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Title No. 114-S60

Long-Term Mechanical Properties of Different Fly Ash

by Chamila Gunasekara, Sujeeva Setunge, and David W. Law
Geopolymer concrete is a sustainable construction material with the lower end of the values calculated according to the stan-
the potential to act as a replacement for portland-cement (PC) dard. The stress-strain relationship of geopolymer concrete in
concretes. A detailed investigation of the mechanical properties of compression fits well with the expression developed for PC
four different fly ash geopolymer concretes was carried out up to concrete, with the strain at peak stress in the range of 0.0024
1 year of age. Compressive, flexural, and splitting tensile strengths,
to 0.0026. Fernandez-Jimenez et al.12 produced geopolymer
elastic modulus, and Poisson’s ratio of four geopolymer concretes
concrete using a low-calcium Class F Spanish fly ash, and
at 1 year ranged between 28 and 88 MPa (4.06 and 12.76 ksi),
3.92 and 6.3 MPa (0.568 and 0.914 ksi), 1.86 and 4.72 MPa (0.27 while a 45 MPa (6.525 ksi) compressive strength was achieved
and 0.684 ksi), 10.3 and 29 GPa (1493.5 and 4205 ksi), and 0.16 in the first 24 hours, it only increased to 60 MPa (8.7 ksi)
and 0.28, respectively. The results show an increase in performance after 28 days. The geopolymer concrete had a higher flex-
observed between 90 and 365 days for all concretes depending on ural strength, which increased from 4.62 to 8.8 MPa (0.67
the fly ash properties. Tarong displayed the highest increase while to 1.276 ksi) between 1 and 90 days. However, it showed a
Gladstone had the least, although Gladstone did display the best lower elastic modulus compared to PC concrete—18.4 and
performance throughout. The nature of the gel matrix formed, in 30.3 GPa (2.668 and 4.394 ksi), respectively—at 28 days.
terms of uniformity and compactness, was observed to determine According to the authors, it might be possible that fly-ash-
the mechanical properties. The nature of the interfacial transition based geopolymer concrete exhibits similar behavior to
zone formed between coarse aggregate and mortar and its density
high-performance PC concrete. In addition, the values of
was observed to govern the tensile strength. An increase in porosity
elastic modulus based on formula proposed by different
and microcracks was seen to negatively affect the compactness of
the gel matrix, which in turn affected the elastic modulus. codes proved to be unreliable. This was attributed to the
existence of variables that had not been taken into consider-
Keywords: compressive strength; elastic modulus; fly ash; geopolymer ation in the formula, but nevertheless influenced the proper-
concrete; microstructure; tensile strength. ties of the geopolymer.
Ryu et al.10 investigated compressive and splitting tensile
INTRODUCTION strength of geopolymer concrete up to 28 days using a
Geopolymer concrete is an emerging construction mate- low-calcium Class F fly ash obtained from a Korean power
rial with significant benefits in reducing environmental plant. The splitting tensile strength of the geopolymer
impacts of concrete. Compared to portland-cement (PC) concrete, with compressive strength in the range of 25.8
concrete, geopolymer concrete can reduce CO2 emission by to 30.3 MPa (3.741 to 4.394 ksi), was in the range 2.0 to
26 to 45% with no adverse economic effects.1-3 Geopolymer 2.6  MPa (0.29 to 0.377 ksi) in the period between 3 and
concrete can be produced from different types of fly ash: 28 days. The data also showed a splitting tensile strength
high-calcium fly ash,4-7 low-calcium fly ash8-13 and bottom to compressive strength ratio ranged between 7.8 and 8.2%,
ash.14-17 However, geopolymer concrete produced using similar to that of PC concrete. Neupane et al.20 also inves-
100% low-calcium Class F fly ash has been the focus of the tigated the 28-day mechanical properties of geopolymer
largest area of research in recent years due to its high level concrete using a low-calcium Class F Australian fly ash,
of availability and cost effectiveness. but with two different concrete grades: 50 and 65 MPa
A major challenge faced by the construction industry in (7.25 and 9.425 ksi). The flexural strength, splitting tensile
adopting fly ash geopolymer concrete is the variability of strength, and elastic modulus of geopolymer concrete, with
fly ash from different sources and the effect this can have compressive strength in the range of 59 to 82.5 MPa (8.555
on the range of mechanical properties produced. Hardjito to 11.963 ksi), gave results in the range of 5.6 to 8.7 MPa
and Rangan18 used low-calcium Class F fly ash from an (0.812 to 1.262 ksi), 4.4 to 6.2 MPa (0.638 to 0.899 ksi), and
Australian power station, but in three different batches to 28 to 39 GPa (4060 to 5655 ksi), respectively. The author
produce geopolymer concrete, and investigated mechanical observed that the flexural and splitting tensile strengths
properties at 90 days. The splitting tensile strength, elastic attained by geopolymer concrete are significantly higher
modulus, and Poisson’s ratio of geopolymer concrete with than the prescribed value in the Australian standards19 for
compressive strength in the range of 40 to 90 MPa (5.8 to the same grade of concrete. However, the elastic modulus
13.05 ksi) gave results between 4.4 and 7.4 MPa (0.638
ACI Structural Journal, V. 114, No. 3, May-June 2017.
and 1.073 ksi), 23.0 and 30.8 GPa (3335 and 4466 ksi), and MS No. S-2016-113.R2, doi: 10.14359/51689454, received August 16, 2016, and
0.12 and 0.16, respectively. While splitting tensile strength reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2017, American Concrete
Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
was found to be higher than the values recommended by the obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
Australian standard,19 the measured elastic modulus were at is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.

ACI Structural Journal/May-June 2017 743

Table 1—Chemical composition of fly ash
By weight, %

Fly ash SiO2 Al2O3 SiO2/Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO P2O5 TiO2 MgO K2O SO3 MnO Na2O LOI*
Gladstone 47.87 28.0 1.71 14.09 3.81 1.81 1.99 0.93 0.62 0.27 0.21 0.41 0.43
Pt. Augusta 49.37 31.25 1.58 4.47 4.80 1.65 2.94 1.28 2.21 0.24 0.04 1.30 0.51
Collie 53.82 29.95 1.80 9.24 1.03 1.28 2.19 0.58 0.79 0.34 0.04 0.75 0.63
Tarong 75.66 19.0 3.98 1.38 0.30 1.0 1.83 0.0 0.63 0.03 0.02 0.15 1.16
Loss on ignition (unburnt carbon content).

Table 2—Physical and mineralogical properties of

fly ash
Properties investigated Gladstone Pt. Augusta Tarong Collie
Specific gravity 2.26 2.23 2.08 2.42
BET surface area, m2/kg 2363 1228 1876 1095
At 10
43.1 46.7 43.0 40.9
At 20
Fineness, % 61.9 62.1 63.0 54.6
At 45
82.7 80.2 81.8 70.0
Amorphous content, % 71.8 59.5 66.3 72.5
Quartz 6.8 29.2 14.8 18.2
Crystalline, % Fig. 1—Particle size distribution.
Mullite 17.9 7.5 18.9 8.7
Note: 1 kg/m2 = 0.2048 lb/ft2. type of fly ash, and in each study using a mixing process
unique to that study. This research, dealing with the perfor-
is found to be almost equal with the calculated value from mance of geopolymer concrete up to 1 year using a range
Australian standards19 for a similar grade of PC concrete. of low-calcium Class F fly ashes with same mixing process,
Diaz-Loya et al.11 produced geopolymer concrete using provides a systematic long-term study of the mechanical
13 different low-calcium Class F fly ashes collected from properties of a range of geopolymer concretes. Hence, the
power stations located across the United States, and inves- research data presented herein will be extremely useful to
tigated the mechanical properties at 28 days. The flexural understand the long-term behavior of geopolymer concretes
strength, elastic modulus, and Poisson’s ratio of geopolymer made with the wide range of low-calcium Class F fly ashes
concrete, with compressive strength in the range 10.34 to that are available across the world.
49.24 MPa (1.499 to 7.14 ksi), gave values between 2.74 to
4.66 MPa (0.397 to 0.676 ksi), 7.46 to 19.28 GPa (1081.7 to EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE
2795.6 ksi), and 0.1 to 0.15, respectively. Materials
Given the range of values reported for the mechanical Low-calcium fly ash (class F) conforming to Australian
properties, a clear understanding of the effect of fly ash char- standard AS 3582.121 were obtained from Gladstone, Port
acteristics on the long-term performance of the geopolymer (Pt.) Augusta, Collie, and Tarong power stations in Australia.
concrete is essential to be able to construct real geopolymer The chemical composition, particle size distribution, and
structures with confidence. The present study investigated mineralogical composition of each fly ash, determined by
the key mechanical properties of geopolymer concretes X-ray fluorescence (XRF), Malvern particle size analyzer
made with four different low-calcium fly ashes with a instruments, and X-ray diffraction (XRD), respectively, are
range of chemical, physical, and mineralogical properties; shown in Table 1, Fig. 1, and Table 2. The Brunauer Emmett
the same mixing process was used throughout to enable Teller (BET) method by N2 absorption was used to deter-
a direct comparison of the properties to be undertaken. A mine fly ash surface area. Alkaline solution used in geopoly-
detailed microscopic analysis was conducted to investigate mers consisted of a mixture of commercially available
the changes of microstructure, especially at interfacial tran- sodium silicate (specific gravity = 1.53, Na2O = 14.7%, and
sition zone (ITZ) and the aluminosilicate gel structure. The SiO2 = 29.4% by mass), and sodium hydroxide (15M). Both
observed test results up to 1 year of age are reported, and coarse and fine aggregate were prepared in accordance with
the variations in properties observed are then explained in AS 1141.5.22 The fine aggregate was river sand in uncrushed
conjunction with the microstructure development. form with a specific gravity of 2.5 and a fineness modulus
of 3.0. The coarse aggregate was crushed basalt aggregate
RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE of two grain sizes: 7 mm (0.2758 in.), 2.58 specific gravity,
Published research to date on geopolymer concrete has and 1.60% water absorption; and 10 mm (0.394 in.), 2.62%
studied the mechanical properties up to 90 days using a single specific gravity, and 0.74% water absorption.

744 ACI Structural Journal/May-June 2017

Table 3—Optimum mixture design details (kg/m3)
Aggregates, kg Activator, kg
Geopolymer Fly ash, kg Sand 7 mm 10 mm Na2SiO3 (liquid) NaOH (15 M) Added water, kg
Gladstone 416 699 309 618 292 65 8
Pt. Augusta 416 699 309 618 292 65 8
Collie 420 706 312 624 241 92 15
Tarong 412 693 306 612 342 39 0
Notes: 1 kg/m = 0.0624 lb/ft ; 1 kg = 2.2046 lb; 1 mm = 0.0394 in.
3 3

Mixture designs
The mixture design is an optimized concrete mixture
developed in previous research for each of the four fly
ashes.23 In this study, the Na2O dosage is fixed at 15%
while the total aggregate in the concrete was kept to 64%
of the entire mixture by volume for all mixtures. The ratio
of mixture components in Table 3 was calculated based on
the absolute volume method24; as a result, the total weight of
binder and water was varied to keep the volume of material
and water/solid ratio (0.37) constant.
The mass of water in the mixture was taken as the sum
of mass of water contained in the sodium silicate, sodium
hydroxide, and added water. The mass of solid is taken as the
sum of fly ash, the solids in the sodium silicate solution, and
the sodium oxide pellets.
Fig. 2—Long-term density development and workability.
Mixing, casting, and curing (Note: 1 kg/m3 = 0.0624 lb/ft3; 1 mm = 0.0394 in.)
The mixing of geopolymer concrete was carried out using reported test results in each specific test are an average of
a 120 L (4.238 ft3) concrete mixer. The dry materials (fly ash, three samples.
fine and coarse aggregates) were mixed first for 4 minutes. The microstructure development was observed using scan-
Then activator and water were added to the dry mix and ning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging employing back-
mixed continuously for another 8 minutes. The mixture scatter electron detector with 15 eV of energy. Energy-dis-
was then poured into molds and vibrated using a vibration persive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) analysis was performed
table for 1 minute to remove air bubbles. After vibration, the using nano-analysis software (AZtec 2.1) to determine the
molds were kept at room temperature for 1 day and then heat chemical composition (Si/Al atomic ratio) of the reacted
cured in an oven for 24 hours at 80°C (176°F) temperature geopolymer concrete. Specimens were cut using a diamond
with 95% relative humidity. Molds were removed from the saw to a size of 2 to 4 mm (0.0788 to 0.1576 in.) in height
oven and left to cool to room temperature before demolding, and 5 to 10 mm (0.197 to 0.394 in.) in diameter. The samples
and then kept at room temperature until being tested. were subsequently carbon coated and then mounted on the
SEM sample stage with conductive, double-sided carbon
Testing tape. A total of three samples were investigated for each
The compressive strength test was performed by MTS geopolymer concrete.
machine with a loading rate of 20 MPa/min (2.9 ksi/min)
according to AS 1012.9.25 The flexural and splitting tensile EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
strength tests were conducted in accordance with AS 1012.1126 Density and workability
and AS 1012.10,27 respectively. The flexural tensile strength The dry density of four geopolymer concretes ranged
test was carried out on a MTS machine with additional testing between 2074 and 2205 kg/m3 (129.42 and 137.59 lb/ft3)
apparatus under a four-point bending test with a loading rate (Fig. 2), all of which increased with age. The range of densi-
of 1 MPa/min (0.145 ksi/min). The splitting tensile strength ties observed is in agreement with the literature11,31 and is
test was performed on an MTS machine equipped with split- lower than PC concrete, which is characteristically cited
ting tensile strength test equipment under a loading rate of as 2400 kg/m3 (149.76 lb/ft3).19 In addition, all concretes
1.5 MPa/min (0.218 ksi/min). The elastic modulus and Pois- displayed a very high, collapsed slump. This is attributed
son’s ratio were determined using a concrete testing machine to the spherical shape of fly ash particles combined with the
coupled with the compressometer/extensometer with a lubricating effect of sodium silicate solution. Thus, work-
loading rate of 0.25 MPa/s (0.036 ksi/s) in accordance with ability is represented by the slump flow diameter (ϕ) and
AS 1012.17.28 Slump and dry density tests were conducted ranged between 350 and 735 mm (13.79 and 28.96 in.) for
in accordance with AS 1012.3.129 and AS 1012.12.2.30 All the four materials.
tests were conducted at 28, 90, and 365 days of casting. The

ACI Structural Journal/May-June 2017 745

Fig. 3—Long-term compressive strength development. Fig. 5—Long-term splitting tensile strength development.
(Note: 1 MPa = 0.145 ksi.) (Note: 1 MPa = 0.145 ksi.)
and from 90 to 365 days (6.3 MPa [0.914 ksi]). These results
demonstrate that there is a strength development over time,
even though heat curing is observed to enhance the initial
geopolymerization process.32,33

Flexural strength
Figure 4 shows long-term flexural strength development
of four fly ash geopolymer concretes. It ranged from 3.36
to 6.30 MPa (0.487 to 0.914 ksi) between 28 and 365 days.
Similar to compressive strength development, the flexural
strength of all concretes tended to increase with time. The
highest and lowest flexural strengths were displayed by
Gladstone and Collie geopolymers, while the Pt. Augusta and
Tarong again fell in between the Gladstone and Collie. While
Fig. 4—Long-term flexural strength development. (Note: Tarong showed a lower compressive strength, it achieved a
1 MPa = 0.145 ksi.) slightly higher flexural strength than Pt. Augusta. Tarong
had the highest increase both from 28 to 90 days (0.77 MPa
Compressive strength
[0.112 ksi]) and from 90 to 365 days (1.59 MPa [0.231 ksi]),
Figure 3 shows long-term compressive strength develop-
while Collie had the lowest increase in both periods. Overall,
ment of the four different fly ash geopolymer concretes. It is
the flexural strength of the four geopolymers ranged from 7
observed that the compressive strength of all geopolymers
to 14% of the compressive strength, compared to a range of
tended to increase with time, but in different increment ratios,
9 to 12% typically cited for PC concrete.11,24 Diaz-Loya et
depending on the fly ash properties. Gladstone geopolymer
al.11 reported a similar trend but over a wider range, noting
displayed the highest strength while Collie the lowest at all
that the flexural strength of the geopolymers are between 9
ages, with the strengths of Pt. Augusta and Tarong geopoly-
and 26% of the compressive strength.
mers falling between the two. The compressive strength
of Gladstone ranged from 82.5 to 87.4 MPa (11.963 to
Splitting tensile strength
12.673 ksi) while the Collie varied from 24.9 to 28.7 MPa
Figure 5 shows long-term splitting tensile strength devel-
(3.611 to 4.162 ksi) between 28 and 365 days. It was noted
opment of four fly ash geopolymer concretes. The splitting
that Gladstone obtained 95% of its ultimate strength in first
tensile strength ranged from 1.15 to 4.72 MPa (0.167 to
28 days, showing a lowest percentage increase in strength
0.684 ksi) between 28 and 365 days, and ranged from 4 to
between 28 and 365 days. Collie geopolymer demonstrated
8% of the compressive strength. The splitting tensile strength
a higher strength gain: 15.3% between 28 and 365 days.
of all geopolymer concretes increased with time. Gladstone
However, the actual increase in strength is only by 3.8 MPa
and Collie achieved the highest and lowest splitting tensile
(0.551 ksi), which is lower than 4.9 MPa (0.711 ksi) increase
strength, respectively, with Pt. Augusta and Tarong geopoly-
observed for Gladstone. Tarong and Pt. Augusta geopolymers
mers once more falling between the two. It is interesting to
displayed a high compressive strength development: 44.6%
note that Pt. Augusta showed higher splitting tensile strength
(13.2 MPa [1.914 ksi]) and 27.4% (10.1 MPa [1.465 ksi]),
than Tarong, though it had lower flexural strength of the two.
respectively, between 28 and 365 days. Pt. Augusta had
significant strength development: 8.7 MPa (1.262 ksi) by 90
Elastic modulus
days, but little further increase (1.4 MPa [0.203 ksi]) in the
The elastic modulus of concrete is defined as the stress
period between 90 and 365 days. Tarong, however, had a
required to induce a unit strain within the elastic limit. The
similar increase both from 28 to 90 days (6.9 MPa [1.0 ksi])

746 ACI Structural Journal/May-June 2017

Fig. 7—Long-term Poisson’s ratio development.
0.12 to 0.28 between 28 and 365 days, and increased with
the age. Warner et al.34 reported that Poisson’s ratio values
of PC concrete can range between 0.11 and 0.21, but usually
fall in the range from 0.15 to 0.2. Values obtained by four
geopolymer concretes tended to populate the lower end of
this range at 28 days, but three of them fall into the standard
range (0.15 to 0.2) at 90 days. Tarong geopolymer, however,
exceeded this upper end of PC concrete and displayed a
significantly high Poisson’s ratio at 90 and 365 days.

In the geopolymerization process, alumina and silica
species in fly ash rapidly react with highly alkaline activator
solution and produce a three-dimensional polymeric chain
and ring structure consisting of Si-O-Al-O bonds (Eq. (1)),33
Fig. 6—(a) Stress-strain curve; and (b) elastic modulus where z is the type of bond presence (1, 2, or 3), and n is
development. (Note: 1 MPa = 0.145 ksi.) the degree of polymerization. The schematic formation of
stress-strain curves shown in Fig. 6(a) presents the range of the resultant geopolymer product is generally represented by
elastic modulus measured in this study. As the geopolymer Eq. (2) and (3).
concretes demonstrated brittle failure,11 the descending
branch of the stress-strain curve could not be determined in
any of the tests. Each curve represents the tangent modulus
of elasticity and ranged from 8.2 to 22.7 GPa (1160 to
3291.5 ksi) between Collie and Gladstone geopolymers at
28 days. Figure 6(b) further shows elastic modulus devel-
opment at 90 and 365 days. Similar to the strength proper-
ties discussed, the elastic modulus also tended to increase
with time in all concretes with different increment ratios.
Gladstone showed the highest value while Collie gave the
lowest at all ages. A substantial increase of elastic modulus
was noted between 90 and 365 days compared to the initial The Si/Al (atomic) ratio determines the structure of
28- to 90-day period for all geopolymers, except Collie, the geopolymer backbone. In this study, Si/Al ratio of
which displayed the opposite trend. Moreover, in the first geopolymer concrete ranged between 2.69 and 2.84, 2.55
90 days, Tarong had a very low elastic modulus, similar to and 2.64, and 2.48 and 2.58 for Gladstone, Pt. Augusta,
Collie and lower than Pt. Augusta. However, by 365 days, it and Collie at 28, 90, and 365 days, respectively. As such,
had achieved the second-highest elastic modulus, having a the geopolymer structure was inferred to be polysialat-si-
twofold increase between 90 and 365 days. loxo (Si-O-Al-O-Si-O). In Tarong geopolymer, the Si/Al
ratio ranged 4.05 to 3.65, and the corresponding gel struc-
Poisson’s ratio ture is identified as polysialate-disiloxo (Si-O-Al-O-Si-O-
Figure 7 shows long-term Poison’s ratio changes of the Si-O). In all geopolymers, the Si/Al ratio decreased with age
four geopolymer concretes. The Poisson ratio varied from (Fig. 8 and 9). This indicates an ongoing geopolymerization

ACI Structural Journal/May-June 2017 747

Fig. 8—SEM images of gel-microstructure in: (a) to (c) Gladstone; (d) to (f) Collie geopolymer concretes; and (g) different
aluminosilicate gel formation in Gladstone.

Fig. 9—SEM images of gel-microstructure in: (a) to (c) Pt. Augusta; and (d) to (f) Tarong geopolymer concretes.
process, with continuous gel formation along with incor- (3.94 × 10–4 and 7.88 × 10–4 in.) size, coupled with the larger
poration of alumina into the silicate backbone. The Si/Al surface area, increased the fly ash reactivity. Gladstone fly
ratio of all geopolymer concretes, other than Tarong, varied ash has the highest surface area with a large amount of finer
over a small range, but their mechanical properties differed particles, especially a higher percentage passing at 10, 20,
significantly. Hence, although the Si/Al ratio indicated that and 45 micron sieves. It also consists of a high amount of
the geopolymer bond structure should be similar, the nature reactive alumina-silica amorphous phase. The very fine
of the geopolymer gel matrix formed, in terms of uniformity particles of amorphous phase in Gladstone rapidly react with
and compactness, is significantly different, which is hypoth- the alkali activator and precipitates geopolymeric gel on the
esized as the reason for the mechanical properties observed. surface of the fly ash particles. This is because alumina-silica
The matrix formed and its development with the time in species are primarily leached by dissolution of the amor-
Gladstone and Collie geopolymer concretes are displayed in phous phase, not the crystalline phases of fly ash,4 with the
Fig. 8. Gladstone produced a uniformly distributed geopoly- significant part of the alkali-fly ash reaction occurring at the
meric gel-microstructure at all ages. The degree of reac- particle-liquid interface.35 This gel then diffuses through the
tivity of fly ash governs the dissolution, coagulation, and surface, covering and coalescing unreacted fly ash spheres
gel formation, which is itself dependent on the properties together. Continuous gel precipitation further fills the inte-
of source material. Gunasekara et al.23 reported that a higher rior spaces and forms a uniform, strongly compacted, and
quantity of fly ash particles with the range of 10 and 20 µm well-condensed gel-microstructure.

748 ACI Structural Journal/May-June 2017

The Gladstone fly ash also contains a high CaO percentage. the concrete,36 resulting in the lower compressive strength
The CaO reacts with the alkali activator and produces calci- achieved compared to the Gladstone geopolymer concrete.
um-aluminosilicate gel (C-A-S-H) (Fig. 8(g)). The C-A-S-H Pt. Augusta fly ash has the highest CaO content while
gel coupled with the sodium-aluminosilicate (N-A-S-H) gel Tarong has the lowest. The C-A-S-H gel produced by
provides additional rigidity to the geopolymer backbone. The this additional CaO in the Pt. Augusta is identified as one
combination of the C-A-S-H and N-A-S-H gels result in the reason for the higher strength observed compared to the
dense microstructure observed for the Gladstone geopolymer. Tarong, although it has a lower surface area. Tarong fly ash
This dense microstructure in turn results in the high compres- contains more unburnt carbon content. This acts as an inert
sive strength at 28 days and beyond. Due to high reactivity particulate in the gel matrix and thus may cause a spread of
of the material, little fly ash remains available for subsequent microcracks. Both geopolymers, however, showed a signif-
geopolymeric reaction and, hence, the minimal strength icant strength development between 28 and 365 days. It is
development observed between 28 and 365 days. hypothesized that the relatively low surface area of the two
Collie geopolymer displayed a significantly different fly ashes led to a lower initial dissolution of alumina-silicate
microstructure compared to that of Gladstone. A large species. This dissolution continued over time and produced
number of unreacted fly ash particles were observed in the more geopolymer gel, which led to the increase in the homo-
microstructure at 28 days (Fig. 8(d)). These comprised a geneity observed and resulted in the strength development
number of unreacted fly ash particles that were separated observed for both Pt. Augusta and Tarong.
from the geopolymeric binder, indicating weak adhesion In addition to the nature of the geopolymer matrix formed,
between the gel and the particles. Other unreacted spheres the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) of geopolymer concrete
were partially embedded in the precipitated gel. Collie fly ash takes a crucial role in the concrete performance. In PC
has the lowest surface area and a higher fraction of coarser concrete, coarse aggregate has an ITZ of approximately
particles—that is, very low level of particles passing at 10, 100 µm (0.00394 in.) depth with two layers; one is a duplex
20, and 45 micron sieves. Although it contains the highest film (1 µm [3.94 × 10–5 in.]) at the surface of the aggregate
percentage of reactive amorphous phase, the reactivity and and other one is the porous transition zone of 20 to 100 µm
dissolution of coarser fly ash particles in alkali activator and (0.000788 to 0.00394 in.) deep.37 However, Demie et al.37
subsequent geopolymeric gel formation is observed to be noted that ITZ in fly ash geopolymer concrete is formed
much lower, as evidenced by the large number of unreacted by combining these two layers, and is defined as the inter-
particles. This resulted in the low compressive strength for face between aggregate and geopolymer paste. The flexural
geopolymer concrete produced using Collie fly ash. On the strength and splitting tensile strength of fly ash geopolymer
other hand, the microstructure does show a decrease in the concrete are strongly dependent on this geopolymer gel-ag-
number of unreacted particles at 365 days, indicating that gregate bond strength. Figure 10 shows a comparison
there has been some additional geopolymerization and gel of ITZ with the bulk geopolymer gel matrix in four
formation, as reflected by the increase in strength observed. different concretes.
This excess gel, however, is distributed unevenly over the The ITZ is critical because it is known to have a different
matrix. This resulted in forming nonhomogeneous small gel microstructure from the bulk of hardened geopolymer paste
units as displayed in Fig. 8(f), rather than forming an inter- and the interface is also considered as the specific location
connected uniform gel matrix. Hence, this would indicate of early cracking. Scrivener et al.38 reported that ITZ in
that the compressive strength of geopolymer concrete does PC concrete is caused by the disorder of packing the anhy-
not only rely on the quantity of gel formation, but also on drous cement grains in the transition zone. In geopolymer
uniform distribution of gel and the compactness, the combi- concrete, ITZ is caused by incomplete packing of unreacted
nation of which leads to the dense microstructure observed. fly ash microsphere particles in the transition between the
This is hypothesized as the reason that the Collie geopolymer geopolymer paste and coarse aggregates, as the aluminos-
had a low compressive strength even after 365 days. ilicate gel formation is strongly dependent on the degree of
The microstructure of Pt. Augusta and Tarong geopoly- reactivity of fly ash. This phenomenon is due to the incom-
mers are shown in Fig. 9. The gel matrixes of both are plete dissolution of a large proportion of fly ash and the
heterogeneous, having a number of unreacted/partially existence of differing composition and size unreacted fly ash
reacted fly ash particles. Both geopolymers had microcracks particles. The ITZ was a region of transition that is highly
on their surface, but with Tarong displaying more microc- heterogeneous, non-uniform, and varying from point to
racks and a greater crack width than the Pt. Augusta. Similar point along each aggregate particle. In this study, Gladstone
to Gladstone, both Pt. Augusta and Tarong contained a large showed a denser ITZ between aggregates and geopolymer
amount of fine particles, but they had a lower surface area matrix (Fig. 10(a) and 10(b)). There is no obvious difference
and amorphous content. These material differences are noted between the microstructure of the ITZ and the bulk
hypothesized as negatively affecting their degree of alkali geopolymer matrix. Sarker et al.39 showed that the fracture
reactivity, resulting in the non-uniform, heterogeneous plane in the PC concrete passed predominantly around the
geopolymer matrix observed for both concretes. The unre- aggregates, and those in the geopolymer concrete generally
acted/partially reacted fly ash particles behave as compos- passed predominantly through the aggregates. This behavior
ites. These composites and the interface between them and was observed in Gladstone geopolymer in the tensile testing.
geopolymer matrix is hypothesized as an area of weakness The high bond strength at the interface of the geopolymer
and, thus, has a significant bearing on the overall strength of binder and the aggregates lead to the fracture plane passing

ACI Structural Journal/May-June 2017 749

Fig. 10—SEM images of ITZ in different fly ash geopolymer concrete.
predominantly through the aggregates instead of following face even at 365 days. The high unburnt carbon in Tarong is
the interface. The strong ITZ observed in Gladstone understood to weaken the bonding with aggregates. It further
geopolymer is identified as the reason for the high flexural contains high amorphous SiO2 content, which is expected
and splitting tensile strengths observed at all ages. to result in more Si+4 being leached into the activator. The
Collie showed a highly heterogeneous and non-uniform ITZ optimum Tarong geopolymer mixture also required a higher
(Fig. 10(c) and 10(d). The unreacted, partially reacted fly sodium silicate concentration than other mixtures. Fernan-
ash spheres in Collie in the aggregate interface produced a dez-Jimenez et al.12 reported that the presence of excess Si+4
loose and porous ITZ. The propagated microcracks further in the alkaline activator solution has a substantial negative
took away the interconnection between aggregate and effect on the gel-aggregate bond. The combination of these
geopolymer binder and, hence, produced a weak aggre- factors appeared to have negatively affected the gel-aggre-
gate-gel bond strength. Moreover, fracture plane of the gate bond in Tarong geopolymer concrete. This is supported
Collie geopolymer concrete specimen passed predominantly by the lower splitting tensile strength observed compared to
around the aggregate, rather than through the aggregates. the Pt. Augusta.
This explains the low flexural and tensile strength reported Tarong had a higher flexural strength than Pt. Augusta
in Collie geopolymer concrete at 28 days. As the geopo- at all ages. Sarker et al.39 stated that the higher tensile and
lymerization progresses, the space between the aggregate bond strengths of geopolymer concrete increased its critical
and the geopolymer paste was gradually replaced by some stress intensity factor, which resulted in less tortuosity of the
additional geopolymer gel as the polymerization continued. fracture plane and relatively more brittle type of failure than
However, due to the low degree of reactivity of Collie fly in the PC concrete. Both Tarong and Pt. Augusta followed
ash, the gel formation is expected to be relatively small. The a similar trend, but Tarong showed a significantly higher
SEM image shows a relatively porous and loose interface at failure strain than Pt. Augusta (Fig. 6(a)), thus improving the
365 days, confirming this expectation. This resulted in the ductility of the material. The maximum fiber stress reached
minimal tensile strength development observed in Collie in the flexural strength test is higher than the splitting
geopolymer concrete. strength because the propagation of a crack is blocked by
Pt. Augusta does not show any discernible difference less stressed material near to the neutral axis. The high strain
between the microstructure of ITZ and the bulk geopolymer capacity of Tarong assists in redistribution of stresses. This
matrix. Narrow microcracks are observed in the aggre- is hypothesized as the reason for higher resistance to the
gate-gel interface at 28 days, but not at 365 days, which flexural failure in Tarong than Pt. Augusta concrete. Overall,
appears as a strong aggregate-gel interface. The continuous other than tensile strength improvement, the development of
geopolymerization process and gel formation thus densify ITZ in geopolymer concrete with age would further result
(refine) the ITZ filling spaces between aggregate-gel inter- into the aforementioned compressive strength improvement
face. This resulted in the high splitting tensile strength devel- of concretes between 28 and 365 days.
opment achieved by Pt. Augusta between 28 and 365 days. All geopolymer concretes in this study showed a much
SEM showed that Tarong had a weak aggregate-gel inter- lower elastic modulus than PC concrete for similar compres-
face compared to Pt. Augusta. Tarong, however, did display sive strengths.19 Liu et al.40 reported that the pore volume and
progressive geopolymer gel formation with age (Fig. 10(d) to elastic modulus have a linear relationship: as the density of
10(f), but this gel refined the bulk gel-microstructure rather the geopolymer concrete increases, the elastic modulus also
than the ITZ. This resulted in a weak aggregate-gel inter- increases. Puertas et al.41 reported that elastic modulus is

750 ACI Structural Journal/May-June 2017

dependent on the porosity and packing efficiency—that is, the had a more significant strength increase from 90 to 365 days
higher the packing density, the higher the modulus of elas- than other geopolymer concretes. The rate of increase was
ticity. This study showed all fly ash geopolymer concretes dependent on the properties of the precursor fly ash.
had a lower density than PC concrete. The water content in 2. The Gladstone ash was observed to provide the best
geopolymer mixture does not participate in the geopolymer performance for all the mechanical properties at all ages,
reaction (Eq. (3)) and is expected to evaporate during the while Collie ash gave the poorest at all ages.
high-temperature curing. Hence, there were more air voids 3. The 365-day flexural and splitting tensile strengths,
in the bulk gel matrix along with increased porosity of the of the four different fly ash geopolymer concretes ranged
geopolymer concrete compared with PC concrete. Gladstone between 3.92 to 6.3 MPa (0.568 to 0.914 ksi) and 1.86 to
and Collie geopolymers have lowest and highest macropo- 4.72 MPa (0.27 to 0.684 ksi), respectively. The nature of
rosity, respectively, and Tarong has higher macroporosity than the ITZ formed between aggregates and aluminosilicate gel
Pt. Augusta.42 In addition, the microcracks induced on the matrix were shown to cause the tensile strength variation
surface of geopolymer matrix due to high-temperature curing among the four geopolymers.
can easily spread through these air voids into the geopolymer 4. Geopolymer produced using Gladstone fly ash had
matrix. Increase of porosity and crack propagation would a well-compacted dense ITZ, and no obvious difference
negatively influence packing density of geopolymer micro- was observed compared to the bulk geopolymer matrix. In
structure. This is hypothesized as the reason for reported contrast, Collie geopolymer had a porous ITZ. The unre-
lower elastic modulus compared to PC concrete. acted/partially reacted fly ash particles were loosely packed
Similar to the aforementioned mechanical properties in this zone. The density of the ITZ was the key factor in
discussed, the Gladstone geopolymer showed the highest determining the tensile strength of the geopolymer concrete.
elastic modulus while Collie had the lowest. The elastic 5. The 365-day elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio of
modulus of geopolymer concrete is dependent on the degree four geopolymers ranged from 10.3 to 29 GPa (1493.5
of geopolymerization.43,44 Duxson et al.45 further noted to 4205 ksi) and 0.16 to 0.28. The significant increase of
that the elastic modulus is influenced by the alkali-acti- elastic modulus has been observed between 90 and 365 days,
vated metakaolin microstructure rather than by the chem- compared to the initial 28- to 90-day period for all concretes,
ical composition. The Gladstone had a densely packed, other than Collie. Tarong displayed a twofold increase of
uniform gel-microstructure with the least amount of elastic modulus on this period.
partially dissolved fly ash grains and surface microcracks. 6. The packing density of the aluminosilicate gel matrix influ-
It further showed lower macroporosity42 and a high level of ences elastic modulus development. An increase in porosity and
interconnectivity between geopolymer gel and aggregates, microcracks was observed to negatively affect the compactness
especially at the aggregate interface. This would account for of the gel matrix, which in turn affects the elastic modulus.
the high elastic modulus achieved by Gladstone geopolymer.
In contrast, Collie had a very heterogeneous and non-uni- AUTHOR BIOS
form microstructure with many unreacted particles and an Chamila Gunasekara is a PhD Student in the Civil, Environmental and
Chemical Engineering Department at RMIT University, Melbourne,
interconnected microcrack network with higher macropo- Australia. He received his BSc Eng degree from the University of Pera-
rosity,42 showing a higher discontinuity and looser micro- deniya, Sri Lanka, and his MEng (Struct.) degree from Saitama Univer-
structure, resulting in the low elastic modulus observed. sity, Saitama, Japan. His research interests include concrete materials and
geopolymer concretes.
The differences in the elastic modulus of Pt. Augusta and
Tarong geopolymers also correlate well with their respec- Sujeeva Setunge is a Professor and Deputy Head of Civil Engineering
tive geopolymer matrixes. Pt. Augusta had a less dense gel at RMIT University. She received her BSc Eng degree at the Univer-
sity of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, and her PhD from Monash University,
matrix with partially dissolved fly ash grains and voids. Melbourne, Australia. Her research interests include mechanical
There is no clear difference of microstructure observed with behavior, strengthening, creep, and shrinkage of reinforced concrete
the age. Hence, this would explain the low elastic modulus and geopolymer concrete.
of Pt. Augusta compared with Gladstone at all ages. Tarong David W. Law is a Senior Lecturer at RMIT University. His research inter-
had a less-compacted heterogeneous microstructure up to ests include the use of sustainable materials, and durability and material
90 days. However, beyond 90 days, the microstructure was properties of geopolymer concrete.
significantly denser, consistent with continuing dissolution
and gel formation. The improvement in compactness and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
The authors wish to express their thanks to Cement Australia Pty Ltd. and
packing density of the gel-microstructure is hypothesized as Flyash Australia Pty Ltd for the supply of fly ash. The authors also wish to
the reason for the observed improved elastic modulus devel- acknowledge the X-ray facility and Microscopy & Microanalysis facility
opment in Tarong after 90 days. provided by RMIT University and the scientific and technical assistance.
Scholarship provided by the School of Civil, Environmental and Chemical
Engineering to the first author is gratefully acknowledged.
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