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Submitted as a Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for Bachelor Degree in

English Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of


Syamsi Azwardi
E1D 012 071




Jl. Majapahit No. 162, Telp: (0370) 623873, Mataram


The Journal entitled “Analysis Of Figurative Language Used In Some Coldplays’

Song Lyrics” by Syamsi Azwardi (E1D012 071) has been approved to be examined on
November 2016

First Advisor
Analysis Of Figurative Language Used In Some Coldplays’ Song Lyrics
By SyamsiAzwardi

This study aims to find out kinds of figurative language and their
meanings in four selected song lyrics of Coldplay. This research used
descriptive qualitative method. In this study used liberally research as
the method of collecting data. Data are collected from various sources
such as books, journals, articles, online website and some additional
information. The finding from the study shows four kinds of figurative
languages in four selected songs of Coldplay. In this research the
meaning that researcher found mostly contained of social. These
meanings are intended to make the listeners feel the thoughts, opinion,
feelings, and experience of the singer himself. Researcher concludes
that there are four kinds of figurative language found in four selected
songs of Coldplay ands they are Hyperbole, Metaphor, Personification
and Simile.

Keywords: figurative language, coldplay, song lyrics

Analysis Of Figurative Language Used In Some Coldplays’ Song Lyrics
By SyamsiAzwardi

Penelitian ini bertujun untuk menemukan beberapa macam bahasa kiasan dan
artinya alam empat lirik lagu dari coldplay yang sudah di pilih oleh penulis.
Methodology yang digunakan oleh penulis adalah Kualtitative Descriptive
research. Dalam metode menggumpulkan data penulis menggunakan liberary
research. Adapun data yang di kumpulkan terdaat dari beberapa sumber
seperti; buku, jurnal, artikel, website online, dan maasih banyak lainnya.
Penulis menemukan empat macam bahasa kiasan dalam ke empat lagu
Coldplay. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menemukan makna yang terkandung
di dalamnya lebih mengangkat tentang kehidupan sosial. Makna yang
terdapat di setiap lirik lagunya dapat membuat pendengar mengerti apa yang
dirasakan penyanyinyi dan pengalaman dari pencipta lagu itu sendiri. Penulis
menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat empat macam Bahasa Kiasan di dalam empat
lagu Coldplay tersebut, berupa; Metafora, Hiperbola, simile, dan

Keywords: figurative language, coldplay, song lyrics


Language is said as a medium in communication. Language use in

communication help people to deliver and express their feelings, thought, and
emotion in easier way. In literary works, people use the language in various ways,
spoken and written language. In creating the meaning of language, people mostly use
diction and imagery within it.

Figurative language is a form of language used by the writer or speaker to

convey something else other than literal meaning(Dale in Tarigan [2013:04]). Afriani
(2014:21) stated that Figurative language is a kind of language that the speakers say
less than what they mean or more than what they mean. According to the statement
above that each phrase or sentence that is expressed by speaker or writer is not always
contain the real meaning. Figurative language usually can be found in some literary
works such as poetry, song lyrics, script and fiction.

in song lyrics, the lyricist uses uncommon words on their song lyrics. If we
compare the word used in song with words used in daily conversation, it will be
different. The lyricist uses figurative language to make the song lyrics sound beautiful
and carry its own meaning, even its meaning’s deeper if it is interpreted. Beautiful
words and sentences carry valuable meaning and it depends on the lyricists’ skill in
creating such idea through figurative language in song lyrics.


Figurative language is defined as language that has different meaning in its

real words or phrase in short its meaning cannot be interpreted literally. It is used as
comparison, to clarity or to emphasize. Dale (in Tarigan, [2013:4]) stated that
Figurative language is a fancy language that is used to improve the effect by
comparing particular thing to another which is more general. It causes some people
assume that form of figurative language has meaning which is difficult to be interpret,
poetry is one of the example. Figurative language is formed by depicting similar
characteristics, form state, color, place, and time between two things compared.
The previous explanation generally describes tat figurative language is
allegory and parable of certain thing that is intended to convey by writer or author. It
is expressed in different way. Figurative language is used by writer or author to create
special effect of their works. Keraf(1985:113) said that figurative expression is the
way of expressing mind through language characteristically that shows the writer’s
personality and spirit. Generally, figurative expression must contain three elements
those are politeness, honestly and interest. Even though not all poetry use figurative
language, but in many poems figurative language has important role in creating good
sense of the poem itself. It is also important for other literary works such as song

1. Kinds of Figurative Language

a. Simile
It is called simile when two things are compared using the word “like” or
“as”. The comparison is usually made between two things that essentiality
unlike. Tarigan (2013;09)
b. Personification
Personification carries meaning as the words that depict dead things as
if they have spirit, attitude and behavior like a human being. In this case
something which is not human being liketheanimals or the other
objectsbehaves like human being. They are depictedas if they have ability and
reaction to do what human can do. For example; The flowers are dancing in
the breeze all day long(Pradopo 2014;76 )
c. Hyperbole
Tarigan(2013;55) stated that Hyperbole is kinds of figurative language
that contains exaggerate statements of amount, size or characteristics. It is
aimed to emphasize the statements or the situation to create special effect and
influence to its meaning.
d. Metaphor
Metaphor is figure of speech the way in expressing by comparing something
with another thing. In this case, the two things being compared are different
concepts. It does not use “like” or “as” as the simile. Tarigan (2013;15)stated
that metaphor is the use of words that is not as literal meaning as depiction
based on comparison of two things.
2. Song Lyrics
Song Lyrics is a kind of literary works which use written language
with beautiful rhythm of diction and also use language style and figurative
language as like the poetry. In short, song lyric can be said has the same
structure as the poetry in written forms. Semi (1993:106) states“lyric is
defined as sung poetry, because it has simple structure and expressing simple
thing as well.”


This research is qualitative research. It aims at gaining deep understanding of

the object of the study. That means this research involves researcher in finding kinds
of figurative language found in Coldplay song’s lyrics and explain what the writer
wants to describe using the figurative language n the song. The meaning behind
figurative language used. Descriptive method will be applied in presenting the result
of analysis than the researcher will analyze the data and describe it.

The source of data in this study will be taken from the Coldplay albums which
had been released. The researcher takes the four selected songs of Coldplay from
deferent albums as the sample in this research. They are Sky full of stars ( Ghost
Stories ), Yellow (Parachutes), Fix you ( X & Y ) , Paradise ( MyloXyloto ).


Tabel 1. The type of figurative languages in “Yellow”

Lyrics Line Types of figurative Meaning
And everything you do 3-4 Metaphor Anything that the
Yea they were all yellow woman does is
something wonderful
on the singer’s eyes.
And all the the things 7-8 Metaaphor All the things that
you do the woman do is
It was all yellow something that
shining and bright as
a light for the man
Oh your skin and bone 13-14 Metaphor The charm of the
Turn in to something woman has turned
beautiful her skin and bones
into something
beautiful on the
singers eyes.
For You i’d blend myself 32-33 Hyperbole The man is willing
dry to do anything for
his love, the woman,
even blend himself

Tabel 2. The type of figurative languages in “Sky Full of Stars”

Lyrics Line Types of figurative Meaning
Couse you’re a sky full 2 Metaphor The girl has a beauty
of stars like a stars in the sky
Couse you light up the 6 Hyperbole The woman “you”
path can glow the man’s
Go and tear me a part 7 Hyperbole Willig to be ripth by
the woman
I wanna die in your 13 Hyperbole The singer willing to
arms die for the woman’s

You such a heavenly 23 Simile The woman has a

view beautiful chrm like a

Tabel 3. The type of figurative languages in “Fix You”

Lyrics Line Types of figurative Meaning
Light will guide you 9 Personification Light as if the
home human that can gite
someone to get home

Tabel 4. The type of figurative languages in “Paradise”

Lyrics Line Types of figurative Meaning
She expected the world 3-4 Personification The women can not
But if flew away from afford his dreem as
her reach so if the world flies
away from her reach.
Every tear a waterfall 15 Metaphor the woman is in deep
In the night a stormy 17 Hyperbole On her sadnes the
night away she flied woman decides to
give up

1. Yellow
In Yellow lyrics researcher found two kinds of figurative language.
Metaphor and hyperbole are identified in the lyric and Metaphor dominated the
whole lyrics.

a. Metaphor
Researcher found some Metaphor. They are found on line 3th-4th, line
7th-8th, and line 13th-14th. This finding will be explain below;
1) And everything you do
Yea they were all yellow
On this line metaphor found on the 3rd-4th line that the singer
compares two things “everything you do” and“they were all yelow”. Two things
being compared bring a living sense in between of them. Living sense means
something that share the similarity of the word “everything”, as if it is shining.
In this case the word “everything” is compared with the word “yellow”. That
means the word “yellow” gives a living sense of the word “everything”. Hence,
the meaning being interpreted on the line is like “everything that you do” is
something good or can be said as bright. This interpretation is based on the
previous line of the lyrics where it is written “look how they shine for you”. On
this line, the word shine clearly shows the characteristic of stars when they are
shining, it always be bright and sparkling.
Furthermore the word “yellow” has meaning like something that shines
and also can be interpreted as happiness. This analysis is based on the definition
of metaphor itself. In addition, the whole lines on 3rd-4th has meaning
“everythings that you do is something good and bring happiness”.
2) And all the the things you do
It was all yellow

On this line the metaphor shown in the word “all the things” which is
compared to the word in the next line, “it was all yellow”. These line carry
meaning that the things in the seventh line as if it is a something that has
“yellow” characteristic. In this case it can be interpreted that the word “yellow”
as something that shining and lightening. It is can be said so because if we look
at back to the 2nd line of this lyric, the characteristic of stars that shining and
sparkling. That is why the meaning that can be attained from the word “yellow”
is shining and lightening. When the seventh and the eight lines are interpreted,
it will be all the things that “you” do bring something that shining and bright as
a light. Simply the meaning being carried by those lines is happiness, it is based
on the lexical meaning of word “yellow” is happiness and something beautiful.
It is said so because the characteristic of yellow color is bright and on the song
lyrics, before the word yellow comes up there is word “stars”. It makes the
word “yellow” becomes the adjective of the word “stars”, and if we look at the
context being used in the song, the most possible meaning that can be attained
from this word is happiness, in another word something good.

3) Oh yeah Your skin and bones

Turn in to something beautiful

On these lines, it is also metaphor. It is said so beacause the 13th line

and 14th line are compared. On the 13th line, the words “skin and bones” are
compared with “something beautiful”. The 13th line is implicitly explained as
“beautiful things” on the 14th line.That means if the whole lines are
interpreted, the meaning of them will be as if the skin and bones of “you” turn
into something beautiful.

a. Hypebole
In this song lyric, hyperbole found on the 28th line. The explanation
about the lyrics is provided below.
1) For you I’d blend myself dry
On this line the singer puts the word “blend myself dry” to emphasize
his intention. In this case the word “blend” gives meaning as if the singer is a
soft thing. Implicitly, the singer tries to place himself as something that can be
blended. The meaning that can be inferred from the line is the singer is willing
to do crazy things just to show and express his love to the woman even “blend
himself dry.”
2. Sky Full of Stars
In Sky Full of Stars song lyric, researcher found three kinds of figurative
language. The use of figurative language in this song lyric can be seen on the lines
of the lyric.
a. Metaphor
InSky Full Of Stars lyrics.Metaphor onlyfound on 2th line. The
explanation is provided below.
1. Cause you’re a sky full of stars
On this line the words being compared are “you” and “a sky full of
stars”. It is clearly metaphor because there two things that have different
characteristics and they are compared as if they share the same thing. In this
case the word “you” is said as if it is “a sky full of stars”. In metaphor, two
things are compared to create a suitable parable even they are different. In the
song lyrics, the word “you” is something beautiful that the singer sees it as
something great and wonderful as the sky. In short, the meaning that is
intended to express on this line is someone who has a beautifulness as a sky
which is full of stars.
a. Hyperbole
Hyperbole in Sky Full of Stars song lyrics found on the sixth, seventh
and 13rd lines. the singer puts the figurative language on different lines as in
the previous song lyric.
1) Cause you light up the path
On this line, the singer puts the word “you” as something that shines
the path. The word “you”is said as a light which shines every path. The
meaning being carried will be like an exaggerration on the word “you”
because of the use of Hyperbole.Simply the singer intends to express his
feeling or opinion about someone he is in love with as if she is the light which
lights up his path.
2) I don’t care, go and tear me apart
On this line, the word “tear me apart” gives meaning like the singer is
something that can be ripped. In this case that kind of characteristic can be
found in the paper, because it is thin and can be ripped easily. The use of
hyperbole on this line gives meaning as if the singer is a thin paper that can be
“tear” into pieces. Hence, the meaning of words “tear me apart” is the singer
is willing to be torn into pieces, because he really loves the woman.
3) I wanna die in your arms
On this line, the singer is willing to die for a woman he is in love. The
use of hyperbole on this line emphasizes the singer’s feeling to the woman. It
can be seen that the words “die in your arms” bring such an exaggerate
meaning. On this line, the singer is described as a weak person that he is
willing to die because his love is too deep to the woman. Furthermore, the
expression of the singer is proven by his willingness to “die in the woman’s
b. Simile
In this song lyric, simile found on the 23rd line. The line where the
figurative language used on this song lyric is the last part of the song lyric.
The explanation about the lyrics is provided below.
1) You’re such a heavenly view
On this line the singer frankly describes the use of simile in comparing
the word “you” with “such a heavenly view”. The line brings meaning that as
if the woman (you) is an amazing and wonderful view on the singer’s eyes.
The use of simile on the line shows that the singer compares the beautifulness
of the woman he is in love like “a heavenly view”. That means, the singer is
amazed by the woman’s charm that he compares her as a heaven.

3. Fix You
In this song lyrics there is only one kind of figurative language found, that is
personification. The use of figurative language is varied by putting them in diffrent
lines in order to create variety on the song lyric.

a. Personification
In this song lyrics, Personification found only in the 9th line of fix you
songs lyric.
1. Light will guide you home
On this line, the use of personification shows the meaning of word
“light” as if it is has characteristics like human being. The word “guide”
indicates that the singer emphasizes the meaning being carried by the word
“light” is like a living thing. As we know that light is a death thing, but the use
of hyperbole on this line enable it to be happened as if it is a living thing that
can “guide” people.

4. Paradise

The three kinds of figurative language exist in the song, they are
Personification, Metaphor and Hyperbole.

a. Personification

Personification found on the 2nd-3rd lines. The explanation about the

lyrics is provided below. The use of personification in this song is put on the
two lines of the song lyric. The two lines are related each other and it cannot
be analyzed separately beacause it will make the meaning different.
1) She expected the world
But it flew away from her reach so
On this line the words “the world” is compared as if it is an alive thing
that can “flew away”. Personification is defined as comparation of death thing
with alive thing. In this case the death thing is placed as something that alive
things can do. On the line above, the word “world” is a death thing, but on the
next line, the words “it” refers to the “world” that “it flew away” as if it is an
alive thing, like bird that can fly.
b. Metaphor
In the Paradise’s song lyric, it is found metaphor on the 15th line. On
this line metaphor is used to hide the real meaning of the lyric.
1) Every tear a waterfall
On this line it is clearly showed that the singer uses metaphor to
describe his intention. Two things being compared are “tear” and “waterfall”.
If we look at the line, “every tear a waterfall” it will come up on mind that as
if the word “tear” represents the someone’s grievance in the song is deep like
a stream of “a waterfall”.

c. Hyperbole
Hyperbole found on the 17th line. On this line, the use of hyperbole is
placed at the end of the sentence.
1) In the night the stormy night away she flied
On this line the words “away she flied” represent an abnormal
characteristic of human being that can “fly” which only can be happened on
birds. But the use of hyperbole on this line enable it to be happened. Hence,
the meaning being interpreted from this line is “a woman who can fly”. On the
line, the use of hyperbole overdoes the human’s characteristic that cannot fly
to be can fly.


1. Conclusion
Based on the analysis of the four selected songs of coldplay, the Reseacher
found various meanings of the songs. Since the concern of this analysis is on the
figurative language used in Coldplay’s songs, it was found four kinds of figurative
languages in the four selected coldplay’s song lyrics. These Figurative Languages
are Metaphor,Personification, Hyperbole and Simile.
The meaning being interpreted in the discussion session mostly contained
of sosial life. These meanings are intended to make the listeners feel the thoughts,
opinion, feelings, and exprience of the singer himself. Beside using the song as the
medium to convey the singer’s thoughst and opinion, it is also used to give the
listeners lesson of life and how to live this life.
In conclusion, the four selected songs of Coldplay that are used as the
object of the study in this Reseach brought various meanings that are wrapped
some kinds of figurative languages. The analysis of figurative language in some
Coldplay’s song Lyrics is the final result of the study that can be used as the
additional information and the source of meanings in understanding and
comprehending the knowledge of figurative languages

2. Suggestion
The result of this study, Onfigurative language used in some Coldplay
song lyrics suggest that some learning point can be note down:

a. It is needed to develop and improve the understanding about figurative

language especially in literary works. In this case song lyric. Because as far
as researcher found, most of the other Researchers only focus on the general
understanding of figurative language and it will be such a good idea to
conduct a deep analysis of this topic in other object of study.
b. The application of figurative languages in daily life, especialy in public
speaking, it will more intrested to be analyzed. So researcher suggest the
other researcher to take that kinds of thing as their object of the study.
Because the analysis will be intrested and will give enough contribution in
understanding the figurative language itself.

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