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CHE 3161 CHEMISTRY & CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS Solutions to Problem Set #1 Problem #1.3 In order to recast the first equation in the form corresponding to the second equation, we will need to make use of the following results. Ing =In10 x logit 100 kPa kPa, = Pa pe) P**/iPa = P* ftom x a t/°C =T/K — 273.15 Using the first two equations above, cat, 100 InP /kPa = In10 x logo P™*/torr + In = The given equation for logyy P**/torr is: . b logy PA toe = a ea Combining these equations, we have b 100 InP /kPa = 010 (« ~ TK 273.15 + 3) +n yer 6 = 2. ~ ee | - 2.01: eee (« TK — 273.15 + :) ee Comparing this equation with the desired equation for In P**/kPa shows that: A = 2.3026 a — 2.0150; B = 2.30266; C = ¢ — 273.15 Problem #1.12 Given that a = 7P9 and substituting for p in terms of P in the above equation using me RT % dP tr Mg S=-/| she I P ) Rr where Pp and 2p indicate the absolute pressure and the altitude relative to sea-level at Denver, respectively. Pp is the absolute pressure at sea-level After integration, we obtain we can obtain M InP = Ino Fey or M. Pp = Poexp (- m0) Using in the above equation Py = 1 atm, M = 29 x 10-8 kg mol, g 981 ms, R = 8.314 J mol*K~, T = 10 + 273.15 = 283.15 K, zp 1 mile = 1.6 x 10° m, we obtain Pp = 0.823 atm Problem #1.13 A group of engineers has landed on the moon, and they wish to determine the mass of some rocks. They have a spring scale calibrated to read pounds ‘mass at a location where the acceleration of gravity is 32.186 ft s~*. One of the moon rocks gives a reading of 18.76 on this scale. What is its mass? What is its weight on the moon? Take gmoon = 5.32ft s~?. ‘We know that the extension of a spring is proportional to the force applied to its free end. In a spring balance, this extension is used as a measure of a 2 body's weight and hence its mass. Rather than use the units of length, the scale on the balance is calibrated in terms of mass. In other words, we have mge = Ke where m is the actual mass of the sample, gg is the gravitational acceleration on the earth, K‘ is the spring constant (which is unaffected be gravity) and lp is the extension of the spring or the scale-reading. We can rewrite the above equation as mak, oe Clearly, the mass of the sample remains does not depend on whether it is on the Earth or the Moon. Therefore, we have f hh m=K2=K* gE gm where [yy is the scale-reading on the moon and gy is the gravitational ac- celeration on the Moon. We are given that the observed ly = 18.76 “Ib” Using the values of gp and gx given, the scale-reading that would have been observed on the Earth for the same sample is 32.186 = ly = = 18.76 x = = Ib. le= hn X “Egy = 113.498 Since the balance was calibrated on Earth, the above scale-reading is the correct; mass of the sample. ‘The sample's weight on the Moon is simply mga = 18.76 Iby Problem #1.20 See Table A.1, p. 678, of text. © Latm ~ 1 bar = 1/0,986923 = 1.01325 bar © 1 Btu ~ 1 kJ = 1/0.947831 = 1.05504 kJ 1 hp ~ 0.75 kW = 1/1.34102 = 0.745701 kW 1 in ~ 2.5 cm = 2.54 cm exactly, by definition (see p. 651 of text) 1 Ibm ~ 0.5 kg = 0.45359237 kg exactly, by definition (see p. 651 of text) © 1 mile ~ 1.6 km = 5280/3280.84 = 1.60934 km ¢ 1 quart ~ 1 liter = 1000/(264.172 x 4) = 0.94636 liter (1 liter = 1000 * Lyard ~ 1m = 0.0254 x 36 = 0.9144 m exactly, by definition of the inch and the yard. Problem #2.8 The phase rule [Eq. (2.7)] yields: F = 2-1 +N=2-242=2 (See also Example 2.5). Specification of 7’ and P fixes the intensive state, and thus the phase compositions (i.e. the concentrations of the components in each of the two phases), of the system. Since the liquid phase is pure component 1 and component 2 is essentially insoluble in component 1, addition of component 2 to the system increases its (component 2's) amount in the vapor phase. It is given that, after the addition of the material, the system is brought back to its original T' and P. Therefore, if the composition of the vapor phase is to be unchanged, some of species 1 must evaporate from the liquid phase, thus decreasing the moles of liquid present. Problem #2.12 Given that Q = +7.5 kJ and AU = ~12kJ, since W = AU-Q, W = —19.5 kJ. If the same change of state occurs, the change in AU is the same, that is -12 kJ. If no work is done (W = 0), Q = AU = ~12 kJ, Problem #2.23 Mass balance: tiny + thy — ths = 0 Energy balance: ri Hy + titgHy — tngHy + Q = 0. Note that we have neglected any work done by the stirrer (W’ = 0). Substi- tuting for rig from the mass balance into the energy balance above tiny (Hy — Hy) + tiia(Hy — Hy) + Q =0 Coldwater Hot water (stream 1) (steeam 2) Y ’ ‘Wace water (stream 3) es I Q But Hs — Hy = Cp(T3 — T,); Hs — Hp = Cp(Ty — Ta). Therefore, we can obtain tin Cp(T3 — T;) + thaCp(T3 — T2) -Q =0 Rearranging, we have _ Qt tinCpT, + tngC pT 18 ity + ig) Ce Substituting Q = 30 kJ s“!, Cp = 4.18 kJ (kg K)"}, rin = 1.0 kg so, tg = 0.8 kg s“!, T, = 25°C and Ty = 75°C, we can calculate Ts = 43.24°C. Problem #2.27 We are given P;, T; and the velocity 11 at the valve’s entry (state 1), and P,, the pressure at the valve's exit (state 2). We are required to find the temperature T>. To do this, we will need to derive an equation in which T; is the only unknown. Firstly, a mass balance across the valve shows that Auyp; = Aurp2 or U: met au aan any Since we are given that PV/T' = constant, that is we have. where 72 is unknown. The valve is an example of an open system since it involves motion of the fluid across its boundaries. In this case Q = 0 (the line is insulated) and W = 0 (since there are no moving parts). Furthermore, since the pipe is horizontal, Az = 0. Therefore, at steady state, the energy balance for this system reduces to AH + 5au = AH+ 3 (ub al) =0. Since Cp is a constant and independent of pressure, this indicates that HT is independent of pressure and depends on temperature alone. Therefore, for this gas, AH = CpAT is valid for all processes, even if they are not isobaric. Hence in the equation above, AH = (7/2)R(T2 — Ti). Substituting the expression for up derived earlier, we obtain Tans —ty «1 (qa? aa) — Ears n)+3 (BB a = which can be rearranged to give the following quadratic equation for T, AT} + BIz+C =0 where A = (ujP?)/(T?P?), B = 7R and C = —(7RT, + u3). This can be solved exactly after substituting the appropriate numerical values to yield Ty = 321.6 K.

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