Uri Boaz - Lecture Notes 1

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Ms. Diane Nicoll 7th Grade History Unit 1: Lesson 3 

Islamic Beliefs
Name: Uri Boaz

Date: 9/13/17

Class: 7th Grade: “Medieval and Early Modern World History”

Slides and Notes

Slide Student Notes

Unit 1: Islam 
Title  7th Grade History 
Lesson 3 - Islamic Beliefs
Explain the significance of the Qur’an and the Sunnah
Goal  as the primary sources of Islamic beliefs, practice, and
law, and their influence in Muslim daily life.

- Muslim belief - Based on the same god as jewish

Background  and christian god
Information  - Muslims honor Jewish and Christian Prophets
- Muhammad is the main prophet in Islam

- Ancient item/text
- The word of G/d
- It is a record of 22 years of revelation from G/d
- Muhammad's people wrote it
The Qur’an  - First revelation in a cave in Mecca 610 CE
- Muhammad received revelations until he died
- Muhammad would talk about: G/d, soul, moral,
- They are like poems

- Jews → torah
- Christianity → Gospels
- Islam → Qur’an
- Muhammad's followers memorized all the
Sacred Text  revelation
- Muhammad spoke, his followers wrote
- 19 year after muhammad's death his followers
wrote the Qur’an
- The Qur’an consists of 114 chapters

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Ms. Diane Nicoll 7th Grade History Unit 1: Lesson 3 

- Traditions of the prophet

- Perfect model
- By following traditions and you were faithful
- Actions and words Muhammad said are your
The Sunnah 
- Sunnah was written down
- People that saw and knew Muhammad wrote the
- Laws usually come from the Sunnah
- Theocracy - Government based on religious law

- Core beliefs:
- Existence of G/d (monotheistic)
- G/d created the universe
Islamic Beliefs 
- Christians think that Jesus was a G/d himself
- No human is a G/d
- Muhammad was just a prophet

- The Muslims believe in the afterlife and the soul

- Individual people can chose between good and
The Soul and the 
bad (this impacts the afterlife)
- Judgment day - G/d will decide if you go to
heaven or hell

- To go to heaven you need to:

- Recite the Qur’an
- Qur’an studied in original language
Islamic Practices 
- Muslims treat the Qur’an in great
- Always carry a copy of the Qur’an

- Muhammad thought religious and daily life

were no different
- Shahira is the rules of personal conduct in
Muslim society
- Personal conduct is written as the five pillars
- Other rules like:
Islamic Influence in 
- No eating pork
Muslim Daily Life  
- No steal
(3 slides) 
- It also resolves family and business issues
- Education:
- Studying the Qur’an
- Afterward students would move to
learning law, math, history
- Social Classes:

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Ms. Diane Nicoll 7th Grade History Unit 1: Lesson 3 

- Charity is important
- They wanted to make it feel like there
were no classes
- Consists of Arabs, Non-Arabs, Jews, and
Christians (highest to lowest)
- Lowest class were slaves
- Men and Women:
- Men are expected to support family
- Women usually stayed at home
- Women had less rights

- Faith - believing in G/d and Muhammad

- Prayer - you have to pray 5 times a day
- Almsgiving - Charity, giving something that you
have a lot of
- Fasting - fast for one month, You can’t eat when
there is daylight during the fast
Islamic Laws  
- Pilgrimage - going to Mecca (hajj)
(3 slides) 
- They have to pick up 49 stones, they need
to cast their sins away
- Circle 7 times around the holy rock
- You have to touch or kiss the stone
- Believe that the stone was sent from
heaven in ancient times

- Qu’ran
- Five pillars
- Religion government
- Sunnahs = traditions

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