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fS':30 113/0~O~ 1-1 RLL 2.9 ,-Ctl=" ONLY

University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

Course or topic No(s) PHYS 180

Course or topic name(s)

Paper number & title [ Physics IE

Examination! to be held during

month(s) of
(*delete as applicable) JUNE 2002

Year of Study
(Arts & Science leave blank) [ First

Degrees/Diplomas for which BSc Engineering (All Branches)

this course is prescribed ,
(BSc (Eng) should indicate which branch) i.
Faculty/ies presenting I,
Candidates [ Engineering
Internal examiner(s) Prof. A.G. Every 76823
and telephone extension Prof. T.E. Derry 76824 1'1

Mr. S. Srivastava 76827 t,


External examiner(s) Prof. I. Rodrigues -
Prof. D. Joubert 76804 i'
Special materials required Non-programmable calculators may be used. t
(graph/music/drawing paper, rJ

maps. Diagrams, tables, tl

computer cards, etc) Ui
Time allowance I c~::se I PHYS180 I Hours 12 Hours I
Instructions to candidates Answer all Questions. All working must be
(Examiners may wish to use shown is support of your answers.
this space to indicate, inter alia, Total Marks = 100
the contribution made by this
examilHttion or test towards the year After 2 hours your answer books will be
mark, if appropriate) collected and the practical test handed out.

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6 Pages - Page I PHYSICS IE (PHYSI80)
June Examination 2002

1. (a) Show, with the aid of a diagram, that when an image is

produced of an object by a lens the lateral magnification is given by

where u and v have their usual meaning.

(b) The optical system below consists of an object of height 2 mm placed 90 cm in

front of a converging lens of focal length 1; = 30 cm. On the other side, at a
distance of 75 cm is a pair of converging lenses in contact, each of focal length
20 cm. Find the position, nature and size of the final image formed.

h ,.. Z Jtr11\ !

<- CfOcm -I- ~ 1S"e-rM ~ II,

, II

i, :: 30 em -fa. ::::-fb :::. 2 0 cm

2. (a) The power P transmitted by a transverse wave traveling down a rope in

tension is given by one of the following expressions:

1 1 1 2
- j..l 0) D2 1 0) 2D m
--j..l , - j..l V 0)2 D2 , _ j..l v2 0) D m
2 m ' 2 v 2 m 2

where the symbols have their usual meaning. State which is the correct
expression, and give reasons for your choice.

(b) A length I of rope of mass per unit length j..l hangs under its own weight
--from a point of suspension.


6 Pages - Page 2 PHYSICS IE (PHYSI80)
June Examination 2002

(i) Show that at a distance h below the point of suspension, the velocity for
transverse waves in this rope is given by v = ~g(l- h).
(Y ou may assume that v = ~F / j.l ).

(ii) A wave of amplitude Do is launched from the suspension point and travels
down the rope without any energy loss.
Derive an expression for the amplitude Dh of the wave at a distance h
from the point of suspension. At what distance will Dh = 2Do ?


c). A is a point source of sound of waves of frequency f, and B is a point reflector

that reflects these waves in all directions with no change in phase. On moving along
the line BCD, the first point at which there is destructive interference between the
waves directly from A and those which go via B is at point C which is 8 m in
front of B. Calculate the wavelength and frequency of these waves. Take velocity
of sound = 340 m/s.
c :D
B <f fj'M i;r



6 Pages - Page 3 PHYSICS lE (PHYSl80)
June Examination 2002

3. (a) Draw the lowest three standing wave patterns for an air column oflength I, which
is closed at one end and open at the other. Hence establish a general expression
for the resonant frequencies.

(b) The first overtone of an air column of length I and with one end closed, beats at
3Hz with a tuning fork of frequency 256 Hz when the temperature of the air in
the column is 273 K. By raising the temperature of the air, the beat frequency

(i) Calculate the length of the air column.

(ii) To what temperature must the air be raised for the two frequencies to be in

(You may assume that the velocity of sound in air is given by

v = 331J 273
T m/s, where T is the absolute temperature, and that the length of
the-air column does not change.


4. (a) A sound source of frequency 500 Hz is moving along the straight line between two
stationary observers A and B at a speed of 60 rn/s. What is the difference in the
frequencies heard by the two observers? You may assume the air to be stationary,
and vsound= 340 m/s.

(b) An aircraft flying at Mach 1,5 in a horizontal direction passes directly above an
observer at a height of 2000 m. How long will it be before the observer hears the
shock wave from the aircraft, and what will the distance between the aircraft
and observer be at that instant. Take vSOW1I I = 340 m/s.

6 Pages - Page 4 PHYSICS IE (PHYSI80)
June Examination 2002

5. A storage tower of height h = 32 m supplies water to a house. A horizontal

pipe at the base of the tower has a diameter d = 2 cm. To satisfy the needs of
the home, the supply pipe is to be able to deliver water at a rate of 0,0025 m3 / s.
If water were flowing at the maximum rate, what would the gauge pressure in
the horizontal pipe be? Take g = 9,8 m.s-2.

6. A thin film of water of thickness d = 80 ,umis sandwiched between two glass

plates and forms a circular patch of radius 12 cm. The edge of the patch is
approximately cylindrical in shape and of radius r = d / 2 (see diagram

(i) Calculate the pressure difference across the curved surface of the liquid
(ii) Hence calculate the force with which the two plates are being pulled
together .
Surface tension of water = 0.072 N/m..

\ \ \
r~~~ j/"./
.-" ./ ./ ///( 't,hJOf"
I ~ \. ,
\ ~ \?'
,(f" ,

Si d.e v', e 11\1 \ \ \ '\

lOp \1,ec.J
6 Pages - Page 5 PHYSICS IE (PHYSI80)
June Examination 2002

7. (a) Water going over the Victoria Falls drops 130 ill. What is the increase in
temperature of the water after it has struck the bottom of the Falls? Assume that
60% of the water's energy is converted into heat, and that no heat is lost to the
surroundings. Take g = 10 m.s-2, Specific heat of water = 4.2 x 103J kg °C-1.

(b) A 0.2 kg glass contains 0.2 kg of a drink, all at 25°C. How many 0.02 kg ice
cubes at 0°C must be added to bring the whole system to 10°C? Ignore heat
exchanges with the surroundings. Specific heat of glass = 800 lkg -1.°C-1.
Assume that the specific heat of the drink = 4,2.103 lkg-1.oC-1. Latent heat of
fusion of ice =3.33xl05 lkg-1.

8. (a) On a cool sunny day, a factory loses heat through its windows and gains heat
through the ceiling; heat exchanges through the walls can be neglected. There are
16 windows each of 5 m2 area made of 10 mm thick glass, and the ceiling has an
area of 800 m2 and is made of boards 25 mm thick. The temperature outside the
factory is 10°C, but in the space above the ceiling it is 40°C. What is the
equilibrium temperature inside the factory, if there are no internal sources of heat? J

Thermal conductivities: glass 1,1Wm-2 °C-1; board 0,15 Wm-2°C-I.


(b) (i) The temperature of a 100 W lamp filament is 3000 K. Calculate the surface area
of the filament, assuming it to radiate as a black body, and neglecting the
temperature of the surroundings.

(ii) At what wavelength does the maximum in the radiation occur?


Stefan's Constant= 5.67xl0-8Wm-2K-4;Wien's Constant= 2.9xl0-3 m.K

6 Pages - Page 6 PHYSICS IE (PHYSI80)
June Examination 2002

9. (a) A person inhales air at 1TC in which the partial pressure of oxygen is 21 kPa,
and exhales the same volume at 32°C , the partial pressure of oxygen then being
14 kPa.

If the volume inhaled in each breath is 3.5 x 10-4 m3, what mass of oxygen does he or
she consume in each breath?
Gas constant R = 8.31 x 103J kmor1 K-1
Molar mass of oxygen = 32 kg kmor1

(b) How much heat is required to raise the temperature of 2.00 x 10-3kmol of
helium gas from 300 K to 460 K if it is kept (i) at constant volume, (ii) at
constant pressure? How much external work is done by the expansion in case

(11.) '7
Gas constant R = 8.31xlO-3 J kmor1 K-1.


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