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Observation Task 1: Chit Chat

Observation Table:
Reasons for speaking in the classroom

Class: KG/5
Number of learners: 23
Length of lesson: one half
Teacher observed Language: miss eman ______
Learning Goals: I want to improve their speaking

Materials used: flash card -story

Reason for speaking Learner A Learner B Learner C

Learner repeats word / phrase E-E-E E-E-E E-E-E
1 after teacher – whole class
Learner repeats word / phrase E-E-E E-E-E E-E-E
2 after teacher – group / pair
Learner repeats word / phrase E-E-E A-E-E A-A-E
3 after teacher – individual
Learner answers direct question E-E-E E-E-E E-E-E
4 from teacher
Learner answers open question E-E-E E-E-E A-E-E
5 from teacher
6 Learner asks teacher a question E-E-E E-E-E E-A-E

Learner answers a partner in E-E E-E-E A-A-A

7 Paired work activity
Learner answers a group member E-E E-E-E E-E-E
8 in group work activity
Learner answers the teacher E-E-E E-E-E E-E-E
9 Informally
10 Learner answers peer informally E-E-E A-E-E A-E-A

11 Other reason for speaking E-E-E A-E-E E-E-E

12 Other reason for speaking

Reflections on Observation Task 1: Chit Chat

Read the questions below and write your answers

What was the most common reason for speaking? ENGLISH

What was the least common reason for speaking? Arabic

Were there any boxes with no ticks?no

How much of the lesson was spent on the teacher using ‘Teacher Talk’, in your opinion?
One and half.

Do you feel it was an appropriate amount of talk? Why / Why not?

Yes, the student understand vey will.

What do you think is an appropriate sequence of interaction patterns?

It is very good and it help the student.

Now consider how much Arabic was used. Do you think it was used appropriately?
Why? / Why not? No, when the teacher ask them in English they answer in Arabic.

Reflection for Bonus Points

You do not have to do this activity. However, if you want a higher grade, you must do it. If
you are interested in thinking about this subject more, consider the following reflection.

Choose one of the following questions (A, B, or C) and write your answer:

A. Why is talk important for teachers? To let her to talk a lot and important for her
speaking in English.

Why is talk important for learners? (Think about the What and How.)
They improve their speaking when they talk.

B. Why is it important to think about using English for varied purposes in the classroom?
For example, not just for giving an example, but also for correcting, for praising, for
everyday uses, like asking for help, or asking to borrow something?

C. What role do you think Arabic should play in the English classroom?

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