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Contact: Lindsey C.

Holmes, CEO
LCH Business Social Media & Tech

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! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE


LCH Is Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) 40th Annual

Legislative Conference Bound!
LCH Business SM & Tech will be spreading Congressional Black Conference Foundationʼs
(CBCF) Annual Legislative Conference (ALC) 2010 initiatives through our unique
Social Media for conferences package.

Washington, DC 9/14/2010 - From September 15 to September 18, Congressional Black Caucus

Foundation (CBCF) brings you the Annual Legislative Conference (ALC) 2010, an important
educational, empowering and unique gathering of concerned citizens, elected officials, business
and industry leaders, celebrities and emerging leaders. As the premier conference on policy
issues impacting African Americans, the ALC boasts more than 80 information sessions,
workshops and forums, the National Town Hall Meeting, the Prayer Breakfast, BPX 2.0 (The Black
Party) and the Phoenix Awards Dinner. CBCF ALC 2010 events are part of the overall strategy
designed to generate support for CBCFʼs mission to develop leaders, inform policy and educate
the public about educational programs and initiatives that take place throughout the year.

To remain ʻcurrent,ʼ ALC 2010 has employed various new media outlets to facilitate real time
reporting of the conference and other events. LCH Business SM & Tech will be reporting CBC
events live via Twitter throughout the weekʼs events starting September 15. CBCF will be
blogging, Tweeting and Facebooking during ALC.

Official News and Updates can be viewed on the CBCF Twitter Page / Facebook Page
and CEO, LCH Business SM & Tech Lindsey C. Holmesʼ Twitter Page and the LCH Business
SM & Tech Facebook Page with Official Hashtag #40thALC.

About the CBCF

CBCF Vision
We envision a world in which the black community is free of all disparities and able to contribute
fully to advancing the common good.

CBCF Mission
Our mission is to advance the global black community by developing leaders, informing policy and
educating the public.

CBCF Will Achieve Its Mission By:

• Facilitating the exchange of ideas and information to address critical issues affecting our
• Developing strategic research and historical resources for the public.
• Providing leadership development and scholarship opportunities.
• Developing effective programs and research to address social, economic and health disparities.

About LCH Business

We are a social media marketing company, specializing in social media campaigns and management, and
mobile application development.

With a marketing and business development focus, a passion for mobile technology and social media, and
an understanding of the importance of staying current into todayʼs economic climate for small to mid-level
business, LCH Business has created a business model that engages through all forms of social media.
Beginning with a highly visible social media campaign on over 60 social media/ bookmarking channels,
LCH boosts and manages profiles while engaging potential clients. The culmination of your campaign is a
custom mobile application, lending a truly over-the-top social media installation for your business/
campaign. Amazing! Proudly leveraging a personal following of over 50,000 and utilizing the top industry
tools, we are creating the top Social Media Optimized (SMO) campaigns today.

We are certified Apple Inc. Developers and a proud Minority Woman Business Enterprise (MWBE) based in
Newark, NJ with offices in New York and Washington, DC. Our specialty platform is the iPhone, but we also
create for the Blackberry, Palm, Windows Mobile and Android.

 View conference schedule for more information. 

Additional Information
Please view conference schedule for more information.  Interesting in sponsoring our Social
Media HUB™ at conferences like these? Contact Not on our mailing
list? Join here.


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