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Werewolf: the Forsaken House Rules


Template Traits
Primal Form (Mother Luna •••••)
Primal Senses
Alpha Aura
Condition: Unnerved
Condition: Lunacy
Character Creation
Gifts & Rites
Kuruth Roll
Last Ditch Effort
Controlled Fury
The Pack Bond
Many Wolves, One Pack
Spiritual Prowess
Pack Aura
One of the Gang
The Hunt
Spirit Predation
Stranger Fare
Determining Territory
Conjoined Territory

Template Traits
In addition to the template properties found in the Werewolf: The Forsaken core book, all
Uratha have the following properties. Some are changed, others are new.

The following modifiers replace those found in the core book. Derived changes are greyed
and included in brackets. Thus they needn’t be recalculated. Speed is being calculated as
[Strength+Dexterity+Size] with quadrupedal forms adding +3.

○ None, other than those granted by the template.
Alpha Aura Modifier: +0

○ +1 Strength, +1 Stamina, +1 Size
○ [+2 Health, +1 Speed]
○ 9-again on all strength rolls.
○ Claw Attack deals lethal damage.
Alpha Aura Modifier: +1

○ +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Stamina, +1 Size
○ [+3 Health, +2 Defense, +2 Initiative, +8 Speed]
○ 9-again on all strength rolls.
○ Bite attack: +1 Lethal
Alpha Aura Modifier: +2

○ +2 Dexterity, +1 Stamina, -1 Size
○ [+2 Defense, +2 Initiative, +4 Speed]
○ Bite deals lethal damage
Alpha Aura Modifier: +1

○ +3 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +2 Stamina, +2 Size
○ [+4 Health, +1 Defense, +1 Initiative, +6 Speed]
○ 8-again on strength rolls
○ Heal [Primal Urge] Bashing or 1 Lethal each turn
○ Claw Attack: +1 Lethal
○ Bite Attack: +2 Lethal
○ Gauru form gains armor based on the Werewolf’s Primal Urge (see Table #1).
This armor applies equally vs Silver, as it does to all other sources of harm.
○ Werewolves will not automatically rage upon entering Gauru form (see below).
However, the war form makes it dramatically more likely that they will lose
control. Treat Harmony as being two dots lower when determining what stimuli
will force a Kuruth roll.
○ Gauru may be assumed any number of times per scene.
Alpha Aura Modifier: +3

Primal Form (Mother Luna •••••)

○ +4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +3 Stamina, +3 Size
○ [+6 Health, +2 Defense, +2 Initiative, +12 Speed]
○ Rote on all strength rolls
○ Heal 2 Bashing or Lethal each turn (or 1 Bashing and 1 Lethal)
○ Bite Attack: +3 lethal
○ Use Gauru form armor (see Table #1), but add +1/+1 to the armor values.
○ Treat Harmony as being two dots lower when determining what stimuli will force
a Kuruth roll.
Alpha Aura Modifier: +4

Primal Senses
The Uratha are not humans who can turn into wolves, nor are they people cursed with lupine
properties. They are man-wolves, they have been from birth and they will be till death. Just as
human properties permeate Urshul and Urhan form (such as language and cognizant thought),
so do wolf like properties infuse their human state. Notably through heightened instinct and
enhanced senses.
● All werewolves, regardless of form, have a greatly heightened sense of smell and
hearing. They can track prey like a bloodhound and hear noises well outside the
standard human range. Mechanically this gives them +3 extra dice to all perception rolls
based on smell or hearing, as well as the ability to make rolls and investigative options
not accessible by regular humans.
● The Uratha’s heightened instincts also give them quicker reactions, like those of a beast.
When calculating their defense a Werewolf uses the higher of their [Wits or Dexterity],
not the lower as most humans do.

The Uratha heal at alarming speed, vastly faster than any human. By the book all Werewolves
recover a single bashing level every turn, and heal one lethal every eight minutes. In Gauru
form werewolves recover even faster healing either [Primal Urge] Bashing or One lethal each
turn (players choice). Additionally a werewolf may opt to spend essence and accelerate their
healing further. In which case they forgo their normal healing for the turn and recover [Primal
Urge] Lethal damage instead. Should a werewolf heal all his lethal damage and still have some
healing left, the remaining is applied to bashing damage. A werewolf may only heal in this way
once per turn.

Table #1: Primal Urge Advantages

Primal Urge Essence/Per Turn Gauru Armor

1 10/1 1/0

2 11/2 1/1
3 12/3 2/1

4 13/4 2/2

5 14/5 3/2

6 15/6 3/3

7 20/7 4/3

8 35/8 4/4

9 50/10 5/4

10 100/15 5/5

Alpha Aura
Those who have been within the presence of the Uratha know there is something... different
about them, and not just that they can turn into a massive man-wolf. They are imposing, bigger,
more threatening. Even the smallest Werewolf seems to fill any room they enter, and puts
everyone around them a little bit on edge. This is the result of the Alpha Aura, both a great
strength and huge disadvantage of their kind.
Every Werewolf, without exception, possesses this aura. Even those with no outspoken desire
to act as alpha over those around them. It’s simply not a choice. Mortals present always
experience a slight sensation of unease, one that intensifies as the Uratha’s Primal Urge
increases. This presents difficulty with genuine human interaction, even for young wolves.

System: The strength of a character’s predatory aura is calculated using a pool of [Primal
Urge+Form Modifier], Form modifiers are listed with Form Traits above. As a passive aura this
pool is not rolled, instead it is compared to the [Resolve+Power Stat] of all present characters.
Those whose [Resolve+Power Stat] is lower than this pool gain the Unnerved condition.
Of course, characters are not without recourse. Anyone present may spend a point of willpower
to increase their effective resolve by two points for the scene, for the purposes of resisting the
Alpha Aura.

Aural Aggression
If they desire the Uratha can actively assault others with their Alpha Aura, seeking to brow beat
them with their presence. This requires a reflexive action in which they roll [Primal Urge+Form
Modifier+Highest Renown], their spirit side emerging as they do so. Others contest with
[Willpower + Power Stat]. If successful the target gains the Unnerved condition.
Other Uratha (and certain supernatural creatures) have an additional option. Instead of merely
contesting they may counter, attempting to cow the aggressor with their own aura. In this case
both parties roll their alpha aura (or equivalent power), and compare their successes. The one
with more successes cows the other. In the case of a tie the Uratha with the higher Primal Urge
comes out on top, if both characters are equal the defender takes the advantage.

Condition: Unnerved
The character in question has come face to face with a great beast and some part of
them recognized it for what it is. This is not a conscious decision on the character’s part,
rather it is a sudden instinctive certainty left over from millennia of being preyed upon.
They will not seek to challenge or oppose the Werewolf, save on issues in which they
are greatly invested. All non-combat actions opposing the werewolf take a -2 penalty.
It is possible for a character to have this condition multiple times, applying to different

Resolution: The scene ends or the character exits the Alpha’s presence.

Beat: None

Lunacy is what results when a Werewolf’s Alpha Aura simply becomes too overbearing. This
requires three conditions be met. First, the subject must be mortal, supernatural creatures are
unaffected by lunacy. Second, the Werewolf must have instilled in the subject some reason to
fear for their personal well being. Active combat, intimidation, or entering a rage are all good
reasons for this to happen. Third their Alpha Aura must exceed the individuals [Willpower]. In
this case the Unnerved condition is removed (with no beat), and the subject gains the Lunacy
condition instead.
For young wolves lunacy is usually only inflicted by assuming Gauru form. However, for elders
this can become a very serious issue. Older wolves often find that they must tread lightly among
mortals or risk cowing and terrifying them with every passing word. In the end many become
reclusive, sticking to their packmates and kin whom have no chance of being overcome by their
ever growing presence.

Condition: Lunacy
“There is a predator. I am its prey. Run.”
This is all that goes through the mind of one afflicted by Lunacy. Higher level thought
turns off, fight or flight turns on. The character will attempt to flee the predator as swiftly
as possible, stopping to fight only if they are cornered. If something they care deeply
about (friends, loved ones) comes under attack the character may spend a point of
willpower to defer their flight and attempt to protect it. Beyond “fight” and “flee” all other
actions are impossible.
When mortals emerge from this condition they remember very little of what happened.
There was terror, and a beast, but the particulars are blurred. Attempts to recall take a -
3 penalty, and remembering exact details is impossible. This does, however, bear one
benefit. Blurred memory means atrocity performed in lunacy is less impactful. Mortals
gain +2 bonus dice on any degeneration rolls that occur as a result of Lunacy.
Resolution: The scene ends or the predator is subdued.

Beat: The character deliberately endangers themselves or something they care about
for the sole purpose of expediting their escape.

Character Creation
In addition to all other steps of character creation, each Werewolf gains a bonus attribute dot to
distribute into one of their two auspice attributes. This replaces the bonus specialty granted in
the core book.
● Rahu – Stamina or Strength
● Cahalith – Intelligence or Presence
● Elodoth – Composure or Wits
● Ithaeur – Intelligence or Resolve
● Irakka – Dexterity or Manipulation

The following changes and replacements have been made to auspice abilities.

Rahu: Warrior’s Eye

With a brief but deliberate glance the Rahu can feel out the power and aggression of another.
At any point the Rahu can specify a character and take an Instant Action to assess them. He
receives a brief glimpse of the immediate “threat” his target poses, and (if the storyteller feels
it’s appropriate) a small taste of their mental state. This does not measure the raw power of the
target, nor their supernatural nature, merely their immediate intent and ability to harm the Rahu
and his pack. Therefore a mortal hunter might register as significantly more threatening than an
Elder Vampire, assuming hunter is stalking the Rahu and the Vampire could care less about the

Cahalith: Prophetic Visions

This ability is functions like Prophetic Dreams, save that the Cahalith need only meditate briefly
to receive a vision. A Cahalith may use this ability up to [Primal Urge] times per story, though no
more than once in a scene.

Elodoth: Spirit Envoy

Because of their nature as peacemakers and messengers between the People and the
denizens of the Shadow, the spirits tend to regard those bound to the Half-Moon in higher
esteem than other children of Father Wolf, as a result treat all interactions between the Elodoth
and spirits as if their spirit Rank was 1 higher. Any pack with an Elodoth alpha treats its Pack
Rank as 1 higher as well.

Ithaeur : Ritual Master

New dots of Rituals cost 3 experience (as opposed to 4), new influences cost 2 (instead of 3).
Rites remain 1 experience. Additionally Ithaeur treat their Harmony as one dot higher when
working improvised rites, and two dots when using learned ones.

Irraka: Pathfinder
As pathfinders the Irraka have a special affinity for detecting loci and sensing spiritual influence.
They gain the Unseen Sense merit with regards to spirit Influences and Numina, and can sniff
out Loci from up to [Primal Urge] miles away. This won’t give the Irraka a pinpoint precise
location of the loci, merely the general direction in which one might be found. Locating and
exploring it remain roleplaying concerns.

In addition to all other benefits, each for of renown adds a passive bonus to certain dice pools.

To be quick of wit and soft of foot is the best defense against the dangers of the shadow.
Add [Cunning] to all mundane Larceny, Stealth, Survival and Streetwise rolls made within the

The tales of a glorious wolf precede them, and echo beyond their own tribe. Add [Glory] to all
mundane Expression, Intimidation, Persuasion and Socialize rolls while interacting with Uratha
from other packs.

Spirits trust those wolves marked with the brand of honor, and are more willing to lend an ear.
Add [Honor] to all mundane Expression, Persuasion and Subterfuge rolls when dealing with

A pure wolf is at one with the beast within, they do not lose themselves to mindless fury and
savage violence. Add [Purity] to all rolls to resist Kuruth.

A wise wolf is defined by their knowledge and experience, their understanding of the shadow
world and its strange denizens. Add [Wisdom] to all mundane Academics, Investigation, Occult,
and Politics rolls that deal with spirits and shadow denizens.

Gifts & Rites

● Gift Errata
● Shamanic Arts (Rites and Rituals)

Use the rules for experience established in the God-Machine Chronicles Rules Update, save
where specified here (see GMC Doc for character creation rules).
● Tribal or Auspice Gift: 2xp*
● Other Gift: 3xp*
● Tribal or Auspice Rewown: 3xp
● Other Renown: 4xp
● Ritual Dot: 4xp
● Influence Dot: 3xp
● New Rite: 1xp (flat cost)
● Primal Urge: 5xp
● Harmony: 2xp
*Gifts no longer have an increased cost when bought out of order. Players are encouraged to
mix and match Gifts from different trees to better fit their character.

All Werewolves, regardless of breed or tribe, have within them an unquenchable flame, a primal
fury carved soul deep into their psyche. When injured, under pressure, or when their pack is
endangered, this spark can ignite and fill the Uratha with a most savage fury. Once enraged a
Werewolf is on a ticking clock, with only a miniscule amount of time to calm their passions, or
lose themselves in Kuruth.

Kuruth Roll
Whenever a werewolf is met with an extreme stimuli, one that brings up the deepest feelings of
pain, fear, or anger, they risk falling into Kuruth. At the moment this occurs the Werewolf must
roll [Harmony+Purity], modified both by the intensity of the stimuli, and their physical state.

Dramatic Failure: The Werewolf falls into Kuruth so extreme they cannot even differentiate
friend from foe. For the remainder of the scene they will simply attack whatever living being
closest, even packmates, with no regard for who they might be.
Failure: The Werewolf enters Kuruth, however they retain enough of their sense to at least
prioritize enemies over allies.
Success: The Werewolf enters a controlled rage, but is not out of the woods yet. They have
[Harmony+Primal Urge] turns to remove the source of their fury, at the end of which they will
fall into Kuruth as if they had failed this roll. “Escaping” fury can be a rather nebulous, and often
difficult thing to do. Sometimes it simply means leaving the scene (not as easy as it sounds),
other times it means beating an enemy to a bloody pulp, or protecting a packmate from harm.
Sometimes there are stimuli so severe that there is simply no way for the Werewolf to escape
them, such as the death of a loved one or aggravated injury, in these cases all they can do is
attempt to buy their allies time before they break.
Exceptional Success: Kuruth is resisted completely, the Werewolf maintains control and does
not enter a rage.

This is not a roll the character should have to make lightly, as succeed or fail rage is fairly
inevitable. Storytellers should only force the Kuruth roll on a character who has undergone
serious trauma. Use the stimulus table on page 174 of the Werewolf: the Forsaken Core book
as a guide.
Certain supernatural effects, such as a vampire’s predatory aura, a mage’s radiant nimbus, or a
mummy’s Sybaris can cause a Kuruth roll, but generally afford the Werewolf a significant bonus
to their resistance.

Last Ditch Effort

If the Werewolf succeeds their Kuruth roll, but cannot placate the source of their
fury in time, they may put forth one last ditch effort to calm down. This requires
them to spend a point of willpower and make a second [Harmony+Purity] roll.
The successes on this roll are added to the original. If five or more successes
are accrued they succeed in calming themselves. Otherwise they enter Kuruth.
(Despite being a “second try” this roll is unpenalized)

Controlled Fury
Success on a Kuruth roll places the character in a state of controlled fury. A brief period in which
they can maintain control of their actions without losing hold of their mind. In this state they live
on the edge of fury, anger drives their actions and rage their motivation. This can, in certain
situations have some benefits, though one would only willingly enter the state as a last ditch
● While in a Controlled Fury the Werewolf suffers no wound penalties from bashing
damage, no matter how severe. Stamina Rolls to remain conscious aren't made when a
bashing wound is marked in the Werewolf's rightmost Health box. When lethal damage
is marked in the Werewolf's rightmost Health Box he does not collapse. Instead he must
either spend a willpower and roll [Harmony+Primal Urge], hoping to assuage their fury
(and then collapse), or fall into Kuruth.
● The Werewolf’s mind becomes focused on one thing only, savagery. They must succeed
a reflexive [Resolve+Composure] roll to perform an action not directly related to combat,
or speak in any language other than First Tongue. Actions that further combat, such as
aggressive gifts or fetishes, buffing, rearming, or reestablishing surprise do not require a
roll. (This makes it really hard to escape the scene once a fury has begun).
● While in a Controlled Fury the Werewolf cannot use any tools or maneuvers that require
finesse. Simple savage weaponry, such as improvised weaponry, mauls, swords, and
axes are basic enough that the Werewolf can still recall their application. Certain fighting
styles, those based around uncontrolled savagery, may be applied in combat with
Storyteller approval.

Kuruth is as described in the core book, a state of mindless fury and savage destruction. Once a
Werewolf has fallen into this state, the best option is simply to flee, and cower at a safe distance
until the wolf’s fury passes. When Kuruth strikes the Werewolf automatically assumes Gauru
form (or Primal Form, if they know the Gift and are willing to pay the cost), which they maintain
until the end of the scene. Those who remain near will discover that the Werebeast has become
even more implacable, they no longer suffer wound penalties of any kind, and will not collapse
until they are killed outright by aggravated damage.
A Werewolf will attack anything in Kuruth, friend or foe, and though they can still prioritize their
targets to some extent it is only a matter of time before they turn on their allies. This is true
with one exception. A Werewolf, no matter how deep in Kuruth, will not turn against its bonded
packmates unless they are actively, physically attempting to stop him. Indeed, so long as they
stand idly by the raging beast will prioritize random pieces of scenery, or a new hunt, before it
turns against its kin.

The Pack Bond

Werewolves may come together into a pack without any need for a Totem spirit. The ability to
form bonds and hierarchies is an intrinsic aspect of their being, tied to no other. In order to form
a pack only two things are really required: Kinship and time. Any group of Uratha who spend
a significant amount of time in each other's presence, sharing a territory and hunting together,
will eventually become a bonded pack. Just the same newcomers who spend a long time in a
pack’s presence will eventually be brought within their spiritual domain. Generally it takes about
one full story for a pack to form, though a storyteller may accelerate or delay the process as
much as they desire.
This means it is possible for characters to unwittingly form a pack, or for a newcomer to join
with a pack even if they don’t really want him. It’s even possible (though rare) for Uratha to
end up in packs composed of enemies. For this reason most packs are, by necessity, a little
hostile towards outsiders, and picky with whom they let into their inner circle. Once formed a
pack is permanent, wolves who really want to leave must either use a ritual to break the bond (a
Harmony breaking point), or spend one full story completely removed from their packmates.

No additional magic or rituals are required to create a bonded pack...but they
can sure help. Pack forming rites and rituals retain their use for rapidly joining
new members to a pack. Certain packs even prefer them, and will actively shun
unproven wolves to prevent them from entering the pack through any other

Many Wolves, One Pack

All packmates can inherently sense one another when near. So long as they are within each
other's range of smell or hearing packmates can tell each other's general whereabouts, health,
and emotional state. This isn’t a detached understanding, rather each packmate can to some
extent feel what their kin feel. All experience a sense of dulled pain when one is injured, and
their emotions frequently align.

System: All packmates automatically succeed on rolls to judge the physical and mental state of
their kin. If something is off, they know. This includes magical afflictions, such as mind control
or possession, though they cannot guage the exact nature or origin of the effect. More subtle
influence (emotional control, suggestion, memory alteration) can go unnoticed but always
leaves lingering sensation of wrongness.
They also gain a bonus on aligned actions and working together, thanks to the closeness of
their minds. When working together all packmates gain +1 die to teamwork rolls. Of course, that
goes the other way as well. Any time a pack member is consciously opposing the groups goal
everyone suffers a -1 penalty to all related rolls.
This sense is a double edged sword. When one packmate is angry, they all are, and when one
is injured they all feel it. This means that when one enters death rage, all packmates may be
risk to join them. A Werewolf takes a cumulative -1 penalty to Kuruth rolls for every packmate in
controlled rage or Kuruth.

Spiritual Prowess
With a touch Bonded Packmates may share Essence between one another. Doing so requires
that both parties come into physical contact with one another, and spend at least one full turn
in a state of meditative focus. This transfer counts as Essence expenditure for both parties, and
thus no pair can transfer more essence in a turn than the lowest Primal Urge between them
would permit.
What’s more, when the entire pack gathers together, a more impressive form of union occurs.
Their radiant souls reflect one another and rebuff. When gathered together the pack assumes
one shared spirit rank. Each additional packmate adds +1 die to the pool used by the Uratha
with the highest Renown to calculate their rank. That rank is then shared amongst all packmates

Pack Aura
Bonded packmates are immune to the alpha aura of one another. They are not weakened by
the presence of the group’s alpha, quite the opposite actually. As with their spirit rank, while
together packmates acquire one combined group aura, stronger than that of any individual.
To calculate this aura use the strongest aura of all present packmates, then add one for each
additional packmate present.
Naturally this can make for some particularly overwhelming displays. If a full pack of five or
more wolves get together, most mortals are liable to panic on the spot. Fortunately for the
Uratha the pack aura will not afflict lunacy in the same manner the alpha aura of an individual
Werewolf might. Should a lunacy stimuli emerge (such as one or more members going into
a rage) present mortals compare their willpower to the aura of that individual, rather than the
group as a whole.

One of the Gang

The World of Darkness is infested with a myriad of supernatural creatures, and
while their societies are not deeply intertwined they do collide from time to time.
This begs the question, can other supernaturals join a bonded pack? The quick
answer to this is ‘not naturally’. Other supernaturals, even other shapeshifters,
cannot achieve the natural attunement the Uratha can with one another. Their
souls simply lack the balance of spirit and man that makes it possible. This does
not, however, mean that they cannot be artificially induced via rituals or sorcery.
Certain rites are more than capable of joining other supernaturals to a pack,
there also exist a rumored group of wizard who have shaped their souls in such
a manner as to align with those of the Uratha.
However, the benefits of pack membership are mostly lost on such initiatives.
Other supernaturals (barring a few exceptions) have no spirit rank or alpha aura
to offer, nor will they experience the collective synesthesia that packs possess.
However, membership does offer the benefits of the pack’s territorial boons,
protect them against the negative effects of the group’s alpha aura, and offer
them some safety from packmates in Kuruth.

The Hunt
Werewolves are predators, each and every one. All Uratha revel in the hunt. All of them. No
matter how much one might hope to deny it the fact is that, at a spiritual level, nothing is more
fulfilling to the Uratha than a swift moonlit hunt. It is their nature, a fact of being carved right into
their soul. To deny it would be to deny their very nature, and little good will come from doing

System: Werewolves don’t merely derive pleasure and relief from a hunt, they derive power as
well. Successful hunts help them recover essence and keep kuruth in check, and hunting spirits
can even afford them new Gifts and Renown. A hunt, where Uratha are concerned, must occur
at night, ideally bathed in moonlight (though not essential). The shadow is also an acceptable
alternative, which is rewarding at all hours of the day. And requires that the Uratha select a prey
creature, chase it down, kill and consume it. Killing is essential, a pack who lets prey off lightly
will not feel the sweet release, nor the flush of Essence that comes with success.
● Whenever a pack completes a hunt against a natural creature (i.e. an animal native to
our world) each hunter gains one Willpower and a point of Essence. In addition the hunt
is immensely refreshing, and restores the Uratha as though they just rested for several
hours (though a brief post hunt nap is common)
● Hunting Spirits (and other invading beings from worlds beyond) is even more rewarding.
A successful spirit hunt, as it is called, restores the normal one willpower, and a number
of point of Essence equal to the spirit’s [Rank+1] to every packmate. Any additional
unspent essence the spirit had stored is then divided up amongst the packmates as they
see fit.
● For the day after a successful hunt a Werewolf’s hunger is somewhat placated, they
receive a +2 bonus to harmony rolls to avoid kuruth during that time. However, the
reverse is also true. Uratha who are prohibited from hunting begin to show signs
of...distress. Uratha who have not hunted in [Harmony-1] days start to get antsy taking a
-1 penalty to kuruth rolls. Each day after that adds an additional -1, cumulative with other
penalties, until they successfully hunt and kill some prey.
Spirit Predation
Aside from being an excellent source of essence, spirits can provide a number of other benefits
as prey. The old laws dictate that, upon cornering a spirit, the Uratha permit their prey a single
opportunity to appease their hunters. Appeasement with essence is rarely an option, as the
wolfpack would gain much more for tearing the spirit apart. Some more common appeasements
● Pledging to offer certain knowledge or perform some sort of task or wish for the Uratha,
in exchanged for continued existence.
● Submitting to be bound as a fetish, either indefinitely or for a determined period.
● Stronger spirits can sometimes offer to teach the Uratha new rites and rituals, or bestow
upon them powerful gifts. The strongest prey can even offer improved renown, or
powerful milestone gifts to the Uratha who proved mighty enough to cower them.
If a deal is accepted law dictates that the Uratha spare the spirit, and not seek to hunt it again
for a year and a day.

Stranger Fare
Spirits make up only a small portion of the otherworldly species that stalk the
World of Darkness. Even within forsaken alone creatures like the Maejin, and
Idigam stretch the imagination as to what being a spirit really entails. So that begs
the question; can Uratha hunt non-spirit entities as well?
The quick answer is “kinda”. Naturally Uratha can hunt just about anything they
like and recover a bit of essence, however certain outsiders do provide greater
sustenance. Any being that is a) not native of the fallen world and b) possesses
a spirit rank may be hunted as a spirit could. The results of such hunts are mostly
identical, save that such beings rarely fall under the auspice of the old laws and
do not always make the healthiest meal.
In the end, it falls to the storyteller to decide the exact side effects and
repercussions to hunting and consuming non-spirit outsiders.

Werewolves favor their territory. This is in part because they know it well, and understand its
little quirks and turns. However, in a way the land also knows them, and recognizes the wolf-
pack as its keepers affording them little gifts of fortune wherever they reside.

System: All mundane non-combat physical and social actions performed within the Uratha's
own territory benefit from the 9-again rule. In addition, they receive two bonus dice to all
mundane survival and animal ken rolls within their domain.

Determining Territory
A wolf pack's territory is a pretty nebulous concept, not easily definable in simple terms of radius
and yardage. In general, areas considered part of the Uratha's territory are those which they
frequent commonly, and are uncontested by local spirits and other supernatural beings. This
can be as little as a single building, to as large as an entire forest or city. It all depends on how
much reach and influence the pack can muster. Territories are not all continuous either, it is
possible for a wolf pack to control several distinct patches of area, or have dark spots on their
own land which they have not been able to claim.
Claiming territory is also difficult to nail down, there are many methods. Hunting and conquering
is the most common, but bargaining with spirits and forging pacts are also possible. There are
even tails of Irraka who own secret territories, though how they would go about doing so is
a mystery. Regardless it is generally understood that alphas who command greater territory
command greater respect, and their packs are frequently patronized by mightier and more
respectful spirits. Areas of territory in which the pack does not make a concerted effort to
maintain their presence and dominance within are liable to fall from their territory. As such
territory size is generally limited by the wolf packs numbers, mobility and obligations.

Conjoined Territory
Though it’s not the most common event it isn’t unheard of for two packs to fuse
into one, or a particularly accomplished Uratha gains some packmates. In this
case, one might wonder what happens to their collective territories. The answer
is obvious, they combine into one.
The better question would be what happens to territory when a pack dissolves,
or a member is forced out. In the former case, the territory dissolves with the
pack, and it is up to individual members to reclaim their lost hold. In the latter,
the outcast loses out. Even if they were the one who supplied the most territory
in the first place, the land remains with the pack as a whole. This has been the
cause of more than a few bitter intra-tribal conflicts throughout the ages.

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