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My name is Ari Febriyanto Lambe. My nick name is Ari.

This is about my daily


In the morning, at 06:05 I was wake up from my bed. Before i do something about
my activity, I’ll pray to God (Jesus Christ). Because, I know that I’am nothing, i’am a weak
man. ‘Cause it that I pray to Him. So He will take care on my days. “... The Lord is my
helper; I will not fear...”(Hebrew 13:6), “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens
me” (Philippians 4:13).

After that, with my brother and my sister, before we start our activity. We have
time to morning revival. Then, I take a bath. After that, i use my clothes. At 07:15 am I have
time to breaksfast before i went to the Campus. Then, at 08:00-13:30 pm that i finishing all
my job on the Campus. At 14:00, i arrive on my house and i back to do my activity. I’ve ben
lunch time at 14:10. After that, i watch the youtube if i was boring or do something, like to
training music Keyboard or Guitar. At 16:00 am i was rest. At 17:30 I was take a bath. At
18:30, i’ve finish my duty from campus. If i don’t have it. I playing guitar while singing. At
19:30 pm, i read the book and the Bible. At 22:00 pm, i used the social media. At 23:15 pm,
i back on my bed to sleep.

That’s all about my day activity.

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