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ADVANCED SURVEYING @ FIELD MANUAL FIELD WORK NO. 2 | LAYING OF A SIMPLE CURVE BY USING THE TAPE ALONE (INCREMENTAL CHORD AND TANGENT OFFSET METHOD) COURSE AND SECTION. SURAITRED OY SN __ NAME: __ STUDENT NO. GROUP NO. CHIEF 0 PARTY. DATE OF FIELDWORK: DATE OF SUBMISSION: SURMITHED To: INSTRUCTOR: __ FIELD WORK NO. 2 LAYING OF A SIMPLE CURVE BY USING THE TAPE ALONE (INCREMENTAL CHORD AND TANGENT OFFSET NETHOD) OBJECTIVE: 1. Tobe able to lay a simple cuve by using the tape alone, Instruments: 1. 2 range poles 2 chalk (for pavements) 3. 2 marking pins (for sof ground) 4. 50 meter tape PROCEDURE: 41. The professor gives the following data: R ‘Station PC (preferably not on ful station} ‘Adopt Full chord length of —-m 2. The professors assigns the locaton of PC in the fel, together wit the direction ofthe backward tangent. (Note: Be very careful in assigning te locaton of staton PC and direction of {he backward tangent so thatthe curve wil not be obstructed by any age permanent structure) 3. The students: 3.4. compute the central incremental angle ofthe simple cuve assigied, Le and Sta PT. 3.2, compute the incremental tangent offset distances x and y of each intermediate stations before going tothe fd 3.3. compute the st ost distances x and y using the formula: The tangent offset distance x; must be solved using Tetagtt oat deerceyvmistbesaheduieg y,=6,s¢ 4) $4 Compute the second tet tances x and yung the form The tangent fet tance x; must be sohed using ryncteof 30) ‘The angent ost itance y mus be solved using n sernr( 49) 3.5: Compute the succeeding ofset distances x and y using the formula {ome ‘The tangent offset distance y; mustbe sohed using: _y, ver(252) OR y, =¢*sin(o) The tangent offset distance x; must be solved using: x, = 3.8. Compute the last offset distances x andy using the formula: ADVANCED SURVEYING (20 Telonen ote cance musibesohoduany, 1, =crcof 22) ‘The angen ofset distance ust be soWedusng: yy ore 422) 17. Lay the curve in the field starting inthe pasion of the PC. The process explained below assumed that te total length ofthe tape wil not be exhausted ‘4 Station Ais now aid onthe ground using the procedure below, 4.1. The front tapeman should hold the O rack f the tape at station PC, ‘42. The tangent offset tapeman (man at sation A’) should hold and locate the length x, ‘atk; oop the tape and hla also the net fll meter length ‘43. The point tape man should locate and hold they, length ofthe tape fom the tangent offset tapeman and als lop te tape and ld the next fll meter length of te tape. ‘The font tape man while holding the zero mark ofthe tape must also hold the ct tape length distance rom point tape mar. 44 The font tapeman and tangent offset apeman should align themselves in he direction of he back tangent ofthe simple curve ‘45, The thre tapemen should stetch tetape and the pont A tape man shoul mak is ‘exact postion onthe ground with a marking pin or a chalk if on pavement. ‘5. ‘Staton Bis now laid onthe ground using the procedure below. {5:4 The front tapeman holds the O mark of the tape at station A. {5.2 The tangent oie tapeman (man at station 6) held and locates the length xe mark, oop the tape and hold aso the next fll meterlength, 5.3, The point B tape man locates and hos he y length ofthe tape from the tangent offset pera; he als oops the tape and hots the next ful meter length of the tape. The font ‘ape man while holding the 20 mark of he tape also holds the c tape length distance fom Poin & tape man 5.4, The front tapeman and tangent offset tapeman align themselves in the dection along the roongation of ine PC 0. 8 Station Cand other fll stations are now ait on the ground using the same procedures @ to 4 Station PT is laid in the same manner as above but his time wit a chord length of only 8. Determine the percentage of errox by using the fomula: OUPUTED- LONG. CHORD LENSTA- MEASURED LONG. CHORD AENSTH) ay ‘COMPUTED LONG. cHORO- LENGTH I INCREMENTAL CHORD AND | TANGENT OFFSET METHOD | PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET LAYING OF A SIMPLE CURVE BY USING THE TAPE ALONE INCREMENTAL CHORD AND TANGENT OFFSET METHOD) FIELO WORK 2 DATE GROUP No, TIME: LOCATION: WEATHER: PROFESSOR: DATA SUPPLIED: — m Station ofthe Pe: (Preferably not on a fl station mark) ‘Adopt Full chord length of ——_m (Preferably n belween 2m-Sm) [OFFSET DISTANCES ‘COMPUTED LENGTH OF THE CHORD ACTUAL. LENGTH OF THE CHORD: COMPUTATIONS: (on sePanare SHEE) ‘SKETCH OF THE SITE: (oN SEPARATE SHEET) Sethe octo be ste, DISCUSSION: (on SEPARATE SHEET) Ouch tenement tion ie dor CONCLUSION: (on SEPARATE SHEET) aon rerson fe acewatneci PEER EVALUATION SHEET: (on sePanare rom) ta guar _svaTuRe OF PROFESSOR FINAL DATA SHEET FIELDWORK 2 LAYING OF A SIMPLE CURVE BY USING THE TAPE ALONE (INCREMENTAL CHORD AND TANGENT OFFSET METHOD) DATE: ‘GROUP No, TIME: LOCATION: WEATHER: PROFESSOR: DATA SUPPLIED: = Re m Station ofthe Pc: (Preferably not on a full station mark) ‘Adopt Full chord length of ___m (Preferably in between 2m-Sm) OPED Ons horn | CENTRAL [OFFSET DISTANCES ‘OCCUPIED | OBSERVED} Nae 5 ie °C 2 A ats 8 c € . D E E F F € ¢ 1 A 1 1 J J ic = Pr (COMPUTED LENGTH OF THE CHORD : ACTUAL LENGTH OF THE CHORD: SoxATURE OF sruoeNT sovaucen suRvEYnG “ SURLYNOISaMN SOLYT VAS earaeEs eae aoeunooy seananiveaeooo | wens TS aL SnavaH vain ‘suzenan anowo ‘3eun0o ANSWISS3Ssv 433d HOM GTS

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