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° CCSFE. LT we 1 Number. am GENERAL ENGLISH WITH GENERAL STUDIES is — @Stcs™) ‘Time Allowed ; 3 Hots] eee [Maximum Marks : 800" ___ Read the following instructions ‘carefully bofore you begin to answer the questions. - Sees IMPORTANT INSPRUCHIONS <0 1? The applicant wall-be supplied with Question Booklet 25. intates before eommencemenit of the éxainination, 2. . ‘This Questiit Booklet containe 200 questions, Prior to attempting to answer Une candadates are requested ja check wheter al the questions ar, Hhere n serieesivl chiro there aré no Blank pages inthe question « hoot In €ase any dofect in the Question Paper is noticed it shall be reported to the livigilator Within first 10 minutes ard got it replaced with a complete Quostion Booklet: If any: defect ia “ Roticed in the Question Booklet after the.voinmencenjont of examination it will not he replaced. 3._- Answor all questions, AllGuestions ¢anry equal’ marks. re LS 4» Yousmust sntte your Rogister Number in thy space provided on the top right ob this pg. De not write anything elea‘on the Question Booklet 2 SEES 5. “An anpwer sheet will be supplied Yo yolt separately by the Room Invigilator to mark the daswerm: 6. You-will also encode your Qitestion Booklet: Nusibér wi Black § poi ‘i the spice provided on the side.2 of the Answer Sheet, IE you to nob ehcode properly. oF fail to,encode ‘the above ‘information, action Will be taken. as pet commission's netifieation, oe Bees 7. “Bach question comprises four responses (A),.(B); (C) and (D): You ake to select, ONLY ONE. correct | ™ response nd mark im your Answor Shiot, In-case you feel hat there ‘are ipore than one soctest. | Fosponse, mark the response which you obsisidér the best.‘Th any case, choos ONLY ONE. ewponse for each seicarat ‘Your-total imaxks will dependion the nimber of cortect; peponsea marked by voix ia the. ‘Answer Shest, OE ences Co & | Inthe Anowér Sheet there are four circles @,@®,© and'O) Against each’ quiestion.,Co answer’ the: questions yout are to mark with Blue or Black ink Ball paint pan, ONLY ONK civcle of your choiee for each question. Select ong reaponae for cacti questing, in the: Question Rooket and mark in the Anewer Sheet, Ifyou mark more than-one answer for-one question, the answer will he treated as wrong. eg It. for ainy item, G) is the correct anawer, you have to mark as follaiye : * oe 9. = You'should not xemavs ar tear uff any cheat from thy Question Booklet You iaro nak allots tke this Question Booklet and the Answer: Sheet out: of the Examination Hall during (he time of examination. Afar the: examinaGon hand 10, 1s 13, 14, VERSION OF INSTRUCTIONS Sesaaivover CCSFE SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK ae! dt 1. Match the words and phrases given in Column A with their meanings in Column B : Column A Words @) Mark () Seer © Delusive @ - Squashed ® ® @.2 3 a We «* @) 3 2 Hee a Pee @ Awe ‘Column B Phrases misleading. listen to silenced visionary 2, » Choose the accurate antonym for the word ‘Inquisitive’ : (Curious \AT Incuriows (©) . Notorious @) Eager 8. . Match the correct prefix with the root words : (@) | Operate (b) Clear © National. (@ Noble @ wr 2 ee © 3 @ 4 @ 1 2 3. “ @ won eo Ig Co un. multi a CCSFR [Turn over | 1 4. Match the following phrases : A B Phrases Meaning (@) to take a new turn in the middle of (b) bereft of to get used to to begin something deprived of © tobe accustomed to (@) in the midst of Ree @) b) © @ Aol Ww 3 © 3 © 1 rw ee aR we N cane 5.” Complete the sentence : No other girl in the class is ——__—— Kamala. (A) most clever a8 {B) _ more clever as WI si ctever as {D) _ most cleverest 6. Match the following blending words in Column ‘A’ with their meaning in Column ‘BY Coluran A, Column B (a) Electro texecute 1. Medicare (b) Breakfast + lunch 2, Mobike () Motéx + bike 8, Brunch “ (da) Medical + care 4. Electrocute: ) 6 © @ @ Ww 4 3 2 i ® 3 4 1 2 ©) 4 3 1 2 ©) 3 4 2 1 CCSFE 4 8 10. Select correct Tense’. Gayathri (A) is working , B) works WO hae been working @) _ had been working (work) in this school since 2001. Choose the correct conjunetion from the optioas given below He is old (A) because We but he walle quickly. ® o ©) 20 Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition : (@) Lagree~ (®) Rani is worried © My uncle will visit me @ The cat hid. 1. behind 2 in 3. about 4 to @ ® © wer 4 a 8 @ 4 2 1 © 2 1 3 oO) 2 4 1 your proposal. - his health. May, ‘the door. @ Pa Identify the sentence pattern of the following sentence. ‘Vani is going to-school now @ sve ®) svo wer SVAA @) svIODO 5 . COSFE + [urn over 11. Form a-compound word using Noun + Adjective @) © Sunrise ®B) Post man WA Slo biue @®) Down fan 12. Give the meaning of the idiom ‘a bolt from the blue’ (A) | Extremely happy (B) © Have no patience © WHI Unexpcctéd sumprize (D) Puton airs 43, The Selfish Giant is a famous short story written by () RK Natayanan @®) Khushwant’Singh (©) Ruskia Bound WT Oscar Wilde 14, ————_——-—— built the palace. (A) The Pandiya (B) The Chola ©) The Pallava WH The Nayaks 15, Gangadhar Rao married —————~. WT Monikarnika (@®) Mala ‘ () Mathi (D) Madhavi CCSFE. 6 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. “Kingdoms may forget their kings And dogs forget their bites But not till man forgets his wings Will men forget the wrights” Identify the poet (AF doanna @) Jack Prelutsky . WT Stephen Vincent Benet (D) Paul Holmes “There is rio power in the Tongue of Man ‘To alter me I stay here on my Bond” utters these words. (A) Portia 8) Antony WA Shylock 1 (0) Bassanio “Most heartily T do beseech the court to give judgement” ‘These are the words of : We Antonio ” (B) Shylock (© Netissa . (D) Bassanic In'the line, “Harmonic cacophony to oblivious ears" ‘Harmonic tacophony’ is an example of (A) Onomatopoeia . (B) Anaphora (©) Apostrophe We Oxymoron “The globe's my world. The cloud’s ity kin?” Identify the figure of apeoch employed in the aboveline (A) Simile UP Metaphor (© Apostrophe ©) Ellipsis . 7 CCSFE [Turn over 21, Choose the correct answer and complete the following sentence : ‘The twelve peach trees broke out into delicate blossoms of (A) © blue and pearl WO pink and pearl © pink and white (D) black and blue 22. Ibis twice blessed It blesseth him that gives and him that takes ‘These are the words of. wer Portia (B) Shylock © Antony (D)- Bassanio 23. Mother Teresa won the Nobel Prize for peace in’ (A) > 1799 . (@) 1899 * we 1979 (D) 1976 24. “Yes; quaint and curious war is! ‘You shoot a fellow down? What is the moaning of the phrase “quaint and curious war” is {eH wor is strange and old ~ fashioned @) war is praise worthy (©) warie condemnable (D) war is essential 25. In "The Medel Millionaire’ the servant brought Hughie @ card when he was at (@) Tanch Or breakfast (© dinner D) tea CCSFE 8 - OB 26. If you can force your heart and nerve and Sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, Find out the meaning for a underlined word from the options given below : (A) limbs: (B) bone WI tendon @) Organs 27. . He did not hate the —----— now, for he knew that it was merely the spring as sleep. In ‘The Selfish Giant’ which seacon is considered by the giant as “spring asleep”. . (A) Autumn (B). Spring © Monsoon Ler Winter 28, Till the gossamer thread you Fling Catch somewhere, O my soul, ‘What Figure of speech can you find in the underlined part of the above line (A) Onomatopoeia (®). Anaphora Wa Oxymoron « ®) Apostrophe 29. _Inwhich poem do you find the fallowing tine? : “It isn’t by size that you win or you Fail” mo (A) 0 Captain! My Captain _ B). The Solitary Reaper (©) Sonnet No- 116 rr be the Best 30, Identify the statement which is not expressed by Dy. Karl Paulnack in his essay “Music The Hope Raiser” {Wwe Music is part of arts and entertainthent B) © Music is a basic need of human survival (© Music makes sense of our lives (D) Music is a way for us to understand things with our hearts 31, According to Gokhale what requires whole-hearied devotion? Aver Acquiring knowledge ®) Spirit © _Instances @) Obvervation, B 9 CCSFE ~ - {furn over 32. | Which of the following is not included a the main goals by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalama in his vision to achieve developed nation status in terms of the common people? (A) Transformation of our national economy (B) Bringing all-round prosperity for the people of the country Wr" Empowering the nation by enhancing our military power (D) Providing high standard education and health facilities to people 33. ‘The poem “You can’t be that No you can't be that by Brain Patten is about (A) The importance of édueation to children : (B) Tho role of twachiezs in shaping the lives of students, Wa Twasting, respecting and valuing out children as individuals (D) The néed to appreciate nature for a happy life 34. “You cannot rob us of the rights we chorish” ‘The above line is from the poet, . (A) Cry of the Children (B) The Man he killed WI Women's Rights (D)’ 0 Captain! My Captain! 35. When was Rabindranath Tagore born? . (A) 18 May 1861 "717 May 1861 (C) 17 May. 1816 (D) 17 June 1861 1 36, A coarse ———— cloak was flung over the shoulders of the old beggar at Alan | Trovor's studio. . A) Grey @®) Black (©) Blue | VOT Brown 37. Crocodiles are more than years old. 300 million {B) 400 million | wr 200 million . ) 100 million ; CCSFE 10 6 38. . “On such an earth my footprints But I cannot reason why All human roads are dark and dry ’ And all the other creatures die” Identify the author. (A) David Roth (B) Brian Patten WT Anonymous (D) Leslie Notris 39, Inwhich poem, do you find the following line? "Go over the recipe, step-by-step’. (A) ATger in the Zoo (Dy Nomen are foreign 40. In which poem, do you find the following line? ‘The Splendid joy of the stars: the joy of the earth. (A). My Native Land (B)_ The Flying Wonder wr Laugh anid be Merry (D) To India 41. Identify the work which is written by William Wordsworth, WAT The Lyrical Ballads ®B) Hamlet (C) The Good Earth @) Gitanjali 8 wn . CCSFE (Turn over 42, Match the characters in Column A with the story titles in Column B : (a) ® © @ @ ®) © Column A Sue Ivan Dmitwiteh. Monsieur Sauvage Vera @ o © 1 3 4 3 1 4 2 1 4 4 wer 2 3 Column B 1. ‘The Open Window 2 The Last Leaf, & Lottery Ticket 4, ‘Two Friends @ 2 2 3 43, Match the charactors in Column A with the story titles in Column B (a) ©) ©). @ ws (B) @ @) Column A Gomathi Mr. Dick Mme. Loisel Bagha Bagdi @ &) 1 3 4 3 2 3 2 Column B 1. Every living thing 2 Holiday 3. Reflowering 4, The Nocklace @) 2 2 1 4 - 44. Choose the odd pair from those given below : (A) Bishrambar @®) Della Wt Frisk @) Rowther CCSFE Holiday ‘The gift of Magi Kaanchanai Refloworing 12 45. . The Poet Jack Prelutsky was born in (A) New York WT Brooklyn (©) Lebanon (D) - United States 46. Match the name of the authar with the s'story = (a) The selfish Giant 1 Peal Buck (b) Out in the fields with God 2,.. Oscar Wilde (©) The Refugee 3. Anton Chekhov (a) The Lottery Ticket 4.. Elizabeth Barrett Browning (@) ©) © @) me 4 1 8 @ 1 2 4 a © 3 2 1 4 @) 4 2 1 3 47. | Choose the appropriate antonym of the underlined word from the options given below “Hier face had an expression of absolute serenity” ) Tranquility (®) Calmness Peacefulnoss “ ‘Unquietness 48. _. Which nation does Stephen Vincent Benet belong to? (A) England VPP America (© Russia . (D) Africa .B ' 13. CCSFE . [Turn over 49. Walt Whitman's, ‘O Captain ! My Captain ! is a written for the death of Abraham Lincoln. ©) Epic 50. Identify the poet who is not an Indian. ‘ j (A) -Famida ¥. Basher (B) Kamala Surayya (©) V.K. Gokak we James Kirkup 51. Which Nationality does the poet Famida Y Basheer belong to? j (A) Lebanese B) American © British 52, ‘Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks’ Choose the poem where you find the above lines : (A) A Sonnet for my Incomparable Mother (B) My Grand-Mother’s House WW Sonnot No~ 116 (D) Nine Gold Medals CCSFE u- . 6 ' I | 53, Identify the correct degree : Very few cities in India are WAT as populous as (B) - more populous than, (©) the most populous @) populous as (populous) Mumbai. 54, In which year Einstein was given the Nobel Prize? (a) 1920 WT 1921 © 1934 ©) 1945 55. Match Column A with Column B to form gerunds in sentences :* A (0) Eating too much (b). Swimming ©) Playing on the street (@) Walking on the roof @), o © a) 4 3 1 ar 3 4 2 “© 2 a4 (@) 1 4 3 L 2 3. 4. @ B ie forbidden, “ig dangerous is bad for health is a pleasant hobby 15 CCSFE, [Turn over 56. 57. 58. ‘Rewrite the sentence in the passive voice : ‘The man completed his work. His master paid him, (A) - His work is completed by the mon and he ia paid by hia mastor a His work was completed by the man and he was paid by his master (©) His work had completed by the man and he was paid by his master (D) ~ His work has completed bythe man and he has been paid by his master Identify the simple sentence from the following sentences : (A) Tam sure that I will succeed (B) The boy saw the snake at once he ran (©) We reached station in time but the train had left WA Onwaving the fag, tho train started Choose the sentence which has no error : we He is one of the talkative boys in the class (B) Hes one of the talkative boy in the class (C) Hes the talkative boys in,the class (D) He is one of the most talkative boy in the class CCSFE ~ 16 59. 60. 61, 62. Identify the sentence pattern. ‘One of the boys must go A) AS @ AsV wr sv @) SVA ‘ Choose the correct synonym for the underlined word from the options given : She is known for her humane attitude, indomitable will and foarloss spirit, (A) Weak ’ (B) © Coward WO Strong (Dy Bold ‘The leader craved for the power’ to redress the grievances of the citizens under the caro. Choose'the correct meaning for the'uaderlined word from the options given below (A) oxamine (B) access (©) introspect WOT comedy Select the correct question tag for the given sentence. Don't leave the fridge door open ——-? (A) Do you? ° (B) Don't you? Wer want you? ) Won't you? W CCSFE [Turn over, 63. What is Euphemism? WE Inoffensive word : (B) Inthe point of monotony (© individual's name (D) French word 64. _ Choose the correct Antonyms for the underlined word. Endowed as you are with a unique personality. WT cursed (B) denied (© blessed (D) abide 65. Read the sentence to identity grammatical error. If there is any error. Mark the part A,B, Cor D as the case may be. Since vou yun fast youwillnot win the race A B c- D @ D . wra © B @ Cc 66, “Demoeriaey is for the peopie by the people and of people” Who said this? Wer Abraham Lincoln (B) William Wordsworth © Gandhiji (D) Nehru cosre 8 B 67. “The manager will cancal the meeting”. Find the correct ‘phrasal verb to the above underlined word. @)callon ®) callout (©) callin Wr call off . 68. Find the odd one out (A) gradually @®) slowly (©) well WO beautiful 69. “The reddest flower would look as pale as snow® What is the figure of spooch employed in this line? (A) Metaphor (B) Personification © We simile @) Oxymoron 70, Which will take place of fears when some one keeps trying in the poem “keep on keeping on”? worries Or oy (©) motivation (D) success 71, “... I'm not going to be an airport pilot, a dancer, a layer, or an MC”. MC means — (A) Municipal Councilor (8) Marriage Contractor LS Master of Ceremonies (©) Master of Chemistry, B ° 19 CCSFE [Turn over 72. 73. 14. 15. 16. Match the following words-from Shakespeare's English in Column A with their modern English equivalents in Column B= Columa A. Column B 5 (8) doth 1 you thy 2° do () thou 3. your @ dost ‘ 4 doce (a) » © (@) 4 a 1 2 B® 2 1 a 4 @ 2 1 4 8 O44 38 2 1 “Ambition”, according to in Julius Caesar should be made.of sterner stuff. (A) Caesar (8) Brutus (©) Firotcitizon , Wr Antony ‘The book “Ignited Minds” talks about (A) Pranab Muhaxjee . Wer Abdul Kalam © Chidambaram (D) Naxendra Modi Dale Camogie in his “The Road to success’ insists on saying ‘no’ generally because (A) you can stay away from working hard (B) you can make others think high of yourself ‘WEI itis incompatible with the necessary work you must do to reach you main goal (D) itis stressful fo get involved in saany activities ‘The selfish giant loved the little boy the best because —————. : (A) he had understood him (B) _ he had been kind to him (© he had given him food WON" he had kissed him CCSFE 200 B 77. Match the titles of the poem ‘A’ with lines of the poem A . B (@) Avt is long and time is fleeting 1, English words (b) Love's not time’s fool 2 APsalm of life © Pinning for new agony 3. The man he killed (@ Right many a nipper kin 4, Sonnet — 116 ® © ©. @ ne) @) 3 2 were 4 1 @) 4 em ae meee 78. Success is not sométhing to wait for; it is something to work for Whose'words are these? WO dossiva Cox @®) Anne Sullivan (© Hellen Kellex @) Ruskin Bond 79. ° “I'm sick of heaving them cheep-cheep” ‘What is the figure of speech employed here? (A) Metaphor Wr Onamatopocia (© Personification (©) Oxymoron 80. . What does Tope Spencer’ ask ua to do when “Good Iuck is round the corner”? (A) Towalk away from the place (B) To ignore it we ‘To show a smiling face (D). To laugh at it 81. According to Kerl Paulnack the first organised public expression of grief after the attack in 2011 of September 11% was (A) Public Meeting (B) Prayer meeting: WE Concert (D) Peace rally B 21 ° CCSFE {Tarn over 82, Match the following by understanding the meaning. Word Meaning (a) Xenophobia Fear of water (b) Hydvophobia (©) Claustrophobia (@_ Acrophobia Fear of enclosed space Fear of heighte Fear of strangers Beer @) o © @ . - @) 4 2 3 1 wri 102 03 @2 1 4 8 “M2 8 4 1 83. Here comes our batting hero; Salutes the crowd, ‘Takes guard. Who is the author of thie poem’ WY Ruskin Bond (®B)_ Douglas Malloch (© Hope Spencer ©) Kamala Das 84, Whois the headman in the Lesson “After The Storm’ by Deepa Agarwal. @) Sarak: WAT Diwan Singh (© Lal Singh D) Radha 85, The Pillared Cloisters beside the main structure have a series of deities and shivalingas, wortby to be admired. What is the meaning of underlined word Cloisters in the passage? @) , Art Gallery Covered passages (© Beautiful earvings (D) Monolithie statues CCSFE 22 Bp 86, 87. 88. 89, 90. Which among the following is a story by O'Henry? (A) The Tears of the Desert (© The Face of Judas Iscariot (B)_ The Wooden Bow! VAT Tho Last Leaf “The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done, From fearful trip the vietor ship comes in with object won:” What does Walt Whitman refer by ‘object won’? (A) the end of voyage (C) the end of a batile (B) the end of the trip WT the end of the civil war Which Nationality does the Post Khalil Gibran belong to? (A). American (©) Canadian WE Lebanese (D) British ‘Who among the following is not a British poet? (@) John Masfield (©) DH. Lawrence Match the following : Title (story) (a) Kaanchanai () Reflowering (© The Necklace (@). Holiday (ay ® © @ 4 3 ae wre 1 4 Or 3 2 @) 4 2 3 WI Robert Frost (D) Elizabeth Barret Browning Author Sundara Ramasamy Pudumaippittan Rabindranath Tagore Guyde Mauppassant 23 CCSFE [Turn over « 91. ‘Mari’d how to explore the vacant. vast surrounding” What figure of speech can be identified in the above line from the poem, “The Nation United” | (A) Oxymoron {B) Assonance (©) Synecdoche: ' vr Alliteration . 92. “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested,” — Identify the author . (A) EM. Forster VT Srancis Bacon (C), Ben Johnson (D) dane Austine 98. Annie Louisa Walker was educated in Delhi (B) Moscow . (© London | we Ontario CCSFE 24 6 94 “Ah darling, it’s Behrman’s masterpiece — he painted it there the night that the last leaf fell” Who said these words to whom? (A) Behrman to doctor VP sue to Johney © — dohnsy to Sue (D) Behrman to Sue 95. “Why don't you join the others? What A peculiar child you are?” Who said these words to Kamala in ‘Punishment in Kindergarten’? (A) Grandmother B) Mother WH Teacher (@) Father 96. "Here 'tis, most reverened Doctor'. Who is the "doctor here? (Shylock WT Portia (©) Bassanio @) Duke 97. . Who says this? + "My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar, And I must pause till it come back to me". (A) Calphurnia ®B) Marcus Brutus Octavius Caosar wr Mark Antony B 25 CCSFE [Turn over 98, , Match the names of the pots under Column A with Column B and choose the correct code > Column A (a) H.W. Long fellow (@) Annie Louisa Walker @ Walt Whitman @ = V.K Gokak @) ) (A) 4 2 @o1 3 ass @) 2 3 e& L 2. 3 4 @ Column B English Words A Noiseless Patient Spider A Psalm of life Women's rights 99. Identify the poem which is wrongly matched with its poet (A Piano — D.H. Lawrence (B) Manliness — Rudyard Kipling WEI The Cry of the children —Robert Browning (D) The Man he killed~ Thomas Hardy 100. Choose the impersonal passive voice statement. (A) — His request had been rejected by Raja Se Lots of things can be done on the internet (©) The nets are carried in boats by fishermen (D) The captain was scolded by George Washington CCSFE 26 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 79 CCSFE + [Turn over pay 2018 Gurgi gHoeo AuTg 2Playibd (SSLC STD) BepinB dara Geror Gud : 3 worl] [Bionfg nfbQueiracr : 300 Hamsse5sG USodlli earch &pascin oxflojnrsoner scuenpnecs URssaib 10. LL 12. 13. 14 epédws sifloenrscr Bis Homs Arey Gia, Isr ugesig 15 Mi ksiedg eperarsna Aran papier apts Gu, Bis. Hoang Open; 200 Randsmers AsnacQaeng. Aan uctés Asm meepar GauctamaGsngckd ctdor Gemasy’ aflnsuns Quid Cupperaraian aairepinh Gar Me ogi Aeiinssncrss wdrercvout cremepud etiuimipgé Camiroray, gCsend GmpuNG Beyer, sme uss Mi weigpigd pscrareniiunniis Gehség,, sfuins edier CoGere Sans Agrgideen Quipé Cale Gib. Catia Gm sidney, eponpu8i.nd aflamng Qpresiny orbs ROLL. wonagy. ction Bertisenseth Aan wales. ccdon Hamésiasid so.oKer bSUauswreat Qentein_ovcu. Pmialapeni.ts Udy csiroram Bisar UspAer ag Goo cpmonId aphAser saarinfgciar Or Ble Bisa ayp Casio. Cag sensu Searg Gargiiie aise aingy. . elle sonar Gig ort. cron, Bon ganar Qerp e RisEGe eens seinsnaRC LETTE spLLGLD. RLGGOLU RapApTE LL aroineamr (Question Booklet Numbex) ean jgmaflen Goodin usesSlér apidser cimoggiéra QL pf fab dog ages fp eioucoLw Us Lt Curamrctlencsd eg figs ari Gadr@d Codsdnaipay Ao ignite fmsd G Aegis sKLLd poland Csfamnanu AP Adense Gn Geroraty GLairjacos Ci Qarsner UG. ‘geueuny eSleasiad (A), (B), (©) ratagei (D) orn anc eS airend Gain Qerengy ixast senausathd gGr ges aftuines sot ores Cp Onin eAlen. prefio hogs onc Cassa, qeepie Giqiur silane flan ser Gey Cocaine, Bevinigrae aefeme frac Ss tharos ach carps sug INCI wip arcu cor sgnahed Gore SLL. Goxin Gio. oiimumiigd ge Caielag Sp agp cdiomcouxianen Gripes Dis GaxiuGid. «.misiaman_ur ions ofc Based cen gpsfi Neg Sm Gio afd mar Ceol actin coraPécnrcoon UNDE Biot fipnalics GaGeurs Caste rcinaiaaxd abled @, @, © woe G) ren press ox’ nssea crenon. Gey Cstraiig corusties Bact efiQuon aga coo aw gor Ge ALL AAS Wx’ Gid fb doy agen Soroujoocas Lrg pores Cusmefened Digs on. CorinGd. GaKAMG CatAbED GH eo cms Crisas 9551 ceo penefies @plin Camind. gw CacinSig geri Goipts Bonwit aig, lx SAMTENENSS seGBCUOIb. = siesns Fisssr (G) soxung efturen enue. sepflaer op Siepousiony @fgiban's Cassis @@00 - fect Bamps OprgiSer opEL Lixpapind fiaCan dag d~lasCam dang. Cota Corsee Os Rens One wSenenGuar arcreng: Sten gpneoerGuir Gpircis ni pomp oBl"O Gasca aGiigis Qadarsant ray ide a sguenaré scenes i.nanf in Osc GHLYSd CwLS UTicLIpHg clams Iprgdr am A VERA Coamtesfsong 2.iGundlegie Qanérdicomin, 101 gps 200 anes rBenran cBeioti ysllso cugethis Qanasstii" Oener eEAlin yxirsnen qpyainergseestb. Bears OsrEewie sflcor onus epi Cour, GAO Gis ani Gow aang Seinartuigayiscr Aco wietlkamod aera Barrésciés Gongs cracaflsmemn Seo gpncfler uss 2-6 “SipiMaare fas si pple eeg8 SMa}. Q\sbAsor Osos mig POL Aver auprimii(o, Ciopscir spleyenrsad aompuneigs Bilamd Cpimcnanwld RAUWEL pLoigsanaemins dais SpA oer MES IUGAD.

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