Loth Experts Studio Process

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Studio provides an engaging, iterative design process that helps customers develop solutions to their unique needs.

Our team brings the ability to create products through user based design in a way that enhances interaction, integrates technology and inspires lifelong learning.



• Room for a computer and for teacher and students to interact

• Plenty of wire management with easy, yet secure, access to components








Observe. Question. Record.

Detecting the Product Needs through User Based Design

1 Seek inspiration ~ from everyday


Look for ad hoc ways we behave in real life. Examples: warming hands on a cup of coffee, using a dish towel to protect the keyboard.

2Disrupt the normal flow.

Develop a discipline of witnessing ordinary things by going out in the world. Examples: using the mouth to hold things, hooking an umbrella on an arm.

IL.. Document behavior ~ and focus on action.

Use a camera and notebook to observe a variety of related situations in natural settings.

/1 Seek out extreme ~ situations.

Pursue experiences beyond what you know or live in every day in order to see anew.

51nvite curiosity.

Ask "naive" questions that reach beyond automatic assumptions. Examples: How

'thoughtless' is the behavior? What motivates this?


We love this interpretation of observation by Jane Fulton Suri in her book "Thoughtless Ads? Observations on Intuitive Design".

b Reveal what is intuitive.

Be conscious of subconscious, spontaneous reactions. Examples: pulling a door to open it instead of pushing it, walking in step with others.

7Uncover the emotional experience.

Connect to feelings to determine responses we intend to elicit through design or communication. Examples: the ways people stand in lines or create personal space on park benches.

(3 Tune into cultural


Find meaning and themes in various situations. Examples: the ways people conform in an elevator, convey messages or dispose of litter.

'9 Tap resources.

Inform the experience with input from clients, experts and the experienced.

40 Seek flexible 8:

""I enduring solutions.

Not everything requires a makeover. Sometimes simple is best.

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Ideas take shape as we codesign and support your design team.

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Graphic and prototypical products are utilized to confirm observations and idea. Material considerations such as sustcincbility, durability and feasibility, ore demonstrated.

You want inspiring-we are YOUR Studio.

Our knowledge and experience is rich in creating environments that foster interaction and integrate technology, creating the products end users need.

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Product designs and revisions are made until details reflect the needs.



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You want inspiring-we are YOUR Studio.

Our knowledge and experience is rich in creating environments that foster interaction and integrate technology, creating the products end users need.

Our Process Step-by-Step

Step 1 Making Contact
Level I • Call Dealer/Representative
• Email Form
• Email Drawings
Special Size Step 2 Initial Call
48 Hours *
Step 3
Step 1 Making Contact
Level II • Call Dealer/Representative
• Email FOITfi
• Email Drawings
Special Shape Step 2 Initial Call
or Configuration Step 3 Design Brief Logged
2 - 5 Business Days * into vonerurn-Stelter system Step 1

Step 2

Initial Reference Images

• line Drowinqs

• Preliminary Pricing

Revisions & Drawing Approval

Step 1 Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Purchase Order Submitted

Acknowledgement Provided from Vorerurr-Steter

Engi neeri ng/Mon ufoctu ri ng * 4 - 6 Weeks

Product Shipment and Installation coordinated with dealer/firm and client

Step 1

Step 2

Initial Reference Images

• Line Drawings

• Bj\N Isometric Images

• Preliminary Pricing

Revisions & Drawing Approval

Step 1 Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Purchase Order Submitted

Acknowledgement Provided from Vo-rerurr -Steter

Engi neeri ng/Mon ufoctu ri ng * 4 - 6 Weeks

Product Shipment and Installation coordinated with deoler Zlirrn and client

Step 1

Level III Unique Custom Solution

Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

5 - 10 Business Days *

* Excluding engineering, manufacturing time or d prototypes

Making Contact

• Call Dealer /Representatrve

• Email Form

• Email Drawings

Initial Call

Design Brief Confirmation

Design Brief Logged into vonerurn-Stelter system

Step 1 Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Studio Box Distributed

Initial Web Collaboration Session action item: establish timeline

dealer, project designer/end user, vonerurn-Stelter

Initial Reference Images

Line drawings and B&W isometric images ore developed and distributed to dealer for shoring & discussinq with firm/cliellt

Preliminary Pricing Submitted based Oil concepts end project scope idertfied ill project charter

Revisions Submitted and Mode Optional Web Conference

as necessorv to discuss chonqes

end revisions

Layout and Color Renderings provided, if Ileeded or desired,

for clarity end visuolizouon

Drawings Approved and Signed by dealer! designer! client

Approved Prototypes or Mock-ups

call be ordered to ensure solutions meet desigll/ [unction requirements

Revisions Submitted and Mode Drawings Approved and Signed by dealer/designer/client

Step 1 Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Purchase Order Submitted

Acknowledgement Provided from Vo-ierun--Steter

Engi neeri ng/Mon ufoctu ri ng * 6 - 8 Weeks

Product Shipment and Installation coordi-roted with dealer/firm or d client





learning is lifelong



Loth Inc. I 3574 East Kemper Road Cincinnati, OH 45241 p. 513.554.4900 I e. info@lothexperts.com

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