Revised 3 Qs On Abortion and Year of Mercy

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Year of Mercy

Responses to 3 questions for the FAQ page

1. I had an abortion and want peace in my life. What can I do?

The Church grieves with you the loss of your baby and the painful experience
the abortion must have been for you. We know that for many women, abortion
is a decision made under enormous pressures and lack of support from the
people around them, including sometimes their own families and the fathers of
their unborn children. Be comforted knowing Christ loves you unconditionally
and is eager to receive your penitent heart and give you his forgiveness and
healing in the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession). In speaking with your
priest, confessing your abortion and asking forgiveness, you will feel a
profound sense of relief. Christ will give you many graces in the sacrament,
which will heal your soul and bring peace to your hurting heart. Regular
Confession is a wonderful way to continue the healing process.

In your prayer, you can ask God for healing, express your sorrow and pray for
the soul of your child, holding to the beautiful hope that your child is with Him
in heaven and that one day you will see them and hold them in your arms. As
St John Paul II said in his special words to women who have had an abortion,
“The Father of mercies is ready to give you his forgiveness and his peace in the
Sacrament of Reconciliation. You will come to understand that nothing is
definitively lost and you will also be able to ask forgiveness from your child,
who is now living in the Lord” (Evangelium Vitae, #99).

A beautiful ministry of the Church for women who have been hurt by abortion
is Rachel’s Vineyard. Rachel’s Vineyard holds weekend retreats for spiritual
healing for all people affected by abortion. Women, men, couples, grandparents
and others are all welcome to participate. These retreats are also open to non-
Catholics. Other resources of healing and support can be found below.

Rachel’s Vineyard
A healing ministry of the Catholic Church for women and men hurt by abortion

Bereavement Support
A grief counselling and support service offered by Catholic Cemeteries & Crematoria

Walking with Love

A website of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, offering support and resources for women
facing a difficult pregnancy or hurting from abortion, and for those who wish to walk with them and
support them in love.

Life, Marriage and Family Centre 25.10.16

Memorial to Unborn Children
A place of remembrance and healing. Located at the intersection of Lawns 5, 6 and 7 (between
Courtney and Sheehy Aves) in the Catholic section of Rookwood Cemetery, Hawthorne Ave,
Rookwood, NSW.

2. I heard something about the Pope making it easier for priests to forgive
abortion. What is that about?

As a sign of his deep fatherly concern for all men and women hurt by abortion,
during the Year of Mercy, from December 8, 2015 through November 20, 2016,
Pope Francis has simplified the process for priests to forgive the sin of abortion
in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Ordinarily, most priests have the power to
absolve a penitent for involvement in an abortion, as this is frequently delegated
to them by their local bishops. However, to make sure that all priests
worldwide had this authority in the Year of Mercy, the Holy Father made it
absolutely clear that for this time any Catholic priest is able to forgive this sin,
whether or not the power has been delegated to him by his bishop.

3. What happens after the Year of Mercy, can abortion still be forgiven?

Absolutely! Christ loves each one of us beyond comprehension and his arms
are always open and waiting to receive a penitent heart. Even when the Year of
Mercy has ended, the beautiful Sacrament of Reconciliation will go on. This
sacrament is where Christ lifts the burden of sin from our shoulders; we should
never be afraid to come to him there, confess humbly and ask forgiveness for
any sin, including abortion. In the great majority of cases, the sin of abortion
can be forgiven and absolved in that single step. In the rare case where
additional factors may mean the local bishop needs to be approached so that the
penitent can be fully reconciled with Christ and the Church, the priest will
explain this to you and follow this up for you.

Life, Marriage and Family Centre 25.10.16

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