Peulich Media Release - Crime Up 18

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Friday, 16 March, 2018

Crime Up 18.30% in City of Knox under Labor

South Eastern Metro MP, Inga Peulich has slammed the Andrew’s Labor Government for a 18.30% surge in crime in
the City of Knox since taking office in December 2014.

Public crime statistics reveal there were record 11,289 offences reported in the City of Knox for the year ending
December 2017 compared to 9,543 in December 2014; a 1,746 increase in offences since the election of the
Andrews Labor Government.

“Crime in the City of Knox has increased 18.30% under the Andrews Labor Government since they took office.” Ms
Peulich said.

The rise follows a 152.54% rise in justice procedures offences, 141.80% rise in breaches of orders, 58.33% rise in the
cultivation and manufacturing of drugs, 49.60% rise in drug use and possession, 53.71% rise in weapons and
explosives offences, and a 26.83% rise in robbery, since the election of the Andrews Labor government.

“Daniel Andrews has abandoned community safety and presided over a 18.30% increase in crime in the City of Knox
– this isn’t just a crime wave, it is a crime tsunami,” Ms Peulich said.

“Under Daniel Andrews our justice system is in crisis due to weak sentencing, watered down bail laws, repeal of
move on laws, cuts to frontline police and closure of police stations.”

Ms Peulich said that these figures are undeniable proof that crime is completely out of control in the City of Knox
under Labor.

Additional comments attributable to Inga Peulich MLC:

“Daniel Andrews promised to smash the violent youth gangs running rampant across our state, but these statistics
prove he hasn’t even made a dent,” Ms Peulich said.

“Knox’s crime tsunami is completely out of control and Daniel Andrews has no solutions to fix it.”

“The culture of lawlessness in the City of Knox under Daniel Andrews must end.”


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