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Almega Sejahtera
Kompleks CITY SQUARE Blok C 11 - 12
Jl. Abdulrahman Saleh No. 9 Bandung website :
Phone. [022]-[6125412-4] Fax. [022]-[6125415] email :

To BALAI BESAR BAHAN DAN BARANG TEKNIK Contact person : Dedi Budimannaddien
Jl. Sangkuriang No 14 Bandung Mobile : +6281381382808
Email :
Date : 16-Jan-18
Our Ref : 011/AS-Lab-DB/I/2018
Your Ref : [cust reff number]

In accordance with your request, we are pleased to submit the following quotation for your kind consideration :
No. Qty Descriptions Unit Price Extended Price

1 1 Anak Timbangan Rp 58,300,000 Rp 58,300,000

Brand : Mettler Toledo
Kelas : E2
Nominal : 1 mg - 200 g
Jumlah : 1 (satu) set / 23 pcs
Spesifikasi :
- wire (mg), Knob weight (g)
- High grade Stainless steel
- Density: 8.0 kg/dm3
- Magnetic susceptibility <0.01
- Vacuum melted
- one piece design (Monobloc)
- Wooden Box
- Termasuk sertifikat kalibrasi sesuai ISO 17025
2 1 Anak Timbangan Rp 96,500,000 Rp 96,500,000
Brand : Mettler Toledo
Kelas : F1
Nominal : 1 mg - 5 kg
Jumlah : 1 (satu) set / 28 pcs
Spesifikasi :
- wire (mg), Knob weight (g)
- High grade Stainless steel
- Density: 8.0 kg/dm3
- Magnetic susceptibility <0.01
- Vacuum melted
- one piece design (Monobloc)
- Wooden Box
- Termasuk sertifikat kalibrasi sesuai ISO 17025
3 1 Anak Timbangan
Brand : Mettler Toledo
Kelas : E2
Nominal : 2 kg Rp 15,700,000 Rp 15,700,000
Nominal : 5 kg Rp 22,300,000 Rp 22,300,000
- wire (mg), Knob weight (g)
- High grade Stainless steel
- Density: 8.0 kg/dm3
- Magnetic susceptibility <0.01
- Vacuum melted
- one piece design (Monobloc)
- Wooden Box
- Termasuk sertifikat kalibrasi sesuai ISO 17025

[Division : Lab, Anachem, erweka] Page 1 of 2 Your Total Weighing Solution

Syarat Penawaran :
1 Masa berlaku penawaran 1 bulan
2 Ketersediaan barang : indent 2.5 bulan
3 Pembayaran : DP 50%, lunas sebelum pengiriman

Best Regards,

Dedi Budimannaddien
HP. 081 381 382 808

[Division : Lab, Anachem, erweka] Page 2 of 2 Your Total Weighing Solution

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