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Personal and Fictional Narrative Scoring Rubric

SIX TRAITS 4 3 2 1
Includes a clearly presented
central idea with relevant Lacks a central idea, but may
Includes a central idea with Includes a central idea with
facts, supporting details, contain marginally related
relevant facts, supporting limited facts, supporting
and/or explanations facts, details, and/or
details, and/or explanations details, and/or explanations
Establishes well-developed explanations
IDEAS/CONTENT Establishes characters, Attempts to establish
characters, situation/plot, Lacks the development of
situation/plot, point of view, characters, situation/plot,
point of view, setting and/or characters, situation/plot,
setting and/or conflict point of view, setting and/or
conflict point of view, setting and/or
Uses sensory details conflict
Uses multiple sensory conflict
Organizing structure is very
Organizing structure that Organizing structure is
clear and includes
includes paragraphs and weak with an inconsistent Organization has no clear
paragraphs and effective
adequate transitional focus and very few structure, focus, or
transitional words/phrases
words/phrases paragraphs paragraphs
ORGANIZATION Has a thoroughly-developed
Has a sequence of events or Has a minimum sequence of Has weak sequences that fail
sequence of events or time
time order that strongly events or time order that to engage the reader or
order that strongly engages
engages the reader and fails to engage the reader conclude
the reader and moves to a
moves to a conclusion and/or conclude
powerful conclusion
Voice is appropriate to the Voice is inconsistent or
Voice is present
topic, purpose, and audience weak
Shows an awareness of an
Writing is exceptionally Writing shows little sense Little or no voice is present
VOICE expressive and engaging of audience Writing shows no real
Writing is somewhat
Uses a range of narrative Uses few narrative devices personal involvement
devices (dialogue, suspense, or none at all
Uses some narrative devices
Sentences have natural flow Has fragmented, run-on, or Sentences are incomplete,
Sentences flow
and rhythm confusing sentences unclear, and/or lacking in
SENTENCE FLUENCY Sentence structures are
Sentence length, structure, Sentence structures are variety
correct and varied
and complexity is varied limited in variety
Uses extensive precise and Uses precise and creative
Uses dull, highly repetitive
creative verbs, adverbs, verbs, adverbs, nouns, and Use limited word choice and
WORD CHOICE word choice with little or no
nouns, and adjectives that adjectives that begin to descriptive language
descriptive language.
paint a visual image paint a visual image
Spelling, capitalization,
Spelling, capitalization, Spelling, capitalization,
punctuation, paragraphing,
punctuation, paragraphing, punctuation, paragraphing, Spelling, capitalization,
and grammar create
and grammar are effective and grammar are mostly punctuation, paragraphing,
problems that slow the
CONVENTIONS and make the paper easy to correct and grammar errors are so
reader or cause confusion
read and understand Errors don’t make writing numerous that they make
Contains frequent
Contains few if any errors in difficult to read and don’t writing difficult to follow
convention errors that are
conventions interfere with the meaning

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