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Complete the sentences

1. The coats are _a_

a. In the corner b. In the middle c. On the right side
2. The Pants are_b_
a. In the corner b. In the middle c. On the right side
3. The skirt are _b_
a. In the corner b. In the middle c. On the right side
4. The dresses are_a__
a. In the corner b. In the middle c. On the right side

B. Answer the question

1. How many shirts are there? _Ten_

2. What color are the sweaters? _blue___
3. How many blouses are there? __two__
4. What color are the coats? __black__
5. How many sweaters are there? _one____

Adels Inventary List
Quantity Item Size
3 Shirt Small
2 Shirt Medium
1 Shirt Large
2 Shirt Extra large

Write the sentences about the inventory.

1. How many small Shirts are there?

There are three small shirts__________

2. How many medium shirts are there?

There are two medium shirts_________

3. How many large shirts are there?

There are two large shirts___________

F. Write sentences about what is in your closet.

There are blouses in my clothes___________________________

There are coats in my clothes ___________________________

D. Complete the sentences.

1. How much are the sweaters? They are_ $45.00

1. How much _is_ the blouse? __It is___$22.00

1. How much _are_ the shoes? They are_ $30.00

1. How much _is_ the dress? __It is___$55.00

1. How much _is__ the shirt? __It is___$$15.00

1. How much _are_ the shorts? They are_ $13.00

F. Puts the words in the chart.

Shoes Shirt Blouse Dress

Shorts Sweaters Shirts Sweater

How Much Is…? How Much Are…?

Shirt Shoes
Blouse Shorts
Dress Shirts
Sweater Sweaters

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