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Research Essay Grading Rubric

Student has met minimum requirements; failure to do so will result in a zero on the paper.

 1,500-1,750 words on topic (not counting works cited page word count)
 5 sources from LSC library databases, from at least 2 different databases; 3 sources
that support thesis and 2 that support opposing views
 in-text MLA citations and MLA-formatted Work Cited page
 submission in a Word .docx format, with last name as the first name in the file.
Possible Your Comments
Points Score
Thesis 20

Content/Development 25
(thesis development,
transitions, support, use of
evidence from sources,
avoidance of fallacies,
effective use of rhetorical

Organization 25
(clear introduction, body, and
conclusion; effective topic
sentences related to thesis;
use of transitions; logical
organization; effective

Style 15
(MLA formatting, appropriate
tone and diction, exclusion of
wordiness; effective, concise
sentence structures)
Mechanics 15
(Free of mechanical errors
including spelling, grammar,
and punctuation errors.)
Total 100

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