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30/1/2018 Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM (Service Avare Manager) | www.ipcisco.

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Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM (Service Avare Manager)

Category: Alcatel-Lucent, Network Management, Network Monitoring, SAM, Services, SNMP
Author: gokhankosem, on 06 Sep 15 - 2 Comments

Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM

(Service Avare Manager)

Alcatel-Lucent 5620 Service Aware Manager (SAM) is the network and service management application of
Alcatel-Lucent. It is generally used on service providers’s big netwoks consist of Alcatel-Lucent devices like
7750 SR, 7450 ESS and so on. Alcatel-Lucent 5620 Service Aware Manager (SAM) uses SNMPv2 and
SNMPv3 to do this management.

5620 SAM provide a GUI interface and with this interface, network management becomes more easy.

SAM let the administrator to make configurations on both GUI and command line of the device. Configuring on
GUI is more userfriendly, but command line is more close to the network engineers.

In SAM GUI, there is also a template mechanism. This template mechanism, you can create some template
configuration screens for customer. This templates provides easy configuration on SAM GUI.

Beside these, many facilities becomes more easy with GUI interface. During software upgrades and updates,
taking tech-supports or similir facilities can be done on SAM with little scripts.

5620 SAM can monitor both Alcatel-Lucent devices and 3th party products like Cisco and Juniper devices. But
detailed monitoring can be done up to the ports on Alcatel-Lucent devices. For 3th party devices, only element
management is supported,like port status, CLI connection.

Service providers maximize their operationsl efficiency and troubleshooting capability through 5620 SAM. You
can see the screenshot of Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM, below: 1/12
30/1/2018 Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM (Service Avare Manager) |

Devices That You Can Manage on SAM

– Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR (Service Router)

– Alcatel-Lucent 7450 ESS (Ethernet Service Switch)
– Alcatel-Lucent 7710 SR (Service Router)
– Alcatel-Lucent 7705 SAR (Service Aggregate Router)
– Alcatel-Lucent 7210 SAS (Service Access Switch) 2/12
30/1/2018 Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM (Service Avare Manager) |

– OS (Omni Switch)
– GNE(Generic Network Equipment) (This is provided as element management, not detailed)

Products That Works Parallel With 5620 SAM

There are also some specific product of Alcatel-Lucent that works together with 5620 SAM. These products are:

– 5650 CPAM (Control Plane Assurance) : Provides route and path analyze. Also provides control plane
signalling (IGP, BGP, MPLs, Multicast,,L2/L3 services) analyze. This product is generally offered to service

– 5670 RAM (Reporting and Analysis Manager) : Provides analyze from L4 to L7. Help to explore IP/MPLS
traffffic flows, application usage, application performance etc with DPI.

– 5750 SSC (Subscriber Services Controller) : Provides policy management, user profile management.These
products are use to manage the traffic from Layer 1 to Layer 7.

5620 SAM Platform Types

Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM has the below Platform Types:

– Server,
– GUI Client,
– GUI Client Delegate,
– Database,
– Auxiliary Statistic Collector.

5620 SAM Platform Types

Server : Minimum requirement is Solaris 10 OR 32 Bit Windows 2000,2003,XP. Solaris is used for big
networks. On Windows, it is used for tests generally. 3/12
30/1/2018 Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM (Service Avare Manager) |

GUI Client : OSS Application or Java based SAM GUI.

GUI Client Delegate : Instead of installing SAM GUI one by one, by the help of X11 protocol it is run on a
platform. Normally for each Client 1 Gbyte dedicated RAM is required. On GUI Client Delegate, this is not a

Database : It is oracle database. Both Solaris and Windows is supported. Solaris is offered.

Auxiliary : Collects the istatistics. SAM need to inform the SAM Server in certain intervals. But this tires SAM.
So auxiliary is used and after this the istatistics came auxiliary. Two auxiliary can be installed on Solaris

SAM configuration is done in two ways:

Distributed : Server and Database s installed on seperate workstations.

Colocated : Server and Database s installed on same workstation.

For auxiliary, the configuration way must be distributed.

SAM Modularity

SAM consist of different modules and these modules together form the 5620 SAM.Let’s check these modules
one by one.

SAM-E : Element Management.The fundamental module of SAM. Mandatory module.

Provides the followings:
– CLI access to managed devices
– Equipmnet Management and Navigation
– Alarm Policy Management
– Real-time Equipment Statistics 4/12
30/1/2018 Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM (Service Avare Manager) |

5620 SAM Element Management

SAM-P : Provisionning Management. Routing protocols, mpls tunnels,servises. Optinal module.

Provides the followings:
– Protocol Management
– Network Tunnel and Path Management
– Service Provisioning
– Customer Management

SAM-A : Assurance Management.Provides the followings:

– Fault correlation using alarms
– Topology Views
– OAM Troubleshooting Tools
– Statistics and Accounting Policies & Data

5620 SAM Assurance Management

SAM-O : OSS Management.Privides open socket service interface usng XML.Provides network operation staff
access to all four components of the SAM. XML interface, SOAP encoding, HTTP, HTTPS

SNMP and 5620 SAM

There are two important jobs of SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) here:

Poll : Discover the device…

Trap: If a change occurs, informs the device…

For discover process, the device must be configured with the correct SNMP configuration. If this configuration
is done correctly, after a refresh process, SAM will find and discover the device.

There are some important SNMP terms. Firstly, let’s check these terms:

Managed device: A device that hosts the SNMP agent that provides monitored information and controlled 5/12
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operations using SNMP.

SNMP Agent: Resides inside of the managed device. Responsible for replying to the requestes from the
manager and sending traps to a receipt that inform about potential problems.

Manager: Provides the communication link between the systems administrator and the managed devices on the
network. Serves as a human interface to the SNMP network.

Community String : Used string as a SNMP password for access control.

MIB(Management Information Base) : Stored in the device

Trap: A message that reports a problem or error.

NMS (Network Management System) : SNMP Manager software or hardware.

SNMPv2 : Generally used. Simple password sharing. “Community String” is used.

SNMPv3 : Latest version of SNMP. Cryptographic Security is used. More secure. No need for “Community
String”. “Username” is used.

In Alcatel-Lucent, SNMPv3 is generally used. Because it is more secure. But it is not supported by all the

Alcatel-Lucent Device Discovery Steps on 5620 SAM

At bof.cfg
– Network Management IP definition
– Persist state must be ON

At config.cfg
– Router ID configuration
– SNMP Security configuration
– SNMP No Shutdown

– Mediation Policy ( Administration/Mediation/Mediation Security/Create )
– Discovery Rules ( Administration/Discovery Rules/Create )

After this steps, after a refresh the device is on 5620 SAM secreen.

Before showing the SNMPv3 configuration on Alcatel-Lucent devices, I need to emphasize one point again.
This is generally more confused persist mode.

To manage a device with 5620 SAM, device must be configured as “persist on”. For all elements on the device,
an index exist. “Persist on” command open the “index” mechanism.

You can check persis status by “show bof” command.

A:ALU-1# show bof

============================================================= BOF (Memory) 6/12
30/1/2018 Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM (Service Avare Manager) |

primary-image cf3:/images/TiMOS-C-9.0.R12
primary-config cf3:/config.cfg
duplex full
speed 100
wait 3
persist off

As you can see, on the above config, persist status is off. So this device can not managed by 5620 SAM. To
manage this device with 5620 SAM, we need to change persist stattus to on. After this configuration, it must be
saved with “bof save” command.

A:ALU-1# bof persist on

A:ALU-1# bof save

After this configuration, the persist status is ON and the device can be managed by 5620 SAM.

A:ALU-1# show bof

============================================================= BOF (Memory)
primary-image cf3:/images/TiMOS-C-9.0.R12
primary-config cf3:/config.cfg
duplex full
speed 100
wait 3
persist off

Let’s see how the SNMPv3 configuration on Alcatel-Lucent Routers is done.

SNMPv3 Configuration on Alcatel-Lucent Devices

1)Firstly, an MD5 key is produces. In our example it is produces like below:

SNMP Engine ID is determined with “show system infomation” command.

A:PE1#show system information

SNMP Engine ID : 023234237f3432430003faad3433

Produce MD5 key at SAM Server with a script that is defined before. Here, we have a script under
“opt/5620sam/server/nms/bin”, named “password2key.bash”.

bash-3.00# cd opt/5620sam/server/nms/bin
bash-3.00# ./password2key.bash MD5 abc 023234237f3432430003faad3433 7/12
30/1/2018 Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM (Service Avare Manager) |

MD5 key: 53453abc6843dcbacacab434bb453455

DES key: 53453abc6843dcbacacab434bb453455

2) Configure the SNMPv3 on device

A:PE1#configure system security snmp

A:PE1>config>system>security>snmp# access group snmpV3users security-model usm
security-level privacy read iso write iso notify iso

A:PE1#configure system security

A:PE1>config>system>security# user snmpV3_7750
A:PE1>config>system>security>user# access snmp
A:PE1>config>system>security>user# snmp
A:PE1>config>system>security>user>snmp#group snmpV3users
A:PE1>config>system>security>user>snmp# authentication md5 53453abc6843dcbacacab434bb453455
privacy des-key ba21510183da655cdea7cbc6708ada3c

All SNMP Articles and Configuration Examples…

SNMP – SNMP Overview

SNMP – SNMP Configuration On Cisco
SNMP – SNMP Configuration On Juniper
SNMP – SNMP Configuration On Huawei
SNMP – SNMP Configuration On Alcatel-Lucent (Nokia) 5620 SAM (Service Avare Manager)

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About the Author

Gokhan Kosem is a telecommunation and network engineer. His ambition
to IP networks and end-to-end system installation made him to prepare
this web-site. By sharing his experiences about various networking
protocols beside different system installation experiences and Cisco,
Juniper, Alcatel-Lucent devices configurations, he is aimed to be helpful for
his collegues in all over the world. He is currently lives in Istanbul, Turkey.

2 comments for “Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM (Service Avare Manager)”


Please tell me how to install the client SAM 5620 on Linux 8/12
30/1/2018 Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM (Service Avare Manager) |

best regard, Nurbek

August 27th, 2015 at 06:27


How nodes running config is saved in Oracle DB tables. I want to fetch the data related to a node from DB.
What are the tables name commonly used

January 9th, 2016 at 21:21

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