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Estimation of Average Number of Transitions

• Assume inputs are stochastic/stationary process

•Each input is associated with a signal probability – probability that the

signal takes the logic value of one – and a signal activity defined as the
probability of switching within a clock cycle

•Propagate signal probability from the input to out of logic circuit – if input
signal probability to an AND is P1 and P2 (being spatially independent), the
output will have a signal probability of P1.P2; for an OR gate it will be
P1+P2-P1.P2; for an inverter, the output signal probability is (1-P1)

•Under spatial correlations among signals, determine the signal probabilities

as described above, but remove exponents! Why?

•If a signal has signal probability of P, then the switching probability (1 

0) and (0  1) is 2.P(1-P), assuming the signal is temporally uncorrelated
between time T and T+1.
Prof. Kaushik Roy
@ Purdue Univ.
Estimation of Average Number of Transitions

• However, if we consider temporal dependence, then we need to consider

both signal probability and activity, a

•For a function f(x1, x2, …xn), under zero delay condition, the signal
activity of f is given by:

af = ∑i=1 to n P(F). Axi

where F = fxi Ө fxi

Source: Intel

Prof. Kaushik Roy

@ Purdue Univ.

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