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Issue Sub
Issues and observations Issue Group Village
What does the DWNP suggest as mitigation measures against damage Compensation Elephants Beetsha
to our property by elephants and predators? Rates
Normally we can coexist with elephants. They eat the vegetation but Elephant Range Elephants Beetsha
do not necessarily destroy it. However, when open water sources are
diminishing, people and elephants are congested in the same areas.
We used to kill and eat elephants to keep their numbers at an Population Elephants Beetsha
acceptable level. Increase
Elephants have also reached our area. I want to know what DWNP Action to Elephants Bodibeng
will do about them. Reduce
Elephants destroy reservoirs and borehole engines but the DWNP Slow Response Elephants Bodibeng
attends to such damage reports with great delay. However, when
poaching is reported they are usually able to come quickly.
The elephants that destroy people’s livelihoods are also a natural Trusts pay Elephants Bodibeng
resource. Thus, some communities benefit from wildlife in their areas Compensation
while others do not. Can those community trusts not pay some money
to compensate people who have their livelihoods destroyed by
elephants and other wildlife?
Elephants destroy the buffalo fence and cross into livestock areas. Buffalo Fence Elephants Boro
When our cattle cross through the gaps in the fence into the wildlife
area, they are shot. The fence has to be better maintained and needs to
be reinforced to prevent predators crossing into the livestock areas.
There should be a quarantine camp where cattle are screened and
returned to their owners, if they are not infected by FMD. Cattle that
are killed are compensated with P 400 only. I asked our MP, Frank
Ramsden, to bring our concerns up in parliament.
When elephants destroy the buffalo fence, buffaloes use the gaps to Buffalo Fence Elephants Boro
cross into the communal area. They are driven back across the fence
by helicopter, whereas our cattle that cross into the cattle free zone are
killed. Please pass on our concern, so that some of these laws and
regulations are changed.
The suggestions we have already made on how to solve the human – CITES Elephants Boro
elephant conflict are disregarded by government. Government has to
do something and cannot keep hiding behind international
Elephants are now destroying our fields. Crop Damage Elephants Boro
Elephants are destroying the vegetation, but government is reluctant to Population Elephants Boro
reduce the elephant population. Increase
The elephant population should be reduced. Population Elephants Boro
Because the hunting of elephants was forbidden for a long time, the Population Elephants Boro
population increased. Increase
Elephants are destroying field fences and crops. The costs to replace Compensation Elephants Chanoga
the fences and crop losses should be compensated for adequately. Rates
When elephants destroy our fields, we often do not have transport to Procedures Elephants Chanoga
report such incidents. When the DWNP passes through our village,
they should stop and assist us in forwarding our claims.
Issue Sub
Issues and observations Issue Group Village
Elephants are constantly damaging our crops. The livelihoods of many Crop Damage Elephants Ditshiping
single headed households, who have to take care of the children,
depend on crop production and on selling reeds. We are no longer able
to plough as there are too many elephants in our area. I would like to
send my children to school to get educated and have better chances in
If we did not grow water melons that attract the elephants, would we Crop Damage Elephants Eretsha
be faced with less crop damage?
If elephants damage our fields, can we also report these cases to the Procedures Elephants Eretsha
fishery department as they are under DWNP as well?
Elephant numbers have to be reduced. They are causing a lot of Reduce Elephants Eretsha
damage to the property of individuals and to the country as a whole as Numbers
the vegetation gets destroyed.
Elephants and other animals are increasingly expanding their range Elephant Range Elephants Etsha 13
and hence humans and wildlife interact more frequently which causes
a lot of friction.
Maybe government should provide artificial water points to reduce Watering Elephants Etsha 13
this conflict. Points
When the open water sources in the dryland dry up, elephants become Elephant Range Elephants Gudigwa
desperate and destroy the fence to get across into the floodplains.
Why do you come back to get more issues from us without providing Pilot Projects Elephants Gudigwa
us with solutions to the problems we raised during the last year’s
kgotla meetings? We need pilot projects to test how to deal with the
elephant problem in the most affected villages. The mitigation
measure suggested by the DWNP to hang tins up on strings around
our fields did not help. We are afraid of male elephants. They cause
most of the damage. The male elephants are not scared of the tins but
female elephants can be scared away by this measure. You are here to
get our ideas. Use them to help to solve the problem. In the olden days
elephants were scared of people as they experienced that they get shot
when they come too close to human settlements. You cannot guard
your property against elephants. When you want to chase away
elephants you must target the matriarchs who lead the whole herd.
The increase in number of elephants, especially near major settlements Impact Tourism Elephants Gumare
at the edges of the delta, may have been caused by noise pollution
from generators etc. in tourism camps deep in the swamps.
Why does DWNP act so slowly when elephants destroy boreholes and Slow Response Elephants Gumare
water reservoirs?
What is being done by DWNP to conserve elephants and predators by Translocation Elephants Gumare
translocating them to small game parks or sanctuaries in areas where
such animals are no longer present?
When will government start to cull elephants? Culling Elephants Gunotsoga
I want to know which elephants products have been sold to create the CTF Elephants Habu
Conservation Trust Fund. Are the products derived from the elephants
that destroyed my field in Habu?
I think all elephants that destroy crops should be killed and the sale Kill Elephants Habu
from such elephant products should benefit the affected farmers
How can we deal with elephants destroying the vegetation and Compensation Elephants Ikoga
damaging our fields? We cannot chase them away. Should we kill Rates
them? The DWNP is not controlling their movement effectively and is
only paying very low compensation rates.
Problem elephants that terrorise the communal areas should be killed. Kill Elephants Ikoga
You have to kill the bull in order to chase the entire herd away. When
we used to hunt elephants, they stayed away from human settlements.
Issue Sub
Issues and observations Issue Group Village
Elephants have increased in number and are troubling us in our lands Population Elephants Ikoga
areas. Increase
Since 1996 elephants have been terrorising me at my lands. I have still Slow Response Elephants Ikoga
not been compensated for crop losses.
In 1998 we had 80,000 elephants in the country. How much has the Population Elephants Kauxwi
elephant population in Botswana increased since then? Increase
The number of elephants has to be decreased. They are breaking the Reduce Elephants Kauxwi
fences of our fields and are destroying our crops. We can not live with Numbers
so many elephants in a communal area.
At present mainly male elephants are hunted, while females continue Hunting Elephants Khwai
to reproduce. I suggest that female elephants should also be hunted
and that that elephant products should be processed in this country.
More elephants could be trained for other uses like at Elephant Back
Looking at the rapidly increasing elephant numbers it appears that the Population Elephants Khwai
DWNP has not been able to control the population. The vegetation Increase
along the Chobe riverfront has been devastated. What is the DWNP
doing to conserve the vegetation in the national parks? Elephants are
moving into areas they never occupied before. The excess number of
elephants should be culled.
It seems to be difficult to control the movements of certain problem Learn from Elephants Komana
animals like elephants and lions. Why do we not learn from the Others
experience gained in neighbouring countries how to deal with these
problem animals?
Elephants are pushing trees and other vegetation into the channel. Will River Elephants Mababe
the DWA remove these vegetation blockages in the river? Blockages
When elephants break the buffalo fence, cattle cross into the cattle Buffalo Fence Elephants Matlapaneng
free zone and get shot by the DAHP.
Land available for communal use is limited. Now we have to share the Elephant Range Elephants Matlapaneng
same piece with elephants. We have to be productive and we need
land. We cannot all rely on drought relief projects.
Elephant numbers have increased because the government protects Population Elephants Matlapaneng
them. In the past there were not so many elephants. Increase
Recently a delegation came to the village which told us not to do Population Elephants Matlapaneng
anything if wildlife damages our fields. DWNP is aware that elephant Increase
numbers have increased tremendously.
Why does government not reduce elephant numbers even though it is Reduce Elephants Matlapaneng
obvious how much damage they cause? Numbers
The sale of elephant products is controlled by CITES. That is the main CITES Elephants Maun
impediment for us to deal with the elephant problem.
Elephant numbers have increased to such an extent that they even Human Life Elephants Maun
come into the Maun area. Last year a child that was out herding cattle
got killed by an elephant. What is the DWNP doing about such
problem animals?
The increasing number of elephants are destroying the vegetation. Translocation Elephants Maun
Solutions need to be found to reduce this negative impact. Some
elephants could be sold to countries that want them. The vegetation
does not sustain such large numbers of elephants.
The excess number of elephants should be sold to other countries. Translocation Elephants Maun
Elephant numbers need to reduced by giving some to other countries. Translocation Elephants Maun
If elephant destroy the buffalo fence why are they not killed on the Kill Elephants Mogotho
There are too many elephants that destroy our fields. We are not Reduce Elephants Mogotho
allowed to kill them and get only a minimal amount of compensation Numbers
Issue Sub
Issues and observations Issue Group Village
in relation to the value of the crops. Elephant numbers have to
Elephants should be relocated to other elephant-free areas such as Translocation Elephants Mogotho
Gaborone so that people who make the laws can experience what
damage they cause. These animals used to be distributed over many
countries but are concentrated in Botswana now.
Why are elephants not relocated to neighbouring countries? Water Translocation Elephants Mogotho
points could be provided for elephants so that the population would
spread out more equally.
In 2002 a workshop on strategies to manage elephants was held. Have Workshop Elephants Mogotho
the recommendations from that workshop been implemented? Suggestions
Elephants are constantly damaging the fences around our fields. So Crop Damage Elephants Mohembo West
some of us have given up growing crops.
There is one solitary bull elephant in our area that terrorises people. It Human Life Elephants Mohembo West
killed a woman last year.
I live mainly from arable farming. Our lives are threatened by an Human Life Elephants Mohembo West
elephant in our area. Will we get assistance from the DWNP to deal
with this problem animal?
Elephants and crocodiles have killed people. Why is government not Human Life Elephants Mohembo West
compensating the families for the loss of a bread winner?
Elephants and lions are the major problem animals to arable and stock Slow Response Elephants Mohembo West
farmers. Elephants destroy the fences around our fields and
consequently livestock enter the field and damage our crops. The
DWNP responds very slowly to our requests to attend to damage cases
and to compensate farmers.
Elephants are causing a lot of damage to fields and even to water Action to Elephants Ngarange
tanks and borehole equipment. Elephants are also breaking the border Reduce
fences. Government should increase its efforts to deal with this Conflict
There are too many elephants in our area. Numbers have drastically Culling Elephants Ngarange
increased. They cause a lot of damage to field fences and crops and
even kill human beings. What plans are in place to reduce their
numbers? Government should cull the excess number of elephants.
Elephants destroy crops in the fields and cause disturbances and Human Life Elephants Ngarange
threaten our lives in our homes and cattle posts.
Regarding elephants, I am concerned that studies are now to be Action to Elephants Nokaneng
conducted even though the scale of destruction of fields is clearly Reduce
massive. I think DWNP should take more active measures to prevent Conflict
elephants’ destruction of our crops rather than spend time carrying out
When elephants destroy field fences, assessment is confined to the Compensation Elephants Nokaneng
space where the animal enters but does not consider the rest of the Rates
length of the fence including corner poles pulled down. Assessment is
also confined to the track but not to the destruction along both sides of
the path. Compensation is therefore inadequate.
Assessments of damage caused by elephants should not only be Compensation Elephants Nokaneng
limited to the trails of such animals in a field. We lose a lot of our Rates
crops due to the damage these animals do to our field fences.
Our fenced boreholes are destroyed by elephants and the Compensation Elephants Nokaneng
compensation is not enough to repair the damage. Rates
Elephants destroyed my borehole fence and I was told that wooden Compensation Elephants Nokaneng
poles will not be compensated for. Only P150 was paid for the large Rates
damage caused by the elephants.
Elephants should be confined to hunting areas to reduce their Reduce Elephants Nokaneng
numbers. Open hunting of the animals should be permitted. Numbers
Issue Sub
Issues and observations Issue Group Village
I am concerned about problem animals, like elephants. Do these CITES Elephants Sehithwa
elephants belong to Botswana or to CITES? CITES is an organisation
based outside the country. How can they dictate what we should do?
I thought you had come to tell us that the rate of compensation has Compensation Elephants Sehithwa
been raised. Rates
There is dangerous wildlife in this area. I have never heard of any Human Life Elephants Sehithwa
compensation being paid for the loss of a human life.
If humans get killed, there is no compensation. It would be better to Human Life Elephants Sehithwa
remove the elephants from the villages. Elephants destroy fields and
threaten human lives.
We were once attacked by an elephant. It broke down kraals and Kill Elephants Sehithwa
stayed in our area for some time. When officers of the DWNP came,
they were scared as well and ran away. Such animals should be killed.
What will be done to manage the increasing number of elephants? The Population Elephants Sehithwa
excess number should be killed. Increase
You mentioned that there are 120,000 elephants in the country at Population Elephants Sehithwa
present. What number would be in line with the carrying capacity? Increase
I am sceptical whether your visit will result in positive changes. I Workshop Elephants Sehithwa
understood that our concerns were included in the suggestions that Suggestions
were forwarded to parliament (elephant conflict), but no action has
been taken so far. There might even be more than 120,000 elephants
in the country.
Elephants in the area destroy the buffalo fence and when cattle cross Buffalo Fence Elephants Sekondomboro
at these places they are seen as the culprits and get shot.
Are we allowed to kill elephants when they destroy our crops, since Compensation Elephants Sekondomboro
compensation is very low and cannot be increased? Rates
Some elephants entered my field and my wife reported the case to the Procedures Elephants Sekondomboro
DWNP office. I was shocked when we were told that no assessment
will be made until the elephants have destroyed the whole field.
Elephants and rhinos destroy our means of livelihood. We have Buffalo Fence Elephants Semboyo /
already suggested that the buffalo fence should be electrified. Why is Makakung
it taking such a long time to electrify the fence?
Right now, there are elephants in our village. I suggest that all the Buffalo Fence Elephants Semboyo /
elephants should be driven back into the wildlife management area Makakung
across the buffalo fence. The buffalo fence should be strengthened to
prevent the animals from destroying it frequently.
Elephants and buffaloes cross the buffalo fence. Buffalo Fence Elephants Semboyo /
An elephant killed a person in our area. The incident was reported to Human Life Elephants Semboyo /
the DWNP. Why does it take so long to deal with these animals? Makakung
Elephants destroy fields and threaten people’s lives. I suggest that Human Life Elephants Semboyo /
government should do something about elephants that have killed Makakung
people. The families of the deceased person should be compensated.
Elephants are constantly destroying our fields. Does the compensation Compensation Elephants Sepopa
depend on whether the field is fenced with wire or in the traditional Rates
way? Not everybody can afford wire fencing.
Elephants destroy our gardens, which are more valuable than a normal Compensation Elephants Sepopa
field. Elephants destroyed nine papaya trees. Each tree would have Rates
produced 30 fruits, which I could have sold for P 3.00 each. The
compensation I received (P 300.00) was far below the value of the
crop. As we have higher expenses and more valuable crops in
vegetable gardens we should get higher compensation for elephant
Elephants and hippos are causing a lot of crop damage. Crop Damage Elephants Sepopa
Issue Sub
Issues and observations Issue Group Village
From the presentations it has not come out clearly what will be done Compensation Elephants Seronga
about the elephant problem. There are too many elephants in our area. Rates
They destroy our fields and the compensation we are getting for crop
damage is not enough. Compensation paid for livestock destroyed by
predators is also too low and should be increased to the real value of a
ODMP does not address our main concerns. We raised the issue of No Benefit Elephants Seronga
crop damage by elephants but there appears to be no solution in the
short run. The Government tells us that the elephants belong to us but
we do not get any income from them.
Elephants destroy crops and water points for our livestock in the Redistribution Elephants Seronga
dryland. Something needs to be done to reduce the elephant or Culling
population. Their numbers need to be reduced either by culling or by
redistributing them.
Elephants here cause serious problems. But the people in other parts Translocation Elephants Seronga
of this country are not aware of how these animals make life difficult
for us. I suggest that 1000 elephants should be translocated to the
following villages: Mochudi, Serowe, Molepolole and Kanye. The
general public is not aware how severe the elephant conflict is.
The hunting quota for elephants should be increased. Hunting Elephants Shakawe
The number of elephants has risen tremendously. You mentioned that Population Elephants Shakawe
there are 120,000 elephants in Botswana now. In April, a lot of Increase
elephants cross over from Namibia. Why is the number of elephants
not reduced?
In 1998 there were 80,000 elephants in Botswana. How many are Population Elephants Shakawe
there this year? We experience a lot of crop damage by elephants. Increase
Elephants sometimes even kill people. Why is government protecting
elephants more than humans?
When elephants feed on our crops, we have no food ourselves as the Compensation Elephants Shorobe
compensation payment takes a very long time to reach us. We need Rates
proper compensation for both stock and crop losses.
In 2002 we were called to a workshop and made a number of Separate Elephants Shorobe
suggestions on how to solve the human - elephant conflict. Even when Wildlife /
the Minister J. Schwartz was here, we informed him about some of Human Land
our recommendations. But no action is taken. Wildlife, like elephants Use
and lions, and crop and livestock farming cannot coexist in the same
area. I heard on the radio that the seeds that we received from
government, were supposed to provide feed for wildlife. Government
should kill wildlife in communal areas. I have just seen some
elephants on their way down to the river where our fields are. They
are expecting that our crops are ready for them.
Elephants destroy the vegetation. damage our crops and even kill Human Life Elephants Toteng
people. How is government handling cases where people are killed by
When I grew up elephants were hunted and as they were scared of Population Elephants Toteng
people they stayed away from communal areas. In those days we were Increase
able to sell wildlife products to Botswana Game Industry (BGI).
While the hunting of elephants was banned for many years, they
multiplied very fast and are now destroying the vegetation and are
causing a lot of conflicts in communal areas. Nowadays elephant
products have no market.
Why is the DWNP intending to try out methods from other countries Pilot Projects Elephants Tsao
to deal with the problem of crop damage by elephants instead of
following the advice of local land users? I suggest that reports of
incidents of damage by elephants should be used to select areas where
most damage occurs and where immediate action has to be taken.
Issue Sub
Issues and observations Issue Group Village
How many elephants have been included in the hunting quota this Population Elephants Tsao
year? Sometimes, these animals are dangerous to humans. Increase
Our livelihood is based on arable agriculture. However, elephants Crop Damage Elephants Tsodilo
destroy our fields. To report the damage we have to spend a lot of
money to travel all the way to Gumare.
Government officers should patrol our fields and scare the elephants Crop Damage Elephants Tsodilo
A long time ago an elephant destroyed my field. I reported the damage Slow Response Elephants Tsodilo
to the agricultural demonstrator. Till now I have not been
compensated. Also four of my horses were killed by predators but I
never received compensation.
I suggest that Botswana should sell elephants to neighbouring Translocation Elephants Tsodilo
Elephants and predators such as jackal and hyena are causing Crop Damage Elephants Tubu
problems in Tubu. Should we reject government’s assistance with
seeds so that we are well compensated?
Why are elephants that destroy the buffalo fence not killed, but cattle Buffalo Fence Elephants Xakao
that cross into the delta get shot by DAHP?
The increasing elephant population is the main reason for the Population Elephants Xakao
destruction of the border fence. The excess number of elephants Increase
should be translocated.
Participatory Planning Unit, ODMP Data Base, HOORC (2007).

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