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July - September 2016 Volume 13 Issue 3

INSIDE THIS PPOLPI 15th National Convention

ISSUE and 13th Training Institute
By SPPO Grace B. Castillo & Sr. PPO Miram Ruth A. Maranga


116th CIVIL 2


The delegates during the opening of the PPOLPI 15th National Convention and
REPRESENTA- 13th Training Institute at the Marco Polo Hotel in Davao City.

LAKAN AND The Probation and Parole Officers Institute at Marco Polo Hotel and
BULAKLAK 2016 3 League of the Philippines, Incorporation Convention Center, Davao City from
DOJ-PPA HOLDS 4 (PPOLPI) and Parole and Probation July 26-29, 2016. Joined by 440
DAVAO CITY Administration held its 15th National delegates from Luzon, Visayas and
Convention and 13th National Training -> Page 12 Convention

DOJ-PPA XI Conducts PPOBC in Davao City
By SPPO Lloyd D. Barrion
The Department of Justice-
RJ PROGRAM 6 Parole and Probation Administration
undertaken a Probation and Parole
GAD PROGRAM 6 Officer Basic Course (PPOBC) on
September 5-9 and 19-23, 2016 at
FIELD OFFICE 10 the Bahay Alumni, Brokenshire
ACTIVITIES College, Madapo Hills, Davao City. A
total of nine (9) participants took
part in the ten-day training, namely,
PPO II Joven D. de Leon, PPO II
Mary Grace A. Mikunug, PPO I
Maribel N. Elivera, PPO I Rozelle
Kaiz Z. Mondia, PPO I Ernest Allen
O. Panio, PPO I Kevin Cloyd B. The participants (standing) pose with the resource speakers of
the training (seated from left to right) CPPO Lourdes P. Bayanin,
Echalico, PPO I Julieto A. Laborada, CPPO Nimfa V. Dayen, CPPO Amites B. Butiong, ARD Benjamin C.
Cutay Jr., RD Jeorgette C. Paderanga, SPPO/OIC Gerardo S.
-> Page 9 PPOBC Operario and SPPO/OIC Jener C. Supnet
Volume 13 Issue 3 Page 2

DOJ PPA RO XI Celebrates 116th Civil Service Anniversary

By Sr. PPO Kristoferson C. Morales

DOJ-PPA RXI personnel actively participated in the banner ADA IV James Alfred N. Gonzales (lying) donated blood during the
making during the conduct of the Team Building at Dahican. Blood-letting Activity at CSC RO XI Function Hall

The month of September marked the 116th anniversary of the Philippine Civil Service. Public Law No.
5 “An Act for the Establishment and Maintenance of Our Efficient and Honest Civil Service in the Philippine
Islands” was enacted on September 19, 1900. This year’s theme is “Sigaw ng Lingkod Bayani: Malasakit Para
sa Taumbayan, Kapwa Kawani, at Kalikasan. The Department of Justice- Parole and Probation Administration
Region XI (DOJ-PPA RO XI) showed its support by joining in the events lined up by the Civil Service

Representatives from the Regional Office and the different Field Offices joined the Thanksgiving Mass
Celebration last September 2, 2016 at San Pedro Cathedral, Davao City, the R.A.C.E. (Responsible,
Accessible, Courteous and Effective Public Service) to serve Fun Run last September 3, 2016 at SM City,
Ecoland, Davao City and the Bloodletting Activity last September 14, 2016 at CSC RO XI Function Hall,
Ecoland, Davao City. To culminate the month-long celebration DOJ-PPA RO XI had a Family Day and Team
Building Activity on September 29, 2016 at Dahican Beach Resort, Mati City.
-> Page 8 CSC

DOJ-PPA Region XI Conducts 2nd TriCon

By PPO II Analene C. Tuason

Last August 9 – 11, 2016, the Top

Management headed by Regional Director
Jeorgette C. Paderanga and Assistant Regional
Director Benjamin C. Cutay, Jr., Division Chiefs
and Heads of Field Offices of DOJ –PPA Region
XI conducted its 2nd Tri-Conference at Malita in
the newly-created province of Davao
Occidental. The three-day activity was made
possible through the initiative of ARD Cutay
who exerted all efforts to make linkages with
the DPWH 2nd Engineering District, Local
Government Units of Malita and the Province of
Davao Occidental.

The participants convened at the Davao

City Hall of Justice at dawn of August 9, 2016.
They then proceeded to Malita, Davao
RD Jeorgette C. Paderanga along with the CPPOs & OICs Occidental where they made a courtesy call
during the 2nd TRICON conducted at Malita, Davao Occi- with Vice Mayor Benjamin Joseph P. Bautista.
-> Page 8 Tricon
Volume 13 Issue 2 Page 3

Orientation Seminar for DBB-Authorized Representatives

By Sr. PPO Sharon Rose G. Ociones

Responding to the need for

legal officers across the country to
help facilitate petition for voluntary
confinement to treatment and
rehabilitation among drug dependents,
an extensive orientation-seminar for a
new set of Dangerous Drugs Board
(DDB) Authorized Representatives was
slated last September 14-15, 2016 at
Sarrosa International Hotel and
Residential Suites, Cebu City. It was
attended by Probation and Parole
Officers coming from Visayas and
Mindanao regions. Sixteen of whom DOJ-PPA Region XI participants during the Orientation Seminar for
DDB-Authorized Representatives headed by RD Jeorgette C.
-> Page 9 DBB

Lakan and Lakambini ng Bulaklak 2016

By PPO II Charlene Joyce T. Gabao

It is a rare opportunity to be chosen as the

Lakambini of the region. Truly, one of the most
remarkable experiences I had in my two years as
Probation and Parole Officer. Adding to the pressure
and excitement is that Region XI is the host region
of the 15th National Probation and Parole League of
the Philippines (PPOLPI) Convention on July 26-29,
2016 held at Marco Polo Hotel, Davao City.
For months, organizers promoted the Lakan
and Lakambini ng Bulaklak 2016 with zeal. The
representatives were instructed to submit the sketch
of their creative attires and headdresses. Together The Lakan and Lakambini ng Bulaklak 2016 (Center) along
with PPO I Ernest Allen O. Panio, the Lakan of the with the personnel of Region XI
Region, we deliberately discussed the concept of our
attires and headresses. representatives. Walking down the platform, I felt
The assigned flower of Region XI was Waling nervous and agitated; adrenaline started to rise when
Waling, a flower of the orchid family and is I heard my colleagues applauding. I felt confident the
considered to be the "Queen of Philippine flowers". moment I saw my DOJ-PPA RXI family cheering for
We thought of a design which would embody Region me and PPO I Panio.
XI and Davao City. PPO I Panio designed a tribal Truly, it was a night to remember when we
warrior-themed attire while I sketched a fairy or were both awarded as Lakan and Lakambini Ng
diwata-themed floral gown. Both of us were thrilled Bulaklak 2016. Aside from the sash and recognition,
as well as anxious for the actualization of our we felt genuinely happy when we witnessed the
sketched attires. smiles of our colleagues especially RD Jeorgette C.
Paderanga and ARD Benjamin C. Cutay Jr. All of
The momentous evening finally came, every themcelebrated the triumph with us. The award we
representative from each region arrived in his and received signified the unity and exhibited pride in
her creative attire and headdress. Participants gave quality for DOJ-PPA Region XI family.♣
their best yells and cheers to their respective
Volume 13 Issue 3 Page 4

DOJ-PPA XI Holds ExeCon at Davao City

By PPO II Nenes J. Quidato

On July 25-28, 2016, all Regional

Directors, Assistant Regional Directors, Divi-
sion Chiefs and PPOLPI President of the De-
partment of Justice - Parole and Probation
Administration convened at Royal Mandaya
Hotel, Davao City for their Executive Confer-
ence. This was headed by Administrator
Manuel G. Co assisted by Deputy Adminis-
trator Lorna A. Yumul.
The four-day activity focused on the
discussion of the National Committee Re-
PMEC, Service Manuals, Provident Funds,
National Praise, Committee on Crafting of
Core Competencies and GAD for the 2nd
quarter of 2016. Reports from the different
divisions - Financial Management Division,
Community Services Division, Case Manage-
ment and Records Division, Legal and In-
spection Division, Administrative Division,
Technical Services Division and Planning
Division were given by respective division Administrator Hon. Manuel G. Co together with Deputy Administra-
chief. tor Lorna A. Yumul facilitated the conduct of the EXECON at the
Capping the last day of the ExeCon Royal Mandaya Hotel, Palma Gil Street, Davao City.
was a Courtesy Call with Mayor Allan L.
Rellon in Tagum City. An ocular visit of the
clients’ Food Processing Center, which can
be benchmarked by other regions, followed.
They also visited the now considered tourist
spot residence of President Rodrigo Duterte
in Davao Ciy.♣

Family from Page 5

On the second day, the family sponsored and attended the early
morning mass at San Nicolas de Tolentino, Brgy. Central, Mati City. The family
proceeded to the Municipal Hall of Tarragona for courtesy visit and was received
by the Municipal Administrator Samuel Uy with his wife Helen Uy. After having
breakfast and a brief tour on the Municipal Hall, the family went to the
Municipal Hall of Cateel for another courtesy visit. Unfortunately, Municipal
Mayor Erlinda Nuñez was preoccupied at the time and attended to matters
concerning her office, thus the family went on to have lunch at Aliwagwag Falls
Eco Park. As a family, the personnel of DOJ-PPA RXI spent time in appreciating
the awe-inspiring wonder of Aliwagwag Falls and in fact, went for a dip and
indulged in the spirit of camaraderie and joy.
As the late afternoon approached, the DOJ-PPA Family departed for
Nabunturan, Compostela Valley for the culmination of the Teambuilding
Activities and Family Day via dinner at CPPO Teresita Almasa’s elegant abode
before going back to each one’s respective homes.♣
Volume 13 Issue 3 Page 5

DOJ-PPA XI Holds First Family Day

By PPO I Rozzele Kaiz Z. Mondia

DOJ-PPA XI Personnel during the conduct of Family Day and Team Building Activity
at Dahican, Mati City.

On September 29 to 30, 2016, the relationship of the employees. After which, the family
Department of Justice – Parole and Probation was divided into contending teams. At the end of the
Administration Region XI spent two days at the day, SPPO Nenieveh G. Juntilla-Ramo lectured on the
province of Davao Oriental and Compostela Valley value of teamwork especially on how it can be applied
to hold its teambuilding activities and family day in in the workplace. In the evening, the DOJ-PPA
line with the Civil Service Commission’s 116th proceeded to Blue Bless Beach Resort to have dinner
anniversary and celebration of the Family Month. and time for entertainment before retiring to their
The said activities were hosted by DOJ-PPA RXI respective quarters at Oriental Prince Suites and
Cluster 2 offices, headed by CPPO Maribel S. Arcade, Brgy. Dahican, Mati.
Caguimbaga of Davao Oriental Parole and
Probation Office. -> Page 4 Family

During the first day, the personnel from the

different field offices divided into three (3) teams,
jumped-off en route to Davao Oriental. As per the
itinerary, the family stopped by the iconic
landmarks of Davao Oriental particularly the
province’s Welcome Park at Brgy. Pintatagan,
Banaybanay, and the Sleeping Dinosaur viewed
along the winding roads of Brgy. Badas, Mati City.
The family then had snacks upon arrival at the DOJ
-PPA Davao Oriental field office before paying Hon.
Semiramis Bituin C. Castro – MCTC Mati’s Presiding
Judge, a courtesy visit. It was followed by the
teambuilding proper which took place at Menzi
Beach Resort, Brgy. Dahican, Mati City with the
invocation by PPOI Arfe Jun Mosquera followed by
the singing of the Philippine National Anthem and
the PPA Hymn led by PPO I Maribel M. Ellivera and
SrPPO Ma. Emily T. Valenzona, respectively. Region
XI’s very own Regional Director Jeorgette C.
Paderanga gave her Welcome Remarks and
emphasized the importance of activities such as the The team-building participants carefully rolling their marbles in
teambuilding for enriching the coordination and order to win their challenge requiring planning and teamwork.
Volume 13 Issue 3 Page 6

Volunteer Probation Assistant Program Updates

By CPPO Corzena T. Gentindatu

One of the priority programs of this agency is to strengthen the Volunteer Probation Aides
Program (now Volunteer Probation “Assistants” per Omnibus Rules of the Probation Law as man-
dated in R.A. 10707 which was approved last July 26, 2016) hence, the Probation and Parole Of-
ficers together with its partners, the Volunteer Probation Assistants with perseverance and commit-
ment, worked hand in hand to sustain this program and with clients’ successful reformation and
integration to the society as the end result of this endeavour.

With strong emphasis on recruitment and appointment of quality VPAs, adopting the need
based recruitment process using the zoning and mapping strategy and mobilization of volunteers as
direct supervisors and resource individual, this region’s accomplishment as to the VPA Program ,
which we are proud to say, is soaring and sustaining.

Two hundred twenty-one (221) VPAs were appointed while forty-eight (48) VPAs were
dropped due to expiration of appointment, transfer of residence, inactivity and death. As of the end
of the quarter, the total number of VPAs is five hundred twenty-five (525) out of 525 VPAs, 421
or 77% of VPAs had undergone the Basic VPA Training. As to the mobilization of clients, out of 525,
376 or 72% have been supervising clients while 178 or 34% acted as resource individual. As to
supervision of clients, out of 1,385 clients, 1034 or 75% were supervised by volunteers given inter-
ventions like individual advice-giving, family advice-giving, job placement referral, health services,
spiritual enrichment and others.♣

Therapeutic Community Program Updates

By CPPO Nimfa V. Dayen, RSW

One of the core values of the administration is Performance, which demands from its em-
ployees the efficient and effective accomplishment of tasks and targets. True to its commitment in
serving its clientele, the Parole and Probation Administration Regional Office XI has lined up activi-
ties to reinforce one of its rehabilitation programs, the Therapeutic Community.
In every 1st Friday of the 3rd month for each quarter of the year, the Field TC coordinators
conducts meeting to share updates about the TC Program Implementation and problems encoun-
tered in each of the field offices (FO’s for brevity). In the 3rd quarter of 2016, all FO’s have reached
the Phase four (4) of the Therapeutic Community Ladderized Program (TCLP). While only three (3)
FO’s have not yet attained phase three (3). In phase two (2), IGACOS PPO and Davao del Sur PPO
No. 2 were the only offices which have currently no clients under this phase. All field offices have
clients undergoing phase one (1). Meanwhile, in the overall rating 100% of the field offices in the
region have complied with the TC Program Implementation.
On September 5-9 and 23-27, 2016 a Probation and Parole Officer’s Basic Course (PPOBC)
was administered by the regional, wherein eight (8) newly hired personnel from Region XI and one
(1) from Region XII participated in the said training. One of the essential topics in its training mod-
ule is the introduction of the salient features of Therapeutic Community. This was given by the Re-
gional TC Coordinator, CPPO Nimfa V. Dayen. She stressed that as catalyst of change, officers must
have a concrete understanding of what TC is. That TC is a community based treatment modality be-
ing utilized by the DOJ-PPA primarily for the rehabilitation of its clientele. ♣
Volume 13 Issue 3 Page 7

Restorative Justice Program Updates

By CPPO Florida B. Ayaso

For the 3rd quarter of the year 2016, all field offices are in right direction as to carrying out
the Restorative Justice processes with the client, the victim and the community. They continue not
only in meeting but going beyond the target being set. For the period covered, all offices
successfully conducted conferences both family and group, Victim-Offender Mediation (VOM) and
Circle of Support (COS). Among the offices, only Davao Del Sur PPO 1 had conducted IP practice.
100% of clients in every field office already rendered community work service.
Meanwhile, Davao Province PPO 2 provided RJ training among its 50 VPAs last September
16, 2016. Other offices are scheduled to conduct the same training within the period of the last
quarter of the year.
The eight (8) newly-hired Probation and Parole Officers were also given orientation/overview
on RJ during their Probation and Parole Officer Basic Course (PPOBC) held on September 8, 2016 at
Bahay Alumni, Brokenshire, Madapo Hills, Davao City. ♣

Gender and Development Program Updates

By SPPO Marigen K. Borres

The Annual GAD Plan of the Parole and Probation Administration Region XI utilizes the two
approaches of activities such as the client focused and organization focused. Gender issues that are
client focused involve the three pronged program of the agency which is gender sensitive and
responsive to address the gender concerns of the clients. Besides, gender related laws that raise
consciousness on men’s and women’s rights, privileges, issues and concerns are all undertaken by
the twelve Field Offices to clients on separate dates such as RA 10754 “Persons with Disability; RA
9994 “Senior Citizen’s Act”; RA 9262 “Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act”; RA
9710 “Magna Carta of Women; RA 9208 “Anti-Human Trafficking Act; RA 10361”Kasambahay Law
and RA 8353 “Anti-Rape Law”. Comval PPO conducted these trainings on August 17, 2016, Tagum
City PPO on September 6, 2016, Davao Oriental on September 13, 2016, Davao del Sur PPO No. 1
on October 12, 2016 and the rest of the Field Offices during the first two quarters.

The activities that are organization focused on the other hand involved the conduct of an
Orientation on the use of Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines on May 19, 2016 by
Assistant Regional Director Benjamin C. Cutay, Jr., Regional GAD Chairperson. This is in compliance
with Rule VI MCW Section 37 on institutional mechanisms for planning, budgeting, monitoring and
evaluation for GAD program. Furthermore, the continuing capability building for personnel entails
attendance of one PPA Region XI personnel, SPPO Marigen K. Borres to the Gender Analysis
Workshop on August 18-20, 2016 at Punta Villa Resort, Sto. Niňo Sur, Arevalo, Ilo-Ilo City. This
three day seminar requires participants to have undertaken the GST and Gender Mainstreaming.
This training embraced topics on an introduction to gender analysis, practical strategies and
instruments on gender analysis models and its practical application. An echo of the said seminar
was made on August 30, 2016.

On the same date, an orientation seminar on child and youth development program and
United Nations Non-Custodial Measures for Women was carried on and lasted for two days (August
30-31, 2016). The resource speaker for the United Nations Non-Custodial Measures for Women was
no other than the brilliant, clever and quick-witted Assistant Regional Director, Benjamin C. Cutay,
Jr. This training aims to establish a level of gender responsiveness of PPA policies and guidelines
by adhering to UN non-custodial measures for female and male clients.

Indeed, these GAD activities highlight our accomplishment for the past three quarters in
Volume 13 Issue 3 Page 8

Tricon from Page 2

They then went to the Municipal Hall to make a courtesy call with Mayor Bradley P. Bautista.
Afterwards, they went to the house of Governor Claude P. Bautista who welcomed them
warmly and gave them a guided tour of his residence. After which, the group proceeded to
the San Miguel Coal-Fired Power Plant in Malita where they were likewise given a guided tour
by the plant manager. Afterwards, the group was then brought to the rest house of the
Bautista family in Little Baguio, Malita, Davao Occidental where they were treated to a
sumptuous dinner prepared by DPWH District Engineer’s Office headed by District Engineer
Rodrigo Larete.

The next day, August 10, 2016, the Tri-Conference Proper was conducted in the said
rest house. The Division Heads and Heads of Offices gave their status reports and
accomplishments of their respective offices. After each reporter, Regional Director Paderanga
and Assistant Regional Director Cutay asked questions and gave their comments and
suggestions. ARD Cutay was duly recognized and given a certificate for initiating the
successful activity. After the exhaustive but fruitful activity, DPWH hosted a socials night
which was also attended by some of their personnel. The next day, the participants prepared
for a tour of the resort of the Bautista family named Malita Dives or “MalDives” in one of the
islands of the municipality. They were fetched and driven to the said resort again by the
DPWH District Engineer’s Office. After the tour, the group prepared for departure back to
their respective field offices feeling accomplished and refreshed in their stint in the less-
explored wonders of Davao Occidental.♣

DOJ-PPA XI personnel pose with Davao Occ. Gov. During the tour at the SMC Global Power’s coal-fired
Claude P. Bautista (8th from left) during a courtesy call. power plant in Malita, Davao Occidental

CSC from Page 2

Aside from the CSC regional activities, the Davao Province Parole and
Probation Office No. 2 also conducted tree planting and coastal clean-up in line
with the anniversary, the Davao Province Parole and Probation Office No. 1 in
partnership with the Public Attorney’s Office sponsored a Mass at Hall of Justice,
Mankilam, Tagum City, and the Compostela Valley Parole and Probation Office
joined in the opening parade of the Anniversary at Poblacion, Nabunturan,
Compostela Valley Province. The events not only inspired and motivated the
different personnel of the agency but it also raised their social consciousness to be
model public employees.♣
Volume 13 Issue 3 Page 9

PPOBC from Page 1

RD Jeorgette C. Paderanga (standing) lectures on the Asst. City Pros. Armand Tirol discusses about Indetermi-
Omnibus Rules on Probation to the PPOBC participants. nate Sentence Law during the PPOBC.

PPO I Arfe June V. Mosquera and PPO I Romel T. Villaflor, who was lone personnel from DOJ-PPA Region
XII. Their group was the 42nd PPOBC Batch and christened as “Damlag” (future). The training had been
designed to provide the new Probation and Parole Officers with a clear and comprehensive understanding of
the structure and operations of the Agency, encompassing crucial concepts, knowledge and skills connected
with the functions and requirements of an officer.

The resource speakers from the Agency were Regional Director Jeorgette C. Paderanga, Assistant
Regional Director Benjamin C. Cutay Jr., CPPO Amites B. Butiong, CPPO Lordes P. Bayanin, CPPO Nimfa V.
Dayen, CPPO Helen T. Telada, CPPO Corzena T. Gentindatu, CPPO Florida B. Ayaso, CPPO Teresita O.
Almasa, CPPO Maribel S. Caguimbaga, SPPO/OIC Gerardo S. Operario, SPPO/OIC Jener C. Supnet, SPPO
Marigen K. Borres, SPPO Nenieveh J. Ramo, AO Sol N. Lapating, Sr. PPO Keema L. Aznar and ADA IV Dixie C.
Saludo. Several personnel from other government agencies were also invited to serve as lecturers like Asst.
City Pros. Armand P. Tirol and Asst. Pros. Atty. Jose Paolo M. Evangelista from the Davao City Prosecutor’s
Office, and Sr. Insp. Ian Glenn V. Ocmen from the Davao City Jail.

On the 23rd of October 2016, the participants elected the Officers of PPOBC Batch 42, with PPO I Arfe
June V. Mosquera being chosen as President. It was followed by the oath-taking of the elected officers and
the closing program that was graced by the aforementioned resource persons. ♣

DBB from Page 3

were from Region XI headed by Regional Director Jeorgette C. Paderangga, Assistant Regional Director
Benjamin C. Cutay Jr., SPPO Lloyd D. Barrion, SPPO Grace B. Castillo, SPPO Lynette S. Gamao, SPPO
Marigen K. Borres, SPPO Joyce A. Rendon, SPPO Gerardo S. Operario, SPPO Nenieveh J. Ramo, SrPPO
Sharon Rose G. Ociones, SrPPO Crisante O. Virtudazo, SrPPO, Ma. Emelita T. Valenzona, SrPPO Miriam Ruth
A. Maranga, SrPPO Jonaliza V. Manguiob, SrPPO Kristoferson C. Morales and SrPPO Keema L. Aznar
Since PPA has a standing Memorandum of Agreement with DDB that authorizes PPOs to be
designated as its representatives to assist clients in respective region in filing court petitions, Administrator
Manuel G. Co graced the event and briefly discussed the PPA’s laws and policies on drugs as well as the
guidelines in preparation of documents as DDB-authorized representatives.
PPOs were oriented about the legal framework/basis for providing treatment and rehabilitation and
their duties and responsibilities in facilitating and processing pertinent papers in court by Atty. Cesar G.
Posada, DDB Consultant.
Aside from that they were also enlightened about the current trends and patterns of the drug
problem, drug abuse and dependence treatment and rehabilitation program including DDB Regulation on
Volume 13 Issue 3 Page 10


Clients of Tagum City PPO during their graduation ceremony Davao del Sur PPO No. 1 clients during the Skills Training on
of Massage Therapy Training at New City Hall, Apokon, Candle Making at San Isidro Multi-Purpose, San Jose, Digos
Tagum City City, Davao del Sur on August 24, 2016

Pros. Jay Karel Sanchez II discusses the Anti-Rape Law with CPPO Helen T. Telada explains the concept of Restorative
the clients of Davao City PPO No. 2 on September 7, 2016 at Justice to the Volunteer Probation Assistants of Davao Prov-
the Lion’s Center, Ecoland, Davao City. ince PPO No. 2.

Davao del Sur PPO No. 2 personnel, together with ARD Benja- Clients of the Compostella Valley PPO performing the duck
min C. Cutay Jr., distribute school supplies to students of Brgy. cover and hold stance during the conduct of DisasterPrepar-
Mana Elementary School, Malita, Davao Occidental. edness and Awareness Seminar.
Volume 13 Issue 3 Page 11


Samal City PPO conducts a Child & Youth Development Semi- The Urban Gardening Seminar being participated by the cli-
nar for the clients on September 7, 2016 at PHRDC, ents of the Digos City PPO on September 15, 2016 at Brgy.
Catagman, IGACOS. Matti, Digos City

The Davao City PPO No. 3 clients undergo Skill Training on The Volunteer Probation Assistants of Davao City PPO No. 1
Welding which started July 1, 2016 and ended on August 26, participate in the Skills Training on Fabric Conditioner, Vine-
2016 gar and Dishwashing Liquid Making.

Davao Province PPO No. 1 clients participate in the Orienta- Davao Oriental PPO clients undergo Spiritual Enrichment with
tion on Bee-keeping being conducted by Epifanio Loyola. Pastor Ruben L. Colmo of the Provincial Moral Recovery Pro-
Volume 13 Issue 3 Page 12

Convention from Page 1

Mindanao, the welcome team of Region XI gladly met the

arriving batches as the assembly convene in the afternoon of
July 26, 2016. Clad in a semi-formal attire, cheers boomed
the convention center as each respective region was called
waving with pride, their flags and banners during the
processional. Significant in such opening event was the
inclusion of the Executive Officers marching down the red CPPO Amites B. Butiong
carpet escorted by the beautiful usherettes of Region XI.
Cheers and joys overwhelmed the hall as the assembly felt SPPO Lloyd D. Barrion
Assistant Editor-in-Chief
the unity in this first day. The welcome message of Regional
Director Jeorgette C. Paderanga resounded the hall conveying SPPO Grace B. Castillo
gladness, gratitude and importance to each confident SrPPO Aristotle S. Erasmo
delegate coming to Davao City trusting for their safety and
SrPPO Miriam Ruth A. Maranga
satisfaction. And Davao City Mayor Sara Z. Duterte’s
SrPPO Sharon Rose G. Ociones
(represented by City Councilor Bernard Al-ag) message
assured hospitality and security while in the city. SrPPO Kristoferson C. Morales

PPO II Analane C. Tuason

Convention Highlights: TR AI NI NG P lenary 1 k eynote
PPO II Charlene Joyce T. Gabao
speaker CSC Regional Director IV Allan F. Alegria on Public
Sector Unionism. Plenary 2 keynote speaker DSWD Strella PPO II Nenes J. Quidato
“Ea” D. Brigole on Leadership. To shed light to the Cluster Editors
perplexities in the employment of the programs of the Parole
PPO II Ric Jason P. Pasaol
and Probation, the Open Forum with the Administrator Lay-out Artist
Manuel G. Co, CESO I. top-off the 2nd day’s intellectual ARD Benjamin C. Cutay, Jr.
hurdle. The election for the new set of officers followed. Adviser
Winners took their oath the following day. The floral night RD Jeorgette C. Paderanga
exhibits the various flowers from the different regions Consultant
displayed in female and male attire and head dresses. The
chosen “Lakan” and “Lakambini” of each region excited the
audience as Danny Capili (Central Office), Clarence Larabal
(NCR) and Angelio “Dudz” Malacad (Region IV) entertained On the third day of the convention,
the crowd in their gayful hosting. Walking the runway with that was July 28, 2016 a tour of some of the
poise and confidence, resounding voice presentation and finest tourist attractions of Davao City was
projection, bearing the regional flower with pride, the Region held. The participants were broken into four
XI pair- PPO II Charlene Joyce T. Gabao and PPO I Ernest teams, alternately plying the Garden of Eden
Allen O. Panio, won the competition as Mr. Lakan and Restored in Calinan district, the Davao
Ms.Lakambini of the night. Bagging likewise, for the Best Crocodile Farm, including the nearby
Smile, was CPPO Ma. Lourdes “Dayden” Guangco (Region IX) Butterfly farm and Tribu Kamindanawan.
and PO I Ernest Allen O. Panio (Region XI); Lodging at the The participants were amazed at the
spacious, 5-star accommodation of Marco Polo, Davao gave a scenery, especially in the Garden of Eden
restful nights to the delegates. The Aldevinco Arcade fronting since they felt that they were in places
the hotel paved an easy access to the interested participants abroad. Of course, participants went also to
on “batik” textiles and apparels of various designs and the Apo ni Lola Pasalubong center in order to
nearby Rojas Street where the night market is located was bring the best pasalubong treats of the city.
then safely strolled by many. The durian, rambutan, Each of the vans which carried the
lanzones, mangosteen, suha, watermelon fruits much more participants to the different sites were led by
delighted the delegates, sharing much to their families as an assigned tour guide composing of the
they head back home. personnel of Region XI.♣

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