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O25 “y nding putt) aap pads Suey son aunpeyy “€ ewmpout-onsap por aynephonep jo wonrage> () sl snmmong @) xdoiomeniyons () adh porurpouronsefg (®) 320008 2Kp eOLSUIPEW Boo] Sue PUR BONNER Zeb the machine rol designer muse be conversanc with the types, configurations, working principles and che applicability of diferent mechanisms available In some machine ool such as hobbing machines difeenil ‘mechanisms ar esendally used for some specif requiement 14.2 Role and General Constituents of the Kinematic Structure of Machine Tools ted ini 14 Ince iu, 5 denotes power ous = " ),my denotes mechanisms and M, denotes motion ‘Mathematially the rations can be expresied 8 KG = Som, (F= 123.0) aay Soweas (6) “hot wor (motors) ‘nematic chains ‘mations (Md oy ©—(HeHl} ——-Ge x ©—TGHEHs} -—- Cz Role and Forms of Kinematic Stucture in Machine Tols_485 KS = G;(6=1,2,3..) ~ 42 S555 43) where KS's the kinematic ruc, 14.3 Different Forms of Machine Tool Kinematic Structures eis known thatthe kinematic structure of any machine wol consis ofl is KCs which with che help of & series of several mechanisms transmit power and motions fom the power sources (fier desired transforma and work 1. Henenay Kaen rune cexpresed as Ky where isthe numberof power sources (/= 2, 9=3.4,5, 05, For example, Ky=CatBy say ‘We nee dicuss ine applications of differen types of kinematic rucrures in machine os, 14.3.1. Elementary Structures (E,) One spc application Ei chematclly shown in Fig 14.2. The'cuting motion and the fed mation ‘mpared the jb andthe ol, rapetvey are provided fom to individual motors by vo independent KG Sochlaesaze wed when th date ned prcion consol by DC o stepper motor ndepeadetly of eng wl, Other cx 1. Bs forbroaching machines motion (to! by only one KC and one power source. 2 Ejeforthreeaxis CNC ming machine whee the spindle rotation andthe thee fed mosons are provided by four independent ses of power source and KC. sructue area follows serous sqpour dq poptaoid wopou Surpass, “o> pre 1pusdspi2ou ae ‘aonow ps) 9 prem ur unos denewgpe st Sy amnsues snip pur iy s0.0u 0 pabou ‘wornou-qof spond pry $3 a apf 1odaoo yo adds 2869 # yo wore uy, (%y) among punodwioy ¢°¢-yr 268 poxpyy tp Jo poo) 242 Boma 25 popmou Sn mapundopny apse Suey 46" exmpeus Buggny yo stone spear 3h “teny yp) wenn cy aUPou use ant 29 >) yd po x09 3 pay pur xoq 738 Sunpuy oq rea ponds Sy ae G5 PUP ADT “ANS * aH ase pay 9 -ad—"9-< Oy ‘unoeu Baa 0 (5) emonas omueuD) | SL ambig » ‘oq—[ena] raHahys 4 ‘| oefeoso fe"). SE lie fos {ay 901 eoRBeR W eminaS BpeUeUD|o SANS PUR OE ‘ge anu20 10)9 06h yo axons oneweun xjdwoo feo | EL eINBL KOR a Ge x at Leyes =H{s}, fin / %9-a91-a-9-"9 © Dy "9-9 -aos-0- Dey qa 1a ono pay oon «Sy oR WIE +E p90 WL sono Samper Gy sos Yoo], 1D (G94) Jomo BOBO "Dy IO} “T _nr pga Soy passuucoma orp Aq on fay Poa ae sopoe 20 2547 ‘og von pay GoJo put 204 (yo) soe emo — pops sono py ona pur ‘go ep jo wormos Fupmpoid soy ay ays yo} 2430} pa} som pax rrpraiuoy sneoue, (9) saumpnags xaydwoy z°¢"9T ‘oq 1886 peeds ‘gos X09 Je06 poo ‘G0 "voHOW Psy" “UOROU BUN "HO sven “9 faund pue yea 2 ‘24pm amU20 U SuONOW H-Yoo tN 20} URED oREeUD | ZL euNBig 1458 _Machining and Machine Tools Figure 146 | Compound kinematic structure of type Kz, BR, belt pulley; C, elute. ules inthe compound structure Key 1 ako exist and are used in diferent 14.4 Mechanisms Commonly Used in Machine Tool Kinematic Systems Mechanar ered the devs or ste tha ae elf easomatin of meson ee eee oom to another desired form andlor ranstisson of modion from one pont to another desied point. iba very common mechanism chat enables transformation of rotation (of thes ‘ranlaon o neat oton (ofthe aus) The bel-pulley system, with an open belt and vo pulleys ofthe same diameter is another common mechanism which only transmits ration from one pint to another point “The fllowing classes of mechanisms are most widely ued in machine role! 1. Meckanisms foe eransmision of rotation and is tansformation wa. sped, direction and axis of roqation, that is, Rotation to rotation. 2. Mechanisms for tansformaion of rotaion to erandation or reciprocation, chat i, Rotation t0 Translation. 13. Differential mechanisms for summation of two or three motions nto one 14.4.1 Mechanisms for Transforming Rotation to Rotation these mechan eft thos elementary menial ni that arsed to change ttn in pe ofan ‘or more speeds, direction, location of action and axis of rotation. ‘Such mechanisms are further classified"! as {1 _Stepped drives and stepless dives. 2, Nonposcve drives and posve drives, 14.41.41 Stepped Drives and Stepless Drives having a dixcrete aumber and values of speeds (pm) as output fom a given inpur speed is Np oop speed), N, wil be Ny Nyy Ny n» Ny On the oxher hand, & ole and Forms of Kinematic Stucture in Machine Tools 459 Ino p00, “6 utp epe08. ae, fs o igure 147 | Diterence between () stepped and () stops dives SEM A ® ‘spe hve fs wo deriving any speed a froma gen sing input peel, hase p and noone of an sion ra conde beso: le dive, Wheat pote dave arth see ian pe dc “elton of lly Ve tel The nin arg eas oe 1. Safer, by sipping at overload ng 2 Easy transmission overlong distance. 3. Prevention of eransfrof vibration, et, from the motors wo the machine too wvoided where eds such asin the a a eft Sie Tata raat ie gece Cs bee in FEET tent ree (© Non-parallel and non-intenecting sha 144.1.3 Stepless Drive For be machining : economy, the peed Jing dling, te) ned tobe opened ‘machine capac andthe oa work diane Cm) of xin of lak (ne cig the olka tol pet enn porn Asus age sue Jo sda Sumo, {upg apo on ‘axe ara F “Synpea Sarde w om (uuo> 44 pur yp amar pmb eseywsqumypou sy, mumuMySoe 2] Se os ang Apatow abar ey sourpaa Sunes re pe sump ats ot 4a eK fonesudpot~ aunt Ste ‘ype Sup 2p sen pny unpre Sau (@) PRI 0 rm 2p Jo parm uppmdooy pe] (e) "ae suont dd wouan ou ‘suorss uae Joos sump pom ox ar suuRYSoU LORE PRY semaLe woReIpea-Z “ues anne ds Tunmpospat yep svqpou pj Homo oE1—goorsuNpER ND) aad po (Roni pur san) spo px 0 Buonted ules) ose pur som teepmilio, swenou pay qal—supen Say) ‘ogra yo uojseulsueA pur uonewwoySueN 20 sworshs GuveeD | g'vk ambi v2 ee 296 oa MS ‘soy wow pue way Suppose 0 opeedoON pace ens "ae08 ag (soc) Busse (@ evosouueu (@) eeu 20700 10} SUISNEPAW Y°T°9" YT frou Y Covanbay pods age “pussy os supe Ave aon (os 44 Cran connecing rod Whitworth mech | Eccenrc mechaniem ‘Cxliaing iver mechan ‘Canc lower (@)Phocam Role and Forms of Kinemate Stucture in Machine Tools 469, (@) Platecams: + Disc ype ecente cam, ‘made to reciprocate by a rotating sytem ory motions synchronized with the othe oal-work ‘motions. The reicving motion of the cuter (or che blank) in geat shaping machines is an example of the sppiation of such wedge cams. 14.4.2 Other Mechanisms Used in Machine Tools “These ar basically mechanical devices designed and used o produce an output motion from multiple simul ‘ancous input motions. The symbol and two typical configurations of sich devices used in machine ool are schematically shown in Fig. 14.10 ‘The input and output motions (ped) of such diferenil mechanisms are related as where, she single ourpu sped pm), the transmission ratio berween thei Forexampl, if, = 100 gpm, N= cation of such a diferent nec ( of lial spur gears, Several other mechan 1 Telescopic shaft and univers. 2 Over running dutch. 1, wil be 190 rpm, One very common appi- gat hobbing machine while cuting ech ye machine tool, such as “Zworgo.d panes | Zi eanbiy ‘wor — w lw * He — sto VHT wd 08 = 02% 1 -O6(1+ D=N ‘ay ponds indo “sroping, “| —=2 ones wossasuen pur mds 9g =y ands we wd gy pads et wa tn Net Ne -D=N se poe ave spade “esrurou ean ‘Cu pode ni tds ae (yy pode nde xp pu y) pods sey Zp — “wd oF = €(02 +000) = "Nv % 5 poe ou a} pod andino por nda ap usaiag one ops mp red 200 ~ (ars ands ae yp (wd) poodendno ayn yas weeye-D=w sad 001 = “91 = 2a panded pope onde ‘dno-anday a ndino 240 por nd ona sp amvEU HIDAYP EU IP mae oS | / aC) poods wae 29 sey semua 0or = Wy Pees 1 = 30 Se pL ig wr uMoyS EEK ERESRAE ar SUIa}GO1g Panjos s*yT We andey oy Fourie par unoys u3q any susp ar jo wopegdde por sound Supom uopendguas Ay Reape “pup onnjos stay -f 186 foteq Jno (2) “ure 96 amnfade (@)Yoquis (e) - “svoreindyu09 Louies ont o44 PUP WEUEYDOU HALEY JO eKdouNd | OL rs eanbig sou, i orxz—"NW+1)=001 my mepeyL 1 worgerd panos | Le'vL aun6ig ‘Sev 900] BURDEA u ainrag SpBURUD Jo BEG pow Bo ~ 360] SHEN BUR BRON Fae

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