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Risk for Infection


• Advise the • To increase the Goal met.
Objective: Risk for infection r/t Goal: client to eat client’s
Low hemoglobin inadequate After 3 days series foods rich in hemoglobin
level secondary defenses of nursing iron (like level.
interventions the cereals, beans,
client will be free beef and
from any risk for chicken liver
infection. etc.).
• Teach the client • To reduce the
Objective: proper hand microorganism
After 1 hour of washing. because it is the
discussion the client first line defense
will be able to against health
demonstrate on how care associated
to take care of her infections.
wound. • Change • To change the
surgical/other contaminated
wound materials.
dressings, using
• Advise the • Discontinuation
client to take the of treatment
prescribed may result in
medications. return of
infection and
potential drug
resistant strains.
Neri, Ann Nicole G. group 88 BSN 3B

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