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Community Outreach Activity – Miami Rescue Mission

By Julio Ramos

GR-509: Special Topics: Miami Seminar in Business & Technology

International College of the Cayman Islands (ICCI)

February 18, 2018

Instructor: Melisa Hamilton

Community Outreach Activity – Miami Rescue Mission 2

Description: What did you find was the most interesting part of the day of Service?

In 300 words please explain why. In your answer you must use one in-text citation from your

book or some of other academic material.

Community Outreach Activity – Miami Rescue Mission

As part of the GR 509 Miami Seminar, we were required to participate in a community

outreach activity at the Miami Rescue Mission, where we actively participated in preparing and

distribution of food to the homeless and the needy. This activity first required that we shop for

food items within budget, pack the food items and then coordinate the distribution with the

guidance of the Coordinators of the Miami Rescue Mission.

At the Miami Rescue Mission Center, we were greeted by Mr. Anthony Durden who

gave a brief tour of the facilities and a briefing on their community outreach services. Mr.

Durden prides himself in providing the humanitarian services to the community, as he was one of

the individuals that received assistance that eventually completed the programs that turned his

life around (A. Durden, personal communication, February 18, 2018). Mr. Durden pointed out

that the Miami Rescue Center has been operational since 1922 by proving meals, shelter, and

life-changing programs to the homeless, less fortunate and the needy (A Durden, February 18,

2018). Their success is mainly attributed to the Mission that is open twenty-four hour a day and

every day of the year to aid and assist individuals (A Durden, February 18, 2018).

The first-hand experience in the distribution of food was a humbling experience, as we

walked many blocks distributing food to the many individuals that were lying in the streets and

also camping out under the overpass bridges. The displaced individuals were receptive to our

efforts and were courteous on their end by extending a word of gratitude. We eventually learned

that there were many families in the area that had accommodations but were also suffering
Community Outreach Activity – Miami Rescue Mission 3

difficulties regarding hunger and other social problems. To assist them Mr. Durden introduced

them to us by greeting them and telling them we were from the Cayman Islands. This then

opened up the way for a brief conversation and also to provide them with some food. Upon our

return to the Rescue Mission, we were greeted by the visitors and also the faculty and staff who

cheered us on for our efforts.

The Miami Rescue Mission experience opened up my eyes to the realities of the United

States of America, in that despite it being the most powerful nation in the west, it too had its

share of poverty. It was later understood that most individuals were displaced due to lack of

resources that could be made available by the US Government. I found it somewhat ironic that

while the US has been recovering from the economic downturn and it was evident that Miami

has now moved to a more business-oriented city, with all its prosperity, there was still some

imbalance on social works. This resonates with the theory that poverty is an offspring of

overpopulation that is created due to increased demand for resources (Easton, 2016). While there

has been increased wealth in nations, that does not mean that the wealth is shared equally and for

this means there will continue to be an imbalance concerning benefits for the indigent.

The Miami Rescue Mission plays a significant role in providing hope for unfortunate

individuals, but their effort can only take them by the generous donations and humanitarian

efforts from individuals that volunteer their services. My experience with this community

outreach activity was humbling and motivating as it opened up my eyes as to how people

dedicate their time and services to give back to the community.

Community Outreach Activity – Miami Rescue Mission 4


Easton, T. (2016). Taking sides: clashing views in science, technology, and society. Columbus,

OH: Mcgraw-Hill Education.

Durden, A (February 18, 2018) Minister, Miami Rescue Mission.

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