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zone shall exhibit complete fusion and freedom from (c) The essential variable, of QW-3 5 0 and QW-3 60,
cracks. The essential variables for welding operator qua- shall apply for welders and welding operators, respec-
lification shall be in accordance with QW-361. tively, except there is no limit on the maximum thickness
of hard ‐ facing overlay that may be applied in production.
QW- 363 STU D WELDI N G When specified as essential variables, the limitations of
Stud welding operators shall be performance qualified position and diameter qualified for groove welds shall ap-
in accordance with the test requirements of QW-1 92 .2 ply to overlay welds except the limitations on diameter
and the position requirements of QW-303.4. qualified shall apply only to welds deposited in the cir-
cumferential direction.
(d) Qualification with one AWS classification within an
QW-380 SPECI AL PROCESSES SFA specification qualifies for all other AWS classifica-
tions in that SFA specification.

OVERLAY (e) A change in welding process shall require welder

and welding operator requalification.
QW-381. 1 Qu ali fi cati on Test.

(a) The size of test coupons, limits of base metal thick-

ness qualification, required examinations and tests, and
test specimens shall be as specified in Table QW-453. QW- 383 J OI N I N G OF CLAD M ATERI ALS AN D

(b) Welders or welding operators who pass the tests APPLI ED LI N I N G S

for corrosion ‐ resistant weld metal overlay cladding shall

QW-383. 1 Clad M ateri als.
only be qualified to apply corrosion ‐ resistant weld metal
overlay portion of a groove weld joining composite clad (a) Welders and welding operators who will j oin the
or lined materials. base material portion of clad materials shall be qualified
for groove welding in accordance with QW-301. Welders
(c) The essential variables of QW-3 5 0 and QW-3 60
and welding operators who will apply the cladding por-
shall apply for welders and welding operators, respec-
tion of a weld between clad materials shall be qualified
tively, except there is no limit on the maximum thickness
in accordance with QW-381. Welders and welding opera-
of corrosion ‐ resistant overlay that may be applied in pro-
tors need only be qualified for the portions of composite
duction. When specified as essential variables, the limita-
welds that they will make in production.
tions of position and diameter qualified for groove welds
shall apply to overlay welds, except the limitations on dia- (b) As an alternative to (a), welders and welding opera-
meter qualified shall apply only to welds deposited in the tors may be qualified using composite test coupons. The
circumferential direction. test coupon shall be at least 3/8 in. (10 mm) thick and of
dimensions such that a groove weld can be made to join
QW- 3 81. 2 Q u a l i fi c a t i o n o n C o m p o s i t e W e l d s . A
the base materials and the corrosion ‐ resistant weld metal
welder or welding operator who has qualified on compo-
overlay can be applied to the completed groove weld.
s ite we lds in cl ad o r li ned m aterial , as p ro vi ded in
Four side-bend test specimens shall be removed from
QW- 3 8 3 . 1 (b ) is als o qualified to dep o s it co rro s io n ‐
the completed test coupon and tested. The groove weld
resistant weld metal overlay.
portion and the corrosion ‐ resistant weld metal overlay
Q W- 3 81. 3 Alte rn ati ve Q u ali fi cati o n W i th G ro o ve portion of the test coupon shall be evaluated using the re-
Weld Tests. When a chemical composition is not specified spective criteria in QW-163. Welders and welding opera-
in the WPS, welders or welding operators who success- tors qualified using composite test coupons are qualified
fully complete a groove weld performance qualification to join base materials as provided by QW-3 01, and they
test meeting the corrosion ‐ resistant overlay bend test re- are qualified to apply corrosion ‐ resistant weld metal
quirements of QW-163 may be considered qualified for overlay as provided by QW-381.
corrosion ‐ resistant overlay welding within the ranges de-
fined in QW-350 or QW-360. QW- 383. 2 Appli ed Li n i n g s.

(a) Welders and welding operators shall be qualified

QW- 382 H ARD-FACI N G WELD M ETAL OVERLAY following the rules for making groove or fillet welds in ac-
(WEAR RESI STAN T) cordance with QW-301. Plug welds for attaching applied
(a) The size of the test coupons, limits of base metal linings shall be considered equivalent to fillet welds for
thickness qualification, required examinations and tests, the purpose of performance qualification.
a n d te s t s p e c i m e n s s h a l l b e a s s p e c i fi e d i n T a b l e (b) An alternate test coupon shall consist of the geome-
QW-453. Base material test coupons may be as permitted try to be welded, except the base material need not ex-
in QW-423. ce e d 1 i n . (2 5 m m ) i n th i c kn e s s . T h e we l d e d te s t
(b) Welders and welding operators who pass the tests coupon shall be sectioned and etched to reveal the weld
for hard ‐ facing weld metal overlay are qualified for hard ‐ and heat‐ affected zone. The weld shall show penetration
facing overlay only. into the base metal.


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