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Mumbai High

Operator: ONGC (NOC)

Water Depth: 61 m / 201 ft

Region: Asia - South

Country: India

Last Updated: Sep 12, 2014 (view update history)

Situated in a water depth of 200 feet (61 meters), the Mumbai High field is located in the Arabian
Sea 99 miles (160 kilometers) west of India's Mumbai coast, and spans 47 miles (75 kilometers)
long and 16 miles (25 kilometers) wide. The massive oil and gas field is considered to be the most
important oil field in the country as it contributes roughly 65% of the indigenous crude oil
production. The state-run Oil & Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) wholly owns and operates

In 1974, a Russian and Indian oil exploration team operating from the seismic exploration vessel
Academic Akhangelsky discovered Mumbai during mapping for the Gulf of Cambay. The oil field
consists of two blocks named Mumbai High North (MHN) and Mumbai High South (MHS), which
were divided because ...

ONGC Issues Construction Contract for Mumbai High North Facilities

Type: Facility Construction
Sep. 2014 - ONGC issued a contract to L&T Hydrocarbon Engineering Limited to provide engineering,
procurement, construction and installation of 5 wellhead platforms at Mumbai High North off India's west coast.
The $222.4 million contract is scheduled for completion in 1Q 2016. Development of Mumbai High North is
part of ONGC's push to increase oil and gas output at the field through 2030. In all, ONGC plans to spend
$947.6 million on new surface facilities, development drilling and workover operations.

Sigma Offshore Awarded Cluster-7 FPSO Contract

Type: Contract Award
Sep. 2013 - Sigma Offshore was awarded a contract to provide engineering support to Bumi Armada for a $62.2
million FPSO turret mooring system to be used at ONGC's Cluster-7 development in the Mumbai High area off
India's west coast. The FPSO is currently under construction and is due to be delivered in November 2014.

SP Armada to Operate Cluster-7 FPSO

Type: Contract Award
Feb. 2013 - SP Armada Oil Exploration, a jointly controlled entity of Bumi Armada, announced an FPSO
charter contract award worth $740 million from Cluster-7 field owner ONGC. SP Armada will own and operate
the vessel in the Cluster-7 field off the coast of Mumbai, India with delivery to take place 21 months after
contract award. The vessel will have a minimum storage capacity of 510,000 barrels and will be equipped with
oil production and stabilization, water injection and gas compression/dehydration equipment. A $340 million
optional extension period is included in the contract.

Commissioning Close for Mumbai High North Platform

Type: Facility Construction
Nov. 2012 - Construction of the new Mumbai High North platform is near completion. The original structure
was destroyed in a fire in 2005 and the new platform and associated facilities are part of the re-development
project. Larsen & Toubro was awarded a $1.18 billion engineering, procurement, construction and installation
contract in 2009 by ONGC for a processing platform, living quarters and gas compression modules. It is
anticipated that the new construction will be brought online early 2013.

McDermott Clinches EPCI Project for Mumbai High

Type: Contract Award
Nov. 2011 - Oil and National Gas Corporation has granted McDermott's subsidiary an engineering,
procurement, construction and installation (EPCI) project for the Cluster 7 Development Program. The EPCI
project includes five wellhead platforms in the Mumbai High field. Offshore mobilization will commence in late
2012. Situated in a water depth of 200 feet (61 meters), the Mumbai High field is located in the Arabian Sea, 99
miles (160 kilometers) west of India's Mumbai coast.

New Leighton Eclipse Pipe-Lay Barge Commences Operations

Type: Status Update
Nov. 2009 - Leighton's barge, Leighton Eclipse, arrived at the Mumbai High field on Nov. 5, 2009 to lay
pipelines and install risers for the Pipeline Replacement Project through April 2010. The vessel will install a 12
mile (20 kilometer), 16-inch-diameter lay in 246 feet (75 meters) of water. Situated in a water depth of 200 feet
(61 meters), the Mumbai High field is located in the Arabian Sea 99 miles (160 kilometers) west of India's
Mumbai coast.

The SubseaIQ Team works everyday to provide you with the latest information on the offshore field development market.
The following table provides you with a detailed record of each addition and update made to this project by the SubseaIQ


Field Added Sep 12, 2014 1279

Field Status Added Sep 12, 2014 1279

Facility Added Sep 12, 2014 1279

Facility Status Added Sep 12, 2014 1279

Field Updated Sep 12, 2014 1279

Activity Added Sep 12, 2014 1279

Field Updated Sep 19, 2013 1637

Facility Updated Sep 19, 2013 1637

Activity Added Sep 19, 2013 1637

Facility Updated Feb 22, 2013 1846

Activity Added Feb 22, 2013 1846

Field Added Feb 18, 2013 1850

Field Status Added Feb 18, 2013 1850

Field Updated Feb 18, 2013 1850

Facility Added Feb 18, 2013 1850

Facility Status Added Feb 18, 2013 1850

Facility Status Updated Feb 18, 2013 1850

Facility Updated Nov 29, 2012 1931

Activity Added Nov 29, 2012 1931

Field Updated Nov 03, 2011 2323

Activity Added Nov 03, 2011 2323

Project Description Updated Feb 22, 2010 2942

Project Description Updated Jan 14, 2010 2981

Field Updated Nov 11, 2009 3045

Project Description Updated Nov 11, 2009 3045

Activity Added Nov 11, 2009 3045

Project Description Updated Oct 09, 2009 3078

Facility Updated Oct 09, 2009 3078

Field Updated Oct 09, 2009 3078

Facility Status Updated Oct 09, 2009 3078

Field Status Updated Oct 09, 2009 3078

Field Status Added Oct 09, 2009 3078

Project Description Updated Sep 25, 2009 3092

Field Updated Sep 25, 2009 3092

Facility Updated Sep 25, 2009 3092

Field Added Sep 24, 2009 3093

Field Status Added Sep 24, 2009 3093

Project Description Added Sep 24, 2009 3093

Facility Added Sep 24, 2009 3093

Facility Status Added Sep 24, 2009 3093

Project Update History Search - View all the lastest updates made by the SubseaIQ team.

Source :

Referensi :


Uploaded in YouTube by Anthelion Technology on 23 Apr 2013.

Description of video:

L&T offers a full range of facilities and equipment for oil & gas production, processing and transportation in
association with world leaders. Engineering, Procurement and Construction solutions are offered to customers in
India and abroad.

The film describes the Fabrication, Transportation and Installation of 13,500 MT MNP Jacket on which the MNP
Platform rests. Its a part of the Mumbai High North Project undertaken by L&T Ltd (OGSP Division) for Oil and
Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC).

Location: South Bassein Gas Field (North-West of Mumbai)

Anthelion Technology has shown in exact details, all the steps involved in the entire process. Such a presentation
is a Visual Archive of complex engineering projects that engineering companies can develop for marketing,
branding and media activities.
The video is a property of L&T Ltd and Anthelion Technology has developed this video. They have showcased it
here only for presenting L&T skill set.

Related Links :

o “Kerisi WHP Jacket Installation” ( )

References / read more :

o ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System – Requirements

o ISO 10006:2003 Quality Management Systems- Guidlines for Management in Projects

o ISO 10005:2005 Quality Management Systems- Guidelines for Quality Plans

o L&T Ltd (OGSP Division) ,

o Anthelion Technology ,


o Oil platform ,

Examples of Piled Offshore Structures

The largest platform ever built is named the Bullwinkle, and is located in the Gulf of Mexico. It
comes in at 412 meters high, and Figure 5 shows it was being floated out to its location. The
Bullwinkle boasts a light lattice type construction, something not normally seen in platforms built
for use in the North Sea. The Bullwinkle would not survive rough North Sea conditions because
this structure is not strong enough.
Figure 5 -Bullwinkle oil platform shell (over 400m long)

Figure 6, on the other hand, shows three North Sea Valhall Field platforms which are joined
together. Most platforms worldwide are nowhere near the size of the Bullwinkle, and are instead
relatively small. Platforms in shallow water are small, which means limited deck capacity. This
requires multiple platforms to be grouped together to make a full field. In Figure 6, the structure
on the left is used for accommodation and as a helideck. The middle structure is used for drilling
wells, and passes fluids from the wellhead to the facility on the rightmost structure, the process
Figure 6 – North Sea Valhall Field Platforms
Komponen Utama Struktur Jaket
Struktur jaket dibagi menjadi 3 (tiga) komponen utama, dimana masing-masing komponen memiliki fungsi yang
berbeda. tiga komponen adalah:
Deck: Komponen ini berfungsi untuk menunjang peralatan, pengeboran dan aktivitas yang dilakukan di atas air.
deck dapat dibagi menjadi beberapa tingkatan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan fungsi yang dibutuhkan. Beberapa
tingkatan deck adalah: Main Deck, Cellar Deck, Mezzanine Deck, Upper Deck
Jaket: Komponen ini berfungsi untuk melindungi tumpukan agar tetap dalam posisinya. dukung dek dan
lindungi sub-konduktor pendukung dan struktur lainnya seperti pendaratan perahu, bemper tongkang dan
banyak lagi. Struktur jaket elemen utama adalah sebagai berikut: kaki jaket, kawat gigi (vertikal, horizontal, dan
diagonal), sendi (pertemuan antara kaki jaket dan kawat gigi), pendaratan perahu, bumper pengeriting, riser,
penyangga konduktor, lumpur, dan lain-lain.
Fondation: tumpukan yang diletakkan di kaki jaket dan akan berlabuh di dasar laut. Antara grouting tumpukan
kadang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kekakuan dan menumpuk dan jaket bersama. Rok pilin dan lengan selalu
diberi pengisi (grout).
Jaket adalah tiang di sekitar sumur eksplorasi yang melindungi pompa, sumur pengeboran dan yang lainnya.
jaket yang dipasang dari mudlin ke substruktur dek. Kaki jaket akan mengarahkan tumpukan saat pemasangan
tiang. Jaket, termasuk unsur struktural mendasar pada platform yang memberi dukungan pada tabrakan
anchoredship, sistem proteksi korosi, sistem navigasi dll.
Komposisi rangka di kaki jaket
Kaki jaket terhubung satu sama lain dan diikat oleh 3 (tiga) jenis penggugat, yaitu:
Diagonal menguatkan di bidang vertikal
Pemasangan horizontal di bidang horizontal
Diagonal menguatkan di bidang horizontal
Selain itu sistem penguat memiliki 3 (tiga) fungsi:
Bantu pindahkan beban horisontal pada yayasan
Memberikan integritas struktural selama fabrikasi dan instalasi
Dukung korosi anoda dan kepala konduktor dan teruskan kekuatan menghasilkan gelombang ke pondasi
Kawat gigi berupa vertikal, horisontal, dan diagonal beserta kaki jaket untuk membentuk sistem tenaga
tersendiri. Sistem ini mendistribusikan beban dan kekakuan dari platform kekuatan ke pondasi. Ada berbagai
jenis penjepit seperti berikut:
tipe 1. Bentuk pola penjepit "K"
Tipe ini memiliki sejumlah titik pertemuan tongkat (joint) jauh lebih sedikit. tidak simetris dan tidak memiliki
redundansi sistem. Dan biasanya digunakan pada situs yang tidak memerlukan kekakuan tinggi dan tidak ada
gaya seismik
tipe 2. Bentuk pola penjepit "V"
Tipe joint ini sedikit dan tidak memiliki sistem redundansi. Tidak memiliki sistem transfer beban yang baik dari
satu tingkat ke tingkat lainnya
tipe 3. Bentuk pola penjepit "N"
Jenis sistem ini tidak memiliki redundansi, kegagalan tekuk pada satu stempel dapat menyebabkan kegagalan
pada poros lain (structurecollaps)
tipe 4. membentuk pola "V" brace dan "X" brace
Jenis ini digunakan di lokasi yang tidak ada, memiliki bentuk simetris, redundansi, dan daktilitas yang cukup,
jumlah sendi lebih banyak.
tipe 5. bentuk pola semua "X" penjepit
Tipe ini memiliki kekakuan horzontal, daktilitas dan redundansi tinggi, jumlah sendi sehingga dibutuhkan
pengelasan lebih banyak, banyak digunakan lokasi indeep-sea dan daerah rawan gempa.

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