1959 July The Astrological Journal

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President Briga~ier R.C .Firebrace, C. B.E .

6 The ~anorHouse, Marylebone Roa d 9 London 9 N.W.l.
Honorary Secretary John Addey, Esq . , M. A. , TI . F .Astrol. S.
2 Queen ~y's Avenue , Carshalton Beeches, Surrey.
Editor & Lecture Secretary: ~s . Joan Rodgers
64 T:inchester Court, Vicarage Gate, Lon don, W. 8 .
Hcnora.ry ~reaaurer ~ :.r . Mary Austin,
6 The Manor House, Marylebone Road, Lon don 9 N. W.l .
Memb ers o£ the Council:
Miss Jacinthe Buddicum, D.F.hstrol .S.
Miss Ingrid Lind, D.F .Astrol . S .
Miss Cynthia Ogl ethorpe
Miss V.Z . Pompei
C.A . \linyard, Es q . , IYI. Sc.

Me etings h el d at 16 Queensbury Pl ace, London 9 S . W. 7 . 9 on every

4th Thur sday of the month at 7 p.m . unl ess otherwise announc e d.
Mem~e~shi£ Fees :
London Members - £1.10 per annum
Country members - 1 0/- per annum
L~ fe Member s - £15 .15 .

The Astr ol ogi cal Journal cont aining Reports of Meetings 9

acti vit ies of the Ass ocia tion and articles of interest 9 is
published every Quarter and sent to a ll Memb e rs 9 free of cha rge.



of the

Vol.l, No.3 July, 1959


Editorial 1

Reports of Meetings 2

The Astrology of The Birth of Christ

by John Addey 4
The Horoscope of the Vth Republic of France
by A. Volguine 13
The Hidden Strength in Your Chart
by C.A. Winyard 15
The Signs of the Zodiac Part III
by Joan Rodgers 17
Letters to the Editor 20
of the
- · ...., .
.) July, 1959

3di tori c.l

~he principal event of the Quarter is 9 of course, the
visit of I\'Ir. Dane Rudhyar to this country. It is many years
since he was here before and we all of us feel privileged
in having the opportunity of welcoming this famous and giftei
astrologer. We shall hope to publish an extract of his lec-
ture in a later issue. A report of the Dinner will be found
under Reports of Meetings.

Yfe must congratulate our Secretary 9 Lr. John M. Ad dey

on having drawn up a draft Constitution for the Association.
This is no mean task and we look forward to presenting it
at the Annual General Meeting in July. -vve hope all who can
manage to attend will do so.
The Association's Record Section now has a Records
Officer- Miss V.Z.Pompei- and a Records Committee who
have started work in earnest on the compilation of the
Eoroscope Collection. Some members will already have re-
ceived requests for help with specific pieces of work,
such as copying maps and so on. Other requests will be sent
out in time. A full report of progress will be made later.
It is with great regret that we learn of the resigna-
tion of ii:r. C.E.O. Carter from the editorship of The Astro-
logical Quarterly after thirty years' service. Mr. Carter
is probably the most distinguished of all English astrologers
and his books are known wherever astrology is studied serious-
ly. The Astrological Quarterly will miss his distinguished
and devoted services, but we must wish his successor 9
Mr. R.C.Davison, President of the Astrological Lodge 9 every
success in his new work.

Ire have had so many compliments on our Journal that read-

ers may be interested to know that when the typ8.script is pre-
pared and stencils are cut, the President rolls them off him-
self, assisted by the Honorary Treasurer 9 Dr. :'1Iary Austin, who
assembles the pages ·and binds the copies. We are fortunate in
having the help of I'Ir. N. V. Blundsdon in dre.wing the charts
for us.

Reports of Meetings
At the first Meeting of the new Session , on March 27th,
Miss Ingrid Lind spoke on Working from the Planetary Pattern .
After reviewing the familiar horoscopic pattern-types sugges t-
ed by lVIr . l',Iarc Edmund Jones, the speaker went on to say that
although she did make constant use of horoscopic groupings
and patt erns, she preferred to treat the matter with much
flexibili ty, taking into consideration the distribution in
the four quadrants, major aspects, groups of planets, and so
on. Of these suggested by ~.X. Jon·es, the See-saw type (whose
planets are in opposite groups) and the Bundle (all planets
bunched together) were the only ones she had found t~ conform
clearly to the neanings he had given then.
During the Second Session, Er . Addey devoted a Topical
Evepinf to the horoscope o£ the first Grand Nat ional Ste eple-
chase Aintree, Liverpool, 2 . 55p . m., Feb. 26, 1839) and its
relation to the subsequent history of the race.
On April 23rd, Er. Philip Barford spoke . on Astrology and
Music. We hope to publish this lecture in a fut ure issue.
The second half of the evening was taken - by I1ir . R . Marshall
r;:armer who led a r~ap Discussion. He showed charts of the
London to Manchester air race whi ch took pla ce : on · April 27/28 ,
1 91 0 for the two contestants, Ivi.Paulhan (who start a t 5 . 21
p • m• ) and :t.Ir • Gr aha.m hn it e ( who start e d at 6 • 3 0 p • m • )
M. Paulhan was the winner. ·
The first lecture at our Me eting of l,1ay 28th was given
by Professor J. ~ .Thorburn. Hi s subje ct was Horoscopes of
Genius. He chose the horosc opes of Goethe and of Bl ake to
consider and his theory is that to show genius a chart must
be a combination of 'ma ssive harmon y and bal an c ing afflict i on'.
To know a person truly, the Sampson epo ch chart and the h eli o-
centric positions of the planets must be considered. (The
Sampson epoch is set up for one tropical year before birth ?
and the position of the SQn 9 if the b irth time is known, should
be found to seconds of arc. Gener ally , he thought the epoch
chart inferior to the natal chart~ but by cons i dering the two,
he could se e the best and worst of a character. He a l so stud-
ied aspects of the planets between the geocentri c and the helio-
centric positions.
In the second half of the evening, Mr . N. V.Bl unsdon showed
his method of making a graph to show the radical and progressed
positions on a birth chart. If the graph is carefully plotted
he said you c an tell within 15 11 of ar c when the secondary posi-
tions of the heavy planets wili work. ·

__ -:: -:::..e ==-~~--s:' s.-: -::.cs 2ven'!eas League for Dane Rudhyar on
;-.z_e ~r~, -::~_s :.:=:'ssi.ie~t, 3rigadier l~.C.Firebrace and Mrs. TLE.
~=~s 1 ~:'=-~~=-;~1 :~ t~e ~aculty of Astrological Studies,
~~:r. ::::.• : .=s.-,;-is:;:r_, rresident of the Astrological Lodge and the
Pres::..is~~ ~~ ~~s Federation of British Astrologers, Mrs.Beatrice
~lac~s-::s.ffe, sac~ made a speech of welcome on behalf of their
s ::;c::..e-'::iss c::z_:i p2id tribute to the work of Dane Hudhyar. In
r-s~::Ly, ~~r. ?..ud1:.~'e,r said (briefly) g ·

"_;,_str::>logy hcs a bad name in the 20th century. vlhat it

is a philosophy and a technology :
:r"ee C. s it is no use without
l-:, ·::e need a convincing way of presenting our findings.
Statistics fail to do it because too many factors are involved.
-.\'e must consider the people for whom we read charts.
Is whet we say constructive? This is a serious problem which
~eeds extreme care. Astrology is the algebra of life: it
is a technique of thinking which enabl e s us to see phenomena
in their order of sequence. The basis of all science is an
attempt to bring order into life. hstrology should do this,
but to many people, it does not.
The birth chart is a formula of what you are. It makes
events logical and they fall into a patterrL. It is a deduc-
tive discipline of thinking which deals with a Rense of cosmic
order and cyclic activity. In the chart we can see life as a
wt.ole and j_t is the whole that counts. Insistence on the de-
'!:ails is dangerous ? it is a mistake to identify yourself with
2.11y part of your chart and not the whole.
The planets get their meanings from their positions in
the solar system - their 0rder gives them their meaning. The
sar::.e is true of the houses. Their sequence makes their mean-
il:.g. For instance, the 8th house is the house of business -
~oney that comes from the result of contracts.

Cn the subject of free will and determinism 9 Mr. Rudhyar

~ent to say that the chart is to the individual as the
acorn is to the oak tree. It is vrhat you are - you are not
sepcrEte from your chart. It shows your purpose in life.
~ie have e. certain amount of free \'!ill to do the wro:rig thing,
but there is nothing bad or good in a chart~.
I~r • .i?.udhyar ended with a plea for astrologers to make
a consistent picture of their attitude to astrology and said
that 'Ne should make use of only the simplest things that can
be demonstrated to all.
After the speeches, all the guests had an opportunity to
meet hlr. Hudhyar. Over fifty people were present.·
_The Astrology of the Birth of Chri~t

John T!I . Addey

Readers will appreciate that at the present stage in

the development of our Journal and in the interests of
steady and gradual growth, articles -must necessarily be
kept to a moderate length. For that reason the following
examination of the historical~ astronomical and astrologi-
cal evidence concerning the Birth of Jesus cannot be as
full as one might wish.
Ideally it would be necessary first to consider
separately and in detail the four rea~onably likely explan-
ations of the Star of the Nativity. These are that it
was (1) a miraculous apparition vouchsafed only to the Magi~
(2) a Comet~ (3) a Superncva, (4) a special planetary con-
figuration. ·
In Astrologl for December 1957 ~ I contributed an arti-
cle setting forth the claims of numbers (2) and (3) above.
At that time I was not in possession of certain evidence
now known to me and I do not now feel that there can be
any reasonable doubt that number (4) is the true answer.
Stated very briefly, the reasons £or dismissing 'the
first three are these. First, that the Greek words used
in St. Matthew's gospel £or the phrase 'in the east' (where
it says 'for we have seen his star in the .East') are 'en
te anatole' instead of 'anatolai' as one would expect .
This is said to be a special astronomical term used to in-
dicate the heliacal rising o£ a planet or star to which,
as students will know, the ancients attached great impor-
tance . . I£ this is true, it rules out a miracle, diminishes .
the likelihood of the phenomenon having been a comet or
.supernova and increases the probablility of its having been
a planetary configuration.
Second, ancient records of comets and supernova bear
every appearance of being reasonably complete. Unless such
phenomena were very much more frequent then than now, which
is scarcely credible, there can -be very few important events
of this nature Unrecorded. But there is nothing of- this
kind recorded in the latter part of Herod's reign apart from
an a~pearance of Halley's Comet (as we now know it to have
been) in 12 B.C.
Thirdly? the probability ·of the truth of any three of
the possibl e explanations muse decrease as the probability

o.f any one increases. . The evidence is now such as to make

the 'planetary configuration' theory highly probable. The
other three must therefore be highly improbable. This review
must suf.fice.
Turning then to the historical evidence 9 the relevant
passage in the Gospel is · well known ~ 'And it came to pass
in those days that there went out a decree from Caesar .
augustus that all the world should be taxed 9 and this taxing
was .first made when .Cyrenius was Governor of Syria'. This ·
was the Roman Census 9 (made every 14 years 9 for purposes of
taxation and military call-up ) which took Joseph and Mary
to Bethlehem in Jud ea. Vle know with reasonabl e certainty
these three things , - .
1. That Herod died early . in the year 4 B. C.
2. That there was a Roman Census in 7 B. C. 9 and another in
6/7 A.D.
3. That Cyrenius (i. e . Quirinius) was 'governor of Syria'
between 10 and 7 B.C., and later in 6/7 A. D. (Until
recently only the latter term of office was known and
this of cours.e confused the evidence and was in con-
flict with the date of Herod's death ) .
These three items point quite clearly t o the year 7 B.C.,
and· there is now very Iittle · r oom left for doubt that this
was in fact the year of Christ's birth .
Thi s of course brings us back to the planetary con- ,_
figurat ion for it was in thi s v ery year of 7 B.C . 9 that the
.famous triple conjunction of Jupiter . and Saturn occurred in
the sign Pisc·es 9 the confi guration . which has most often
been regarded as the stronge s t claimant for the title of
The Star of Bethlehem. '; ·
It was Johannes Kepler 9 the great As tronomer-Astrologer
who fir st suggested , .as l ong ago as 160 3 , that this great
conjunction was the Starof the Nat ivity . He had been ob-
serving in the winter of that year, another conjunct ion of
these two .rlanets in the same sign and remembered having
read in the writings of an authority on ancient Jewish. beliefs
that it was be lieved that the JI:Iessiah would be born under a
conjunct i on of Jupiter and Saturn in .the sign of Pis ces.
We need not h ere go into the ~ eas ons £ or this · belief ;

suffice it to say that Kepler calculated that a conjunction

of this kind occurred in 6 or 7 B.C. His suggestion was ·no
more than curi osity at the time but modern astrologers have
revived the t heory and found i t an a t tractive one. We are
n ow in a position to apprecia te its full merit and indeed
that it is almost inescapably the true answer to the problem.
The conjunction of Jupi t er and Saturn in 7 B.C., then,
mus t be our next study. The two plane ts began to draw near
one another in the early pa rt of the y ear when the Sun was
in Pisces and thus, the conf iguration was too near the Sun
to be seen. But by about April 12th the Sun was sufficiently
far away from them to enable them to be seen in the Eastern
sky just before dawn, This was the heliaca l rising of this
conjunction. It could be s een 'in t he east', -and nowhere
else, for as soon as the sun rose it was lost in the sun's
So all through the early summer, dawn af t er dawn, the
'Star' was to be seen in t h e east, the first exact conjunc-
tion taking place on May 22nd . Later, when J up iter return-
ed by retrogradation, they were in conjunction a gain on or
about October 15th and finally , the last and closest con-
junction (by latitude) fell on about Novemb er 30th. (These
are the dates of the conjunction by longitude . One sometimes
sees them given a s being approximately May 29th, October 4th
and December 4th, as in The Bible as History by Werner Keller ;
these I think are the conjunctions in Right Asc ens ion.)
The next steps in our ar gument are crucial and require
close attention. It is s ubmitted that it was under the last
of these three conjunctions that the Magi reached J erusalem
upon their sacred mission - that is, a t about the end of
November or e n~ ly De c ember - and the following four piec es
of circumstan t i al eviden ce f or thi s are advanced ~
1. In the firs+. place, it is common sense that i f the Magi
were _basing their judgment primarily upon the Saturn-
Jupiter conjunctions, t hey would prefer to arrive at the
time of the las t of t h e s eri es rather than a rrive too
soon an d have to wa it ab out in Judea , wandering about
in search of an even t whi ch might not yet hav e happ ened.
2. They had a journey to make from Babyl onia (where the
Ma g i were the priesthood ) of s i x or seven hundre d miles
acr oss t he Arab i an Des ert. To make t his journey during
the int ens e heat of s ummer would c ertainly n ot have been

their :;f'.r_cice if they could vvaJi t until the latter part

of the lear,
3, ~~eL they did eventually reach Jerusalem and were called
tc the presence of King Herod~ we are told ywtce, (the
point is enp:hasised) that Herod questioned them 'dili-
geEtly' when the star appeared and when therefore they
expected the child to be born. They would answer pre-
sumably that Saturn and ,Jupiter had been in Pisces since
?ebruary 9 had three times formed the conjunction and
thus that the child might have been born at any time
betv;een the Spring and the time of the last conjunction.
But it is clear that they must have assured Herod that
The child must already have been born for Herod was
satisfied that if (shortly aftervmrds) he sent and slew
2.ll the babies under two years old (in his fear and
anger allowing an extra year to be on the safe side) he
v~-ould be sure to kill the child who threatened his throne.
:his again suggests that the Magi had a~rived at the en~
of the period when Jesus should be born.

4. Leaving Jerusalem with the information that the babe

'.'.-hom they sought should be born in Bethlehem of Judea,
they set off on the last stage of their journey and
we must notice that the journey from Jerusalem to Beth-
lehem is one of about seven miles in a d-~~- §_outherly

~ow we know that this part of their journey was not

oade in the middle of the day because of the reference
to the star going before them. Yet, had it been very
late at night when they had finished their interview
with Eerod, then Herod, who was out to curry favour
and make a good impression, would surely have offered
the::t hospitality until the follmving day.

It is a fair assumption, therefore~ that it was pro-

bably late in the afternoon, perhaps towards sunset,
that, their tedious interview over, they set off for
Bethlehem. But now, dusk falls and as they approach
their destination the stars begin to come out one by
one, ar.d there 9 straight before them, exactly on the
southern meridian about an hour and forty-five minutes
after sunset, is the bright conjunction which through-
out the Spring and Slli"'lllner they had seen every day ris-
ing in the dawn sky. And so, 'the Star which they saw
in the :Gast went before them till it came and stood
over where the young child was 1 •
- 8

This is not at all a far-fetched explanat ion and it is

in accord with the facts as recorded. At all events we have
now four reasons which make it at least reasonably probable
that the Magi reached Bethlehem in late November or early
December . They ar~ sufficient for a working hypothesis.

The next q_uestion is 9 how long before this had Jesus

been born? _ We know of course that the shepherds were watch-
ing their sheepon the hills on the day of Christ's nativity 9
and we are told in the Talmud that the sheep -were taken in
about the first of November until March . But there is an-
other point which carries us a little 'further still.

After Jesus was born, we are told that Joseph and Mary ~
1when the days of her purific~tion were accomplished' - took
Jesus to the temple at Jerusalem to present him to the Lord.
Now the Mosai c Law is that circumcision shall take place eight
days ·after birth and that after that, there shall be a further
thirty-three days during which the woman who has borne a son
shall touch no sacred thing nor enter the precinct s of the
temple. This makes a total of forty-one days.
. Assuming that the fli ght into Egypt took pl~ce very
shortly after the visit of the lvlagi, this means that the
Holy Family must have been at Bethlehem after the birth of
Jesus fo~ at least six weeks before the end of November.
We must therefore 9 look for a date before mid-Octobe r.
But ho~ long before this might not Jesus have been born?
H~ie · we have only common sense to go on. Joseph was
a carpenter, we are told and he presumably had to earn a
living. Herod's reign, then nearly 38 years old, had been
a terrible one for the · count ry . He had despoiled his own
King dom in order to win favour with foreign Prince s and ·
potentates and we know that in evil times such as the se 9
prosperity and personal savings tend to be at a low ebb.
Thus it is ·unlikely that Joseph, newly married, would wish
to leave his wor.k behind for a very long stay near Jerusalem.
For these reasons one would not expect Joseph and Mary
to h ave reached Bethleh em before, say, August at the earliest.
And if this is so, then we must examine the period between
e~rly August and mid-October ; a period of ten or eleven
This brings us to a critical point in our enq_uiry. Can
we with safety and wisdom proceed further? Although it is
difficult to draw back at this stage without looking a little
closer, we must clearly reco gnise that -_ we are treading on
.,· '·
- 9 -

difficult 9 not to say holY9 ground and that we must not trust
ve ~he scope of ordinary astrological judgment too implicitly,
still less expect with any confidence t~ reach a sure conclu-

Is there any further clue? There is one more. A vital
clue perhaps be caus e it reduces our cho i.ce from ten weeks to
-en days0 But before we consiaer this9 let us ask what are
-he main things which we ought to look for in the Nativity of
_1e Founder of Christianity <)

The symbolism of the Pisces-Virgo polarity is so intimate-

_y involved with the life of Jesus and his religion9 (not
only have we the Virgin birth but the word Bethlehem - house
of bread - the sixth House? Virgo, the Virgin with the ear of
corn) - that we must certainly expect these two signs to be
s~rong, - or alternatively the sixth and twelfth houses; we
are inclined to forget the interchangeable nature of signs
~~d houses in matters of this kind •
The o t.h er element for wh i ch we must surely Lo ok in this
natj.vity is the solar or Leo element. NO assessment of the •
character and personality of Jesus which does not give full
_rominence to his grea~ dignity? authority and kingliness9
carl be valid. ,IIis constant enph ae i s on the Father-Son rela-
tionship p~d the absolute trust and devotion he inspired in
his followers tell the same story and predispose one to think
-hat the Sun in the fifth sign or the fifth house would .at
least be apt .
. Furthermore 9 one may say that many students of the II.lys---
-eries would look upon th.e Christ as an incarnation of the
301ar Logoso \fuen we c81ebrate His nativity on that day in
t.h e year wh en +h e Sun turns no rth , - and in that sense is
born ~gain9 - the symbolism may be deeper and more apt than
we realise 0 It was upon a 9~l}_<l§.X too that Jesus r-ose from

Lhe deado All these things give some support to the idea
of a 'strong Sun/Leo/5th house e Lcmen t 0

'Ie now come, appropriately? to the last clue I spoke ofo

It is that there is said to have been an early Christian tra-
dition that Jesus was born on the day after the (Jewish)
Sabbath~ - that iS9 £pon ~=3~d~~
I must here
a oknow.ledg e my indebtedness to l..1ro R.IiI.
Trotter for calculating an eph eme r i s for August and September
of the year 7 B" C. ~ and to both 1''l1''. Trotter and Dr. 1./{ Sucher
The positions are given for alternate days and are deemed acc~~e - .
within one degree.
I,unations: Aug. 25th - 14 hrs. 14 m. Leo 29 . 2
Sept. 23rd- 23 hrs. 57 m. Vi rgo 28 . 3
(These 1unations are calculated separately and provi de a check on the
positions given below)
N.B.Only the first letter of the Si'@s are given, except: Aries - .A:r,
Cancer - Cn, Leo - Leo, Libra - Li, Scorpio - Sc, Sagittarius - Sa,
Capricorn - Cp, and Aquarius - Aq.

Aug. ~~f:T~un Moon Mercur.x, Venus Mars Jupiter S~turn
2 8.34 Leo 6.8 ~ 2.0 Leo 2.4 v. 22.0 Li.21.0 P.24.5R P .21 . 5R
4 8.42 8,8 Sa. 0 .1 6.3 24.2 22.3 24.4 21.4
6 8 .. 50 10.7 27.6 10.3 26.3 23~6 24.3 21.3
8 8.58 12.6 Cp. 24.2 14.0 28.4 24.9 24. 2 21.2
10 9.06 14.6 Aq. 19.9 17.8 Li. 0.6 26.2 24.0 21 . 1
12 9 .. 14 Leo 16.5 P. 14.6 Leo 21.5 Li. 2. 7 Li.27.6 P.23.9 P.21.0
14 9.22 18.5 Ar. 8.6 25.1 4.8 28.9 23.7 20.9
16 9.30 20.4 Ta. 2. 3 28.7 6.8 Sc. 0.2 23.5 20.7
18 9.37 22.4 26.3 v. 2.1 8.9 1.6 23.3 20.6
20 9:.:-45 24.3 G. 21.2 5.5 10. 9 2.9 23.1 20.5
22 9.53 Leo 26.3 Cn 17.5 V. 8.8 Li.l2.9 Sc. 4.3 P.22.9 P.20.3
24 10.01 28.3 Leo 15.2 12.1 14.9 5.7 22.7 20.2
26 10.09 v. 0.2 v. 14.2 15.3 16.9 7.0 22.5 20.1
28 10.17 2.2 Li. 13.7 18.4 18.8 B.5 22.3 19.9
30 10.25 4.1 Sc. 12.8 21.4 20.7 9.9 22.0 1 9 .8
1 1 0 . 33 v. 6 .1 Sa. 10.9 V. 24-.3 Li.22.6 Sc.11.3 P.21..R - --
-·~ - -

3 10 . 41 8 .1 Cp . 7.8 27 . 4 24 . 5 12 . 7 21.5 19 . 5
5 10.48 10.1 Aq. 3.6 Li . 0 .3 26 . 3 14.1 21.3 19 . 3
7 10.56 12.0 28 .6 3.1 28.0 15. 5 21. 0 19 .2
9 11.04 14.0 p. 23.0 5.9 29 .7 16.9 20.7 1 9 .0
11 11.12 v. 16.0 Ar. 16.8 Li. 8. 5 Sc. l . 5 Sc.l8.4 P.20.5 P.lS.8
13 11.20 18.0 Ta. 10.6 11.1 3.1 19.8 20.2 18.7
15 11.28 20.0 G. 5. 4 13.6 4 .. 7 21.3 19.9 18.5
17 11.36 21.9 29.3 16.1 6.2 22.7 19.6 18.4
19 11.44 23.9 Cn. 25.4 18.3 7.7 24.2 1 9 .4 18.2
21 11.51 v 25.9 Leo 23.2 Li. 20.5 Sc . 9 .1 Sc .25 .6· P . l9 . 1 P .l8.D
23 11.59 27.9 v. 22.7 22 . 5 10 . 4 27 . 1 18 . 9 17 . 9
25 12.07 29.9 Li. 23.0 24 .2 11 . 6 28 . 6 18 . 6 17 .8
27 l2.15 · Li. 1.9 Sc. 22.8 25 . 7 12 . 9 Sa. 0 .1 18 . 3 17.6
29 12.23 3.9 Sa . 21.1 26 . 9 13 . 9 Cp. 1.6 18.1 17.4

Uranus ~ Aug . 2 - P. 5 .6R, Sept. 1, P . 3 . 9R, Sept. 29, P . 2 . 7R

Neptune ~ Aug 2 - Sc.3.l , Sept . 1, Sc . 3.6 Sept . 29, Sc . 4 . 4
Pluto. Aug. 2 - V.25. 4, Sept . 1, V . 26 . 4 Sept . 29' v . 27 . 6

Po s itions are in degree s and dec ima ls of a degree.


fer :;alculating the dateR upon which Sundays fell that year.
=~ey !ell as in the present year, l959, - that is, starting
·:.·i -1:11 _c:.~u.gust 2r"d. Without l.lr . Trotter's ephemeris of the
)l?. .nets' places, this article could not have been written and
=Y debt to him is especially great - both for that and for
other valuable comments and observations he has sent me.
Searching carefully through the ephemeris I could at first
find no Sunday date which satisfied me. T'he day I liked best
of all was a Saturday and the positions I wanted were on the
evening of that day.
It was then that I realise d. \vr.:.a t I shov.ld hc-.cve remembers d
all along, - namely 9 that the Je r,-s counted their day as end-
ing at sunset and that the evening of that Saturday vvas in
fact a Sunday!
The horoscope I give therefore is for Saturday evening,
August 22nd, 7 B.C., -Saturday to u.s cu~ a S~day- the day
of the Sabbath - to them .

To comment in full on this map ~c~:d ~eq~ire Eore space

than is here available I will t:tersfo:::-~
o ::·~fir:.s :::1yself to
two items, the Ascendant and the Ruler.
Some will question the choice of an ~~ies ~scendant, but
apart from the fact that this deposes the plar:.eTs in very
suitable houses, one mus t always rem enber T~aT Jesus was a
man of action, courage and r eso lution, as ~el: as a great mys-
tic. The religion he found e d has e.lso 1~eer.:. a religion of
action B.nd many of its greatest votaries :C:.ave tesn. pleas e d
to regard themselves as 'So ldiers of Christ'. Of all the
great reli gion s of the world it ~ust 1 I thin~, be admitted
that Christianity is eas ily the mo st l~a:rt:i e.n Furthermoreo

the Aries Ascendant agrees v\Ti th such titles 2.s 'Lamb of

God', and 'The Good Shepherci''; and t~:ose ;::::co know the face
depicted on the Holy Shroud of llilan will a gree that it is
one which agrees well with Aries rising 9 Sun in Leo and l-1uler
conjunct Neptune in f) corpio"
But it is this last feature 9 j;he conjun9_-t.~_<?_ll_Q_.f_I:Iars an~
PeJ2tune in S~9.2.£Pj_o_2~_21l.~C~?J2.-,JL an_<l__i_n_~.:X:Cl-9.~--~.I.i.:Q.~-.-~o Uran.Jls
which strikes me so forciblyo
Is this not a sarvellously apt configuration for many
slfj~e.~teJ,. Nabv'{y crF
JesU6 '* tv'ajar-etL.
M4(l for : 11\.e 6ven.;"j
tl-ltU!fust ~2 ~
7. B.c.
Bethl.ehem. in.
(S.T. f./oot1 G,MT 9hYS 53,..
Local s:r at birth.: 18kts0~
.. pprox.
;¢. "-' • .... .... - ._.. ............. ,..,.

~sus born on the '-Ve t1(

a L.l.(nation ;., :2.':1Z. Leo t:fprox
[~~ s w.n 263/'*" Leo]
'Piustx aied. 1·2.·78 }
. eluted :Zo·2·7i . Fw.U.J) ;zs~Leo: 17 =2.: 7i ~'If .27~L€<'J
Leo XII did .20·7· 03} L.c.ul.4bDn 2<G!.z. Lf4> .22 · B·03
PU~SJC .l~ Jt.·B·oa

1'U4S x tA.ie.d. 2o · t? • •4-J LfiM..a.l:iiJI't. 27%.. Leo .2r- ~ lt-

~tnet.lc(:txv ele&t. 3 · i ·ft.

· '8en~dtetxv died 22. ... 1· 2..2. ~ FCAM-1) .221z Ca.nC€¥" 13 1 • 22

P.:«~ XI elubd. '. z. 2.2 j
1'ius X I r)..i ed to . .:l· 3ct} Lu..t-tatron ..21Jz. A'fc;u1Y~ ,q. ;z. 3~
1'i«-s Xff ~ 2·3·31 .

P..Us ><'' dL.ett · 1- ·to · ss } F~ l) l!i J1.t, _ ~ :z. 7. to . s s-

~xxtu e,.lec.tttJ. ~t·to·S'B

S~e also tr4rt6~S f:t> M<tf> an these.. ~s.


things in the life of Jesus ? vmat a profound9 penetrating

and yet intensely spiritual will power is shown there. The
leading miracles, raising the dead, casting out demons 9 still -
ing the waters of the storm and walking thereon 9 - these were
the expression of a power of just this order. Our Lord's
power to see the hidden motives of those who tried to deceive
Him, the charges brought against Him of keeping disreputable
company, His be~rayal ~t death~ the scourging by soldiers
and their spitting uron Him and crowning Him with thorns 9
the crucifixion itse:f and perhaps most of all His resurrec -
tion £roo the dead.
Other things apart, this conjunction of Mars-Neptnne
in trine to Uranus is ~ust the sort of configuration which
could provide the clue by which to choose the correct date
from among others.
Since this article was drafted, l4r. Trotter has sent me
an extract from a lecture given by Hr. Carter on IVIarch 9th~
l 93lo He is speaking of the Conjunction of the Ruler of the
Horoscope ~ith Neptune and observes that such people often
regard themselves as the 11 Appointed Instruments" of divinity.
After instancing Joan of Arc, Cromwell, Gandhi, the Kai ser
and Gladstone 9 he goes on.
'Their admirers consi der then inspired prophets; their
enemies re gard them as concei~ed fanatics and unmitigate d
nuisances. The truth may li 9 between these two extremes 9
but there can be no denying that the faith that -is in these
people does give them an enormous advantage over those who
lack such supports who sometimes doubt their own motives,
~uestion the supr eme importance of their aims and wonder
whether the other fell ow is the nalevolent and even diaboli-
cal enemy of the Light which he will invariab ly a ppear to
the ins _._nirecl tvpe . '
- · · ·.. '

I quote this without, I trust, any irreverence 9 simply

fo r the elements in i t which contain something apt. ·

The r e is one more point which might be mentioned. There

has recently been 9 as st udents will remembe r 9 a major con-
junction of Jupiter and Heptune in 3~- Sco rpio, ( the place of
the Mars-Neptune conjnnction ) and this event was closely fol-
lowed by the death of a devoted followe r of Christ, Pope
Pius the Xl l. I have no wish to offend the religious sensi-
bilities of those who 9 like myself, are not Roman Catholics "

As scientists we are h er e concerned only with facts and it

must be acknowledged I thinl:: that the Pope 9 as the recog-
nised head of four or fi v e hlmdred 1:1illion Christians 9 must
hold a position of special importance with re gard to the
established Christian Church 9 wh ich must in turn bear a
relationship to the n a tivity of its Founder.
I therefore set out with th e horoscopes 9 the dates of
Eolection 9 and dea t h of the Popes during the last lnmdred years.
The transits to the 'r ad ic a l 1 :c1.ap a r e impressive enough on
these dates 9 but I think th e:: l t)_n :::"-t ic:ns and full moons 9 as
given are even more impressive.
My ovvn view is that s oon e r or :Later definite 9 explicit
evidence as to the date of the ~a tiv~ty will come to light.
Alr eady an astrologic&l text h as teen fou..nd among the :Dead
Sea Scrolls and the scholar responsi ble f or piecing together
its fragments tells me tha t it co~l~ ~ell have contained an
allusion to this ma tter ha d it been c a ~plete. However 9
until the day comes v,rhen we have n ore cert c-. in knowledge 9 I
have some confidence in sugg e s~ing t~ a t t he map g iven cannot
be very far from the truth. ·
•'-'OOO O C O O C(.,') gODJC O C '

Sinc e completing this articlej t ~c JOints have come to

my notice. The first is in an exc ellent little article by
Wilhelm Kestranek on 11.!hen vvas Chris t :Sorn; in American Astro-
logy for April 9 1954. Here he rec ords that in the Arabic
Gospel of the Infancy 7 the st ory is tcld of how Jesus was born
.shortlx__after sunse._:t. I do n ot k:no1.·; anythi:t:.g about this
Gospel or its auth enticit y but t his is t he k ind of tradition
which might have a ba sis of t ruth c:m d a grees vri th Sun in the
sixth house.

Cf.lhe other i t sm is that ~·i ifJs Nor.s. ;<iard in h er lmpublished
treatise on ' '~ h e \}orld Horoscope and the Secret Cycles of the
Kabbalists 1 9 records in conn e ction with the nativity of Jesus
that the first decanate of Aries wa s known to the Hebrews by
the name of "'::fh'e.~slal'n' Lccimb· ~~ · ~-

6th. Oct. 1958

Paris, 1Shrs21m.


15 Jan. \9\2
Paris. 23.hrs.
The Horoscope of the Vth Republic of France

A . Volguine

The Vth Republic of Fra...nce came into being offi'cially on

October 6th, 1958 at between 1 8 hrs.20 and 18 hrs.45 (French
Time), during the course of the ceremony of the placing of the
Seal of the Republic on the t ext of the new Constitution.
The exact time is not kno~m, none of the journalists
present thought of noting the precise moment 9 and French astro-
logers hesitate between 18 hr.21, 18 hrs.25~ 18 hrs.30 9
18.38, and 18.43p.m. - that is, between an a scendant of 12 ?
14, 16, 19 and 21 ~ries.
In any case, the ~dheaven is square to the Sun and
Mercury and the ascendant is going to the square of the power-
ful r~Ioon , symbol of the people, in the fourth house - the house
of ~he end of things, ( that is, the end of this Re public),
which does not foreshadow anything good but rather mak es one
fear a conflict between those in power and the peo ple ? and9
if the IIIrd French Republic lasted 70 years, and the lVth
12 ye ar s 9 one can expect the new regime to last between four
and seven years at most. The solar eclipse of the 12th
October 9 1 958 , c oming six days after the ceremony, must logi-
cally sound its de ath knell.
The Aries ascendant evidently corresponds with the part
played by the army 9 and, above all, by General de Gaulle in
his creation of the n ew French regime. But Mars, the ruler 9
in square to Pluto, goes r etrograde four days later in Gemini.
Does not this double sign s uggest two devaluations (the second
seems likely already), between October , 1 959 and April 9 1960,
at the same time as the devaluation of the dollar or the reval-
-uation of the price of gold? In any case , this position of
Mars in the second house threatens to make the new 'heavy franc'
(1 franc = 1 00 old ones) a very light franc; to isolate
France and her allies (particularly the Uni ted States, ruled
by Gemini) 9 and to ruin her even mo re by disastrous military
campaigns .
The ascendant of this chart is supported only by the
trine of Saturn in the 9 th house. The new regime appears
therefore to have a bet ter press abroad than support from its
ow~ people~ but this lac k of aspe cts to the angles shows
France of the Vth Re public to be terribly alone~ - more isola-
te d than under the I IIrd or the IVth Republic.
.,.. 14 -

~he cardinal signs on the angles correspond well with

the grand ideas expressed by General de Gaulle 9 but what will
be the result of them?
fJ.'he two signs in the first house - the Ham and the Bull 7
must correspond with two successive political policies during
the Vth Republic9 the first 9 that of renewal 1 of deflation 9
of monetary reorganisation~ in v.-hich we are taking part now~
and which has already brought appreciable results in the
international situation; and the second 1 the return of in-
flation1 the raising of prices and, probably political scandals
on the home front 9 and isolation in for e ign affairs (Venus
going to the square of the b.C.).
It seems then, in about two :rears' ti.oe~ under the
pressure of events and of public opiLion 5 these in power in
France will renounce the present progr2~~:e of austerity 1 go
into reverse 9 and matters will go jus~ as ~adly or even worse
than _under the IVth Hepublic~ w:.til the :is.y when, under pres-
sure from the people 9 (the MooL dignifie~ in the 4th house)
or because 9 unfortunately 1 of the o'..A-:sree.k of war abroad 9
( 1--i aptune and Jupiter in the 7th ho~s e), -'c!:.e regirJ.e will be
replaced by a revolutionary powEr.
Summing up 9 the Vth Republic is r-o-': l:.:C:ely to survive
long after the disappearance of Genere.l :ie ·}a-~:. lle 9 Vihich
one can predict for 1962. The agony ~~ tte regime will
begin at once 9 and its dissolution '.'7ill oe Q.'..Ai::::~::er than
that of the two previous Republics,
As for the chart of U. Michel Debr6 t~e Frime ~inister
of the Government of the Vth B.epublic 5 \bc2:'r:. in ?aris 9 15th
January 1 912 at 23 hrs.) 9 he carillot be of ~uch help to us.
This ch~rt is one of a polemist and a talented journalist
(four planets in the 3rd house with l-'eptune in the M.C.) 9
with authoritarian views 9 although on a grand scale; but ..
he never was and never will be popular (Feptune badly as-
pected in the tenth house and a semi-square to the l'!I.C. from
Mars). This agrees well with his nickname of the 'artifical
satellite' which the :B'rench have ironically called him since
his nomination by General de Gaull e .
It is not at all the chart of a statesman 9 and many of
his ministers (for instance 9 M.Antoine Pinay and M.J. Sous-
telle) have equally strong personalities. He is a hard worker
Hava.I!l.sa :ilul.er

Ari es 0°0 Aries. Libra o-= o

3°20 Taur us . 3°20 .-
6°40 Gemini. II 6040 Sag.
10°0 Cancer. II
10°0 Capri.
13°20 Leo. II
13° 20 Aquar .
16°40 Virgo. I!
16°40 Pisces .
Libra. II
20°0 Aries .
23°20 Scorp. II
23°20 Taurus .
26°40 Sag. ll
26°40 Gemini .

Taurus Capri. Scorp. 0°0 Canc e r.

II Aquar. II
3°20 Leo.
II Pisces. II
6°40 Virgo.
II Aries. II 10°0 Libra.
II Taurus. II
13°20 Scorpio.
Gemini . II
16°40 Sag.
ll Cancer. IJ 20°0 Capri.
II Leo. II
23°20 Aquar.
Virgo. ll 26°40 Pisces.
Gemini Libra. Sag. Aries .
II ,
II Scorp. Taurus.
Sag. ¥1 Gemini.
II Capri. II Cancer.
II Aquar. II Leo.
11 Pisces. II Virgo.
II Aries. II Libra .
II Taurus. II Scorp .
II Gemini. II Sag.

Cancer Cancer. Capr. 0°0 3°20 Capri .

Leo. II
3°20 6°40 Aquar.
" Virgo. 6°40 10°0 Pisces.

II Libr a .
10°0 13020 Aries.
Scorp . II
13°20 16°40 Taurus .
Sag . " 16~40 20<? 0
n :2~ri. - J _----
uar •
.ti q_
" 26 - - .: =.e: .
Pisces . 30c0 Virgo.
Leo Ari e s. II 3°20 Libra.
II Taurus. II 6°40 Scorp.
II Gemini. II
10°0 Sag.
II Cancer. II 13°20 Capri.
Leo . II
16°40 Aquar.
11 Virgo. II
20°0 Pisces .
23°20 Aries.
26°40 Taurus.
Sag. II
30°0 Gemini.
. ,Virgo 0°0 3°20 Capri. Pisces 0°0 Cancer .
II 3020 6°40 Aquar. 3°20 Leo .
6°40 10°0 Pisces. II
6°40 Virgo .
10°0 13°20 Aries. II
10°0 Libra.
13°20 16°40 Taurus. II
13°20 Scorp.
16°40 20°0 Gemini. II
16°40 Sag.
20°0 23°20 Cancer. II
20°0 Capri.
23°20 26°40 Leo. II
23°20 Aquar .
26°40 30°0 Virgo. II 26°40 Pisces.

and a gc:;Q. ~±:::.:..~::..s-:-:-e.-'::::::', ::--_:._s ~=e.rs being ir.. Taurus in trine

to tt.e s-J.:: =-~- 2s.:p::::'::_88r~_ : t~...;.-:; :.f :r-_e ?rench people are to live
unde::::' -'::t.e cj_d. :;:'?.rl:.s.=s::r_-:e.r;y sys-:e=, f:..e will not stay in power
beyon.i -::::is s~e::::'J :.~: -.ris·,T; c•f :i:is r~r:Jgressions which are
very d::..s~~=-eti~g.
It ::..s :i:.ffi ::;·J.l-'c, :.f not =..:spossi cle, f Jr an astrologer
to separate the c ~ rfigurations which tear on the private
life cf a ::s.n fro;:; those which affect l:is ;ublic life,
tut ~itler's prog~essions in 1944- 45 ~ere n~t worse than
those of =rr. Debr€; in in 1959/60.

The Hidden Strength in Your C~a::::'t

C. A. \iifinyard

Although a c orrectly drawn birth ::2ap .e.lvmys corresponds

a ccurately with the character and destiny cf the native, it
is by no means always e a sy to distinguish t he ~ap cf a per-
son with modest CJ.bilities and a relatively or1inary life
from that of another p e rson with outstanding abilities or
a remarkable destiny. Some maps seem, as it ~ere, to have
hidden sources of strength.
The hypothesis here put forward is tDaT the navamsa
chart is often a valuable indication of such t idden strength.
The erection of this chart is made easy ty the attached
table of navamsas .
\f e give two exampl e s . of the use of this table g -.

(l) Venus in 27 Libra 51 in the birth map. From the

table W6 se e that Venus is in a Gemini rc:,vamsa beginning
at 26 Libra 40. On subtracting the beginning of the
navamsa from the p osition of Venus
27 Libra 51
-26 Libra 40
1° 11

we see that Venus is 1°11' into the Gemini navamsa. Since a

navamsa is one-ninth of a sign, we multiply 1011 by 9, giving
Gemini 10°39' as the position of Venus in the navamsa chart.
(ii) Jupiter in 19°3' Pisces in the birth chart. From the table
of navamsas we see that Jupiter is in a Sagittarian navamsa 9
beginning at 16040' Pisces. We subtract this from the position
of Jupiterg-
19° 3 Pisces
.. -16° 40 II

= 2023 Pisces, and we see that

Jupiter is 2°23 into the Sagittari~ navamsa. On multiplying
2023 by 9, we find Sagittarius 21027 as the position of Jupiter
in the navamsa chart. ·
Our first example map is trLat of the writer James Hilton,
author of Lost_JI~, aLd Good-bye ~.:r. Chips. From Mercury
in Virgo opposition i'.ioon, square 0ranus, and Square Pluto 9 one
would expect fluent powers of expression. But when we add to
the birth chart those navamsa positions that fcrm aspects to
birth positions within cne degree, we see at once nuch hidden
strength. ·Mercury, Saturn, ~:re...r.us, ?::.. uto in -':;he navamsa
chart aspecting Sun, Flu. to, -:ran:.<s :iy_ ";;he bir-+::h chart point out
abilities much beyond average.
In our second map, that c::: ~=argaret Spevick, strangled
after a sexual assault when less t~an 12 years of age, it is
easy to see danger signs. 7he rising ~en~s square Mars near
the fifth cusp 9 Sun conj-mct "Jre..L'J.S S11·i Sat'J.rn in the second
house 9 and the almost exact opposi t:..oy_ of ~.=oor~ and Pluto in
the fifth house would have warned any parent knowing astrology
that Margaret needed the greatest care end protection. But
the full gravity of the situation appears only when we add
the relevant navamsa positions to .the bir7-h map. The unusually
large number of seven of these are ac~ive, ?~d all three danger-
ous birth configurations are powerfully stimulated. This
explains Margaret being murdered instead of being interfered
with unpleasantly.
For our third map, we take that of the well--known U.S.
Senator McCarthy. With the angular T of Venus, Uranus and
Neptune, bridged by Jupiter, it is not surprising that he
rose to some political prominence. But six planets are active
in his navamsa chart and his international celebrity is no
longer astounding when we know this ,
2.l. 5. \94-2. · London.
c. 2. a.m•



1+. H. t908 Wisconsin, ~5.10.1~81 · Malaga
3, p.m. C. S. T. u.as p.m. L.M.r..

3. . +.

Our last example is that of the chart of Pablo Picasso.

Nine ulane-ts are active in the navamsa chart and this excep-
tionai n~ber is well in keeping with Picasso's outstanding
eminence in the world of modern pictorial art.
I think that a prima facie case has been made out for
tt.e ir..vestigation of this hypothesis 9 and trust that fellow
students will collaborate in confirming o~ refuting it.


Joan Rodgers
( 'lhese articles \':ere originally published in ~ight)

Ce..ncer the Crab

:::.t.e :?::·J.r-t!: sigr-_ sf ~~e Z~::liac ;·;~ict. tl:e Su..n. enters on
June 2:::.st -tl:.::.s ysa:r :.s C~:_cer :l:.e .:.::re.b o 'Unlike Gemini she
is inc:::.insC. -:: ce r"".-:!:2r s:..le!:.-":- ?..Ld. s~:e is sensitive and deep-
ly e:c::oti::-r.:.a::!.
0 =:cr_:;e~ :.s -::.-_e si;:r_ -::::: ==o-'cherhood; that is
her voca"Sicno 2~e :.s 7ery ~ess~vei but she knows exactly
what she v.'an-rs, t!:"_o~g~-- lii.:s -::C.e :~:1.t, she goes for it in a
rather roun::lat·out -,','?..:,~
0 2~e :.s -::C_e :first of the water signs 9
cardinal (or active ~a~er. =tis neans that Cancer will wish
to express herself iL actior. 9 t~at she is emotional and she
will take the shape of her s~rroundings. She hides her
feelings beneath a rather hard exterior and like the Crab
she takes her home with her wherever she goes.
Cancer people are never happy without their homes~ by
which I mean that they must have a placethat they consider
belongs to them where they can rest an.d be themselves.
They are so much on the defensive with the outer world that
this is essential. They love their own people 9 their fami-
lies above all 9 whether it be parents or children and they
will make great sacrifices for them. They do not much care
about the rest of the world; home 9 family and land (particu-
larly property as this is the substance of a home) are what
they like best. ·
In their desire to provide for their families they can
be very thrifty and canny in business and they are jealous
and possessive of those they love. They will scrimp and

save and in extreme cases starve themselves for their chil -

dren, but they can be very hard with the outside wo r ld .
They seem rather negative, they are very patient, but when
they are really annoyed the claws of the Crab can give you
a very sharp nip. She broods on her wrongs and does not
easily forget them. Basically they are kind and protec tive
towards their own and they often suffer disappointment and
grief from the apparent lack of gratitude of their children.
The nymph Niobe I think must have been Cancer; you may r e-
member that she was perpetually in tears, mourning the death
of her children. The symbol of Cancer means the breasts,
for Cancer is the Mother that Nourishes. Her ruler is the
lVIoon who is often called th e Gr eat r.'lo ther.

Leo the Lion

With Leo the Lion (which start s on 23rd July) the charac-
ter changes sharply again. They are proud generous people
and they adore show and extravagance9 their hearts are very
kind and they can eas ily be influen ced by flattery. . They
are fixed fire and they burn with a hard steady light, one
might almost say a glare. We have now left the primitive
instinctual part of the Zodiac and the next four signs show
the development of man, while th e last four are concerned
~ith his place in so ciety . .

Thus Leo i s, in a sense, a new beginning since it is the

second fire sign ;; a new creation, the creation of conscious
man, born of th e primitive instinct s contained in the first
four signs. 'No longer can man a c t like Aries on impulse
thought ; Le o is the sign of the conscious ego. He feels
responsible to s o c iety for his act ions, and as such he has
great oppo rtuni t i es and great tempt ations. The unadvanced •
Leo can be very egotistical ; b e ing conscious of his ego, he
seeks to impo se it on others re gar dless of the cost. But
the advanced ·Leo is a kind and gen e ro us person with great
warmth of h ear t. 1
A heart of. go l d 1 is an expression that

desc~ibes th~ b es t si de of Le o . He has a warmth that cheers
and comforts y ou, an d if in re t u rn you have to tell him how
· wonderful he i s, i t is worth the effort!

The happy Leo is isually a successful man. Without

necessarily being awfully clever, he glides joyfully to the
top of any organisation he is in ; it seems natural to place
at the head and his cheerful, good-hearted personality makes
for a happy concern. He attracts the love he needs and gives

hi s warmth like the Silllshine to all he meets. He is generous

in vict ory and he never bears malice. But when Leo is frustra-
ted, he is quit e a different person . Sulky ~ arrogant and
bad-temp ered~ he becomes the wild b eas t of the · zodiac. Ex-
cessively touchy where his own ego is concerned, he will not
care what suffering he inflicts on o thers in his effort to .
be top-dog .

The fift h sign of th e zo diac i s the sigri. of creation~

and by thi s we mean a l l the creative efforts of man, whether
it be of his body or of hi s mind. fllien you think of it~ you
will see that the children of the body and the chil dren of
the brain are both creations of their begetter.
Virgo the Virgin
Virgo, which the Sun enters on 23rd August, the second
earth sign is mutable she heralds the changing season, the
end of the summer. It is said to be the sign of the angel~
and I think we should call her the Ministering Angel. Fo r
Virgo is the sign of service. She is very industrious and
she has a fine sense of discrimination. No detail is t oo .
small for her attention, she loves to get them all right and
as long as she feels useful she does not mind how hard she
works . Being earth, she is sensible and practical, and if
she has a fault it is that she cam1ot see the wood for the
trees, for sh e be c omes so c oncentrated on the work at hand
that she i s in clined to l ose sight of the larger issue s .
She is modest, chas t e and pur e a nd she love s cleanli -
ness and order. A place for everything and everyth i ng in
its pla6e is her ideal. Hers is a practic a l out look.
She has no time for fli ghts of fanc y ~ her mind never leaves
the e a rth, but she is an excellent critic. Nothing escapes
h e r eagle eye ; fine workmanship and good materials are
only j ust good enough for her. She is not extravagant,
she does not want anything that she cannot use, but she likes
the b est. In emotional matters she is very cautious, and
if she marries she expects her partner to provide for h e r .
Sh e has a dislike, almost a horror of emotional s itu-
ations. She fe e ls that if she lets her feelings go, she
will lose control c ompletely, so that Virgo peopl e a re in-
clined to stick t o fac t s an d practical things if they p ossi-
bly can. If Vir g o is unhap py , her discriminati on b ecome s
carping criticism and we .all know how trying the sour old
maid can b e, even though s he st ill pe rsist s i n givin g won-
20 '

derful service when she thinks ;t her duty to do so.

But generally Virgo is very agreeable; she carr .get on
with anybody and is said to have the common touch. She is
not ambitious and she has not much initiative 9 but she is
at her best carrying out orders or going about her work.
She makes an excellent nurse, for she is deeply interested
in health matters. Her ovm health is often a cause of ·
anxiety to her and she is willing to work hard to keep it,
by observing special diets and doing a daily dozen or any-
thing else she thinks necessary. Sometimes, indeed her
health is her hobby and she becomes a hypochondri~c.
Virgo, like Gemini, is rule 5 by the -planet Mercury which 9
as I have said 9 is the plane t of the mind in its practical


From: J:.'ir. H.R.Ronnebeck, Middlesbrough. 26th April, 1959•

Dear Editor ~

I · am no t a::--1 astr.)loger and mu--:h of the . JournaJ;.

is quite outsi de my range, but I would refer to pag e 16 of
the April issue . Is it not very doubtful logic to 2"ssociat e
atomic bombs with Uranus and Pluto merely on acco unt of a
similari ty of namee? If Uranus is a heavy pla.."let it might
be made of tungst en which is about equal to uranium - in
density·. _ We don't e.s sume that people w~o happen t o be
called Jac ob have twisted iegs~
Ass umpt i ons like that on ~~ge 16 me.ke i t more •
difficult for 9eopl e to tase astrology s6riously .

f ollo7;ing reply~-
To this 9 l 1Ir . Mo.::::'shall Harme r · h as eent
29th April, 1959.
I would refer to TIIr . honnebec k 's letter and
say that astrolo ge rs do not associate certain compositions
used to make atomic and hydrogen bombs b e ca use of any
similarity in the names of the planets. . That Uranus i8
one of many other substances which is linked with a Uranian

rulership~ and Plutonium with Pluto is because~ by reason

and analysis, the respective substances are sho1m to be
'ruled' by the bodies ment ioned.
Wi th the discovery of the p lanet Uranus in 1781,
there foll owed a revolution of thought in man's mind; steam
was put to use as a motive power , changing the face of the
world9 this was followed during the late 19th century by
the development of electricity , the telephone , and many
other 'Urani an' inventions, including wire less in the ?Oth
century, air transport~ and revoluti onary discoveries in
the fiel d of science such as atomic energy .

Since the discovery of Pluto in 1930 9 the p l anet

has made itself £el~ in Lo uncertain te rms. Plutonium is
a substance which is LLnked with the plane t, among many
others; but Lhe jet e~gine is probably the most revolution-
ary discovery which a~-~ologers attribut e to Pluto.

Astrologers arrive at such conc lusions by analysis

and research, and by studying the charts of inventors and
research worker~ in various spheres of sc ientific discovery.
This, after all 1 is one of ~he objects of Jhe Astrolo g ica~
Association _

From~ The Secretary of the Astrological Associati on.

The firs t issue of the Journal of which only 200
copies were made was ertirely disposed of befo re the se cond
issue came out. New members are sometimes disap pointed
that they have missed this, and if anyone who does not wish
to keep his co py would send it to ~e, I would be pleased to
pass it on to someone eager to have one.

John hl . Addey, Hon. Sec.

Astrological Assoc iation.
FroT:l~ riddey, Carshalton Beeches, Surrey.
:Dear 3ditcr,
I am surenime..ny readers will have been in-
teref)ted in ~Ir. I\'J.arshall Harmer 1 s article on the undoubted-
ly verr important eclipse in Aquarius in 1962, Although I
thought ~r. Harmer was justified in many of his remarks
(and certainly in attaching outstanding significance to the
r;:ap, I cannot help feeling that our f1undane Astrologers
hc:cve become so accustomed to living in a -vvorld where every-
thing seems to happen for the worst, politically speaking,
that they are inclined to interpret sll mundar:e maps with
Surely an ecllr;sc:; 1·,-l-:.::21: is e.;.::=._;y:i.::-1g to
~ercury, Venus and Jupiter is soLet~=-~g ~e c:~:d ~ake a
reservedly cheerful view of for :L~s? ~ f~eliTig is that
the primary result of this reosr~~tle €YJ~~ =-~ ~~uarius
will be to foreshadow exception~: sc=-e~~=-~=-~ :~ sociologi-
cal development of a quite unpre2eie~~ei ~~i ~c2sibly high-
ly beneficial character. At a~~ ra~e, :~ere s~ould be
no misgivings about it in ti:is ccz-~:.'~ -.-.-~:e:::-·s -:-:::s 'cenefics

are angular.
- ·.-...: -,.- - .-C:

-----·~- -~--~-- --

. - - . . -
Ast:JZ...O..l9.&L..o£• The -~~h o(_Christ . _...._.:;. :._:.-: l : :_--_ :~- ?:_c. ::nore precise
data for the Nativity of Jesus h2s ~~~: tee~ r-=2sived.
Working from M.C. ot Capri2orn ~

August 22nd -6 (i.e. 7 ~.C.), 17.~7 ..;:- .

--- : - ~ ~e-=-~lehem 31°43 N • ..
35°12 E.
L o cal U e an 'I' L1 e · 8 • 0 8 p . :n • ( 3 , =: • ._;-, __ ,_,::: ~:rs.53 min.
12 s. )
Two positions are corrected~ ~~c ::T ~ ~ • -:: >::_c sr

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