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Notes INI lev. 2 workshop - February 26. – Jørgen – 14-18 participants.

Theme: «Improv for the lazy actor»

- How to achieve more by doing less
- How to discover the thin line between nothing and something

A. Warm up and introduction

All in big circle
1. Name round: Say your name, rest of people repeat and short, rytmic applaus
2. Energizer: One says: What do we do tonight. All answers: Have som fun. Some
rounds different variations.
3. Massage your own face. Get ready to use it. Example of chimpanse body
4. Blue ball. First normal blue ball. Then slow motion. Then no sound. Then allowed
to move around. Speed up 10 sec. back to slow mo. Purpose: See each other and be
aware of what you send out of nonverbal communication.
5. Do nothing – exercise. 1. Conserned about yourself: Whenever you feel that you
do something, move one step forward. You define the line between nothing and
something. 2. When we’re all in the center, we switch focus. See another player,
and whenever we see that he/she does something, we move one step backwards.
Purpose: We will always do something, and so will our scene partner. Audience
will see that «something», and we can use it to create scenes. We don’t have to
make up stuff, because something always will happen.
B. Chair exercises
All have one chair. Chairs on two rows oposite each other.
6. 2&2: One person gets seated, the other says what he/she sees in that seating.
Switch. Do it many times.
All chairs in big circle.
7. Approach chair and sit down on following instructions:
- Chair is very hot
- Most beautiful chair you have seen
- With your eyes closed

C. Scenes + bonus: approach the audience and the scene.

Chairs in half circle + two chairs in front
8. Scene-starters
- 2&2 approach chair at same time. When seated audience define what they have seen
(5 sec.).
- 2&2 approach chair at same time + dialogue. Three line-dialouge, first line «I like
- 2&2 approach chair at same time, play 1 min. scene.
Split up half circle.
9. 1 min. – scenes in groups
- Groups of 3-4 around in room, one hourglass 1 min each group. Played fast 1-min.
scenes whitout break or analyzing. 15 min.
10. How to do an entrance on stage – be calm, embrace the audience as an old friend
you haven’t seen for years. Breath. Count to five before you say something. Smile.
Then we played some scenes on the stage, and sang the birthdaysong for Anette.

Core learning: You don’t have do do a lot of stuff or make up stuff, to play
improv. Be present in your self, see your scenepartner and use all that is given to
you of all the things that just happen. Remember: If you are able to see your
scenepartner, and be seated on a chair, you can play a scene.

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