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Squaw Valley Sustainability


Brian Buckley
Squaw Valley
1960 Squaw Valley Rd.
Olympic Valley, CA 96146

Table Of Contents










Executive Summary
Squaw Valley1 has made many recent improvements aimed at giving back to the environment and our
community. However, with our recent pledge to to be 100% powered by renewable energy sources by the
2018, we now face our greatest challenge yet.
To help us reach our goal I propose that Squaw Valley work with Tesla, Inc. to install a Tesla PowerPack
micro-grid. A Tesla PowerPack is a unique commercial product that uses Tesla’s state of the art batteries
to store, regulate, and discharge electricity. With this technology we will be able to charge our on-site
batteries during low energy consumption hours and use that surplus electricity to help power our
mountain during peak energy demand times.

How a Tesla PowerPack will help us reach our goal

The way our energy delivery is currently set up allows for wasted electricity during non-operating hours
and requires our utility company to produce more electricity as our consumption increases throughout the
day. With a Tesla PowerPack system we can end this inefficiency. This is possible by using battery
storage to replace purchases of fossil fuel energy sources during high demand hours. Right now our
carbon footprint related to electricity use is 13,078 Metric Tons and I believe that by implementing this
proposal we can substantially decrease that number.

Long Term Advantage

The beauty of the Tesla PowerPack is that not only will it provide short term energy savings but also will
provide the necessary infrastructure needed to fulfill our long term 100% renewable energy goal. The
Tesla PowerPack system can easily be converted to store and discharge energy produced from our future
solar panel system.

Right now the estimated cost of one PowerPack including installation is $45,000. I estimate that we will
need 40 PowerPacks (8000 Kilowatt-Hours) to store the amount of electricity needed to meet our energy
needs. That brings the total cost of the project to $1,800,000.

Squaw Valley founded in 1949 is one of the largest and well known ski resorts in the country attracting
approximately 600,000 skiers each year. The resort includes over 6,000 skiable acres of property and includes a
village with hotels, apartments, and over 50 shops.

The Problem
In 2016 the amount of CO2 emissions in the United States related to electricity production was 1.8 million
metric tons and 35% of total U.S. CO2 emissions. The two main sources of electricity production are coal
(68%) and natural gas (30%). Creating energy in this way has many side effects for our environment such
● Air pollution such as greenhouse gases from burning fuel.
● Water pollution from runoff waste and extensive water use in cooling systems.
As a major ski resort that on a daily basis operates 29 ski lifts, snowmaking machines on 11 runs, and a
fully operational village including residences and businesses we are a large contributor to pollution from
energy production.
One major problem the United States electrical system is it creates a lot of waste. In order to meet all
potential demand, utilities companies are always producing electricity to be put into the power grid.
However, it is common that during the course of a day the actual demand is less than what is available
and electricity is wasted. Additionally, if demand increases past the available electricity amount the
utilities company has to produce extra energy. The solution in this proposal aims to eliminate this
inefficiency by storing that otherwise wasted electricity and using it later on when demand rises.

Project Description
My solution to this energy problem is simple, effective, and has long-term benefits. With just a one time
installation of 40 Tesla PowerPacks we will never again let electricity on our grid go to waste and use less
electricity overall.

Tesla PowerPack:
The PowerPack 2 is Tesla’s latest commercial product aimed at saving companies money and power.
Through using the same batteries that Tesla uses in their high performance cars, the PowerPacks are able
to hold large amounts of electricity and effectively release that electricity. The best part is each Tesla
PowerPack system comes with software that can manage the storage and release of electricity from the
battery requiring no day to day labor on our part.
Tesla PowerPacks are already being used around the world including:
● Providing backup power to 30,000 homes in South Australia.
● Being used to offset the power grid for 2,500 homes in Southern California during peak hours.
● PowerPacks are being paired with solar panels to power the entire island of Ta’u.
The system works by allowing us to charge the batteries during low energy demand hours and the
discharging that saved energy during peak hours. We will still need to use the normal power grid during

these times. However, supplementing the grid with our own saved electricity will save us money on our
energy bill and allow our utilities company to produce less electricity during peak hours.

I propose that we instal the Tesla PowerPacks
in the storage building next to Gold Coast
lodge. The location of the building is right in
the middle of the mountain making it the
perfect place to effectively transfer electricity to
the top of the mountain and down to the village.

Cost Analysis
Implementation Cost


Number of PowerPacks 40 (8000kwh)

Cost per PowerPack with Installation $45,000

Total Cost $1,800,000

Estimated Benefit


Total Kilowatt-Hours Storage Available 8000 kwh

Average Price per Kilowatt-Hour in California $0.15

Estimated Daily Electrical Benefit from PowerPacks 50%


Days in a Year 365

Estimated Yearly Benefit $219,0001

The calculation for this estimate is ( (Total kwh storage X 50%) X $.15 X 365). This estimate may not be accurate as it (a)
includes the California average electricity rate for commercial use and not Squaw’s actual rate and (b) is based on the assumption
that on an average day we will only need to use half the stored energy to meet our needs and/or may not fully charge the batteries
during off hours.

Assessment Strategy
Short Term Outcomes
The ideal short term outcome is that we immediately start saving money on our electricity bill by using
less electricity. By working with our local utility company we should be able to see how much less fossil
fuels are being burned on our behalf.

Long Term Outcomes

Long term objectives include transitioning the system to running on solar power once we have installed
solar panels and eventually eliminating non-renewable sources of energy. Hopefully this was we can have
significant positive impact on the environment and possibly inspire other ski resorts to follow our

Keys to Achieving Intended Results

Steps we can take to make sure this project is understood or “sticky” include:
● Stress the simplicity of the project. After all it only requires a one time installation that could save
us thousands in energy bills.
● Talk about how this project is unexpected. People won’t expect a ski resort partnering with a high
tech car company to install batteries.
● Don’t market this project as something abstract such as “Renewable energy. Rather say
something concrete like “Squaw Valley powered by Tesla Batteries”.
● Stress the credibility of this project by citing the many examples of Tesla PowerPacks being used
around the world.

If Squaw Valley follows these steps we can ensure that people will get behind this project which allows
for smooth integration.

Squaw Valley has already taken so many strides to be more sustainable. However, If we are ever to reach
our goal of becoming 100% powered by renewable energy sources, then I firmly believe that a Tesla
PowerPack system is a great start. In the environmental section of our website we say that “We want to
share our love for the mountains forever”. I believe that implementing this simple energy solution will
allow us to live up to this statement.

Appendix A
To: Jonny Moseley
From: Brian Buckley
Date: Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Subject: Squaw Valley - Tesla PowerPack Project

Hi Jonny:

I’m excited to hear that you will be leading the Tesla PowerPack initiative. I believe that the success of
this project will put Squaw Valley on the path to becoming the most sustainable ski resort in the country.
As you know Squaw Valley is committed to be a friend of the environment and with the success of this
project we will not only be saving money but helping reduce the amount of pollution being put into the
First Steps
Tesla builds and installs their PowerPack systems on a case by case basis so you will need to contact them
directly to begin the process. The cost per PowerPack should be around $45,000 based on historical costs,
however, Tesla will ultimately reach a final price based on our specific needs and situation.
Tracking Success
Once the system is operational make sure to work with Tesla technicians and Liberty Utilities to
determine the system setting that will optimize our energy use. Make sure to analyze energy bills to see if
we need to increase or decrease the electricity output from the batteries. And lastly compare old and new
energy bills to get a more exact estimate of how much money we are saving.

This is an exciting step forward for Squaw Valley and I’m am excited to see all the benefits that this
project can provide.

Brian Buckley

Appendix B
Tesla PowerPack Specs:

Work Cited

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