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Lecture method is the oldest method of teaching. It belongs to the
category of autocratic strategy as teacher here plays virtually the role of a monarch and
autocratic controlling each and every function of the classroom teaching. Despite severe
criticisms leveled against it, lecture still continues as the most preferred teaching method.
Regarding the criticisms, it is now understood that the fault mainly lies with the users and
not with the method. With the emergence of this viewpoint, the validity of lecture as a
teaching method has been increased considerably.

The term lecture was derived from the Latin word “Lecture” which means to
“read aloud”

The lecture is a teaching procedure consisting of the clarification or the
explanation of facts, principles or relationships which the teacher wishes the class to
understand. Loretta E Heidgerken

The lecture is essentially a formal exposition, which makes only incidental use of
narrative description in setting forth the basic and all inclusive structure of an entire topic
K P Neeraja


1. To provide structured knowledge: Providing structured knowledge by
integrating and synthesizing knowledge from different fields or sources are the
prime function of lecture. Through lecture it is easy for the teacher to provide
relevant knowledge by selecting and organizing the content in a learner centered
way. But it is difficult for the first students to collect all information regarding the
history of nursing, whereas a knowledgeable teacher can very well teach it by
adopting the lecture method.

2. To motivate and guide in hunting knowledge: As teacher alone cannot satisfy
the knowledge requirement of students, he or she has to explain the various
sources of knowledge. An effective teacher by means of clarifying lecture
motivate the student to collect more information and guide them properly through
the jungle of information. This purpose underlines the importance of giving
references to the students after completing the particular topic.
3. To arouse students interest in a subject: By following lecture method, teacher
can orient the students to a subject by explaining the need for studying it, ways of
learning and revision, mode of writing university examinations etc. Once the
students understand the need for and ways of learning a particular subject, they
will motivated naturally.
4. To clarify difficult concepts: Lecture method is highly suitable for clarifying
concepts. Teacher should use enough examples and illustrations to clarify the
5. To assist in preparing students for a discussion: Before discussion teacher has
to provide a concrete ideas to the students regarding the topic of discussion, aim of
discussion etc. As a mean of providing this information, lecture method helps the
teacher in creating a conducive atmosphere for discussion.
6. To promote critical thinking: Lecture usually give less emphasis to critical
thinking. A thoughtfully designed and delivered lecture can challenge students to
think critically and analytically by modeling the thinking process according to the
characteristics of discipline. For example, based on student’s experience in the
clinical area like practice of aseptic techniques, proper waste disposal, etc, teacher
can easily teach the factors involved in the hospital infection and ways to eliminate
or control these in order to avoid hospital infection.

Principle of Aim: Lecture is based on aim, nobody likes aimless lecture. Even the best
teacher will fail if his lecture is not based on some objectives.
Principles of activity: if you want to learn a thing you have to actively participate.
Learners Factors

 Educational background of the students: Students may be from different
background for example, father addict in liquor, low socio economic status etc in
this situation student does not concentrate the class. The lecture must understand
these type of student and give more attention.
 Previous knowledge: Each student having different knowledge, some have
previously more knowledge and some have less thus the lecture must understand
these problem and help the student.
 Class size: Some student get more attention in small group than large group this
influence lecture.
 Learning style: Each student having their own style. Some student catch learning
things in class itself and some have take more time this influence lecture.
 Personality and intelligence: Each student have their own character and
distinctive qualities and mental ability the lecture may understand these problem.
Subject matter Factors
 Domain of the objective: The domain of the objectives will exert profound
influence over the planning of a lecture.
 Content to be learned: Lecture must be arranged or organized the content then
only the lecture may effective to the student.
 Nature of the content, simple or complex: Simple content will be understood by
the students easily, but complex content needs good explanation with suitable
Environmental Factors
 A V Aids : In lecturer while lecturing using so many things such as black
board, , OHP ,slide projector, movie projector, TV computer, LC. Visual aids is
important as they are very useful in delivering lectures effectively.
 Lighting and climate: Proper lighting and ventilation in class and the climate
suitable for learning.
 Infrastructural facilities: There may be basic structural facilities in class room
such as board, duster etc, there is no facilities that influence lecture and student.
 Furniture : In class room each student having table, chair and other facilities are
also available, there is no properties that influence lecture and student
 Seating arrangements: Each student have their own seat and the seat must be
properly arranged otherwise it influence lecture and students.

 Mood: Mood is an internal emotion state of an individual, it may vary from each
student, the lecturer must understand these thinks, otherwise it may influence
 Memory: Memory is a function by which information stored in the brain. The
memory power may differ from each student, the lecturer must understand these
problem and support to the students.
 Concept formation: Each student having different ideas in a particular subject,
some time it may be not suitable and it influence lecture.

1. The Ideal Lecture: The hallmark of the ideal lecture is its voluntary nature;
participants attend the lecture of their own volition and this implies commitment
on their part. Eg: Political lecture
2. The Classical Lecture: In public educational systems, attendance at lectures is
seen being largely compulsory in contrast to ideal lecture. This element of
coercion tend towards a performance centered focus with students mainly
concerned with getting good grades.
3. The Experimental Lecture: This form of lecture is used prior to experiential
learning activities and is intended to give participants basic concepts and
explanations about the issue in question.

1. Voluntary Dissemination of information or spontaneity: This is the essence of
lecturing. Looking in between at the reading continuously from the note will
hamper spontaneity and reduce interest of the students. Student friendly
vocabulary and language, effective preparation of lecture note, widespread
reading , objective evaluation of life experience and through practice are essential
to develop spontaneity. Practicing one or two times before entering the class is
regard as the best way to nature spontaneity. Spontaneity is not merely a collection
of learned lesson but it is a sudden out flow of information.
2. Voice gradation and voice quality: It is the periodical alteration of both pitch and
volume while lecturing and with some conscious effort voice gradation will

become the part and parcel of the teaching activity. Teacher can depend on recent
developments in educational technology to maintain the voice quality. If there is
any deficiency in the voice quality, teachers is free enough to use a microphone
attached to a sophisticated sound system in order to rectify the deficiency.
3. Adequate Pacing: Too slow a pace and too fast a pace are not advisable as the
former creates boredom the later leads to confusion. A successful teacher always
organize the content effectively and pace the lecture in a comprehensible manner
in accordance with the receptivity level of students. The teacher has to develop a
routine pace going fast and difficult topic dealing with slow so student get pace,
follow easily and take note if needed. By adopting a student friendly routine pace,
students get time to interpret what the teacher has told and there by teacher can
ensure successful learning.
4. Proper Body Language: Action often speaks louder than words ,the teacher has
keep this in mind and aware about the body language while learning. Maintain eye
contact with the students is very essential and avoid looking out of the window,
out of the wall these are considered as impersonal behaviors. Modest use of hand
is recommended but avoid keeping the arms crossed or hands clasped behind.
Practicing in front of a mirror help a lot in the development of body language.
5. Control Annoying Mannerisms: Annoying mannerisms are vary distracting to
the students. Crushing or tossing chalk, breaking the knuckles , waving hands un
necessarily, pinching the nose and repeatedly saying “so” ,”right”, “okay” and”
up” are the common annoying mannerism. Once acquired it is very difficult to get
rid of them. Practicing in front the mirror, recording the lecture and then listening
to it objectively are some of the measures to prevent some of the measurement to
prevent the occurrence of annoying mannerism.
6. Judicious selection of visual aids : In addition to blackboard, charts and graphs,
advancement in educational technology offers help through a handful of
audiovisual aids to the teacher. Judicious selection of visual aid is important as
they are very useful in delivering lecture effectively.

7. Simple plans & key points: When planning for a lecture always go for a simple
plan instead of complicated ones. Select some f the key points from the content
and build the whole structure around them. This will help students to recollect the
taught lessons in an easy manner. For example while delivering a lecture on the
nursing management of MI, arranging the content under key point like definition,
etiology, predisposing factors, warning signs, symptoms, investigation , medical
management, nursing management will help the students follow the lecture and
recollect the learned lessons and when needed.
8. Elicit Feedback from students: Feedback is a vital technique. It assists teachers
to assess the amount of knowledge received by the student and the progress have
achieved. An intelligent teacher always critically analyze the feedback from the
students as a means for evaluating the effectiveness of her lecture defects.
Feedback can be obtained by asking thought provoking questions , inviting
suggestion regarding both the content and techniques.
9. Providing further clarification : You can assess the need for further clarification
by asking “any more explanation needed”, “so far is clear to you”, “anything to be
further clarified”, any doubt to be rectified etc. It is better to provide further
clarifications before proceeding to the next topic or session.
10. Time Management: Time factor is very important in lecturing. Certain teachers
cover the content with in the stipulated time and some others found it very difficult
to do so. When time exceeds than expected, tension slowly invades the teacher and
damaged the entire lecture. Restricting the tendency to deviate from the main
objectives of lecturing is also helpful in saving time.


1. It is an essential method of teaching where one teacher can communicate
with a large number of students.
2. The language may be made suitable to all members of audience: While
lecturing the lecture use simple language and it should be suitable to all

3. It is good for introducing a new topic, supplementing information, and
introducing important incidental information.
4. Since presence of teacher in the class, he has complete control over the
content and can develop the presentation according to the plan
5. It gives feeling of security: The presence of teacher avoids interruption and
disturbance and also gives a feeling of security.
6. It enables to present large amount of information in a short time: In lecture
method lecture organizing the content so that it help the students to get more
information in a short period.


1. It is a waste of time to repeat the matter already presented in books
2. Lecturing makes the learner more passive in the learning process. Most of
the time, the student do not participate in the learning process
3. Pace of lecture does not suit the entire student: Too slow and too fast a pace
are not suitable that leads to confusion.
4. It is difficult to distinguish differences in learning and background among
5. This method play little attention to needs, interests and abilities of individual

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