do not take into
account non-working hours. You setup the schedule by going to:
Microsoft Dynamics GP--> Tools-->Setup-->Company-->Workflow-->Workflow
Calendar Set-Up

Set the calendar to match the workdays, work hours and holidays for your
company for the current year. This calendar is used to calculate the complete-
by time for the tasks in the work flow.
Workflow Users:
It is not required that participants in work flow approvals be Great Plains Users,
only that they be members of the Windows Active Directory to receive, approve /
reject / delegate their task through e-mails. For our PO Approval all participants
are set up as GP Users.
Preparing for Creation of a Work Flow:
The Planned Flow:
Workflow Set-Up
You setup the Workflow by going to: Microsoft Dynamics GP--> Tools-->Setup--
>Company-->Workflow-->Workflow Maintenance.
Of Course You Could Set up Shortcuts
Workflow Maintenance
Workflow Name:
Workflow Steps
Great Plains Buyer ID’s
Workflow Steps
Workflow Steps
Workflow Steps
Let’s Try it Out:
Hitting “Submit”
Buyer Bob’s E-Mail Notification
Clicking “Approve”
Bob Checks Back to Verify It has been sent
GotchaGertrude Receives a Notification
Gertrude Decides to Approve In GP
She could have checked the Workflow History
Final Approval Notification
Let’s see what is going on: Smart Lists
Smart List: Work Flow Calendar

Smart List: Work Flow E-mail Notifications
Smart List: Work Flow History
Smart List: Work Flow Master
Smart List: Work Flow Steps
Smart List: Work Flow Users
Who Remembers:
Looking at Document Lines
The e-mail looks like:
Summary - What we discussed:
Workflow 2.0
 Overview
 Procurement Organizational Chart
 The End Result:
 Microsoft Great Plains Response:
 Timeline:
 Dynamics 2016 Workflow Enhancements
 Prerequisite: SQL Server Agent
 Prerequisite: Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics
 Let’s take a look: Getting to Work Flow Set-up
 Workflow Setup
 Filling in the Blanks:
 Setting Up E-Mail Messages - Getting There
 E-Mail Message Set-Up
 Pre-Defined E-mail Messages
 Pre-defined PO Approval Message – Body
 Pre-defined PO Approval Message – Lines
Summary - Continued
 Workflow Calendar – Getting There
 Calendar Set-Up
 Workflow Users:
 Preparing for Creation of a Work Flow:
 Workflow Set-Up – Getting There
 Workflow Maintenance
 Workflow Name:
 Workflow Steps
 Great Plains Buyer ID’s
 Let’s Try it Out:
 Hitting “Submit”
 Buyer Bob’s E-Mail Notification
 Clicking “Approve”
 Bob Checks Back to Verify It has been sent
 GotchaGertrude Receives a Notification
 Gertrude Decides to Approve In GP
Summary - Continued
 Final Approval Notification
 Let’s see what is going on: Smart Lists
 Smart List: Work Flow Calendar
 Smart List: Work Flow E-mail Notifications
 Smart List: Work Flow History
 Smart List: Work Flow Master
 Smart List: Work Flow Steps
 Smart List: Work Flow Users
Building a Work Flow On The Fly
• Jerry Jasch will demonstrate creating a PO Requisition Approval Live
Please remember to fill out your evaluation form to assist us in making
future events even better!

Follow-up forms are available at the back of the room

Contact CAL:
Call: (860) 485-0910 ext. 3
Email: support@calszone.com
Online: www.calszone.com

Thank you for attending!


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