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Metal Science and Heat Treatment Vol. 50, Nos.

5 – 6, 2008

UDC 539.37:669-175.2



V. L. Gapontsev1

Translated from Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No. 5, pp. 48 – 55, May, 2008.

The paper considers the basic physical hypotheses used in constructing models for activated alloy formation
by cold intensive plastic deformation. The basis for the model is a messenger mechanism of evolution for the
stress pattern in plastic deformation of a polycrystalline material. Allowance is made for the vacancy fluxes as
additional accommodation mode for the strain, which provides preservation of the continuity, and which en-
ables one to describe the alloy composition redistribution on strain. Experimental data are compared with con-
clusions from models for activated alloy formation: a model operated on a ballistic mechanism for atomic mi-
gration and an alternative new model considered in the paper.

INTRODUCTION and ones caused by external factors. The specific feature of

CIPS is that the ballistic jumps are correlated and arise when
My paper was published in this journal recently that pro- dislocations glide through crystallites. My paper [1] has
posed a new model for activated alloy formation during cold caused various criticisms by major participants in the discus-
intensive plastic strain (CIPS) [1]. It was written in response sion [3, 4], to which I offer a reply here.
to a discussion conducted in this journal in the main by In his comments on [1], Skakov correctly points out that
Yu. A. Skakov and M. A. Shtremel’.2 The discussion was it inadequately deals with the physical principles of the
concerned with the mechanism of mechanoalloying, but in model and for no good reason excludes atomic transfer by an
fact concerned a different object: the scope for using me- internodal mechanism. The first circumstance was related to
thods from the mechanics of continuous media with thermo- the need to demonstrate the scope for the model on a wide
dynamics (Skakov’s concept) or the need to abandon them range of systems. I seek to remedy this deficiency and give
(Shtremel’s concept) in describing phenomena accompany- the main physical hypotheses adopted in constructing the
ing CIPS in solids. The [1] model assigns the leading part to model.
diffusion induced by vacancy flows. The vacancy sources
and sinks are nonconservative dislocation reactions in ter-
nary junctions between grains containing partial disclina-
tions. That model agrees with Skakov’s viewpoint and is an
1. CIPS messenger mechanism. This mechanism for
alternative ballistic model corresponding to Shtremel’s view-
plastic strain was proposed to describe the late stages [5],
point. To describe CIPS action in alloys, in 1981 Martin pro-
where experiment indicates that the main modes of strain are
posed a new form of ballistic mechanism by analogy with the
grain-boundary sliding and grain rotation [6]. Plastic strain in
ballistic mechanism in alloys that have been irradiated [2]. In
a polycrystalline material is considered as the evolution of a
both cases, the atomic jumps are of two forms: thermal ones
three-dimensional network of disclinations exchanging flows
1 of dislocations. In the original form, it examined the particu-
Russian State Professional Pedagogic University, Ekaterinburg,
Russia. lar case where the orientation of the Frank vectors of the
2 disclinations and the Burgers vectors of the dislocations were
See Metalloved. Term. Obrab. Met., No. 8 (2002) and No. 4
(2004). matched in such a way that the strain occurred conserva-

0026-0673/08/0506-0252 © 2008 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.
Reply to Comments by Yu. A. Skakov and M. A. Shtremel’ 253

tively (with volume retention). In general, continuity reten- nonequilibrium thermodynamics. All conditions imposed by
tion requires the introduction of vacancy fluxes between the the second law of thermodynamics on the Onsager kinetic
poles of adjacent disclinations differing in sign. The vacancy coefficient matrix are obeyed. This involves the assumption
concentration is that in CIPS, in much of the polycrystalline volume the state
of the material is locally in equilibrium. It is in that sense that
æ UV + VV Sp sij ö in [1] I spoke of the impossibility of direct use of the second
CV = exp çç - ÷,
÷ (1)
law of thermodynamics in describing processes accompany-
è kT ø
ing CIPS. An alloy acted on by CIPS does not tend to equi-
librium but instead departs from it. Indirectly, the second law
where UV is the vacancy formation energy, VV the vacancy
of thermodynamics is applied to the entire volume, excluding
volume, and sij the stress tensor. Vacancies are generated in
narrow regions around the vacancy sources and sinks. Then
stressing areas and are absorbed in compression ones. Calcu-
there is no doubt that the second law of thermodynamics ap-
lations have been performed with the electron density func-
plies where it should.
tional [7], which showed that the following condition is
We note that a literal translation is used for the term
obeyed in a metal in which the CIPS near stress concentra-
“driven alloy,” which exactly reproduces the meaning that
tors, where the local relative tensile strains attain the value 1.2:
during the external treatment (CIPS or irradiation), the alloy
is driven from the equilibrium state: immiscible components
UV + VV Spsij = 0 (2)
are mixed, while a homogeneous solid solution with unre-
stricted solubility splits up. The ballistic mechanism cannot
and the value of the vacancy concentration attains unity, i.e.,
provide the second effect and therefore is not a universal
micropores are formed. The stress concentrators are triple
mechanism for the formation of driven alloy. One can give a
junctions between grains, points of localization for partial
quantitative description of the deviation from equilibrium if
disclination poles. The conclusion on vacancy generation
the entropy is a function of the local straight parameters,
and absorption in the region of partial dislocation poles is of
which in our case is so far from vacancy sources and sinks.
thermodynamic character, but the detailed features of these
Translation of “driven alloy” as “activated alloy” corre-
processes are dependent on the complicated picture of
sponds to the traditional use in the Russian literature of the
nonconservative dislocation reactions at grain boundaries
terms “mechanoactivated” for the systems produced by CIPS
and at ternary junctions. It is difficult to determine the partic-
and “activated state” for systems subject to CIPS [9].
ular form of the boundary conditions for the vacancy diffu-
3. Quasistatic state of material between disclination
sion equation.
poles. The material transport between disclination poles is
2. Local alloy equilibrium far from vacancy sources
described by expressions for the diffusion fluxes (1) and (2)
and sinks. Numerical and analytical studies have been made
(see paper [1]). They lack convective terms on the assump-
on the solutions to the equation systems for diffusion of mat-
tion that the material is immobile. This is possible only if
ter and vacancies, which have shown that the steady-state
composition distributions between vacancy sources and there is complete balancing between the diffusional transport
sinks are not dependent on the details of the boundary condi- in the opposite direction to the flow of material as trans-
tions if during the strain one provides a value for the relative ported by dislocations. If this crude assumption is violated,
the continuity of the medium at the triple junctions is main-
instantaneous vacancy supersaturation CVm /CVe > 100, in
tained if one takes account of the additional material migra-
which CVm is the maximal value of the vacancy concentration tion mechanisms: grain-boundary diffusion and the diffusion
in a source, and CVe is the vacancy concentration in a sink of interstitial atoms generated as are vacancies in the region
[8]. This is a key point in the construction of the model be- of disclination poles. Skakov correctly places emphasis on
cause it allows one to separate the comparatively simple the latter transport mechanism. However, the role of that
one-dimensional diffusion treatment from the complicated transport mechanism in bulky solid solution formation is not
task of describing the plastic strain and the vacancy genera- evident. The compositions approximate to equiatomic, and
tion at triple grain junctions. The volume of the polycrys- the formation of such solid solutions is difficult to explain by
talline material is split into two regions: 1 ) the vacancy recombination of interstitial atoms and vacancies in the bulk.
sources and sinks with fractions of about 0.0001 of the total Interstitial atoms on account of their substantially greater
volume; and 2 ) the rest of the volume, where vacancies and mobility flow rapidly to the grain boundaries. They partici-
matter diffuse. In the first region, one cannot introduce ther- pate in setting up nonequilibrium segregations, but not in the
modynamic potentials as functions of the state parameters formation of bulky solid solutions. It is possible that the ori-
and no thermodynamic description is possible. That includes gins of bulk solutions involving vacancies and interstitial at-
the impossibility of any use of the second law of thermody- oms can be explained on a dumbbell mechanism of joint dif-
namics. In the second region, the diffusion processes are de- fusion. This complicates the model so much that an analysis
scribed by means of Gurov’s nonequilibrium hole gas model. becomes virtually impossible. The main body of experimen-
In [8] it has been shown that this model agrees with linear tal data can be explained qualitatively, by rejecting grain-
254 V. L. Gapontsev

boundary diffusion in a first approximation, together with the discussion between Shtremel’ and Skakov. In that same pa-
diffusion of interstitial atoms, the dumbbell diffusion mecha- per, Martin points out that the alloy ergodic hypothesis is not
nism, and the influence of ballistic effects on the atomic mi- met even in the absence of CIPS. In the simulation of the
gration. method by Monte Carlo techniques, it was observed that
4. Effects of local stresses on structure defects as va- atomic configurations are encountered in the alloy evolution
cancy sources and sinks. We consider cold plastic strain from which the system does not emerge in a reasonable com-
when equilibrium is not established along the grain bound- puting time and that one is obliged to use manual treatments.
aries. Then the interaction between the grain boundaries and This is described as a technical point, although it indicates
the intensive vacancy flux should be considered locally, as that there are attractors in phase space, i.e., that the ergodic
for the interaction of other structure defects. During CIPS, hypothesis is violated. The discussion of this here is based on
the structure defects in lattice stretching areas are vacancy the fact that it enables one to emphasize an important pro-
sources, while in compression areas they are sinks. Structure perty of a solid: retention of an acquired structure (in particu-
defects localized in regions where stresses are absent are in lar, of shape, since in the solid state matter retains the capa-
dynamic equilibrium with the field of vacancies set up by the city to retain its shape). In a coarse-grained alloy shaped by
main sources and sinks, which are related to stress concentra- slow cooling of a liquid, the state may be considered as close
tors. That hypothesis in a certain sense conflicts with the one to equilibrium, with a limited number of structural possibili-
on local vacancy equilibrium. The latter involves the as- ties (restricted for example by Gibbs phase rule on the num-
sumption that the stresses everywhere are small and that all ber of phases). For the nanostructural alloys formed by CIPS,
the sources and sinks have the same capacity, apart from the these constraints do not apply, and one gets a wide range of
grain boundaries, which instantaneously relax the excess vo- structural and phase states. This leads to major difficulty in
lume. using local methods of electron microscopy type. When one
interprets the data from averaging methods such as magnetic
ASSUMPTION USE IN ALLOY DESCRIPTION ones, one inevitably encounters an ill-posed problem, and it
is necessary to formulate hypotheses on the possible local
It is necessary to adopt a system of assumptions in de- states of the alloy.
scribing CIPS for alloys. Those assumptions should not con- A constructive approach to analyzing driven alloy forma-
flict with existing experimental data. A ballistic model also tion processes consists in setting up a hierarchy of models in-
involves such assumptions, but they are adopted by default, cluding semiphenomenological ones oriented to qualitative
i.e., without discussion. Even in the simpler situation in the description of a wide range of experimental data and local
absence of external action on the alloys, Gurov in setting up models related to them, which describe processes at the
a microscopic theory of diffusion was forced to use the ap- atomic level. For example, my model provides a quantitative
proximation of local (quasiequilibrium) vacancy situations. description of the relation between phase composition and
That approximation is not confirmed vigorously either by ex- chemical composition for Ti – Cu [1]. Use was made of the
periment or theory, and there are only heuristic arguments in hypothesis of local equilibrium and its consequence the de-
favor of it. An experimental test requires the establishment of pendence of the diffusion coefficients on the local values of
local correlations between the concentration fields of vacan- the atomic microparameters. This allowed me to introduce
cies and matter, which falls outside the scope of current tech- effective values for the microparameters for crude descrip-
niques. A rigorous theoretical basis requires allowance for tion of the steady-state distribution of composition provided
the sources and sinks within a logical microscopic theory that the difference in the partial diffusion coefficients does
such as the ABv model [10]. There are rigorous constraints not alter sign throughout the composition range. The latter is
in constructing strict models for metal systems, both analyti- obeyed for alloys with large differences in the atomic radii
cal and numerical from first principles. One of them is the and not to substantial positive enthalpies of mixing. Experi-
fixed amount and types of lattice nodes, which means that mental data have been processed to show that during CIPS
one cannot include the vacancy sources and sinks in the ana- an alloy changes in thermodynamic properties: from an alloy
lysis. with restricted solubility it is transformed into an alloy with
A further example of successful use of the hypothesis is unrestricted solubility [8]. However, one needs atomic mod-
the construction of a nonequilibrium free-energy function for els to describe the changes in local thermodynamic parame-
an alloy by the method of using the basic kinetic equation by ters in CIPS.
Vaks [11]. He used the hypothesis that the alloy is ergodic in On the other hand, it is technically impossible to analyze
the form of the requirement that the detailed-balancing con- the behavior of a driven alloy on the basis only of atomic
ditions are met for transitions at all levels, but Martin ob- models because of the wide range of space-time scales for
served [12] that this requirement is not met under CIPS con- the processes, which must incorporate all the possibilities:
ditions and the basic kinetic equation method is inapplicable. vacancy fluxes, ballistic atomic jumps, twinning, diffusion
The above brief discussion by Martin and Vaks on methods by the interstitial mechanism, grain-boundary diffusion, and
of describing driven alloys is very similar in content to the so on. Further, it is unclear how to organize the analysis of an
Reply to Comments by Yu. A. Skakov and M. A. Shtremel’ 255

infinite set of simulation results for a set of qualitatively dif- That reduction in the vacancy migration activation en-
ferent situations (an alloy in CIPS is not ergodic and retains ergy does not appear by fitting but simply is it. The question
various structural forms). Therefore, atomic models require is that of the calculated magnitude for this reduction. It is re-
constraints defined by rough semiphenomenological models alistic and agrees with the following: reduction in the
that approximate to the experimental situations. Debye – Waller factor as demonstrated by experiment in
CIPS [13]; estimates of the energy in microstrains in
AN ANSWER TO SHTREMEL’S COMMENTS nanostructural alloys produced during CIPS [14]; and reduc-
tion in the vacancy migration activation energy in shearing
I have given above some assumptions adopted in con- bands as calculated by means of the electron density func-
structing the model. In Shtremel’s comments, an attempt is tional [7].
made to enumerate these assumptions and analyze them. e) “the distances between vacancy sources and sinks ...
They are given in the form proposed in direct citation of the are much less than the vacancy diffusion length.” In his opin-
text [1], although that does not always correspond to reality. ion, that is impossible: “if a nonequilibrium vacancy is able
We consider his comments: to avoid many sinks, then what forces drive it?”
a) “the material diffusion flux (2) occurs on an equilib- The vacancy diffusion length is DV t ; from the condi-
rium diffusion interphase boundary and is proportional to tion L ^ DV t (where L is the mean distance between va-
the square ... of the width L”. This assertion is his conclusion
cancy sources and sinks) it follows that a steady-state va-
made from (2). The misunderstanding is related to the inter-
cancy distribution is established in time t between them with
pretation in [1] of the linear dimension L of the spatial corre-
a constant concentration difference, which is the driving
lation of composition as the width of equilibrium diffusion
force of the diffusion.
for the grain boundaries. That interpretation is quite simply
f) the vacancy flux “is induced between adjoining discli-
verified by applying (2) to equilibrium conditions in an alloy
nations differing in sign” when “the main modes of plastic
with restricted solubility, where JA = 0 and JV = 0. The result-
strain are grain-boundary slip and grain rotation.” He has:
ing equation gives the composition distribution profile in
“nobody has observed the generation of vacancies by discli-
equilibrium diffusion phase boundaries with width of L. The
nations and even in models it is not clear whence vacancies
diffusion fluxes intersect that boundary if there is a deviation
from equilibrium.
My model is intended from the start to describe CIPS
b) “at a certain stage in the strain, there is an increase in
stages when on all the experimental data one finds driven
the diffusion coefficient by 14 orders of magnitude.” That as-
grain-boundary slip and grain rotation [6]. This is not an ar-
sertion is not an assumption but instead an experimental fact
cited from a reference (see [6] in the references in [1]). bitrary assumption but instead is a conclusion from a survey
c) “it should be related to vacancy generation.” This as- of experimental data. Vacancy fluxes between triple junc-
sertion caused an adverse reaction on his part: “intensive tions between grains, in which disclination poles are local-
plastic strain actually produces premelting vacancy concen- ized, is not an additional hypothesis but instead a direct con-
trations of about 10 – 5 to 10 – 4 (not 10 – 2 ). They are mea- sequence of taking the general case for the messenger CIPS
sured directly by positron annihilation (and also by differen- mechanism, with the requirements for retaining the continu-
tial scanning calorimetry and from the residual electrical re- ity of the medium during strain and the dependence of the
sistance: these concentrations are concerned at room tempe- vacancy concentration on local stresses. Nobody has ob-
rature for days but supermobility is not in question).” served not only the generation of vacancies by disclinations
All these methods give values for the residual vacancy but also the network of disclinations generated during CIPS.
concentration averaged over the volume. On that basis, the This does not prevent their being used in describing plastic
peak value of the local vacancy concentration (in the source strain [5]. The most valuable result from the [1] model is
regions) during CIPS can only be related to the fact that it possibly also that it assists in the experimental observation of
should be higher than 10 – 5 – 10 – 4. Numerical estimates in- disclination networks. According to the model, in CIPS in al-
dicate that under CIPS conditions vacancy concentrations of loys there is decoration of the disclination network by re-
one are attained in and near regions of tensile stress concen- gions with differing chemical and phase compositions.
tration [7]. Consequently, a permissible estimate has been g) “vacancy fluxes with differing partial diffusion coeffi-
taken as 10 – 2, which is close to the Lindeman limit of cients lead to composition redistribution between adjacent
5 ´ 10 – 2 corresponding to lattice failure and recovery. This vacancy sources and sinks” (the inverse Kirkendahl effect).
means an increase in atomic diffusional mobility (hypotheti- He has: “... the inverse Kirkendahl effect has been thor-
cal) during CIPS by 16 orders of magnitude. oughly examined on irradiation with the same stationary va-
d) and also “with reduction in the vacancy migration ac- cancy concentrations of 10 – 4 and higher temperatures in the
tivation energy” by 12 and 20%. He said instead: “the reduc- segregation layer of about 10 nm thickness which have been
tion in the vacancy migration activation energy is found sim- attained in hundreds of hours and not in the supposed
ply by fitting...” 10 min.”
256 V. L. Gapontsev

It is incorrect to compare the actions of the inverse loy composition when there is a large difference in the
Kirkendahl effect in the irradiation and in the case of CIPS, atomic radii [14].
as the situations differ in topology and physics. In the first
case, the vacancy sources are distributed in the grain vo- CONFLICTS BETWEEN THE BALLISTIC MODEL
lumes, with the boundaries unconditional sinks, since at high AND EXPERIMENT
temperatures there is guaranteed equilibration along the
grain boundaries. One gets a three-dimensional treatment In the criticism of [4], references are made to papers
with bulk sources. Under those conditions, the gradient in the dealing with the ballistic mechanism for the formation of
vacancy concentration pattern is localized in a narrow region driven alloys (here references [15, 16]). Shtremel’ considers
near the grain boundaries and in fact the inverse Kirkendahl that the authors of those papers have finally resolved the
effect is only slight in the grain volume. It influences the question of the mechanoalloying mechanism by examining
grain boundaries together with the action of interstitial atom the process at the atomic level “... by the method of molecu-
diffusion, as this also occurs to the boundaries, which leads lar dynamics without any arbitrary assumptions.” Detailed
to thin nonequilibrium grain-boundary segregations. In my analysis of those researches however leads to conflicting
model, the vacancy sources and sinks are localized, and the conclusions. They discussed the possibility of alloy flaking
grain boundaries are not in equilibrium and are not uncondi- by the ballistic mechanism. In Martin’s survey [12], he ana-
tional vacancy sinks, as their role is dependent on the local lyzed the action of that mechanism on thermodynamically
stress tensor values. The concentration pattern in the bulk distinct alloys. The following were used: equations of diffu-
with distinct sources and sinks is topologically equivalent to sion type with an additional term describing the ballistic
a field with planar surfaces of constant concentration, so one atomic jumps; Monte Carlo simulation; and the use of the
can use a one-dimensional approximation for semiquanti- average molecular field method. It was found that the steady
tative description. The action of the inverse Kirkendahl ef- state of a driven alloy is either complete mixing (in the
low-temperature limit) or self-organization of structures
fect covers the entire volume of a crystallite. The stationary-
formed by competition between the thermodynamic tenden-
profile settling time is dependent on the nonequilibrium va-
cies to decomposition and the mechanical mixing. In all
cancy flux density. In irradiation experiments, it is small be-
these cases, the alloy is homogeneous at the mesoscale level
cause of the low source throughput. If we assume the va-
(the linear scale equal to the mean distance between disloca-
cancy concentration differences considered in the model and
tion source and sink). This conclusion was not doubted for
the reduction in the vacancy migration activation energy, we
more than 20 years up to the appearance of papers by Lund
get values for the flux densities providing the observed ef- and Schuh such as [15].3 They used a two-dimensional simu-
fects during the time of experiments on shearing under pres- lation to observe exfoliation in the action of the ballistic
sure. There is no systematic evaluation of the total action mechanism. That conclusion raised sound doubts and was re-
time in other methods of mechanoactivation, but the values jected on the basis of a three-dimensional model based on the
given for the cold strain rate coincide with those appearing in molecular dynamics method [16].
shearing under pressure (e& £ 1 sec – 1 ). Higher values of are The parameter L influences these processes, which is the
attained in explosive welding and impact loading. New fea- size of the spatial composition correlation region. It arises as
tures arise under these conditions, whose analysis falls out- the radius of the kernel for the functional for the transition
side the framework of the model. The model may also be frequencies in deriving the equation for the flux of matter
used when the alloy has not attained a steady state. The qua- (expression (2) in [1]) [8, 17]. This approach is equivalent to
litative form of the results is not altered, while the specifica- the free-energy functional method for inhomogeneous alloys.
tions for vacancy mobility are eased. The value of L is dependent on the minimal rate of decrease
h) “the steady-state distributions of composition between in the physical field and thus on the dimensions of the space.
sources and sinks coincide with the stationary composition In three-dimensional space, it may be estimated as L3 » 6a,
distributions arising on the action of a constant vacancy dif- while in two-dimensional space L2 » 20a, where a is the lat-
ference.” That assertion is not an assumption and is the result tice parameter. In a three-dimensional model [16], the edge
of studies on the dependence of the solutions to the diffusion length of a cubic cell is 40a, which exceeds L3 by almost an
equations on the boundary conditions [8]. order of magnitude, while in a two-dimensional model [15],
i) “when there is a large difference in the atomic radii of the edge length of a square cell is (20 – 30)a, which agrees as
the alloy components... marked concentration-dependent to order of magnitude with L2. The effects of thermodynamic
microstresses arise and the lattice becomes unstable, which
forces are maximal at lengths of order L. The accidental
leads to the production of an amorphous state or the occur-
rence of x-ray amorphous alloys with maximally small 3
In Shtremel’s comments, the reference was given not to [15] but
grains.” That assertion simply expands Bernal’s amorphi- to a paper similar in content by the same authors. The replacement
zation model. Its use here is justified by experimental studies is related to the discussion in [15, 16], which is important for this
on the dependence of microstrain and mean grain sizes on al- topic.
Reply to Comments by Yu. A. Skakov and M. A. Shtremel’ 257

choice of two-dimensional cell size predetermined the partial dependence of any of these processes accompanying
character of the results in [15]. The accidental “correct” mechanoactivation, we note that when the temperature is re-
choice of size for the three-dimensional cell predetermine the duced one gets not only a monotone increase in the mixing
general character of the conclusions obtained in [16]: on the (ballistic mechanism) and a monotone reduction in the diffu-
action of the ballistic mechanism “a large enthalpy of mixing sion transport (classical diffusion), but also one may get
and a large discrepancy between the lattice parameters of the nonmonotone dependence on temperature with a maximum
segregation and matrix do not prevent complete forced mix- effect in the region of room temperatures. The effects of in-
ing.” In all other cases, forced mixing is inevitable in this duced diffusion are dependent not only on the diffusion coef-
mechanism. Nevertheless, experiment records the direct op- ficients but also on the operation of the vacancy sources,
posite: flaking in CIPS in alloys in the systems Fe – Cr – Ni which has a temperature dependence related to the plastic
[18] and Pd – Ni [19]. This casts doubt on the suitability of strain mechanism. Experiment shows [19, 21] anomalous
the ballistic mechanism as the basis for the generation of temperature dependence for layering and diffusion in CIPS
driven alloys. on alloys. However, we are not solely concerned with possi-
The second conflict between the ballistic model and ex- ble temperature dependence in mechanoalloying. From the
periment, which has been repeatedly pointed out in the dis- [1] model a new approach has recently been proposed to the
cussion by Skakov, is the dependence of the formation order radiation stability and strain stability of constructional
for intermetallides on the relation between the partial diffu- austenitic steels [20]. This considers stability as a kinetic ef-
sion coefficients of the components at the stage preceding the fect associated with the concentration dependence of the par-
formation of a supersaturated solid solution. tial diffusion coefficients. According to the traditional view-
The third conflict between this model and experiment is point, the stability of these steels is related to thermodynam-
that anomalous phase transitions in CIPS are related to a late ics: in a certain composition area, the martensite transforma-
stage in strain, where e > 3 and d g < 200 nm (formation of tion occurs on strain. These two concepts have been dis-
supersaturated solid solutions, formation and decomposition cussed in the last two years at seminars at the Institute of
of intermetallides, amorphization, cyclic amorphous Metal Physics, Urals Branch, RAS. Any form of resolution is
phase-crystallite transformations, and layering in homoge- impossible without experimental study of the stability in the
nous solid solutions), where e is the true logarithmic degree strain martensite (it undoubtedly is formed at early stages in
of strain and d g is the mean grain diameter (see survey in the strain) in relation to the effects of mechanical mixing and
[8]). In that stage, the dislocation creep mechanism no longer diffusional layering. The [1] model stimulates such research.
works (it is the basis of the ballistic mechanism) because dis-
location glide is hindered by interactions between them, and NEED FOR EXPERIMENTAL TEST
the main modes of plastic strain become grain-boundary slip OF MODEL PREDICTIONS
and rotation [6]. In the absence of quasihydrostatic compres-
sion, those mechanisms in a polycrystalline medium lead to The driven-alloy formation mechanisms cannot be deter-
microcracking and subsequent brittle failure. Compression mined only by comparing the capacities of models to explain
for example in CIPS in Bridgman anvils or on cold rolling existing experimental evidence. It is necessary to obtain fore-
and all-sided forging or mechanoactivation in ball and vibra- casts from the model and perform experimental checks. In
tional grinders, or equal-channel angular and screw pressing the case of models for localized vacancy sources/sinks, that
will lead to anomalous structural and phase relationships as is possible for the Ti-Ni system when sheared under pressure
an alternative to brittle failure. [22]. The phase composition distribution obtained after CIPS
The ballistic model for a driven alloy uses by default ar- has already been given a quantitative explanation by the
bitrary assumptions, and in particular has the basis that the model and this has provided for determining the boundaries
processes are not influenced by the following: a) structural of the existence regions for solid solutions and the conse-
state of the polycrystalline material (grain sizes and so on, al- quent effective microparameters [1, 8]. If specimens after
though one is considering bulky nanostructural alloys); and CIPS are subjected to moderate annealing (diffusion length
b) stages in the strain and the dominant mechanism (although should not exceed 10 nm), then the model applies that a quite
one is considering CIPS). The difficulties with the ballistic definite distribution of phases should arise to decorate the
model have led me to draw up an alternative model which three-dimensional dislocation network localized at triple
I have used to apply to particular systems in [1]. junctions. It is dependent on the average specimen composi-
tion, but in all cases there should be a spatial network of
TOPIC SIGNIFICANCE segregations of almost pure titanium. If one joins two adja-
cent segregations of titanium by a straight line, one should
These topics have major significance from the viewpoint find the following segregations on it: a) Ni> 50Ti< 50 (Ti,
of choosing approaches to describing CIPS action on solids, NiTi2, NiTi, Ni3Ti, Ni, Ni3Ti, NiTi, NiTi2, Ti); b) Ni40Ti60
but one must agree with Shtremel’ that the subject of discus- (Ti, NiTi2, NiTi, Ni3Ti, NiTi, NiTi2, Ti); c) Ni30Ti70 (Ti,
sion is not altogether consistent. As regards the temperature NiTi2, NiTi, NiTi2, Ti); d) Ni25Ti75 (Ti, solid solution of Ni in
258 V. L. Gapontsev

Ti, Ti). These qualitative conclusions are based on analyzing 8. V. L. Gapontsev, Diffusion and Inhomogeneous Structural
a family of curves for the composition distribution (of the States in Alloys Containing Localized Vacancy Sources and
type shown in Fig. 2 in [1]), and are affected by the equilib- Sinks: Author’s Abstract of Doctoral Thesis [in Russian],
Ekaterinburg (2005).
rium phase diagram for the Ni – Ti system. They can be sup-
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