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European Journal of Internal Medicine xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

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Review Article

Clinical management of iron deficiency anemia in adults: Systemic review on advances

in diagnosis and treatment
Lucia De Franceschi a, Achille Iolascon b,c, Ali Taher d, Maria Domenica Cappellini e,⁎
Department of Medicine, Section of Internal Medicine, University of Verona, Policlinico GB Rossi, AOUI, Verona, Italy
Dipartimento di Medicina Molecolare e Biotecnologie Mediche, Universita’ Federico II, Napoli, Italy
CEINGE, Advances Biotechnology, Napoli, Italy
Department of Internal Medicine, American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut, Lebanon
Department of Internal Medicine, Universita’ di Milano, Ca Granda Foundation, IRCCS, Milano, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Global burden disease studies point out that one of the top cause-specific anemias is iron deficiency (ID). Recent
Received 2 March 2017 advances in knowledge of iron homeostasis have shown that fragile patients are a new target population in which
Received in revised form 23 April 2017 the correction of ID might impact their morbidity, mortality and quality of life. We did a systematic review using
Accepted 28 April 2017
specific search strategy, carried out the review of PubMed database, Cochrane Database of systemic reviews and
Available online xxxx
international guidelines on diagnosis and clinical management of ID from 2010 to 2016. The International guide-
lines were limited to those with peer–review process and published in journal present in citation index database.
Microcytic anemia The eligible studies show that serum ferritin and transferrin saturation are the key tests in early decision-making
Iron deficiency process to identify iron deficiency anemia (IDA). The clinician has to carefully consider fragile and high-risk sub-
Elderly set of patients such as elders or individuals with chronic diseases (i.e chronic kidney disease, inflammatory bowel
IBD disease, chronic heart failure). Treatment is based on iron supplementation. Infusion route should be preferen-
CKD tially considered in frail patients especially in the view of new iron available formulations. The available evi-
CHF dences indicate that (i) recurrent IDA should always be investigated, considering uncommon causes; (ii) IDA
might worse the performance and the clinical outcome of fragile and high-risk patients and require an intensive
© 2017 European Federation of Internal Medicine. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Background therapeutic intervention are crucial to impact YLD and patients QoL.
Here, we review the advances in pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment
Studies of global burden diseases (GBD 2010) have pointed out that and areas of uncertainty in IDA in adults from January 2010 to December
anemia is a growing problem of public health also in well-developed 2016.
Countries [1,2]. In both sexes, the main causes of anemia identified by
GBD are iron deficient anemias (IDA), thalassemias, sickle cell disease 2. Methods
and infection related anemias, such as malaria, schistosomiasis or
hoockwarm [1,2]. IDA and β-thalassemias are the top two cause-specific The present panel of Authors, using specific search strategy, carried
anemia burden and both of them are characterized by microcytosis. By out the review of PubMed database, Cochrane Database of systemic re-
excluding inherited red cells disorders, iron deficiency (ID) seems to views and international guidelines on diagnosis and clinical manage-
be the main cause of increased years life lived with disability (YLD) ob- ment of ID from 2010 to 2016. The International guidelines were
served in all ages and in both sex by GBD 2010 studies. This results in limited to those with peer–review process and published in journal
low patient quality of life (QoL) and increase risk of developing severe present in citation index database. The main following search terms
organ complications with growing cost for National health systems were used: microcytic anemia, iron deficiency, iron deficiency anemia,
[3]. Furthermore, IDA affects a large part of adult and elderly patients occult bleeding, nutritional deficiency diagnosis, treatment(s). We
admitted to Internal Medicine Units. The precocious and correct identi- established the following exclusion criteria for studies to be analyzed:
fication of the cause(s) underlying IDA as well as the specific subjects b18 years-old, pregnant women, maternal hemorrhage and
breast-feeding. We screened 7264 titles, a total of 195 articles were
⁎ Corresponding author at: Department of Internal Medicine, University of Milan, IRCCS,
manually reviewed and 58 were selected as relevant (Fig. 1S). We ex-
Via F Sforza 35, 20122 Milan, Italy. cluded opinion articles, case series, commentaries; whereas we focused
E-mail address: maria.cappellini@unimi.it (M.D. Cappellini). randomized clinical trials, meta-analysis, systematic reviews, clinical

0953-6205/© 2017 European Federation of Internal Medicine. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: De Franceschi L, et al, Clinical management of iron deficiency anemia in adults: Systemic review on advances in
diagnosis and treatment, Eur J Intern Med (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejim.2017.04.018
2 L. De Franceschi et al. / European Journal of Internal Medicine xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

guideline and scientific society recommendations. Areas of uncertainty 3.2. Major advances in diagnosis of IDA
were discussed within the panel.
A clinician approaching a subject with mild to severe microcytic ane-
mia should always begin by patient’ s history (timing of the appearance
3. Results of symptoms of anemic syndrome) and by asking whether previous iron
supplementation (which type, how long and how many times over the
3.1. Major advances in pathogenesis of ID last 2–3 years) has been already prescribed. In their making-decision
process, clinicians have to carefully consider fragile and high-risk subset
IDA is a microcytic anemia, which defines a decrease mean red cell of patients such as elders or individuals with chronic diseases affected
volume (MCV) as a consequence of reduced hemoglobin (Hb) produc- by CKD, IBD or HD (Fig. 1).
tion. This seems to be related to the absence of negative control of Hb Microcytic anemia is defined by MCV b 80 fL, hypochromic red cells
concentration on mitotic processes of late stage erythroblasts [4–6]. ID N 6% or MCH b 25 g/dL and reticulocyte hemoglobin content-CHr b 29 pg
with or without anemia accounts for approximately 80% of (Table 1; Fig. 1) [3,14,15]. International guidelines agree on key blood
microcytosis; whereas, rare inherited defects of iron metabolism, of glo- tests to be carried out for the diagnosis of IDA [3,16]. Up to now serum
bin chains and heme synthesis account globally for almost 20% of micro- ferritin and transferrin saturation are the key tests in early decision-
cytic anemias [6,7]. making process to identify IDA. Marker of inflammation such as CRP
Recent studies suggest that an optimal iron homeostasis is the main has to be evaluated in order to exclude a possible co-existing chronic in-
driver of normal erythropoiesis. Iron metabolism is highly and finely flammation disease. Based on these parameters, we identified (i) an ab-
regulated by multiple crossing pathways, which contribute to the iron solute iron deficiency, when the total body iron stores are depleted; and
recycling after red cell destruction by the reticuloendothelial system (ii) a functional iron deficiency, when the body iron mobilization is al-
as well as the absorption of 1 mg of iron from nutrition sources. This en- tered and does not meet the iron demand for the erythropoiesis [17].
sures the availability of 25 mg of iron, required for normal red cell daily Soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) and sTfR-ferritin index (sTfr-F)
production [8–10]. have been proposed as complementary parameters to identify IDA in
Molecular and functional studies have identified different proteins presence of possible confounding factors such inflammation that affects
involved in iron metabolism such as the iron membrane transporters serum ferritin levels (Table 1) [5,17–20]. In addition, the determination
(DMT1 and ferroportin) located on enterocytes, the iron reductase en- of Hamp serum levels may be another interesting new tool in diagnosis
zyme required for Fe bivalent-trivalent modification, the plasma iron of iron refractory iron deficiency anemia (IRIDA) or in presence of con-
transporters and cell storage (transferrin and ferritin) and iron control- founding factors such as inflammation (Table 1). However, their use is
ler (IRP1 and IRP2 HFE, hepcidin) [10,11]. Among the novel identified still limited due to the lack of studies on large population and of interna-
systems, hepcidin (Hamp) represents a crucial actor in iron metabolism tional standardization threshold transferable to clinical routine process-
and it is the major controller of iron levels in the body. It is produced by es [5,17–22].
liver cells and acts on ferroportin, causing its internalization and de-
struction. Iron overload and inflammatory states stimulate Hamp gene 3.3. Work-up for diagnosis of IDA in patients in internal medicine setting
expression; whereas, anemia, iron deficiency and stressed erythropoie-
sis repress Hamp [6]. Starting from microcytosis, we developed an algorithm for diagnosis
Plasma iron levels regulate Hamp production by transferrin, which, of ID/IDA based on serum ferritin levels (SF) and percentage transferrin
on binding iron, serves as a ligand for two hepatocellular receptors: saturation (TST) combined with rigorous analysis of patient history. As
transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1) and 2 (TfR2). These crosstalk with a shown in Fig. 1, the initial evaluation step of a patient with hypochromic
matriptase named transmembrane protease serine 6 (TMPRSS6), microcytic anemia is to exclude the possible presence of β-thalassemic-
which participates to pathways involved in Hamp expression. Muta- trait, especially for the subjects in/from endemic areas. Using SF and TST
tions in TMPRSS6 gene cause severe microcytic anemias [6,11–13]. values, we identified three subsets of subjects with microcytic anemias:

Fig. 1. Proposed algorithm for diagnose and treatment of iron deficiency anemia. MCV: mean cell volume; MCH: mean cell hemoglobin, CHr: reticulocyte hemoglobin content; RBCs: red
blood cells; SF: serum ferritin: TST: transferrin saturation; ID: iron deficiency; IDA: iron deficiency anemia; Suppl.: supplementation: Fe: iron; Hb: hemoglobin; sTfr: soluble transferrin
receptor; CRP: C reactive protein; Hamp: hepcidin; pts.: patients; CKD: chronic kidney disease; IBD: inflammatory bowel disease; CHF: chronic heart failure; GIob: gastrointestinal
occult bleeding; IRIDA: iron refractory iron deficiency anemia; inflamm.: inflammatory.

Please cite this article as: De Franceschi L, et al, Clinical management of iron deficiency anemia in adults: Systemic review on advances in
diagnosis and treatment, Eur J Intern Med (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejim.2017.04.018
L. De Franceschi et al. / European Journal of Internal Medicine xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 3

Table 1
Microcytic anemia: main causes and screening tests.

Nutritional deficiency Absorption deficiency IRIDA ACD β-Thalassemic trait

RBCs (cells/uL)
Hb (g/dL)
MCV (fL)
Reticulocytes (cells/uL)
CHr (g/dL)
CRP (mg/dL)
%Transferrin saturation
Ferritin (ng/mL) variable

RBCs: red blood cells; Hb: hemoglobin; MCV: mean cell volume; CHr: reticulocyte hemoglobin content; CRP: C reactive protein; IRIDA: iron refractory iron deficiency anemia; ACD: anemia
of chronic disease.

patients with (1) SF N 100 μg/L and TST 20–50%; (2) SF N 100 μg/L and 37–42]. Different studies have shown that the prevalence of ID increases
TST b 20%; (3) SF b 30 μg/L and TST b 20% (Fig. 1). To identify the pres- with heart failure severity, most likely related to the cumulative effects
ence of IDA within the first two groups characterized by SF N 100 μg/L, of different mechanisms: (i) worsening chronic inflammatory state; (ii)
we suggest to measure CRP levels, to define whether there is an under- anorexia; (iii) GI mucosal oedema and decreased gastric and intestinal
lying active chronic inflammatory disease. TST helps in dissecting func- motility; (iv) decreased mesenteric blood flow and (v) frequent blood
tional ID from IDA especially in this subset of patients (Fig. 1). IDA is tests [42–44]. The recent observation of increased rate of hospital re-ad-
recognized in patients with either SF ≥ 100 μg/L and TST b 20% (IDA in mission for CHF patients compared to individuals with CHF without ID,
chronic inflammatory disease) or SF b 30 μg/L and TST b 20%. The fol- strongly support the impact of ID/and or IDA on CHF [28,29,45–47].
lowing step is to define the timing and the possible recurrence of IDA Thus, in CHF patients, the identification and correction of ID/IDA should
(Fig. 1). In a new diagnosis of IDA, patient fragility is important to be be considered as part of comprehensive clinical management of CHF.
identified in order to offer the more effective therapeutic approach
(Fig. 1). Based on the revision of the literature, fragile patients are de- 3.3.3. Elderly patients
fined as subjects with: chronic kidney disease and/or chronic heart fail- In elderly, normocytic or microcytic anemia deeply influences pa-
ure and/or elderly [3,5,23–29]. In these, we propose hemoglobin (Hb) tient mortality and quality of life by (i) decreasing physical performance
levels to be used in treatment choice (Fig. 1). and cognitive function; and (ii) increasing number of falls and hospital-
In recurrent IDA, a careful collection of patient history will help in ization (Fig. 1) [22,24,48]. IDA and anemia of chronic diseases (or func-
defining whether it is a recurrent explained IDA or an unexplained tional ID) are the main causes of anemia in older adult. Although
IDA (Fig. 1). Concerning the recurrent explained IDA, the following different factors contribute to ID in elderly patients, malnutrition,
causes should be always investigated: (i) original cause of IDA; (ii) pa- delay gastric emptying and occult blood loss are the main causes of ID
tient adherence to the iron supplementation; (iii) length of iron supple- in aged subjects [22,49]. In addition, the decline of biological and cogni-
mentation; (iv) adverse events related to iron supplementation (i.e. GI tive functions associated with reduced appetite and diminish senses of
symptoms) (Fig. 1). taste further contribute to inadequate dietary intake and absorption
In presence of unexplained recurrent IDA, physician should consider [22,49]. In this context, the definition of anemia based on Hb levels in el-
(i) gastrointestinal disorders such as autoimmune gastritis, chronic in- derly requires a cut-off different from that defined by WHO for adults
fection by Helicobacter pylori or Giardia lambia; or (ii) hereditary disor- [48,50]. Up to now, Hb levels lower than 12 g/dL are commonly consid-
ders of iron metabolism such as iron resistant iron deficient anemia ered indicative of anemia in older adults in both sexes [48,50]. The inter-
(IRIDA) (Fig. 1). pretation of markers of iron status in elderly is complicated by the
The detail approaches to special subset of patients is discussed in the presence of concomitant chronic disorders, which might affect serum
following paragraphs. ferritin levels and the profile of anemia. Thus, an appropriate cut-off
value for serum ferritin might be proposed in screening anemia in elder-
3.3.1. Chronic renal disease (CKD) ly (Fig. 1 and Table 2). This is in combination with percentage of TS and
Microcytic anemia might increase the biocomplexity of anemia in CRP allows the identification of IDA and functional ID [48,50].
patients with end-stage chronic renal disease (CKD) (Fig. 1, Table 2)
[30,31]. In fact, the inadequate production of erythropoietin might be 3.3.4. Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders
further aggravated by ID, which contributes to hypo-responsiveness to In adulthood, different gastrointestinal disorders might be associat-
erythropoiesis of stimulating agents (EASs). The occurrence of ID in ed with microcytic anemia due to ID. In men and post-menopausal
CKD with the appearance of microcytic anemia is mainly related to dif- women, occult gastrointestinal bleeding accounts for the large part of
ferent synergizing factors: (i) reduced intestinal iron absorption and (ii) IDA (Table 2). In older subjects (1–10% of patients as reported by God-
chronic inflammatory state [32–35]. The diagnosis of IDA in CKD is dard et al.) [51], dual pathologies involving upper and lower GI system
based on serum ferritin levels and transferrin saturation percentage should always be considered during the diagnostic process for IDA.
(Table 2). In addition, the percentage of hypochromic red cells (N6%) Malabsorbtion related diseases account for a subset of patients, who
and reticulocyte hemoglobin content-CHr (b 29 pg) might be useful might develop IDA (Table 2). Among them, gastrectomized individuals
tools in treatment and follow-up of CKD patients with IDA [34,36]. require special attention when microcytic anemia is detected, due to
the increase risk of gastric cancer development [51].
3.3.2. Chronic heart failure (CHF) Recent studies have linked chronic infection by Helicobacter pylori
Growing evidences indicate that ID is an important novel comorbid- (HP) to the development of recurrent IDA (Fig. 1, Table 2) [6,15,52].
ity of chronic heart failure (CHF) with or without microcytic anemia The eradication treatment for HP beneficially impacts iron homeostasis,
(Fig. 1, Table 2). Since subjects with CHF might be considered as fragile as supported by the amelioration of ferritin levels. In addition, the pro-
patients, they require special attention. In CHF, two main factors sustain ton pump inhibitors seem not to contribute to the iron deficiency [51].
ID: patients aging and chronic inflammation state due to failing heart Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are also characterized by IDA,
function, which affects Hamp system and increases ferritin levels [28, which impacts patient QoL (Table 2). Although clinicians are awarded

Please cite this article as: De Franceschi L, et al, Clinical management of iron deficiency anemia in adults: Systemic review on advances in
diagnosis and treatment, Eur J Intern Med (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejim.2017.04.018
4 L. De Franceschi et al. / European Journal of Internal Medicine xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

Table 2
Diagnosis and therapeutic options in special subset of patients affected by microcytic anemia related to ID.

Disease Causes of ID Diagnosis Clinical Follow-up Notes Ref.


• NSAID use - Verify tolerability and patient

• Colon carci- adherence to oral Fe suppl.
Occult blood noma
• Remove the
loss • Benign gas- Hb levels after 4 weeks - Consider iv Fe suppl. if failure
tric ulcer Microcytic and then every 3 after 6 months suppl.
• Oral Fe suppl.
• Gastric anemia months the iron related
cancer SF b30 indices for the first year
ng/mL then once/y
Malabsorpition TST b 20%

• Coelic dis-
• i.v. Fe suppl is
• Gastrectomy
• Infection
(HP, Giardia
• Quiescent D. Microcytic i.v. Fe suppl. is
anemia preferred
SF b30 μg/L Hb levels after 4 weeks Microcytic anemia
TST b 20% and then every 3 is still undertreated in IBD
months the iron related patients
IBD Treat the active indices for the first year
(Disease Microcytic IBD then once/y
• Active D.
activity) anemia
SF b100 Absolute
ng/mL indication for i.v.
TST b 20% Fe suppl are:

• Hb b 10 g/dL
• Intolerance to
oral Fe suppl.
• Inadequate re-
sponse to oral
Fe suppl.
• Severe intes-
tine D.
• Reduced Fe erythropoiesis Not yet on HD: Oral Fe suppl.: 30% of pts. • Hb levels after 4 weeks with 1–
CKD absorption Microcytic anemia shows GI side effects: consider 2 g/month increase
related to SF b 100 ng/mL TST b i.v. Fe suppl. • Evaluation of pts QoL improve-
chronic in- 20% ment
flammatory i.v. Fe suppl.: well tolerated. • %hypochromic RBCs
state On HD:
• Relative EPO Microcytic anemia
deficiency SF b 200 ng/mL
• Uremic in-
duced inhi-
bition of
N20% [3,30,31,32,33,34,35,36]
• Reduced Fe i.v. Fe suppl has Hb levels after 4 weeks ESAs should be considered [3,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,64]
absorption SFa b100 to be considered and then every 3 only in presence of chronic
related to ng/mL due to: months the iron related renal failure
Chronic chronic in- indices for the first year
heart flammatory SF:100–300 then once/y
• low pts. ad-
failure state ng/mL and
herence to
(CHF) • Nutritional TST b 20% In anemic pts consider
oral therapy
factors Hb target N7 g/dL
• suboptimal
• Suboptimal
blood flow blood flow (

Please cite this article as: De Franceschi L, et al, Clinical management of iron deficiency anemia in adults: Systemic review on advances in
diagnosis and treatment, Eur J Intern Med (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejim.2017.04.018
L. De Franceschi et al. / European Journal of Internal Medicine xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 5

Table 2 (continued)

Disease Causes of ID Diagnosis Clinical Follow-up Notes Ref.


• Malnutrition Microcytic • Identify and Hb levels after 4 weeks - Functional ID as

• Delay gastric anemia remove the and then every 3 normocytic anemia:
emptying SF b 30 cause; months the iron related
• occult blood ng/mL • Oral Fe suppl. indices for the first year
• SF: N100 ng/mL
loss TST b 20% fractioned in then once/y
• TST: N20%
small doses.
Hb target N8 g/dL • CRP [3,22,47,48,49,50]

Elderly i.v. Fe suppl. has - Unexplained normochromic

to be considered normocytic hypoproliferative
• Presence of anemia, possibly related to
Anemia if:
chronic in- stem cell disorder(s) and
SF b
flammatory characterized by:
diseases • GI intolerance
to oral Fe for-
b 20%
mulation • CRP
• GI disorders
• Presence of

RBC transfusion
should be
considered if Hb

• b6 g/dL
(acute set-
• 7–8 g/dL
IRIDA Autosomal Mutations in Microcytic Oral Fe suppl.: Hb levels after 4 weeks Hamp
recessive TMPRSS6 gene anemia high possibility and then every 3 [5,6,9,12,13,15]
condition SF ≥ 30 of failure months the iron related
ng/mL indices for the first year
TST b 20% Consider i.v. Fe then once/y

NSAID: non steroid anti-inflammatory drug; IBD: inflammatory bowel disease; CHF: chronic heart failure; IRIDA: iron refractory iron deficiency anemia; SF: serum ferritin; TST: transferrin
saturation; ESAs: erythropoietic stimulating agents; pts.: patients; QoL: quality of life; RBCs: red blood cells; Hamp: hepcidin; suppl: supplementation.
The cut-off for SF without transferrin saturation has been selected by Task force for diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure of the European society of cardiology and
by the American college of physician.

of IDA in IBD, microcytic anemia is still under treated in these patients treatment discontinuation, low tolerance mainly due to GI symptoms)
[23,51,53–56]. IDA in presence of active IBD requires the combined or to true refractoriness (Fig. 1 and Table 3) [5,6,14,23,25,57–62].
therapeutic approach of primary disease treatment and ID correction. Since Hamp plays a key role in iron absorption and homeostasis, differ-
ent studies have evaluated Hamp response to acute oral iron supple-
3.3.5. Iron restricted iron deficiency anemia (IRIDA) mentation. Morretti et al. have recently showed that 48 h are required
IRIDA is the most common inherited condition of iron metabolism to clear the effect of Hamp release in response to acute oral iron admin-
characterized by microcytic anemia (Tables 1, 2). IRIDA is caused by mu- istration [57]. This study supports the introduction of alternative day
tations in TMPRSS6 gene. Usually MCV is lower than in the other condi- schedule in place of daily administration of oral iron to overcome the
tions of IDA and transferrin saturation is always very low with low/ Hamp mediated block of iron absorption. This might ameliorate iron ab-
normal serum ferritin (Tables 1, 2). Hamp levels are either normal or in- sorption and improves patient tolerability to oral iron supplementation
creased compared to healthy subjects. RCP is negative and this allows (Table 3). Oral iron supplementation should be maintained for 3 to
the physician to differentiate it from ACD. IRIDA generally should be 6 months to replete the iron stores and normalize ferritin level.
suspected in presence of recurrent IDA with unexplained causes, char- Intravenous iron administration is definitively more effective in cor-
acterized by several failures of oral iron supplementation (Fig. 1) [9, rection of ID since it by-passes the iron absorption step. Although its
12,13]. costs are higher than oral iron supplementation, it offers several advan-
tages such as (i) rapid repletion of iron stores; (ii) single dose sufficient
3.4. Major advances in treatments of IDA for most of the new i.v. formulation with a reduction in hospital visits
(Table 3) [6,63]. This latter is limited to the more recently developed
Being ID the main cause of microcytic anemia in patients admitted to molecules, which are characterized by a core that contains the iron
Internal Units, the treatment is based on iron supplementation, as oral salt surrounded by a shell, allowing the reticuloendothelial system to
iron or intravenous iron administration (Table 3). The choice on iron process and release iron for erythropoiesis and storage (Table 3) [5,6,
supplementation is based on Hb levels, the tolerance to oral iron supple- 14,23,25,57–62]. Although adverse events have been reported for i.v.
mentation and the presence of concomitant disease, which might affect formulation, the cost-benefit ratio is in favor of i.v. supplementation as
iron absorption (Table 3). The failure of oral iron supplementation also indicated by the European Medicines Agency (EMEA: http://
might be related to either low patient adherence to the therapy (i.e.: www.emea.europe.eudocument WC500150771, 2013), introducing

Please cite this article as: De Franceschi L, et al, Clinical management of iron deficiency anemia in adults: Systemic review on advances in
diagnosis and treatment, Eur J Intern Med (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejim.2017.04.018
6 L. De Franceschi et al. / European Journal of Internal Medicine xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

Table 3
Major iron formulations available and current treatments for ID.

Treatment Agent Dosage Amount of Fe Adverse events Recommendations Ref.


Oral iron Ferrous 1 (Fe2+) • Nausea • Healthy popula-

suppl. Ssulphate tablet/day 85–105 mg • Vomit tion after treat- [3,5,6,14,26,51,52,53,54,56,60]
1 (Fe2+) 75–80 • Epigastric disconfort ment of
Ferrous tablet/day mg • Constipation/diarrhoea underlying cause
gluconate • Metallic taste of IDA;
1 fl/day (Fe3+) 62.5 • Dark colored stools • Elderly if Hb
Na+ mg N 8 g/dL b 12 g/dL;
1 (Fe2+) 100 Gray area:
Fe-glycine tablet/day mg Every day or
sulphate alternative day
Fe-bisglycinate 1–3 (Fe2+) 25 mg
Lyposomial 1–2 (Fe2+) 30 mg
Fe-pyroph and tablet/day and
Vit. C Vit. C 70 mg
I.v. Iron • Nausea Strong indication in:
suppl. 1–2 • Vomit [3,5,6,13,14,26,31,36,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,61,62,63,64]
Na+ fl/day- (Fe3+) 62.5 • Pruritus
• CKD stage 5D
ferrigluconate diluted in mg • Headache and flushing
• IBD with active
FS • Myalgia and arthralgia
• Back and chest pain (res-
• Malabsorption
olution within 48 h)
Ferric 500–1000 (Fe3+)
• Hb ≤8 g/dL
carboximaltoside mg 100–500 mg Notes
diluted in
• IDA with intoler-
• Avoid iv Fe suppl. during ance to oral Fe
the first trimester of preg- suppl.
nancy (no data available
Fe-saccharate 1 fl/day (Fe3+) 100
on safety) Suggested in:
diluted in mg
• Test-dose is NOT informa-
tive on possible severe
• CKD stage 3D-5D
Ferumoxytol 510 mg (Fe3+) 510 Gray area:
mg IDA in elderly

Vit.C: Vitamine C; fl: SS: saline solution; i.v.: intravenous; CKD: chronic kidney disease; CHF: chronic heart failure; IBD: inflammatory bowel disease; Hb: hemoglobin; IDA: iron deficiency
anemia; Hamp: hepcidin; IRIDA: iron refractory iron deficiency anemia; hrs: hours; D: disease; suppl: supplementation.
Ganzoni formula calculates the amounts of iron required to restore desire Hb levels: iron deficit (mg) = body weight (Kg) × (target Hb-actual Hb) (g/dL) × 2.4 + iron storage depot (mg).

strategies to minimize adverse events [64]. A large revision of the liter- In subjects with CHF, iron supplementation and correction of anemia
ature on the safety of different iron i.v. formulations has concluded that improve (i) New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classes; (ii)
i.v. iron therapy is not associated with increased risk of severe adverse exercise capacity and (iii) patients QoL [42–44,69]. Thus, iron supple-
events (AEs), even in patients with history of heart failure or of infec- mentation should be always considered as part of clinical management
tions [62]. of CHF patients.
The follow-up schedule of iron-supplementation therapy is based on In elderly, IDA affects QL, cognitive function and worsened chronic
the evaluation of Hb levels at 4 weeks of treatment. Recently, the day-14 organ diseases, deeply affecting patient mortality and morbidity [3,34,
Hb levels have been proposed in decision-making process to move pa- 59,70]. Thus, iron supplementation has to be introduced in these pa-
tient from oral to i.v. administration in case of failure [14]. tients. However, it should be always considered the final objective of
In special subset of patients such as elderly, CKD, IBD and CHF sub- this treatment and the cost/benefit ratio of iron supplementation in
jects, rapid correction of IDA is important and generally required an in- elderly.
tensive therapeutic approach with maximized tolerability (Table 3). In IRIDA patients, oral iron administration usually does not solve the
IBD patients with quiescent disease generally feel uncomfortable problem, whereas i.v. iron temporally ameliorate this condition. Ferritin
with oral iron supplementation mainly due GI AEs [54,65]. Thus, i.v. levels could be reduced or normal after iron treatment [6,13].
route should be preferred in IBD patients, according to the available
guidelines (Table 3) [23,51,53–56]. 3.5. Areas of uncertainty
In CKD, iron oral supplementation is recommended in patients with
IDA not receiving ESAs and not on HD [66]. Whereas, i.v. iron should be In adult patients admitted to Internal Medicine setting, the diagnosis
proposed to subjects under ESAs treatment and/or on HD, based on the and the management of IDA should receive great attention and be con-
evidence that oral iron does not sufficiently support ESAs stimulated sidered as target of intervention. However, various aspects of IDA treat-
erythropoiesis [31,36,67,68]. Up to now it is still not clear whether the ment and route of administration in different subset of patients are still
high dose low frequency or low dose high frequency strategy might uncertain. In elderly, large clinical trials to better identify the final objec-
be the best option in these patients [31,36,67,68]. In addition, frequent tives of the iron supplementation and the route of administration (oral
re-evaluation of SF and TST combined with Hb levels should always be or i.v.) are needed. The lack of general recommendation in these fragile
carried out to avoid iron-overload, which has been recently reported patients might result in under-treatment of IDA. In CHF subjects, the re-
in CKD subjects longtime treated with i.v. iron supplementation [31]. cent guidelines propose the use of i.v. iron supplementation in patients

Please cite this article as: De Franceschi L, et al, Clinical management of iron deficiency anemia in adults: Systemic review on advances in
diagnosis and treatment, Eur J Intern Med (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejim.2017.04.018
L. De Franceschi et al. / European Journal of Internal Medicine xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 7

with ID even in the absence of microcytic anemia [59]. This recommen- • IDA affects a large part of adult and elderly patients admitted to Inter-
dation is based on clinical trials [42–44], although no data are available nal Medicine Units.
on the timing and duration of iron supplementation. • The available evidences indicate that (i) recurrent IDA should always
In patients with anemia related to chronic diseases (ACD), it is cru- be investigated, considering uncommon causes; (ii) IDA might worse
cial the identification of absolute ID, since ID is often functional. In the performance and the clinical outcome of fragile and high-risk pa-
ACD, the clinical management of absolute ID is still largely a physician tients and might require an intensive treatment.
choice, which is based on patient clinical status, clinical stage of the dis-
ease especially for cancers as well as the cost/benefits ratio [71].
Since one the main are of uncertainty is the treatment of fragile pa- Authors contributions
tient further work is required to better define the route of administra-
tion of iron supplementation and the therapeutic endpoints of iron LDF and MDC have full access to all data and take the responsibility
supplementation. for data integrity and analysis. Study concept and design: MDC, AI
LDF; Acquisition, analysis and interpretation: LDF, MDC, AT, AI. Critical
4. Discussion revision of the manuscript: AI and AT. Drafting of the manuscript:
Functional or absolute iron deficiency associated with microcytic
anemia is common in adult patients in Internal medicine setting. This Authors disclosures
is especially true for fragile patients such as subjects with IBD, CKD,
CHF and in elderly. Global burden studies reveled that ID is one of the LDF, AI, MDC and AT have nothing to disclose.
top cause-specific anemia burden, representing a target of intervention
for both physician and national-international health programs. Funding
Although progresses in pathogenesis and diagnosis of IDA have ame-
liorated in the last decades, the decision-making processes facing IDA No source of funding.
still requires a comprehensive patient evaluation and cost/benefit
estimation. References
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Please cite this article as: De Franceschi L, et al, Clinical management of iron deficiency anemia in adults: Systemic review on advances in
diagnosis and treatment, Eur J Intern Med (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejim.2017.04.018

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