Error Analysis of The Measurement System of CHCP

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Error Analysis of the Measurement System of CHCP


August 2010

Fachhochschule Aachen, Jülich campus

M.Sc. Energy systems

Chauhan Harishchandra, 995102


Dr. Christian Faber


Dipl.- Ing. Friedrich Henneböhl


Table of Contents

List of Figures .................................................................................................... 4

List of Tables ..................................................................................................... 5
[1] Introduction .................................................................................................. 6
(1.1) Types of errors ........................................................................................ 6
(1.2) Absolute and relative errors .................................................................... 6
(1.3) Error propagation law ............................................................................. 7
(1.4) DIN norms for different accuracy classes of measured quantities of
CHCP- ............................................................................................................ 7
[2] List of accuracy classes and its ranges for measured quantities of CHCP ..... 8
(2.1) Temperature............................................................................................ 8
(2.2) Volumetric flow rate ............................................................................... 8
(2.3) Heat flux ................................................................................................. 9
[3] Graphical representation of different accuracy classes with tolerance ranges
......................................................................................................................... 10
(3.1) Temperature classes .............................................................................. 10
(i) Class A ................................................................................................ 10
(ii) Class B.............................................................................................. 11
(iii) Class 1/3B ......................................................................................... 11
(3.2) Volumetric flow classes ........................................................................ 12
(i) Ultrasonic flow rate device:- ................................................................ 12
(ii) Magnetic inductive device:- .............................................................. 13
(iii) Mechanical device 1:- ....................................................................... 15
(iv) Mechanical device 2:- ....................................................................... 16
[4] List of monitored measuring data................................................................ 18
(4.1) Blumenhaus Bade ................................................................................ 18
(4.2) Haiger .................................................................................................. 21
[5] Statement of different accuracy limits for heat flux of CHCP plants ........... 25
(5.1) Blumehaus Bade ................................................................................... 25
(5.2) Haiger ................................................................................................... 28
[6] Energy/Heat balance of Blumenhaus Bade CHCP plant and error calculation
from the data .................................................................................................... 30
(6.1) Procedure and Formula for heat/energy balance ................................... 30
(6.2) Heat flow through different circuits ...................................................... 31
[7] Conclusion .................................................................................................. 33
References ........................................................................................................ 34

List of Figures

Figure3.1 Accuracy limits according to class A................................................ 10

Figure3.2 Accuracy limits according to class B ................................................ 11
Figure3.3 Accuracy limits according to class 1/3B ........................................... 11
Figure3.4 Logarithmic graph of ultrasonic device from manufacturer .............. 12
Figure3.5 Relative error graph of ultrasonic device derived from the logarithmic
graph ................................................................................................................ 13
Figure3.6 Logarithmic graph of magnetic inductive device from manufacturer 14
Figure3.7 Relative error graph of magnetic inductive device derived from the
logarithmic graph ............................................................................................. 14
Figure3.8 Error graph of mechanical device 1 from manufacturer .................... 15
Figure3.9 Relative error graph of mechanical device 1 derived from the
manufacturer graph .......................................................................................... 16
Figure3.10 Error graph of mechanical device from manufacturer ..................... 17
Figure3.11 Relative error graph of mechanical device 2 derived from the
manufacturer graph .......................................................................................... 17
Figure4.1 Plant layout of Blumenhaus Bade ..................................................... 19
Figure4.2 Plant layout of Haiger ...................................................................... 22

List of Tables

Table 2.1 Temperature accuracy classes………………………………………7

Table 4.1 List of measured quantities at Blumenhaus Bade………………….19

Table 4.2 List of measured quantities at Haiger………………………………23

Table 5.1 Calculated heat fluxes at Blumenhaus Bade………………………..25

Table 5.2 Calculated heat fluxes at Haiger…………………………………….26

Table 6.1 Comparison of heat flux relative error values of different circuits….28

Table 7.1 Recommended measuring instruments for different heat fluxes…….32

[1] Introduction:

(1.1) Types of errors-

(i) Systematic errors- Errors that tend to be in one direction, either positive or
negative. Some of the sources are:
 Instrumental errors- Errors that arise from the imperfect design or
calibration of the measuring instrument (Zero error in the instrument).
 Errors due to imperfection in experimental technique- Errors that arise
from effects of external conditions or any unfavorable conditions during
 Personal errors- Errors that arise due to an individual’s bias, lack of proper
setting of the apparatus or individual’s carelessness in taking observations
without observing proper precautions.

Systematic errors may be estimated to a certain extent and the necessary corrections may be
applied to the readings.

(ii) Random errors- Errors that occur irregularly and hence are random with respect to
sign and size. These can arise due to random and unpredictable fluctuations in
experimental conditions.

(1.2) Absolute and relative errors-

(i) Absolute error- The magnitude of the difference between the true value of the
quantity and the individual measurement value is called Absolute Error of the
In the absence of any other method of knowing the true value normally the true
value is the arithmetic mean of the measured values.

|ΔA| = Amean – A; ΔA = Amean ± A …. (1.1)

Thus we can say that the actual value is

Amean – ΔAmean ≤ A ≤ Amean+ ΔAmean …. (1.2)

(ii) Relative error- The ratio of the mean absolute error (ΔA mean) to the mean value of
the quantity measured is called Relative Error.

|ΔA|relative = |ΔA|mean/ Amean …. (1.3)

(1.3) Error propagation law - When several quantities are measured then errors in all the
measurements combine and so the error propagation law can be used. Actually there are rules
for addition, subtraction, product and division. Suppose we are measuring two quantities A
and B.

(i) Error of a sum or a difference- Here A and B have a measured value A±ΔA and
B±ΔB respectively, where ΔA and ΔB are their absolute errors. So the total error
for Z is Z=A+B. Thus for addition…
Z±ΔZ = (A±ΔA) + (B±ΔB) …. (1.4)

So the maximum value of error can be

|ΔZ| = |ΔA| + |ΔB| …. (1.5)
The same rule applies for subtraction.

‘When two quantities are added or subtracted, the absolute error in the final
result is the sum of the absolute errors in the individual quantities’.

(ii) Error of a product or a division- Here if Z=AB.

Z±ΔZ = (A±ΔA)(B±ΔB)

By ignoring the quantity ΔAΔB as this product is small compared to other terms and


This form can be used for the absolute error calculations.
The relative error is then…

(Z+ΔZ)/Z = 1 ± (ΔZ/Z) = 1 ± (ΔA/A) ± (ΔB/B)

ΔZ/Z = (ΔA/A) + (ΔB/B) …. (1.6)

‘When two quantities are multiplied or divided, the relative error in the result is
the sum of the relative error of individual quantities’.

(1.4) DIN norms for different accuracy classes of measured quantities of CHCP-
 Temperature – DIN EN 60751
 Volumetric flow rate – DIN 1434
 For heat flux( ) both of these accuracy classes can be used and heat flux depends on
the manufacturer of the heat flux measuring device. /1/

[2] List of accuracy classes and its ranges for measured quantities of

(2.1) Temperature - According to DIN EN 60751, measuring instruments for temperature

are mainly having three classes

Table 2.1 Temperature accuracy classes

Classes Ranges Accuracy limits

Class A ( -30°C to 300°C) ±(0.15K + 0.002*T)
Class B ( -50°C to 500°C) ±(0.30K + 0.005*T)
Class 1/3B ( 0°C to 150°C) ±1/3(0.30K + 0.005*T)

Temperature accuracy limit for Class A (TA) = ± (0.15K + 0.002*T)

T = Temperature in °C

Here mainly temperature sensor pairs or a single temperature sensor are used. With the help
of a temperature sensor pair the temperature difference of any circuit can be obtained and thus
it gives us the heat flux of that circuit. In the case of temperature sensor pairs both sensors
always belong to the same accuracy class i.e. both sensors will be A and A, B and B or 1/3B
and 1/3B, and thus the accuracy limit can be calculated from the single accuracy class. From
the data sheets of the manufacturer (Thermo Sensor) accuracy limits are ±0.05% between 0°C
to 100°C. Though the accuracy limits are shown in the graphs below in the section [3]. /2/

(2.2) Volumetric flow rate - According to DIN EN ISO 5167 the measurement of
volumetric flow rate has three accuracy classes

(1) 1 = ± (1 + 0.01 p/ ), not more than ±3.5%

(2) 1 = ± (2 + 0.02 p/ ), not more than ±5%
(3) 1 = ± (3 + 0.05 p/ ), not more than ±5%
Here p(m3/h) = Nominal value of the flow sensor given by manufacturer, This value
is a permanent value of the volumetric flow rate measured with
the device according to DN showing the diameter of the inlet duct of
the device.
(m /h) = Actual volumetric flow rate

Having an approximation about the value to be measured, DN type and accordingly the
nominal value of volumetric flow rate can be selected. The volumetric flow ranges are mainly
dependent on the particular application and the manufacturer of the device. Here mainly three
types of measuring instruments for volumetric flow rate measurement are used, which are US
(Ultrasonic device), MID (Magnetic inductive device) and Mechanical device. Accuracy
limits are shown in the graphs below and it can be seen that MID devices are the most
accurate devices for volumetric flow measurement. /3/

(2.3) Heat flux - Accuracy classes and ranges for heat flux mainly depend on the
manufacturer and the application of the instrument.

Here also mainly three types of instruments are used, which are dependent on the temperature
difference, volumetric flow rate and the medium and the absolute temperature of the medium.

In both the plants Ultrasonic devices are used for direct heat flux measurements in compact
conditions while magnetic devices are used for indirect heat flux measurement. Moreover the
error of heat flux measurements can be calculated with the help of the error propagation law
with two quantities which are temperature and volumetric flow rate.

[3] Graphical representation of different accuracy classes with tolerance

(3.1) Temperature classes – Here graphs for the temperature range between 0°C to 150°C
are shown. DIN EN 60751 for different accuracy classes. The 12 values of temperature has
been taken and the graph has been made for values between (-30°C to 300°C). These graphs
for different classes (Class A, Class B and Class 1/3B) are shown below./2/

(i) Class A – (-30°C to 300°C)




Accuracy limits in (K)

-0.2 Temperature °C



-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Positive accuracy limit Negative accuracy limit

Figure3.1 Accuracy limits according to class A

In class A we can see that the maximum absolute error reaches at 0.75K at 300°C. The
absolute error for this temperature range lies between 0.09K to 0.75K. From this absolute
error values the relative errors can be calculated with the help of formula given below

Trelative = |ΔT|mean/ Tmean …. (3.1)

For Class B and Class 1/3B the accuracy limits can be seen from the graphs shown below.
The relative error value is given by the formula above.

(ii) Class B – (-50°C to 500°C)




Accuracy limits in (K)

-0.1 Temperature °C



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Positive accuracy limit Negative accuracy limit

Figure3.2 Accuracy limits according to class B

(iii) Class 1/3B – (0°C to 150°C)



Accuracy limits in (K)


-0.1 Temperature °C



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Positive accuracy limit Negative accuracy limit

Figure3.3 Accuracy limits according to class 1/3B

Thus from these graphs it can be seen that class 1/3B has the highest accuracy
among all the accuracy classes of temperature sensors.

(3.2) Volumetric flow classes – The graphs for volumetric flow rate depend on the
manufacturer. As shown in DIN 1434 the classes of volumetric flow rate sensors contain p
and in the formula. p is the nominal value of volumetric flow rate and as said earlier it can
be chosen according to the application.

(i) Ultrasonic flow rate device:-

According to DIN EN ISO 5167 Class 2 for ultrasonic volumetric flow rate measurement
device (US) [By aqua metro]. The device can be chosen in the range between 1.5m3/h to

Model number/Name: AMFLO SONIC UFA-114

For the device used here has the nominal value of volumetric flow rate i.e. p is 2.5 m3/h, as
the device is of DN 20 type. /4/



Figure3.4 Logarithmic graph of ultrasonic device from manufacturer

The method of getting absolute value volumetric flow rate curve is shown here.

Here Qp = 2.5m3/h Multiplying Qp with the first point of a logarithmic volumetric flow rate
absolute volumetric flow rate can be obtained as shown here

p(absolute) = p * 0.01 = 2.5m3/h * 0.01 = 0.025 m3/h

Figure 3.4 shows the logarithmic graph given by the manufacturer. Here the nominal value of
the volumetric flow rate is 2.5m3/h, and so by multiplying this value with x-axis the absolute
value of volumetric flow rate can be obtained as shown above by keeping the y-axis values
same as the manufacturer graph. From this relative error graph is made as shown below in
figure 3.5. Now onwards all the logarithmic graphs have been converted into absolute value
by the same method as shown above.

r 1

r 0
o -1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
% -3 (m3/h)

Positive accuracy limit Negative accuracy limit

Figure3.5 Relative error graph of ultrasonic device derived from the logarithmic graph

(ii) Magnetic inductive device:-

According to DIN EN ISO 5167 for magnetic inductive volumetric flow rate measuring
device (MID) [By aqua metro], the range of this device is between 1.5 m3/h to 60m3/h.

Model number/Name: AMFLO MAG Smart

The nominal value of volumetric flow rate is p is 3.7m3/h, as the DN type used
here is DN25 type. /4/
The values used in the graph are

i = Qmin = 0.14 m3/h

p = 3.7 m /h
s = 7 m /h

As described above the graph shown below is also a logarithmic graph given by the
manufacturer. As the nominal value of volumetric flow rate is 3.7m3/h, and the method
discussed above can be used for the absolute volumetric flow rate graph.


Figure3.6 Logarithmic graph of magnetic inductive device from manufacturer

r 2
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
r -2

-4 (m3/h)


Positive accuracy limit Negative accuracy limit

Figure3.7 Relative error graph of magnetic inductive device derived from the
logarithmic graph

Thus the accuracy of the volumetric flow measurement device depends on the manufacturer
of the apparatus, here it is aquametro.

(iii) Mechanical device 1:-

The graph of the accuracy class for mechanical device from aquametro, with water
temperature 20°C is shown below. From here graphs shown below are for DN 25 and as well
from the manufacturer data sheet.

Model number/Name: AQUA Concept cold water /4/

The nominal value of volumetric flow rate p is 6.3m3/hr, as per DN25 type. The graph
shown below is having values as follows

1 = Minimum flow rate = 0.039 m3/h

2 = Transition flow rate = 0.063 m /h
3 = Permanent flow rate = 6.3 m /h
4 = Overload flow rate = 7.9 m /h

This graph can be read by the values given and from that it is clear that accuracy limit ranges
between ± 2%. From Typische Fehlerkurve it is clear that volumetric flow rate measured
below 2 is having the highest accuracy limits fluctuation.


Figure3.8 Error graph of mechanical device 1 from manufacturer


r 2
o 0
r 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

% -2


Positive accuracy limit Negative accuracy limit

Figure3.9 Relative error graph of mechanical device 1 derived from the manufacturer

(iv) Mechanical device 2:-

The graph of accuracy class for mechanical device 2 from aquametro is shown below. Here
graphs are obtained as DN 25 and as well from the manufacturer data sheet.

Model number/Name: Series 417/M-TFXKA

The nominal value of volumetric flow rate p is 3.5m3/h, as per DN25 type. /4/

The values given in the graphs are as follows

min = 0.065 m3/h = Minimum flow rate

tr = 0.35 m /h
n = 3.5 m /h

This graph can be read by the values given and from that it is clear that accuracy limit ranges
between ± 1%.

Thus from all these graphs and discussion we can conclude that MID devices are
having the highest accuracy amongst all.

Figure3.10 Error graph of mechanical device from manufacturer



E 0.6
r 0.4
0.2 (m3/h)
r 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Accuracy limit

Figure3.11 Relative error graph of mechanical device 2 derived from the manufacturer

[4] List of monitored measuring data–

(4.1) Blumenhaus Bade-

Table 4.1 List of measured quantities at Blumenhaus Bade /6/

Quantity Name Sign Instrument Accuracy class

Ambient Temperature T1 Pt 100 1/3 DIN(B)

Room Temperature T2 Pt100 1/3 DIN(B)

CHP Exhaust Temperature 1(Tabgas 1) T3 Thermocouple Class B

CHP Exhaust Temperature 2(Tabgas 2) T4 Thermocouple Class B

CHP Forward flow Temperature(Tvorlauf) T5 Pt100 Class A

(Sensor pair)
CHP Reverse flow Temperature(Trücklauf) T6
Boiler Temperature(peak load) T7 Thermocouple Class B

Buffer tank upper Temperature(Toben) T8 Pt100 1/3 DIN(B)

Buffer tank middle Temperature(Tmittel) T9 Pt100 1/3 DIN(B)

Buffer tank lower Temperature(Tunten) T10 Pt100 1/3 DIN(B)

Hot water Temperature(Tww) T11 Pt100 1/3 DIN(B)

Cold water Temperature(Tkw) T12 Pt100 1/3 DIN(B)

Forward flow Temperature to HK-1,HK-2 T13 Pt100 1/3 DIN(B)

and HK-3 (TvorHK1-3)
Reverse flow Temperature from HK-1 T14 Pt100 1/3 DIN(B)
and HK-2(TrückHK1+2)
Reverse flow Temperature from T15 Pt100 1/3 DIN(B)
Secondary heat Circuit inlet T16 Pt100 1/3 DIN(B)

Figure4.1 Plant layout of Blumenhaus Bade /6/

Secondary heat Circuit outlet T17 Pt100 1/3 DIN(B)

THT-IN (Heat input to chiller) T18 Pt100 Class A

(Sensor pair)
THT-OUT(Heat output from chiller) T19
TMT-OUT(Output temperature of MT T20 Pt100 Class A
circuit) (Sensor pair)
TMT-IN(Input temperature of MT circuit)
TNT-OUT(Output temperature of NT T22 Pt100 Class A
circuit) (Sensor pair)
TNT-IN(Input temperature of NT circuit)
TNT-SOLL(Control signal of cold control) T24 Direct measurement Direct voltage signal

TGAS T25 Thermocouple ?

VGAS(Total gas consumption) 1 Mechanical ?

VCHP(2.5 m3/h) 2 Ultrasonic ±2%

VWW(1.5 m3/h) 3 Mechanical max. ± 2%

VHK1+2(2 m3/h) 4 Mechanical max. ± 2%

VHK3(2 m3/h) 5 Mechanical max. ± 2%

VHT(1.6 m3/h) 6 Mechanical ±1%

VMT(3.7 m3/h) 7 MID ±2%

(4.2) Haiger-

Table 4.2 List of measured quantities at Haiger /6/

Garage Temperature (T_Garage) T1 Pt100 1/3 DIN(B)

Room 1 Temperature (T_Raum_1) T2 Pt100 1/3 DIN(B)

Room 2 Temperature (T_Raum_2) T3 Pt100 1/3 DIN(B)

Room 3 Temperature (T_Raum_3) T4 Pt100 1/3 DIN(B)

Room 4 Temperature (T_Raum_4) T5 Pt100 1/3 DIN(B)

CHP 1 Exhaust Temperature (T_Abgas_1) T6 Thermocouple Class B

CHP 2 Exhaust Temperature (T_Abgas_2) T7 Thermocouple Class B

CHP 3 Exhaust Temperature (T_Abgas_3) T8 Thermocouple Class B

CHP in Temperature (T_BHKW_IN) T9 Pt100 (Sensor Pair) Class A

CHP out Temperature (T_BHKW_OUT) T10 Pt100 (Sensor Pair) Class A

Heat buffer upper Temperature (T_SP_oben) T11 Pt100 1/3 DIN(B)

Heat buffer middle Temperature T12 Pt100 1/3 DIN(B)


Heat buffer lower Temperature T13 Pt100 1/3 DIN(B)


Cold buffer upper Temperature T14 Pt100 Class A


Cold buffer middle Temperature T15 Pt100 Class A


Figure4.2 Plant layout of Haiger/6/

Warm water heating from chiller waste T17 Pt100 (Sensor Pair) Class B
input Temperature (T_WW_VW_IN)

Warm water heating from chiller waste T18

output Temperature (T_WW_VW_OUT)

Heat input to chiller (T_HT_IN) T19 Pt100 (Sensor Pair) Class A

Heat output from chiller (T_HT_OUT) T20

Input temperature of MT circuit (T_MT_IN) T21 Pt100 (Sensor Pair) Class A

Output temperature of MT circuit

(T_MT_OUT) T22

Input temperature of NT circuit (T _NT_IN) T23 Pt100 (Sensor Pair) Class A

Output temperature of NT circuit T24


Input temperature of secondary NT circuit T25 Pt100 (Sensor Pair) Class B


Outputput temperature of Secondary NT T26

circuit (T_NT_OUT_sek)

Control signal of cold control (T _NT_Soll) T27 Direct measurement _

T_Gas T28 Thermocouple _

Boiler Temperature (T_Kessel) T29 Thermocouple _

VGAS 1 Pulse

VCHP(6 m3/h) 2 Ultrasonic ±2%

VHT(6 m3/h) 3 Ultrasonic ±2%

VMT(6 m3/h) 4 Ultrasonic ±2%

VNT(6 m3/h) 5 Ultrasonic ±2%

VSPK(6 m3/h) 6 Ultrasonic ±2%

Heat flow from buffer SP-2 to SP-1 Q1 Ultrasonic heat flow ±3%

Heat flow from SP-1 to HK-1 (QHK) Q2 Ultrasonic heat flow ±3%

Heat flow from HK-1 to buffer SP-1 Q3 Ultrasonic heat flow ±3%

Heat flow boiler to buffer (QKessel) Q4 Ultrasonic heat flow ±3%

[5] Statement of different accuracy limits for heat flux of CHCP plants –

In both the plants i.e. Blumenhaus Bade and Haiger the accuracy limits of heat fluxes are to
be measured. Though the plants have heat flux measuring devices, the intention of the report
is to calculate the heat flux accuracy limits from the volumetric flow rate and the temperature
accuracy limits. These values can be calculated with the help of error propagation law.

The values to be analyzed are shown below in the tables and can be obtained by the accuracy
limits of temperature sensor pairs and the volumetric flow measurement devices.

The tables given below present the accuracy limits for heat fluxes to be measured and the
description is given below.

(5.1) Blumehaus Bade:-

Here the accuracy limits of different heat fluxes values are to be measured in Blumenhaus
Bade CHCP plant. These are QNT, QMT, QHT, QBHKW, QWW, QHK1+2, QHK3.

The heat flux accuracy limit can be calculated from the error propagation law. Error
propagation law for multiplication and division says that

‘When two or more quantities are multiplied or divided, the relative error in the result
is the sum of the relative error of individual quantities’.

According to heat flux equation as shown below heat flux depends on four parameters and
that are temperature difference, flow rate, density and specific heat capacity.

Q = V*ρ*Cp* ΔT …. (5.1)

Density is a function of temperature and pressure. Neglecting the density error due to pressure
changes and considering density error due to temperature dependency calculation is shown

As well Specific heat capacity is also a function of temperature and then in calculation
dependency of specific heat capacity on temperature is shown. Thus the error in temperature
is considered as the error in density and specific heat capacity.

According to error propagation law the accuracy limit for the heat flux can be calculated with
the relative error values of individual quantities i.e.

ΔQ/Q= ΔΔT/ΔT+ ΔV/V + Δρ/ ρ + Δ Cp/ Cp …. (5.2)

Thus the relative heat flux errors calculated through this law is presented in the table below.
The temperature accuracy limits are given in K.

As the maximum absolute error of temperature sensor pair is ±0.05K between 0°C to 150°C
as given by the manufacturer(Thermo Sensor AG) and so that value is considered for heat flux
calculation and i.e. for QNT, QMT, QHT, QBHKW for Blumenhaus Bade plant and QNT, QMT, QHT,
QBHKW, QWWV for Haiger plant.

The relative accuracy limit of temperature and volumetric flow rate can be seen in the graphs
as well the absolute values can be converted into relative value by the equation shown below.

|ΔA|relative = |ΔA|mean/ Amean

Example of calculation of relative error of heat flux is shown below.


CpBHKW …. (5.3)

The temperature difference mean value of BHKW circuit is 12 K. Relative error of

temperature is

ΔΔTBHKW/ΔTBHKW = (0.05K/12K)*100 = ±0.4%

Density is a function of temperature and pressure. The pressure dependency is very less and
neglecting the density changes due to pressure only temperature is taken into account. From
the table given in, density relative error is calculated as shown

If temperature changes by 0.1°C, the density changes in small amount. From the data given in
the web-site shown above 10 density readings are taken into account and by deriving the
mean value relative error is calculated and the maximum value of relative error of density is
±0.01% at 80°C. This temperature is maximum possible temperature in the circuits of CHCP
plants. /8/

Specific heat capacity is a function of temperature also. The relative error in specific heat
capacity can be calculated by two methods as shown below.

(I) From the data given in Heat and mass transfer book by Domkundwar.
(II) From the differentiation of the equation shown below.

Cp = Cp0 + αT + αT2

Here α is a constant value.

Cp0 = Specific heat capacity at 0°C temperature

T = Temperature

By taking the simple way of finding relative error from method (I) and with same procedure
as shown for the density, the specific heat capacity relative error value is ±0.04%. The method
is to notice the specific heat capacity change with 0.1°C temperature change. /7/

The volumetric flow rate device used here is Ultrasonic device and relative error value for that
is ±2%.

Applying all these values to equation (5.3)

ΔQBHKW/ QBHKW = (±0.4%) + (±0.01%) + (±0.04%) + (±2%) =.±2.45%

The method shown here is used for the relative error calculation of all the heat fluxes in
different circuits. /6/

Table 5.1 Calculated heat fluxes at Blumenhaus Bade

Heat Temperat Tem Temper Density Specific Volumetric Flow Heat flux
flux ure Sensor pera ature relative heat flow rate rate relative
Pair ture relative accuracy capacity device relative accuracy
diffe accurac limit relative accurac limit
renc y limit accuracy y limit
e limit
QNT T23 - T22 5 ±1% ±0.01 ±0.04% V8 ±2% ±3.05%

QMT T21 - T20 10 ±0.2% ±0.01 ±0.04% V7 ±2% ±2.25%

QHT T18 – T19 7 ±0.7% ±0.01 ±0.04% V6 ±1% ±1.75%
QBHK T05 – T06 12 ±0.4% ±0.01 ±0.04% V2 ±2% ±2.45%
W (US)
QWW T11 – T12 20 ±0.2% ±0.01 ±0.04% V3 ±2% ±2.25%
QHK1 T13 – T14 10 ±0.5% ±0.01 ±0.04% V4 ±2% ±2.55%
+2 (Mechanical)

QHK3 T13 – T15 20 ±0.2% ±0.01 ±0.04% V5 ±2% ±2.25%


(5.2) Haiger:-

Here the accuracy limits of different heat fluxes values are to be measured in Haiger CHCP
plant. These are QNT, QMT, QHT, QBHKW, QWW, QHK, QWWV.

The heat flux accuracy limit can be calculated from the error propagation law. Error
propagation law for multiplication and division says that

‘When two or more quantities are multiplied or divided, the relative error in the result
is the sum of the relative error of individual quantities’.

According to heat flux equation as shown below heat flux depends on four parameters and
that are temperature, flow rate, density and specific heat capacity.

Q = V*ρ*cp* ΔT …. (5.1)

Density is a function of temperature and pressure. Neglecting the density error due to pressure
changes and considering density error due to temperature dependency calculation is shown

As well Specific heat capacity is also a function of temperature and then in calculation
dependency of specific heat capacity on temperature is shown. Thus the error in temperature
is considered as the error in density and specific heat capacity.

According to error propagation law the accuracy limit for the heat flux can be calculated with
the relative error values of individual quantities i.e.

ΔQ/Q= ΔΔT/ΔT+ ΔV/V + Δρ/ ρ + Δ cp/ cp …. (5.2)

Thus the relative heat flux errors calculated through this law is presented in the table below.
The temperature accuracy limits are given in K.

As the maximum absolute error of temperature sensor pair is ±0.05° C between 0°C to 150°c
as given by the manufacturer(Thermo Sensor AG) /5/ and so that value is considered for heat
flux calculation and i.e. for QNT, QMT, QHT, QBHKW for Blumenhaus Bade plant and QNT, QMT,
QHT, QBHKW, QWWV for Haiger plant.

The relative accuracy limit of temperature and volumetric flow rate can be seen in the graphs
as well the absolute values can be converted into relative value by the equation shown below.

|ΔA|relative = |ΔA|mean/ Amean

Table 5.2 Calculated heat fluxes at Haiger

Heat Tempera Temp Temperat Density Specifi Volumetric Flow Heat flux
flux ture eratu ure relative c heat flow rate rate relative
Sensor re relative accura capacit device relativ accuracy
Pair differ accuracy cy limit y e limit
ence limit relative accur
(K) accura acy
cy limit limit
QNT T23 - T24 5 ±1% ±0.01% ±0.04% V5 ±2% ±3.05%
QMT T21 - T22 5 ±1% ±0.01% ±0.04% V4 ±2% ±3.05%
QHT T19 – T20 7 ±0.7% ±0.01% ±0.04% V3 ±2% ±2.75%
QBHKW T09 – T10 12 ±0.4% ±0.01% ±0.04% V2 ±2% ±2.45%
QWW T20 – T21 20 ±0.2% ±0.01% ±0.04% V6 ±2% ±2.25%
QHK T22 – T23 10 ±0.5% ±0.01% ±0.04% V3 ±2% ±2.55%
QWWV T17 – T18 20 ±0.2% ±0.01% ±0.04% V1 ±2% ±2.25%

[6] Energy/Heat balance of Blumenhaus Bade CHCP plant and error
calculation from the data

Theoretically and i.e. with the help of the error propagation laws the values of relative errors
for different heat fluxes are shown and discussed. Now from the actual data of Blumenhaus
Bade plant the relative error calculation is shown below.

(6.1) Procedure and Formula for heat/energy balance :-

The data measured have temperature and volumetric flow rate values for different circuits and
so one can calculate heat flux (Q) with the formula

= *cp* ΔT …… (6.1)

Here with the values of the volumetric flow rate the mass flow rate can be calculated easily if
the density of heat transfer fluid is known from the formula

= *ρ …… (6.2)

And so

= *ρ*cp* ΔT ……. (6.3)

= Heat flux (W)

= Volumetric flow rate (m3/h)

ρ = Density (kg/ m3)

cp = Specific heat capacity (kJ/kg*K)

ΔT = Temperature difference (K)

= Mass flow rate (kg/hr)

In these plants two circuits i.e. HT circuit and MT circuit have water and glycol mixtures as
heat transfer fluid. The percentage of water in the mixture is 80% while 20% is glycol. The
remaining circuits use water as heat transfer fluid. Specific heat capacity and density of the
mixture can be calculated from the formula given below.

cp mix = (x1* cp 1) + (x2* cp 2)

ρ mix = (x1* ρ1) + (x2* ρ2)

x1 and x2 are the percentages of the component in the mixture. From these formulas cp and ρ of
the mixture can be calculated if these two values for an individual component are known.
From this formula density and specific heat capacity value for the mixture of water (80%) and
glycol (20%) are shown below.

cp mix = 3.35 kJ/kg*K

ρ mix = 1022.64 kg/ m3

The circuits HK1+2 and HK3 are not in use during summer because of no need of heating.
Thus the heat flux values in these circuits are zero. /6/

(6.2) Heat flow through different circuits :-

Here heat flux values for all circuits have been calculated with the help of equation (6.3). For
particular time heat flux value relative accuracy is calculated as shown below.

By determining the temperature difference and volumetric flow rate value at the particular
point relative error can be found as shown in section /5/. Eight points have been taken into
consideration to find out the maximum and minimum relative error values from the one day
data of Blumenhaus Bade plant. From these eight points two points are at maximum and
minimum heat flux values. It has been seen that at the minimum heat flux values accuracy of
measurement is not good.

Here time interval during which the device is on stand still is neglected and the values at
steady state are considered. The example of relative error calculation from measured data is
shown below.


CpBHKW …. (6.4)

The temperature difference at peak point of heat flux curve is 11.52 K from the data of
measurement. Relative error of temperature is

ΔΔTBHKW/ΔTBHKW = (0.05K/11.52K)*100 = ±0.43%

As well density and specific heat capacity are the functions of temperature and so these both
quantities have the relative error as described above.

The volumetric flow rate device used here is Ultrasonic device and measured value of
volumetric flow rate is 0.632m3/h. From the graph of the US device the relative error value is
±2.5 %.

Applying all these values to equation (5.3)

ΔQBHKW/ QBHKW = (±0.43%) + (±0.01%) + (±0.04%) + (±2.5%) =.±2.98%

The method shown here is used for the relative error calculation of all the heat fluxes in
different circuits. /6/

Table 6.1 Comparison of heat flux relative error values of different circuits

Heat flux ( ) Average heat Maximum heat Minimum heat Relative error
(kW) flux value ) flux relative flux relative as per
(kW) error% error% theoretical law
in %
QBHKW 9.6978 ±2.98 ±2.35 ±2.45

QMT 10.26 ±15.76 ±3.1 ±2.25

QHT 7.38 ±8.22 ±1.95 ±1.75

QNT 3.89 ±9.08 ±4.07 ±3.05

QWW 5.4929 ±6.85 ±3.05 ±2.25

The heat flux values for the WW circuit varies too much because it is only used when hot
water is required for domestic application e.g. for taking bath. /7/

As well volumetric flow rate measuring device of NT circuit is not working at the moment
and so heat flux in NT circuit is calculated by doing heat balance of adsorption chiller and
obtained by the formula

QNT = QMT - QHT …….. (6.4)

[7] Conclusion
Here conclusion can be made that results obtained of relative error by doing energy balance
are quite reliable and one can make prediction of an error value from this work. Even though
there is a variation in the relative error value obtained by energy balance of the plant and
reasons for that are shown below.

The reasons of variation in relative error value are listed below.

 Here density is a function of temperature and pressure while specific heat capacity is a
function of temperature. But effect due to pressure change is neglected here.
 As well in calculation of heat flux value for NT circuit, heat loss is ignored while heat
balancing around the adsorption chiller.
 As well due to periodic operation of an adsorption chiller the mean value and error
from data is high.
 Uncertainty of WW circuit as discussed earlier.
 As well imperfection in experimental technique/procedure and personal errors.

As well table shown below is the recommendation for temperature sensor pair and volumetric
flow rate device for different heating circuits.

Table 7.1 Recommended measuring instruments for different heat fluxes

Heat flux ( ) Average heat flux Temperature sensor Flow measuring

(kW) value ) pair class device
QBHKW 9.6978 Class 1/3B Ultrasonic

QMT 10.26 Class 1/3B Mechanical

QHT 7.38 Class 1/3B Ultrasonic

QNT 3.89 Class 1/3B MID

QWW 5.4929 Class A Mechanical

The recommendations are mainly based on the measured values and by keeping in mind that,
the values to be measured are high then high accuracy class devices are to be used and the
values to be measured are low then low accuracy class devices should be used.

Thus the error calculation of the whole CHCP plant can be done easily with the help of the
work shown here.


/1/ Benenson, W. Harris, J.W.Stöcker, H. Lutz

Hand book of Physics, (e-book), 2001

/2/ DIN EN 60751, Industrielle Platin-Widerstandsthermometer

Genauigkeitsklassen der Temperatur, 1996

/3/ DIN EN ISO 5167,

Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-
section conduits running full -- Part 1: General principles and requirements, 2003
/4/ Aquametro data sheets for volumetric flow rate

Aquametro AG, Ringstrasse 75, CH-4106 Therwil, Switzerland

/5/ THERMO SENSOR data sheets for temperature sensor pairs

Thermo Sensor GmbH, Slemens strasse. 36. 59199, Bönen, Germany

/6/ Solar Institute Jülich data sheet for plants of CHCP plants

Heinrich-Mußmann-Str. 5, 52428 Jülich, Germany

/7/Arora, Domkundwar

A course in Heat and mass transfer, sixth edition

Dhanpat Rai and company, 4779/23, Ansari Road Darya Ganj, New Delhi –

110002, 2004



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