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Research Method

This study will research about the promotion field in Sorsogon, namely

how the tourism department promotes tourism in Sorsogon. This study will

discuss the tourism profile of Sorsogon, various tourism strategies employed by

the tourism department, various problems encountered by affected parties, and a

plan that can be recommended by the researchers to the tourism department.

The research is aimed at coming up with the appropriate action in

improving the current state of tourism in Sorsogon Province. This research will

include descriptions, analysis and basic statistics thus, making it a triangulation

method-based research. This study would include structured interview, survey

questionnaires, and documentary analysis.

To accomplish this study, the researchers would need key-informants and

respondents. Respondents are parties that are affected by tourism; these are the

communities near tourist spots, non-government organizations, and private

business entities. The key-informant of this research is the tourism department

itself. They can give the researchers the necessary documents to determine the

tourism profile and tourism strategies of Sorsogon Province. This research will be

using different instruments to solve the different problems. Instruments like

documents, questionnaires and interview questions could be instrumental in the

data gathering procedure. These instruments would contain questions related to

the problem stated in the problem statement. The researchers will employ a
number of sources to add information on the study and make it more substantial.

Sources in this research will be the internet, government archives, and the

statements from the respondents. With these sources, this research will be more

reliable and substantial to its benefactors.


Communities near tourist spots can provide a citizens’ view in the progress of

tourism in Sorsogon. Non-government organizations help out the community

even though they are not part of the government. They could provide insight on

how the tourism in the area helps them and the community. Private business

entities can provide a business perspective on the progress of tourism in

Sorsogon. They can provide whether or not their businesses generated more

income due to tourism.

The respondents are necessary to confirm whatever documents and

information that the tourism office provides. With their help, this study can be

more reliable and conclusive.


The key-informant in this study is the tourism department of Sorsogon

Province. They can provide documents containing information relevant to this

study, information like the tourism profile of Sorsogon Province and the tourism

strategies they employ. With their help, the researchers could have an overview

of the government’s plan in tourism. These documents would still need to be

check for validity as the tourism department would be biased in their documents

and this study would view the department objectively and without bias.
Sampling Method
1 The popularity of tourism locations in Sorsogon could remove lesser

known locations. Amongst the various articles on tourism of Sorsogon, Donsol

Whaleshark Interaction Site, Ogod River, San Benon Hot Springs, Saint Joseph

Church, Subic Beach, Bulusan Volcano Natural Park, Balay Buhay sa Uma in

Bulusan, and Sorsogon Baywalk are all featured in different articles.

To find the right respondents, the researchers must sample the pool of

possible respondents. The respondents must undergo a simple random

probability sampling, where all possible respondents have an equal chance of

being included.

The researchers will write all possible respondents from the list of popular

tourism spots, and randomly draw five locations to cover more than half of the

popular tourist locations. This is done to be random and represent the whole by

using more than half.

Research Instrument

This research will use various instruments in achieving the desired results.

One of the instruments that will be employed is the questionnaire for the various

respondents. The questionnaire will contain questions asking if the effectiveness

of tourism is indeed felt in their community, if the number of tourists increased

over the years, and the troubles they have encountered with tourism. The

questionnaire will go to the different sampled respondents. The questionnaires

would be distributed amongst the communities near tourist attractions. The

results of which would be tallied, analyzed, and interpreted.

Another instrument would be the interview that will be conducted on the

local government units and private business entities. This is done to get a more

in-depth view of the respondents. The questions in the interview would be the

same as the questionnaire, but the researchers could do more follow-up

questions, a quality questionnaires do not have. With more questions asked,

more data could be gathered from the respondents. Accessing tourism

documents by asking permission from the tourism department can be

instrumental in gaining information on the tourism profile of Sorsogon. The

researchers need to access these documents to further the research.

With these instruments, doing the research procedure would be easier.

Using these instruments to gather the necessary data is very significant to this

research as it would be instrumental to the completion of this research.

Sources of Data

This study will use various sources for the study. This research will use

the internet and its vast collection of journals and articles on marketing,

promotion, and tourism to provide information to make this study more

substantial and knowledgeable. The documents that will be provided by the

tourism department could provide the researchers an overview on the tourism

profile of the province. The statement from the sampled respondents could

provide clarity and confirmation of the information stated on the government

documents. These sources will be helpful in accomplishing this research and to

get as much data possible in order to come up with a significant conclusion that

can help its benefactors. The researchers will take great care in ensuring the

data gathered is correct and judged objectively; this is done by confirming a

source of data with other sources of data.

Research Procedure

First, the researchers would prepare questionnaires for the communities

near tourist location and possible questions for NGO’s and private businesses;

these questions will contain related queries about the problems faced by this

research. Next, they will acquire the government documents about tourism from

the tourism office. This is done to get an idea of the tourism profile of Sorsogon

Province and their tourism strategies. Then, the researchers would go to the

sampled respondents based on the tourist spots with all the services in the

criteria. They would distribute the questionnaires to the nearby communities, and

they would go to the NGO and private businesses to interview them. Finally with

all the information they have obtained through the data gathering process and

data on marketing and tourist trends, the researchers can formulate their

recommendation to the tourism department. This recommendation will try to

solve standing problems in tourism and help the tourism department in promoting

the Province of Sorsogon.

This step-by-step procedure will be followed by the researchers to

properly organize the data they have gathered and to follow the researchers’

conceptual framework. The conceptual framework and paradigm dictates the flow

on how to solve the problems on this research’s problem statement.

Statistical Treatment

Since the questionnaire part of the researchers’ data gathering procedure

that requires statistical treatment, the statistical treatment will be minimal but

substantial. This study is under qualitative research, thus making the statistics in

this minimal.

The information from the questionnaires and interview will be tallied,

analyzed, and interpreted through frequencies and tallies.



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