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January 2018


Caring―Our Way Of Life.

Leadership, Character Values, Caring, Inclusiveness.
“ If you want to live a
Happy life, tie it to a goal.
-Albert Einstein
Key Club Pledge
I pledge, on my honor,
to uphold the Objects of

” Key Club International;

to build my home,
school and
community; to serve my
nation and God; and
Notes from the
combat all forces which
Editor tend to undermine

Hello fellow key club members!

these institutions.
This is your favorite editor, Dena
here to welcome you to the
January Newsletter! As a new
Inside This Issue
year starts for everyone means Quote of the Month….................2
new ways to help out through
key club! Also, DCON is coming Upcoming Events.........................3
up very soon and if you are Check It Out…................…..........3
interested in going then fill out
the google form so we are able President’s Corner........................4
to get a head count to who
wants to go. Through this
Secretary Speak...........................5
experience you get to learn new What Have We Done?................6
things and maybe even make
new friends! I hope you enjoy this Why I Chose Key Club….….........8
newsletter and see you next time! Importance of Serving Others...10
Contact Info………..............…...15
-Dena Do
Feb 10- Houston Family Magazine Camp Fair

Feb 10- Kilpatrick Elementary Math Tournament

Feb 17- FBLA Valentine’s Day Bash

Feb 23-25- Lunar New Year Festival on Saturday morning sign in

with Dena, afternoon with Aina. Sunday with Tameem, Yuna, and

**Check the website for updates on events and sign ups!**

Attention club members!
We do not have a x2vol anymore but please sign in with us
every time you arrive at an event. We will log in the hours for
you instead of going through x2vol!

Hey guys and gals!

I’m excited to be kicking off 2018 on a great note so far! I hope school is going
well for you guys and if not, well, it’s only the beginning so don’t fret and just
do your best! High school is short, despite how it may feel like it’s endless, so
be sure to make memories and make the most out of your time at Taylor and
your time in our fabulous Key Club! Some things to remember to ensure a
great year of service are that though we just started the year, the school year
is coming to a close soon. This means the hours deadline is fast approaching!
Be sure to have your required number of hours done by the deadline. If you
guys are struggling, you can always check our website’s spreadsheet
containing all the events we have coming up (There’s quite a few so check it
out!). There are plenty of events to help you finish your hours so be proactive!
I know you all have it in you to finish the goal you started. The other thing I
wanted to address is officer elections! I love our members and know that each
and every one of you has the potential to be a leader. Please consider
applying if you think that your potential translates to the needs of our Key
Club. We will be releasing the application in the following weeks and
interviews should be around mid March. We would love for a diverse pool of
applicants in order to ensure another great year come August. It’s not a scary
process, but it is one where we evaluate if you are a member dedicated
enough to become a Key Club leader. It’s truly a fulfilling experience and
definitely a learning one. Don’t forget; y’all are the future!

Yours in service, Ivana Lin

James Taylor 2017-2018 Key Club President


My Key Club moment was during freshman year, when I first volunteered at the
Houston Food Bank with my friends and my brother. Since we were not fifteen
years or older, we were not allowed to lift heavy boxes, so the volunteer
coordinator directed us to pack the boxes with donated food items that fit the
requirements. We would also sort the food to check expiration dates to ensure
proper food was being donated to the hungry of Houston. It was an extremely
humbling experience, and one that I truly enjoyed. I always regard my first trip to
the Houston Food Bank as the inciting moment that kick started my love for
volunteering around my community. The fact that I was really making a
difference by feeding the hungry really resonated with me, and continued
following me throughout the rest of my high school career.
- Sidney Thomas


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Our Co-President Ivana Lin is
now LGT of 2018-2019!1  

Our meeting were we informed
you on upcoming dates and
officer elections soon!

Why I Chose Key Club

The story behind why I joined Key Club is quite simple. My friend had dragged
me to a meeting at the beginning of my freshman year and despite my
hesitation and protests, I found myself intrigued by Key Club. I went into my
first meeting, expecting to be bored or uninterested, but I instead left with
excitement to join such an impactful organization. There were two factors of
that very first meeting that lead me to join, beginning with the sheer size of the
club. Walking into that club was like walking into a gathering of every person
you knew or hoped to know since most of my friends, as I realized, were there
and wondering the same thing I was: what is Key Club? The second thing to
grab my attention was the leader of the meeting: the president of James E.
Taylor Key Club a couple years back during my freshman year, Shawna. To this
day, I can’t forget the charisma she demonstrated at the very first meeting, how
she spoke so passionately about Key Club and its goal to provide its members
with opportunities of community service. The leadership and confidence she
showed inspired me to join because I aspired to be as confident as she was
during that meeting and I was sure Key Club was the way to learn. She had
discussed Key Club core values and the impact it has on not only the local
community but even on the international level. This especially struck me as
significant since I thought it impossible that high school students could be able
to have such an impact on the world at such a young age. The opportunities to
develop character and connect with a world beyond just school were ones that
few other clubs could truly offer me. To this day, I do not regret joining. If I had
not chosen Key Club I would have missed out on so many experiences, like
DCON, learning to be a leader, and all the community events I have
volunteered at over the years. I chose Key Club over the many other
organizations my school hosts because of its mission. The fact that Key Club
strove to develop character and leadership through service coupled with the
fact that it was such a large scale organization made me certain that I could
trust the integrity of Key Club and its management. The fun I have had at
meetings, the incredible friendships I had made, and the fulfillment I have
experienced due to community service are aspects of my life now that I could
not live without and ones that are directly thanks to my choice to join Key Club.
It could not have been a better decision!
-Ivana Lin, Co-President

My Views of Volunteering

When I wake up every weekend I don’t take my time getting up and having breakfast, I get
prepared for work, a work i’m not paid for, .but rather gifted. I pack up a black leather bag
with a journal, pencils, surgical gloves, a small sack of treats, and a lanyard; this is my
morning. At 8:30 a.m. I head out with my father, he drives as I’m too young, and it's almost
time to start doing my job. Now, this work I have proposed, though I have not enlisted its
title, I would like to explain why rather than play games over the weekend I spend about 16
hours of my life and free time helping a cause that many my age and older look over or
disregard completely. Animal abuse, it’s what I work against, what I try to stop, it is the
reason I do what I do. Using animals as emotional punching bags is by no means humane,
and neither is abusing a member of your own species, but that is a topic for another day.
I volunteer with Mutts & Meows, giving abused animals a second chance at life, proper
care, love, and attention. I’ve heard some heart-breaking stories, such as one of our
current residents, Zoomer. Zoomer was brought in from an abuse owner or owners we
should say, who abused the poor red tabby in more ways than one. About 1½ inches from
the end of his tail its bent, his owner purposely broke his tail, this not only causes severe
pain for the animal but it also means that it will continue to be that way, it no longer has any
use, its just a peace of immobile skin and bone that aches him without end. Because of this
and other experiences we wish not to even imagine, he is extremely shy, and afraid of
humans. When you open his kennel he runs to the back in fear, he starts shaking and his
heart runs rapidly, his ears tuck back and he hides his tail; these are some of the effects of
animal abuse, most notably trust issues and anxiety. However, I have been working with
Zoomer for several weeks now, he has warmed up to me more than most, and honestly
he’s the sweetest cat when you peel away the mask of distrust he has worn for most if not
all of his life. Denial is a common defense from the people who partake in these
horrendous acts, they try to belittle the situation in its entirety, “it's just a cat”, or “it’s just an
animal”, but perhaps it's just that they are a human who should gain some more
perspective on the world and the creatures upon its surface, and treat them as they should
be treated. Animals are living beings, they breathe, and feel, and bare emotion like we do.
They can understand the most complex of emotions, such as shame. When a dog is
abandoned by its owner, whether it be on the side of the road or in a forest, the first thing
they feel is shame, not worry or anger, Shame. Shame for being unwanted by someone
they cared for and protected, shame for letting down their owner, shame for being deemed
as not good enough. They are like humans, they have reasons for their actions, just like we
do, just because your cat claws at your couch doesn't mean you should abandon it or take
away it's only defense system (declawing), you should find solutions to the problem without
hurting the animal, as this only leads to further trust issues which may trail into even bigger
problems. All of that being said, try and comprehend the fact that all animals are living, no
matter how large or small, and all should be treated with respect, and loved.

-Zoe Gonzales, Member

Importance of serving others
Everyone needs help at some point in their lives. Everyone also has the
ability to help in some way or another. Over the past few weeks, I’ve had an
eye-opening realization of how important helping others actually is. No action,
no matter how small, is without its effect on those around you. People may
forget what you said or what you did, but they will never forget how you made
them feel. Behind every successful individual is a vast network of people who
support them. "Service" can come in all sorts of forms and shapes. Service can
be: doing volunteer work at a local non-profit organization, watching your
friend's children (or even fur-babies) if s/he has an emergency, and even giving
some back an item to someone that they dropped (i.e. money). Service can
make a difference in many people's lives. Service gives us a sense of purpose
and pride. By doing more we can enhance and better our world for our children
and our children's children. So, the next time you do a service, whether it is by
chance or on purpose, make sure or hope that your children or even the next
generation are watching. That way they will know and see how well the other
person or people feel by the action(s) that their peer(s) did for them. By
showing them, it will lead the next generations to be inspired about the passion
of service to others. There are a lot of people who are suffering, and there are
very few people who are willing to encourage them even though they know
everything about their situation. However, they still do nothing to give them
support and show their kindness to them. Therefore, everyone needs
inspiration sometimes in their lives. However, most of the time there are a lot of
people who need help from others around them, but do not get support for
assorted reasons. Even though people assume that serving others require one
to be rich, it costs nothing to show love and kindness. It is a matter of
understanding the true meaning of service to others. It is not what we do that
matter, the inner impetus behind our action is what really counts. When we
serve other people, we discover that the most important thing we can offer is
our kindness that does not cost much. Your presence, time and attention are all
someone needs to overcome some of the life challenges. It takes a lot of
energy to make someone else feel bad, and in the end, you only feel good for
a little while. When you make someone else feel happy, not only are you happy
too, but that feeling lasts much longer

-Yugam Modi, Member

DCON Theme:


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