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1.How Communication affected by Media and

Communication is the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by

speech, writing, or signs " The word communication has many aspects. It is basically a process of
interaction with the people and their environment. Through such interactions, two or more
persons influence the ideas, beliefs, and attitudes of each other. Such interactions take place
through the exchange of information through words, gestures, signs, symbols, and expressions.
In organizations, communication is a continuous process of giving and receiving information and
to build social relationships. Even for day-to-day operational issues, communication plays a great
role in clarifying doubts and in making the efforts of the people result oriented. What is
important for us is to understand that in our ancient texts, we have enough reference of non-
verbal communication between man, nature, and animals. Therefore, communication is as old as
our civilization. Even in pre-civilization days, non-verbal communication was in existence
between man, nature, and animals.

The media is an important source of information through its news segments,

entertainment and allows for exchange of ideas, suggestions and comments.Consumers
nowadays have a variety of media outlets compared to a few decades ago. The advent of the
Internet and services provided through it, has enabled many of us to gain access to instant and a
variety of news and entertainment. In fact, the presence of Internet also has led to creativity
among the young consumers with the latter setting up personal websites, blogs and others. It
has inadvertently led many students to take advantage of the prevalence of information by
copying and plagiarizing writings from the internet news. While the internet has been hailed as
the most important advances humankind has made in the 20th century, it is nevertheless open
to abuse and exploitation that presents danger to humans.

So how does media and information affects communication? We all know that social media
helps us to access with other people in an instant. It helps us to have an effective communication
with other people through liking their post, sharing their ideas and chat them. Many people now
is depending on social media, even if they will call on near by friends they will gonna use their
phone instead of approaching them personally. We all think that social media is a very useful
thing, of course its very useful but we don't notice its disadvantages. Were depending ourselves
on social media but what if it suddenly disappear, what should you do? What I'm saying is use
media in a proper way, don't let it control you and your life. It has a lot of advantages but always
think about its disadvantages. Limit yourself on using media and also try doing things where you
will not going to use any media.
2.Media Literacy, Information Literacy, and
Technology Literacy

Media Literacy is a 21st century approach to education. It provides a framework to access,

analyze, evaluate, create and participate with messages in a variety of forms — from print to
video to the Internet. Media literacy builds an understanding of the role of media in society as
well as essential skills of inquiry and self-expression necessary for citizens of a democracy.

Information literacy skills are used for academic purposes, such as research papers and group
presentations. They are used on the job—the ability to find, evaluate, use and share information
is an essential skill. They are also used in consumer decisions, such as which car or vacuum
cleaner to purchase, are critical. Last but not least, they are used by informed citizens in
participating fully in a democratic society through voting.Information literacy is critically
important because growing ocean of information in all formats is everywhere. Not all
information is created equal: some is authoritative, current, reliable, but some is biased, out of
date, misleading, and false. The amount of information available is going to keep increasing. The
types of technology used to access, manipulate, and create information will likewise expand

Technology consists of all the modifications humans have made in the natural environment
for their own purposes —inventions, innovations, and changes intended to meet our wants and
needs, to live longer, more productive lives. Such a broad definition of technology includes a
broad spectrum of artifacts, ranging from the age-old (flint tools, wheels, levers) to the high-tech
(computers, multimedia, biotechnologies). In short, if humans thought of it and made it, it’s
technology. Just as technology involves more than computers and the Internet, technological
literacy involves more than hands-on skill in using technology. Certainly, knowing how to use
information technology is increasingly important in our knowledge society, whether we are
looking for a job, marketing a service, or shopping for a product.

Media literacy, Information Literacy ang Technology literacy are the same because those
three literacy is critical in helping us to make sense of our world. From the time we wake up to
the time we go to sleep, we are constantly making meaning of the world around us.It also helps
us to improve the ability, confidence and willingness to engage with life to acquire, construct and
communicate meaning in all aspects of daily living. It proves us as an individual and as a part of
the society.
3.Value of being a Media and information

Being a teenager or millennia’s and as a media and information literate it is important for
several reasons. It’s important so one is able use current and past information and media with
intelligence. It’s important to be able to across through various types of media with success. I
think it is important to know where to find the best source of information for your needs. Being
able to evaluate information and decide if it is the best source and the right info for your
purpose and find other similar sources of information of the same type is key to navigating
through all the information that is now available to us. Being a media and information literate is
important for job and employment success.

It is important in our day to day lives to be able to process the information we are
presented with through various types of media and carry on in an intelligent way given the
information we have. A very simple example is a weather report or an advertisement about a
food product. Where did I get my info? Is it a good source? Does it make sense?. When I have
the information I need and am clear about why I need this info, the next step is to be sure you
have all the info you need and have evaluated it. Being info and media literate can become very

In my mind “media” has two meanings. One being the actual “medium”, one uses to find info,
For example, if I want info about a certain type of flower, I may use books, textual sources from
internet, professional texts, videos factual data, images of the flower, a trip to the local flower
store or gardens to view the flower and touch, smell and see it. So it is important to be able to
use all types of media or mediums to get what we want - be it a product, or a means to an end.
Always include the human senses, feeling and opinions and -our own experiences and
intelligence as an additional source of information. As we plow through and use all the
information at our fingertips these day.

For me the media we are all presented with everyday via the communication processes - tv,
radio, print, art, etc is very important. I think it is important to be information and media literate
to be able to evaluate what everyone is placing in the mainstream as “information” and critically
thinking about how true and valid it is. We are presented with so much information these days
that literacy includes knowing how to say to yourself - I need this info now, or I don’t need this
info now - Does it match my purpose or what I am trying to accomplish. And at the same time
being able to know what might be true info, accurate info, propaganda, fake news, info
presented with a bias or slant is a huge element of the importance of being information and
media literate.
Being “information and media literate” is important for daily success and it is important to
include “what we already know” and every source available otherwise we will not succeed.
Without the best info and knowing how to use it, our efforts will be useless. This is another
reason why info and media literacy is important.
4.Characteristic of a Responsible Uses and
Competent Producers of Media and Information

Media is a person’s view to share and to receive information, commonly as a medium of

exchange. Requiring to know the information a person must be literate enough to understand
this things but some cases being literate can’t be that seriously needed, it is how a person knows
to communicate with others. Such ways can be ideal and some ways can be false. But in today’s
generation people mostly are dependent on technology and most people are literate which they
can understand most of the things circulating what are the trending situations around them. It
also results negative functions in which that it can harm one’s reputation in social media and
reality. Basically, to be able to learn the things to prevent such cases one must know valuable

With the touch of a screen and click of a mouse, we can interact with somebody from a
different country, stream live footage to relatives, or surprise our friends with pictures and
statuses. We live in a technologically-advanced society, with everything accessible to us.
Anybody with opposable thumbs can record, communicate, and stream pretty much anything.

Being a responsible social media user starts from childhood. Kids nowadays grow up having
access to social media. As such, they can be more literate than adults. So it is the responsibility of
parents and guardians to teach them how to use social media properly. They should guide their
kids to develop sound judgment and use social media securely.Of course, everyone should be
mindful of the things that we post online. One of the big no-no’s is to post your daily routine.
Those with bad intentions can easily make use of such intimate information.Another social
media abuse is cyberbullying. A lot of social media user are cyberbullied because of the
information that they posted online.Cyberbullying is a form of harassment that occurs in the
web. On Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or some other online networking outlet, it requires just a
little push to badger somebody.

We should all be responsible social media users, its just a matter of respect to yourself and
respect to others. If you want to be respected in social media you should not post or make things
that will let other people loss respect on you. You should always consider that social media is
whole new world in technology before you post something or share something. There's a lot of
random people in social media, you can't force them not to judge but they will be judging you
base on your social media behavior, maybe I'm not the one who first said it but always think
before you click.
5. Class Media, Lifestyle, and preference of
People in the society

Class Media Habits: Generally, this is the “media usage” of any target group. Usually, this
research is used by media planners at the highest levels of media buying. For example you sell
“pimple cream”, the target is kids 12 to 24. How do you best speak to that group? What media
do they consume, how much, how often? All this is known and well researched. For this target
group lets say they watch 14 hours of TV spend 50 hours on “smart devices” and 3 hrs with
radio. (I’m making all this up.) Now knowing this as a media planner you can portion your budget
accordingly. Perhaps 50% online 35% TV and 15% radio all based on the Media Habits of our
target 12 to 24 year old.

Lifestyles: Another targeting tool knowing that people in certain stages of life have different
buying habits. For example when your single you tend to buy more clothes, hair care products
and shoes then the same person might if they were married. Consumers that own their home
shop differently than those who rent. The list goes on. Lifestyles is often refined by Ethnicity or
ethnic make up and Sex. For years Ethnic was one of four groups: (This has nothing to do with
race, just how the population was measured by media since the days of Marconi) White, Black,
Hispanic and Other. Again as a targeting tool a Hispanic married women shops differently than
her black, white or other counterparts would. Knowing this helps with packaging, labeling,
marketing and more.

Preferences Targeting again; we know that consumers who like certain things like certain
things. (That sounds nuts, I know.) For example if you drive a Saab you likely prefer Pepsi over
Coke. If you’re a BK fan you also likely prefer Poppey’s chicken over KFC. These are far from
absolutes but Preferences can be very telling and surprisingly accurate. A good example of this is
was President Obama and his use of the big O in red white and blue. Did you notice it looked a
lot like the Pepsi logo. Preferences identifiable targeting. The Obama campaign marketing team
(likely well researched) believed that those who would see or be akin to the Pepsi “way of life” or
“marketing message” would also be favorable toward the Obama message.

None of these are designed to work as a stand alone. Taken together a media and targeting
plan might start out something good. Class media, lifestyle and preferences are like the animals
in food web or a process in a cycle because without one another they have no functions. It will
only be useful if this three use together and improve together.
6. Traditional Media Vs. New Media

The traditional media consists of prints and broadcasts such as newspapers, magazines, radio
broadcasting books and CDs etc. On the other hand, social media, which grows with technology,
includes the use of any social accounts is the definition of new media. Not only has advanced
technology facilitated internet consumption, it has also promoted new media to the extent that
majority now believe new media will one day succeed traditional media. New media has the
foundations of traditional media in serving the same purpose, similar procedures in gathering
information and sharing the same audiences; however, it may succeed traditional media due to
the differences in the freedom of speech, coupled with social networking services entitled to
users and the hastened speed broadcasting.

The purpose of new media is the same on the traditional media.It is to keep you informed. It
does not matter if you read a newspaper or magazine, or even internet. Both kind of media
platforms serve to provide news and articles to inform you of the happenings around the world.
Books will find in libraries and online communities like Wikipedia offer you bits of facts for your
general knowledge, providing basic knowledge on certain topics. We are also aware about
fashion trends through both media platforms. The television programme, Entertainment
Channel, is no different from the fashion website, in providing insights to the latest fashion
trends. Besides global news, the information both new media and traditional media provides
extends to advertisements as well. Both media platforms provide advertorial information for
readers of prints, broadcasts and the online community. When you flip through a consumer
magazine, you will notice advertisements on jewellery, cosmetics and even clothes on different
pages.It only shows that what ever media platforms it is, the same thing happen, the same goal

There's no point on comparing the kind of media because this two media has its own
advantages and disadvantages. It always depend on you on how will you handle the changes in
media and not to forget where did it came from. You also can use this two media at the same
time, it doesn't matter at all, what matter is this two gave you the knowledge and all this things
that you want to know. Give importance on it, even if it is traditional media or new media
because it only improve but it doesn't change.
7.The roles and functions of media in
Democratic way

Democracy is commonly defined as a government of the people, by the people and

for the people. Freedom and democracy and people walk hand in hand. Democracy, in my
view, is only compatible with a free economy. Like a fish to water, democracy can only exist
in an atmosphere of freedom of action. In place where you are free to do all the things you
want to do, free to express your feelings and to share your opinions. In place where your
only limitations is the limitations of others.

We live in society today where the media plays an important role on how we see the
world, and how our opinions are formed, whether it is from what we watch on television or
what we gather from newspapers.Media acts as a bridge between the common man and the
government. It is a very powerful tool with the ability to make and break the opinion of
people. If media tells the public that this picture is being demanded as one of the most
wanted terrorists, people would regard him as one blindly. It has the capacity to swing
perceptions or evoke emotions.Media through its various means of newspapers, television
and cinema is what rules the heart and minds of people. What we heard, what we see really
affects how we manage things and how we handle emotions. Because we are now in
present time where everything was affected by media and everything were doing is
connected on media.The media has helped to make our society a democracy and a better
place to live and share freedom by placing emphasis on issues that at one point in time
would have been considered strictly private such as child birth, homosexuality, child care,
domestic violence, and sexual harassment.

The role of the media is vital in generating a democratic culture that extends beyond
the political system and becomes en-grained in the public consciousness over time. Media
is supplying the political information that voters base their decisions on. They identify
problems in our society

On the other side, media also on its part should play a very responsible, active and
neutral role in discharging its duties without being influenced by any particular political
party or few individuals and should treat everyone on an equal footing. If media does not
discharge its responsibility independently in any democratic country, the politicians are
bound to behave like dictations or even worse than them. Media carries with it a huge
responsibility in a democratic setup which it has to fulfil very carefully without any bias
toward anyone by bringing out the real facts before the public.

There is no doubt that media has done a commendable job from time to time in
making people aware about the harsh realities of life, in exposing corruption prevalent in
our society, in increasing the awareness level among the people and a lot more but I feel
that still a lot remains to be done. Media is becoming increasingly popular among people
from all walks of life and it certainly has the potential of influencing the thoughts of its
readers/viewers to a large extent. Media should, no doubt, be neutral in airing views but it
should also strongly desist from airing such views which can adversely affect the
communal harmony and give rise to deep suspicion, tension and senseless violence which
leads to killing innocent people. The media should make the people aware of the
consequences of the various actions of the governments.
8.Latest history on information and Media

The earliest methods of communicating across great distances used written

correspondence delivered by hand from one person to another. In other words, letters. The
earliest form of postal service dates back to 550 B.C., and this primitive delivery system would
become more widespread and streamlined in future centuries. In 1792, the telegraph was
invented. This allowed messages to be delivered over a long distance far faster than a horse and
rider could carry them. Although telegraph messages were short, they were a revolutionary way
to convey news and information. Although no longer popular outside of drive-through banking,
the pneumatic post, developed in 1865, created another way for letters to be delivered quickly
between recipients. A pneumatic post utilizes underground pressurized air tubes to carry
capsules from one area to another. There are two important discoveries happened in the last
decade of the 1800s, the telephone in 1890 and the radio in 1891.Both technologies are still in
use today, although the modern versions are much more sophisticated than their predecessors.
Telephone lines and radio signals enabled people to communicate across great distances
instantaneously, something that mankind had never experienced before.

Technology began to change very rapidly in the 20th Century. After the first super
computers were created in the 1940s, scientists and engineers began to develop ways to create
networks between those computers, and this would later lead to the birth of the Internet. The
earliest forms of the Internet, such as CompuServe, were developed in the 1960s. Primitive
forms of email were also developed during this time. By the 70s, networking technology had
improved, and 1979’s UseNet allowed users to communicate through a virtual newsletter. The
first recognizable social media site, Six Degrees, was created in 1997. It enabled users to upload
a profile and make friends with other users. In 1999, the first blogging sites became popular,
creating a social media sensation that’s still popular today. After the invention of blogging, social
media began to explode in popularity. Sites like MySpace and LinkedIn gained prominence in the
early 2000s, and sites like Photobucket and Flickr facilitated online photo sharing.

Today, there is a tremendous variety of social networking sites, and many of them can be
linked to allow cross-posting. This creates an environment where users can reach the maximum
number of people without sacrificing the intimacy of person-to-person communication. We can
only speculate about what the future of social networking may look in the next decade or even
100 years from now, but it seems clear that it will exist in some form for as long as humans are
9.Information needs, locates, accesses, assesses,
organizers, and Communicates Information

Information access is the freedom or ability to identify, obtain and make use
of data or information effectively. There are various research efforts in
information access which objective is to simplify and make it more effective for
human users to access and further process large and unwieldy amounts of data
and information

The Information Organizer provides facilities for creating and deleting rows
and columns, for sorting and indexing the rows of a table, for addressing columns
by label, and for addressing rows either by value or position. The frequency of
relatively slow retrievals of secondary storage segments is minimized by retaining
in primary storage previously retrieved segments in anticipation of future needs
according to a strategy based on the number and currency of past accesses of
each segment.

Information assessment is the systematic process of documenting and using

empirical data on the knowledge, skill, attitudes, and beliefs to refine programs
and improve student learning.[1] Assessment data can be obtained from directly
examining student work to assess the achievement of learning outcomes or can
be based on data from which one can make inferences about learning.[2]
Assessment is often used interchangeably with test, but not limited to tests.[3]
Assessment can focus on the individual learner
10. Ethical Use of Information

Ethics says "that branch of philosophy dealing with values relating to human conduct, with
respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of
the motives and ends of such actions." In other word philosophical meaning of right or wrong to
determine the correct application of moral notices such as good and bad or right or wrong.
While there are many things to talk about ethics topics but simply contract to specific topics
"ethics in information".

Information today has become one of business worlds and society’s most important
resources, and managing this information has become a major challenge. Using information
ethically for written assignments and research is extremely important.

The ethical use of information does not only reflect a person's integrity, but it is also mandated
by law. Unethical use of information is referred to as "plagiarism" and may be prevented by
citing sources. This section is not an extensive look into all areas of the ethical use of
information, but will provide an overview and help ensure that written assignments and research
conform to the current standards of using information ethically.

It is essential that you cite and reference any published work that you consult during your
research. A citation is a way of giving credit to individuals for their creative and intellectual works
that you utilized to support your research. It can also be used to locate particular sources and
combat plagiarism. Typically, a citation can include the author's name, date, location of the
publishing company, journal title.

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