Monster Hunter 2 Detonado

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Monster Hunter 2 (Japan)

Made by: Capcom

Guide written by: LegendaryHunter (Legend123)

====Table of Contents================================
I. Introduction
A. Updates/versions
II. How This Guide Works
III. New Features in MH2
A. New weapon Information
IV. Town description
V. Quest List (Sub quests included)
1. Yellow Season one star (1*) quests.
2. Blue season one star (1*) quests.
3. Green season one star (1*) quests.
4. Yellow season two star (2*) quests.
5. Blue season two star (2*) quests.
6. Green season two star (2*) quests.
7. Yellow season three star (3*) quests.
8. Blue season three star (3*) quests.
9. Green season three star (3*) quests.
10. The four star (4*) quests.
VI. Frequently asked questions.
VII. Credit
VIII. Legal

( I )=====Introduction===============================
This is my first time writing a guide and since it s a Japanese game, it might
be a bit tough. This guide will include all the quests, the sub quests, red
bubbles, strategies for each quest, along with a description of the town and
what the places are used for. For now, this guide is offline only. There will
be an Online Guide eventually.

( 1 )=====Updates====================================
-Started working on guide
-1 star quests are almost complete

-Finished all quests (Except Oonazuchi)
-Added most sub quests.
-Added all the Red Bubbles
-Added Oonazuchi Strategy
-Fixed Some Spelling mistakes
-Added the contracts/rewards for the quests
-Also added some sub quests.

-Fixed the Isan thing. Thanks to SoujiroSeta for clearing that up.

-Added the Red bubble that I missed.

-Fixed a few spelling errors
-Added more details
-Added wyvern weaknesses
-Added Frequently asked questions section
-Added The 11 medals section

-Took out the Medals section, it will be in my Online Guide when it is finished.
-Removed Red Bubble Section and made a separate Faq with it.
( II )=====How This Guide Works======================
Because of this games Time-based season and morning/night change; there is no
possible way to make this a step by step guide to completing the game. With
that in mind, I have written the season that each quest will appear in and the
star difficulty of the quest. Keep in mind that the quests are not in the order
in which you will complete them, but the same order as they are on the quest
list.(For the most part)
I hope this guide is helpful!
( III ) =====New Features in Monster Hunter 2========
Time Based system: The one thing making this guide hard besides the Japanese
Seasons: There are now 3 seasons: Yellow (summer),
Blue (Cold), and Green (Breeding)
Night and Day: Along with the seasons this is also time based.
Upgradeable town: Some parts in town are now upgradeable.
New weapons: Gunlance, Tachi blades, Bows, and Hunting horns.
Short Swords and Dual Swords can use items while blades are out.
GS have a new attack. (Hold down on right analog stick)
Hammers now have a KO element built in.
( 1 ) =====New Weapon Info===========================
Tachi Blades: Or Katana. It s much faster than a GS and has a Berserk mode. When
the small bar underneath the sharpness fills, you get an attack boost and by
hitting r1 multiple times, you can unleash a strong combo.
The old weapons like the eagle Cleaver and RDS are now Tachi Blades.
Gunlance: The gunlances are slower and weaker than the regular lances when you
melee with it, but the Gunlance can be a gun, hence the name. By holding r1 and
pushing down on r3 you can reload and use r3 to shoot. These weapons are very
good against wyverns that are weak against fire, such as the Khezu.
Bows: Bows are a very nice addition to monster hunter. They are strong if used
correctly, and unlike the bowgun, very fun to use. Some bows shoot more than one
arrow at a time, and by hitting r3 when an oil is selected, you can add an
element to your arrows or make them stronger. (If the Bow has a natural
element, oils cannot be used.)
Hunting Horn: These, like the hammer, are very strong but slow. But not only can
they do massive damage but by playing music with them you can give you and
you re party more health, stamina, attack, defense, etc. You can even attack
while playing music.
( IV ) =====Town Description=========================
The town in MH2 is much more detailed and useful than it was in MH1.
Tavern: The tavern can be upgraded to level 3, and the only thing that is
really different is that there are 2 minigames that you can play. (Arm
wrestling and Drinking) For those of you who are new to the Monster Hunter
series, the tavern is where you select your quests. The girl will give you
multiple menus. The first menu seems to be just a bunch of random quests. The
second menu separates the quests between the maps that they are in. (Jungle,
Desert, Swamp, Mountain, Volcano, Tower, Forest and hills.) The third menu is a
bunch of menus. I m not sure exactly what they are. But it seems that they
separate the types of monsters. Dromes, wyverns, dragons, crabs, monkeys. (The
Kut-Ku is in the Dromes section.)
Blacksmith: This is where you make and buy weapons/armor. After it s upgraded
you can buy supplies and a Legendary Smith will show up to make very rare armor
and weapons. (He also offers the Lao quest)He shows up every 20 points You
get these points by doing blue bubbles for the blacksmith or her workers.
Giving items offers less than 6 points, not sure how much. 1* quests are worth
6 points, 2* quests are worth 8, and 3* quests are worth 10. (Not completely
sure on the point values, but it seems to be true. This info was given to me by
a friend that I play online with; MAPLE.) To make weapons, click the first menu
for the girl (When she is at the top part of the blacksmith) and 2 more menus
will come up. If you pick the top menu, you will be brought to a selection of
5-6 menus. They go in this order:
Menu #1: Greatswords/ Tachis
Menu #2: Short swords/ Duals
Menu #3: Hammers/ Horns
Menu #4: Lances/ Gunlances
Menu #5: Guns/ Bows
If you pick the menu below the 6-menued choice, you will be brought to a screen
that shows you all your equipment. This is how you upgrade your weapons. Just
click on the weapon and it will give you the upgrade choice(s).
If you pick the second menu when you first talk to her, you can make/upgrade
armor. You make armor according to body part; Helmet, torso, arms, waist, and
The last menu for the girl is when you first talk to her. The bottom of the
three menus is for making/adding/removing skill ornaments. Click it, and choose
the first of the next 3 menus to make a crystal. If you want to add it, choose
the second of 3 menus. To remove, choose the bottom. (To add ornaments, you
need skill slots. To find these slots, check your armor stats. The second page
will either have 1-3 circles or 3 lines.)
Mine: Nothing much, but after being upgraded you must give the guy inside pick
axes to mine stuff for you. The mine is located to the right of the Blacksmith.
(When the mine hits level 3, you can pull the sword out. You need to have
killed Lao first. Kill, not repel.) On a side-note: The mine is upgraded by
giving the guy pickaxes. If you pay attention to the cart on the left side of
the mine, you ll know when it s about to level. The more it fills, the closer
it gets to leveling.
Cat merchant: Located below the tavern, the Cat Merchant sells you supplies like
BBQ spits, picks, bug nets, etc. He will eventually sell potions and house
upgrades. I believe that he is part of the shipyard. So his blue bubbles go
towards the shipyard.
Elder combiner: Like the combiner in the market on MH1 online, he combines stuff
for a small price and sells you supplies. He is part of the Shipyard also, if
you do his blue bubbles, a red bubble may show up for the shipyard.
Shipyard: The fat catfish guy will upgrade the shipyard for you over time. When
it reaches level 3 and you talk to him, he will send you to the old offline
town (Kokoto) in MH1 to hunt in forest and Hills.
House: Your house has a place to eat, sleep, store your items, and pet your pig.
Eating will give you health, attack, stamina, etc upgrades, sleeping will save,
change from night to day, or change seasons, and petting your pig will give you
better luck in the next quest.

( V ) ====THE QUESTS=================================
(Names of quests may not be correct, I can t read Japanese)

Quest #1: Deliver 5 Special Mushrooms (Jungle)

Contract: 0z Sub quest A: Deliver 2 light blue bugs
Reward: 300z Sub quest B: Deliver 4 raw meat
Objective: Deliver 5 special mushrooms
Strategy: Ok, this is the first quest and as expected, it s very easy. Go to
your supply box and grab a map along with anything else you want/need. The
mushrooms can be found in areas 1, 2, 9, and 6. Go to area 1 and to the left of
the entrance there is a big patch of mushrooms. When there isn t anything left
there go a bit towards 2 and there s another small patch of mushrooms.
Head to area 2 and there s a spot near the entrance to 3. After you re done
with area 2 check you items to see if you have 5 special mushrooms. (Special
mushrooms are the white mushrooms) if you do, don t return them! Go to area 9
and kill the Bullfango there. (For those of you who haven t played MHF or MH
Bullfango are the boars, not the pigs) make sure you carve the Bullfango, then
check your items. If you got an orange pelt from it then you can return the
items, if you didn t, re enter area 9 and kill/carve the Bullfango again until
you get a pelt.
Sub Quest B: In area 1 there are Aptonoths, kill them and carve for raw meat.
Deliver 4 to get an extra 100z.


Quest #2: Leader of the Velociprey (Jungle)

Contract: 100z Sub quest A: Deliver 5 special mushrooms
Reward: 600z Sub quest B: Not sure
Objective: Kill the velocidrome
Strategy: After getting your supplies, head over to area 4. If there are crabs
there kill them and carve. Hopefully you ll get a red claw. Anyway, go to area
3, killing any crabs you encounter to carve then make your way to area 8. You
will see a short opening movie for the Velocidrome.
He s not particularly hard; it s the regular velociprey that get in your
way. Throw the blue bomb that was in the supplies in front of the Drome, and
while it s dazed, attack it. After the flash wears off, throw the other one.
This time, attack it for a bit then place the purple item you got underneath
the Drome. This will keep it in place while you attack it. Hopefully you have
upgraded your sword, or got a new one by now, and if so it should be dead or
almost dead. If it s still living chase it around until it dies, it will
probably leave the area if it s almost dead.
Weakness: Don t know.
Quest #3: Slay the Dos Fango (Jungle)
Contract: 100z Sub quest A: Slay 8 Vespoids (The bees)
Reward: 700z Sub quest B: Deliver 2 light blue bugs (I thin
Objective: Kill the Dos Fango.
Strategy: This quest is a bit tricky the first time you do it; I suggest using
a sword and shield. Go to area 5 and watch the movie, prepare to move out of
the way of the Fangos charge if you are entering from the camp. The Dos Fango
only has 2 attacks, the regular charge and an attack where it shakes its head
and jumps a bit, hitting you if you re close to it. Always hit the Isan from
behind or in the side, and dodge his charge attacks. Remember to use your trap;
it will give you a good chance to attack it. Like the Velocidrome, the Dos
Fango will run when it s weak.
Weakness: Who knows?

Quest #4: Attack of the Yian Kut Ku! (Jungle)
Contract: 150z Sub quest A: Deliver 1 egg
Reward: 1200z Sub quest B: Slay 8 Vespoids
Objective: Slay the Yian Kut Ku
Strategy: This isn t a hard monster to kill as long as you have a weapon with
green sharpness. If you don t, then get a bow or bowgun because yellow
sharpness (Or below) won t work well on the Kut Ku. I used a bow my first time
and it worked fine; just aim for its wings and break the ears with demon oil
and it will die. If you don t use a bow, make sure that you stay to the Kut
Ku s left. If you pay attention, you ll notice that he only swings his tail in
a counter-clockwise direction, so you will easily avoid it. His wings are big
and easy to hit, and they re the weakest part of his body. Put 2 and 2 together.
His ears are breakable, and it will give you a chance of getting Kut-Ku ears in
the rewards. He starts in area 6.
Weakness: Water
Quest #5: Slay the (Green/Pink) Gypceros! (Jungle)
Contract: 150z Sub quest A: -
Reward: 1400z Sub quest B: -
Objective: Slay the Green/Pink Gypceros
Strategy: This is the same as the regular Gypceros, just stronger with more
health. His hide is also stronger than the regular Gypceros hide. Bring a
sharp weapon. Use the same strategy for it as you would for the regular
Note: For Gypceros strategy, look under the swamp quests.
Weakness: Fire
Quest #6: Leader of the Ioprey (Swamp)
Contract: 100z Sub quest A: Kill 15 Hornetaur
Reward: 900z Sub quest B: Deliver 10 Special Mushrooms
Objective: Slay the Iodrome
Strategy: As with the Gendrome the Iodrome doesn t flinch every time you hit
it, and it spits poison. He is, of course, stronger with more health. Use the
same strategy as you did with the Gendrome and you ll be fine.
Weakness: Don t know.
Quest #7 Attack of the Blue Yian Kut Ku! (Swamp)
Contract: 200z Sub quest A: -
Reward: 1200z Sub quest B: -
Objective: Slay the Blue Yian Kut Ku
Strategy: This is the same quest as the regular Kut Ku, except this one is
stronger and has more health; along with a stronger hide. Bows aren t a good
weapon for it because of the Kut Ku s defense and HP. The ears are still
breakable and the wings are the weak spot as they were for the old Kut Ku.
Weakness: Water
Quest #8: Slay the Gypceros (Swamp)
Contract: 150z Sub quest A: Deliver 1 sootstone/quartz
Reward: 1400z Sub quest B: Kill 15 more Hornetaur >_>
Objective: Slay the Gypceros
Strategy: Go to area 8 or 6 to find the Gypceros. If you stand underneath it
and attack it, he can t hit you besides with a tail swing, which can easily be
rolled under. But watch out, the Gyp s tail also stretches when he swings it.
Beware of the Gyp s flash attack, it will leave you blinded, but the crystal on
its head his breakable, and when broken, it disables his flash attack. To deal
massive damage, attack his tail.
Note: The flash attack can be blocked.
Weakness: Fire

Quest #9: Slay the Dos Fango! (Mountains)

Contract: 100z Sub quest A: Deliver 4 Stag meat
Reward: 700z Sub quest B: -
Objective: Slay the Dos Fango
Strategy: Same as always. Find and kill the pig, it s usually in areas 6,
7, or 8.
Weakness: Don t know.

Quest #10: Leader of the Ioprey (Volcano)

Sub quest A: Slay 10 Ioprey

Sub quest B: -
(Use same strategy as you did with Gendrome)
Weakness: Don t know.
Quest #11: The Hidden Rock Wyvern (Volcano)
Contract: 200z Sub quest A: Deliver 8 coal (Can be mined)
Reward: 1600z Sub quest B: Slay 8 Vespoids
Objective: Slay the Basarios
Strategy: The Basarios is located in area 7, 6, 4, and sometimes 2. When
you see a pile of rocks that starts out small, gets larger, and then gets
smaller on the other side, it s either the Basarios or a similar formation.
When he gets disturbed he ll shake then come out of the ground. He has 2 new
attacks, Fire gas, and fire balls. Make sure you attack his stomach at all
times unless you want to cut off his tail. His only weak spot, besides his
tail, is his stomach. After a while his chest will break open and the damage
done will increase. If he s weak, or tired of fighting, he will tunnel away to
a new area; so make sure you paint him.
Weakness: Water or Ice.

Quest #12: Slay the Dos Fango (Jungle)

Weakness: Don t Know.

Quest #13: Attack of the Blue Yian Kut Ku! (Jungle)

Contract: 150z Sub quest A: none
Reward: 1200z Sub quest B: none
Objective: Slay the Blue Yian Kut Ku
Strategy: This is the same quest as the regular Kut Ku, except this one is
stronger and has more health. Bows aren t a good weapon for it because of the
Kut Ku s defense and HP. The ears are still breakable and the wings are the
weak spot as they were for the old Kut Ku. As usual, is hide is stronger than
the regular Kut-Ku s.
Weakness: Water

Quest #14: Leader of the Genprey (Desert)

Contract: 100z Sub quest A: Kill 6 Genprey
Reward: 800z Sub quest B: ?
Objective: Kill the Gendrome
Strategy: This is tougher than the Velocidrome. Not only does it not flinch
every time you hit it, but it has stronger attacks. He seems to start in 3 the
first time you do this quest, but after you ve completed it he starts in 4.I
suggest hitting him from behind at all times since he can t hit you if you re
hitting him from behind. This may be a slow way to kill him, since he turns
very fast, but it s the smartest way to kill him. Remember, attacking his face
will probably get you killed if you have weak armor.
Weakness: Don t know.

Quest #15: Swamp Pig (Swamp)

Sub quest A: Slay 6 bullfango
Sub quest B: Slay 3 bullfango
Objective: Slay the Dos Fango
Strategy: Same pig, different area. Watch out for the Bullfango.
Weakness: Don t know.
Quest #16: Slay the Gypceros! (Swamp)
Sub quest A: -
Sub quest B: -
Objective: Slay the Green/Pink Gypceros
Strategy: Same as in the Jungle, for more info read above.
Weakness: Fire
Quest #17: Leader of the Velociprey (Jungle)
Sub quest A: Deliver 5 Special Mushrooms
Sub quest B: ?
Weakness: Don t know.
Quest #18: Attack of the Yian Kut Ku! (Jungle)
Sub quest A: Deliver 1 egg
Sub quest B: Deliver 5 kelbi horns
Weakness: Water
Quest #19: Deliver 5 Special Mushrooms (Jungle)
Sub quest A: Deliver 2 light blue bugs
Sub quest B: Deliver 4 raw meat

Quest #20: Leader of the Ioprey (Swamp)
Sub quest A: Deliver 1 Special mushroom
Sub quest B: Deliver 10 Special Mushrooms
Weakness: Don t Know.
Quest #21: Slay the Gypceros (Swamp)
Sub quest A: Deliver 1 sootstone or quartz
Sub quest B: Break the Gypceros Light crest
Weakness: Fire
Quest #22: The Hidden Rock Wyvern (Volcano)
Sub quest A: Deliver 8 coal
Sub quest B: Break Basarios chest
Weakness: Fire or Ice
Quest #23: Jungle Crab (Jungle)
Contract: 200z Sub quest A: ?
Reward: 1200z Sub quest B: Break the Monoblos skull
Objective: Slay the Zazami
Strategy: The Zazami starts in area 8. As with the Kut Ku you need to use a
weapon with green sharpness. And I wouldn t suggest using a bow, unless you
want a long fight. His claws and shell are breakable, but the shell can only be
broken with a hammer. The best strategy that I can give is to attack his legs,
and roll under them when he tries to attack you. If you get your timing right,
he won t hit you much, if at all.
Weakness: Thunder
Quest #24: Queen of the Jungle (Jungle)
Contract: 250z Sub quest A: Cut off the Ian s Tail
Reward: 2200z Sub quest B: Deliver 7 light blue bugs
Objective: Slay the Rathian
Strategy: The Rathian starts in area 3. If you re thinking of headlocking,
you may as well lose the thought. It s impossible to do in this game. As in
MH1, the Rathians headcrest can be broken, the tail can be cut, and the wing
claws can be knocked off. If you stay under her, you re pretty much safe as
long as she doesn t charge you. The back flip can also be a problem when you re
under her, so move out of the way if she takes a few steps back. (She also has
a double back-flip now, so don t attack her as finishes the first flip.)
Weakness: Dragon

Quest #25: Slay the Babakonga (Swamp)

Contract: 250z Sub quest A: Slay 4 small Babakonga
Reward: 2000z Sub quest B: Slay 2 small Babakonga
Objective: Slay 1 Babakonga
Strategy: The Babakonga can start in area 4 or in a cave. He s not that
hard to kill, it just takes some time. You can make him drop whatever he s
holding with his tail by hitting the tail repeatedly. If he s not holding
anything with his tail he throws crap at you literally. If he farts on you, or
his poo hits you, you won t be able to use any edible items. You can cure this
by using the blue smoke stuff you get in the supplies. His horn can be broken
off by hitting his head. If he eats a poisonous, stun, or some other type of
mushroom, he gets a breath attack. The best time to attack him is when he s
just finished an attack. If he stands up and swings at you multiple times, roll
out away from him before he falls. If he lands close to you, you will stagger
and be unable to attack. When he s lying on the ground he s vulnerable if you
can still move.
Weakness: Don t Know.
Quest #26: Wyvern in the darkness (Mountains)
Contract: 250z Sub quest A: Deliver 2 eggs
Reward: 2200z Sub quest B: Deliver 5 stag horns
Objective: Slay the Khezu
Strategy: The Khezu starts in area 3. This is probably the most hated
wyvern in mh1. It has strong attacks that can hit you no matter where you are
(if you re close to the Khezu) Attack it from underneath until it lies on the
ground and blue electricity covers its body. Roll away from the Khezu to avoid
this attack, if you don t avoid it, you ll get hurt badly depending on what
armor you re using. Its most powerful attack is its electric ball attack, it
will sometimes leave you stunned and badly injured.
It can also climb on the ceiling of caves.
Weakness: Fire
Quest #27: The Land Shark (Desert)
Contract: 200z Sub quest A: Deliver 3 livers
Reward: 1600z Sub quest B: Kill 4 Cephalos
Objective: Slay the Cephalodrome
Strategy: The Cephalodrome is in area 1. If you noticed the small wyverns in
the sand in the desert quests, then you pretty much know what to expect. The
Cephalodrome is just a bigger, stronger version of the Cephalos. Use sonic
bombs (The gray bombs) to flush him out of the sand. Paint him, and then start
attacking his neck/head. The attack where he spits sand at you is the best time
to attack his neck. Try to dodge his tail swing attack, it has a far reach.
When it gets weak it will run to area 7 and sleep.
Weakness: Thunder
Quest #28: Queen of the Jungle (Jungle)
Contract: 250z Sub quest A: -
Reward: 2200z Sub quest B: -
Objective: Slay Reohart
Strategy: Reohart is a pink version of the Rathian. Use the same strategy
as you did for the Rathian to kill Reohart. It has a stronger hide and more HP.
Weakness: Dragon
Quest #29: Wyvern in the darkness (Swamp)
Sub quest A: -
Sub quest B: -
Objective: Slay the Khezu
(For strategies check the Khezu quest above)
Weakness: Fire
Quest #30: Queen of the Swamp (Swamp)
Sub quest A: Deliver 1 dropped item?
Sub quest B: Deliver 2 special mushrooms
Objective: Slay the Rathian
(For a strategy on the Rathian, check Queen of the Jungle above)
Weakness: Dragon
Quest #31: Slay the Babakonga (Jungle)
Sub quest A: ?
Sub quest B: -
Weakness: Don t Know
Quest #32: Attack of the Rathian (Jungle)
Sub quest A: ?
Sub quest B: Deliver 1 egg?
Weakness: Dragon
Quest #33: Crab in the Desert! (Desert)
Contract: 200z Sub quest A: ?
Reward: 1800z Sub quest B: Deliver 6 Genprey fangs
Objective: Slay the Zazami
Strategy: Check above for Zazami strategies.
Weakness: Thunder
Quest #34: Queen of the Desert (Desert)
Sub quest A: -
Sub quest B: -
Weakness: Dragon
Quest #35: Slay the Babakonga (Swamp)
Sub quest A: ?
Sub quest B: Slay 3 small Babakonga
Weakness: Don t know
Quest #36: Khezu in the mountains
Sub quest A: Deliver 2 eggs
Sub quest B: Deliver 5 stag horns
Weakness: Fire
Quest #37: Volcano crab (Volcano)
Contract: 300z Sub quest A: ?
Reward: 2800z Sub quest B: Deliver 3 green seeds (Dropped by cats)
Objective: Slay the Gizami
Strategy: The Gizami starts in area 4. For the most part this quest is just
like the Zazami. Except the Gizami is blue, smaller, can climb on ceilings, and
his claws get huge when he s in fury mode. The Gizami s shell can be broken by
SnS, GS, and Tachi blades, instead of just hammers like the Zazami. Don t do
this quest at night, if you do, area 4 is broken up into small paths and when
the Gizami s claws are extended, you can t avoid his attacks. If his claws are
broken they cannot extend out, but if one s broken, the other will never go
back to normal until it s also broken. Use the same strategy as you did with
Zazami for Gizami.
Weakness: Thunder
Quest #38: Snow Monkey Leader (Mountains)
Contract: 250z Sub quest A: Slay 6 small snow lion
Reward: 2400z Sub quest B: Slay 3 small snow lion
Objective: Slay the Dodobrango
Strategy: This monkey, (or snow lion leader) who starts in area 8, is a
lot more aggressive than the Babakonga. He can dig underground, breathe ice
which freezes you, and call for more help from his minions. He is much faster
than the Babakonga, and his attacks inflict more damage. His fangs can be
broken off with a fire elemented weapon. But attacking him from the front isn t
a smart way to kill him unless you have a fire weapon, if you don t, always
attack him from the side or behind him. Avoid his attacks and attack him while
he s attacking you. He s hard at first, but he s more intimidating than he is
Weakness: Fire
Quest #39: Slay the Gravios (Volcano)
Contract: 300z Sub quest A: -
Reward: 3200z Sub quest B: -
Objective: Slay the Black Gravios
Strategy: Same as the Gravios, just a black version, with more HP and a
tougher hide.
(For Gravios strategy, look below under Volcanic Valor.)
Weakness: Water and Ice
Quest #39: Water Wyvern in the Jungle (Jungle)
Contract: 300z Sub quest A: -
Reward: 2600z Sub quest B: -
Objective: Slay the Green Plesioth
Strategy: Look below for strategies on the regular Ples, which is the same
as this, with minor differences.
Weakness: Thunder
Quest #40: Runaway Diablos! (Desert)
Contract: 300z Sub quest A: Break off both Horns
Reward: 3000z Sub quest B: Deliver 3 green seeds
Objective: Slay the Diablos
Strategy: Before you do anything, I suggest making a weapon with Ice
element. Anything else takes a long time to kill the Diablos with, so I don t
recommend anything else. Bring 10 sonic bombs (gunpowder + screamer) and 20
gunpowder and 20 screamers. This way you will have 30 sonic bombs. Go to area 7
and watch the movie. When it comes out of the ground the first thing you want
to do is cut its tail. So stand in front of a wall and make it run at you, then
roll out of the way at the last second so it gets stuck in the wall. (Or you
could stand on the opposite side of the pillar. Both work. When it s stuck cut
its tail off. After the tail is gone, get it stuck some more and break its
horns. When it digs underground wait until you can t see its tail then throw a
sonic bomb. He will get stuck in the ground and you can have free hits on him.
The sonic bomb will not work if he is in fury mode.
His only sign of weakness other than limping is the constant fury mode. He will
go into fury mode after being hit once. (If he s in regular mode)
Weakness: Ice
Quest # 41: Volcano Crab (Volcano)
Sub quest A: ?
Sub quest B: Deliver 3 green seeds
Weakness: Thunder
Quest #42: Volcanic Valor (Volcano)
Contract: 300z Sub quest A: Deliver 2 Powderstone (Area 6)
Reward: 3200z Sub quest B: Deliver 1 Powderstone (Area 6)
Objective: Slay the Gravios
Strategy: The Gravios is in area 7. Start by cutting his tail, and
breaking his chest plate. If you stand underneath him and attack, not many of
his attacks can hit you. Once his chest his broken, you deal more damage to
him; but watch out when you re under him, he has both a sleep and fire gas
attack. He still has his beam attack, but it s not usually a one-hit kill now.
He runs into the lava when he s tired of fighting or if he gets weak.
Weakness: Water and Ice
Quest #43: Horn of the Monoblos (Desert)
Contract: 350z Sub quest A: none
Reward: 3400z Sub quest B: none
Objective: Slay the White Monoblos
Strategy: This is the same as the Monoblos except it s white, stronger,
has more HP, and has a tougher hide.
Weakness: Ice
Quest #44: Water Wyvern in the Desert (Desert)
Contract: 300z Sub quest A: Break Plesioth s Fin
Reward: 2600z Sub quest B: ?
Objective: Slay the Plesioth
Strategy: He s in area 7. The Plesioth stays in the water most of the time
unless you force him out with frogs or sonic bombs. (Frogs can be found in area
1 of the mountains and area 3 of the Jungle) Once he s out of the water attack
him from underneath. The only attack that can hurt you there is when he tries
to hit you with the side of his body, which can be blocked or avoided. If his
attacks weren t so powerful, he would be a very easy wyvern to kill.
If you hit his body enough the fin on his back will break.
Weakness: Thunder
Quest #45: The Runaway Diablos! (Desert)
Contract: 300z Sub quest A: -
Reward: 3000z Sub quest B: -
Objective: Slay the Black Diablos
Strategy: Look for The Runaway Diablos above for strategies on the Regular
Diablos, which can be used here.
Weakness: Ice
Quest #46: Trouble in the Swamp (Swamp)
Contract: 300z Sub quest A: -
Reward: 3200z Sub quest B: -
Objective: Slay the Gravimos
Strategy: Slay the Black Gravios
Weakness: Water and Ice
Quest #47: Slay the Gizami (Swamp)
Sub quest A: Deliver 1 sootstone/Quartz
Sub quest B: Deliver 3 green seeds
Objective: Slay the Gizami
Weakness: Thunder
Quest #48: Snow Monkey
Sub quest A: Deliver 2 eggs
Sub quest B: Kill 5 Snow prey
Objective: Slay Dodobrango
Weakness: Fire
Quest #49: Volcano Crab (Volcano)
Sub quest A: ?
Sub quest B: Deliver 3 green seeds
Objective: Slay the Gizami
Weakness: Thunder
Quest #50: Horn of the Monoblos (Desert)
Contract: 350z Sub quest A: ?
Reward: 3400z Sub quest B: ?
Objective: Slay the Monoblos
Strategy: The Monoblos is the same as the Diablos, except in looks and
difficulty. He is much easier than the Diablos. Use an Ice elemented weapon and
the battle should last only about 10 minutes. When he is in fury mode, he is
extremely fast and strong.
Weakness: Ice

====[10](THE 4 STAR QUESTS)===========================

Quick note: The tails of Teo, Kusharu, Nana, and Oonazuchi cannot be cut
until their health is decreased to 60%.

Quest #51: Attack of the Wind Dragon (Beach-Desert-Mountains)

Contract: 400z Sub quest A: -
Reward: 3600z Sub quest B: -
Objective: Repel or Slay Kusharudaora
Beach- Starts in area 3. Watch the video the immediately paint him. After he s
painted throw a flash bomb in front of his eyes to disable his wind shield. I
suggest using a poison weapon for this quest because a status ailment will also
disable his wind shield. So assuming you have a poison weapon (deadly axe for
example) start to attack Kusharudaora s head to break his horns. When he
doesn t have a status ailment the wind barrier will knock you down, and leave
you open for attack. This is why poison is good, aside from the poison injuring
him badly. Once you hit his head enough the wind barrier will be permanently
disabled. This will also happen if you break 2 parts of his body. (Head, Wings,
and Tail are breakable.)
Desert- Same as above, hit him until he s repelled.

Mountains- He starts in area 8, watch the video and start attacking him. Do the
same as you have been doing, just beware of his wind attacks, they freeze in
the snow mountain. After a while he will finally die, and you will have
unlocked the Volcano. (He starts and sleeps in area 8)
Weakness: Dragon
Quest #52: Attack of the Fire Dragon (Volcano-Desert-Tower)
Contract: 400z Sub quest A: -
Reward: 3800z Sub quest B: -
Objective: Repel or Slay Nana-Tuskital

Volcano: She starts in area 8. She has a fire barrier like Kusha, but this one
hurts you, and as with Kusharu, Nana s fire barrier will disappear when she has
a status ailment, or when 2 parts of her body are broken.
Nana is a lot like Kusharu, except she has fire based attacks and a few new
attacks. She s much faster and stronger than him. If she crouches down and ash
flies around, you may want to run away from her; the attack causes many
explosions around her. She s most vulnerable when she s blowing fire at you.
Desert- Same as above, repel Nana.
Tower: Once making it to the top of the tower you ll watch a short video of
Nana. She can t leave the area so don t paint her. This is the same as the
other 2 battles, nothing new, except you have to kill her.
Weakness: Dragon

Quest #53: Attack of the Fire dragon (Volcano-Desert-Swamp)

Contract: 400z Sub quest A: -
Reward: 3800z Sub quest B: -
Objective: Repel or Slay Teo-Tuskital
Strategy: Teo is the same exact thing as Nana, except he s red and a
little more aggressive. Use Nana s strategy.
Weakness: Dragon
Quest #54: A Giant dragon Invades (Fort)
Contract: 700z Sub quest A: Deliver 1 DragonStone (Info given by LUPO-9)
Reward: 6400z Sub quest B: -
Objective: Repel or kill Lao-Shan Lung
Strategy: Lao doesn t have any attacks. The only thing you have to avoid
is his feet and his tail.
Attack his Head to break his horns; they break after he staggers twice. Or you
can attack his stomach to deal more damage. The only other weak spot on Lao is
his back, which you can hit with the Ballista s in area 5. If you jump on his
back you can carve it 3 times (Which is how you get the Dragon stone for the
sub quest). When Lao is close to the door in area 5, you can press the big red
button and four spikes will drive into Lao damaging him. If the door hits 0%
you fail the quest, so be sure to finish Lao quickly in area 5.
If you kill him, make sure to carve in all three spots; Head, stomach/front
claws, and back legs.
Note: His tail is very dangerous, try to avoid it when you go to another area.
Weakness: Dragon
Quest #55: Attack of the Thunder God (Mountains & Tower)
Contract: 350z Sub quest A: Set up the Guild Flag (Mountains)
Reward: 3400z Sub quest B: -
Objective: Slay the Kirin
Strategy: The Kirin is very fast, and very strong.
Beware the attack that summons lightning on all sides of the Kirin, which can
also stun you. Hammers and SnS are the best weapons to use against it, because
they don t bounce off like the other weapons. When it goes into fury mode, its
mane will stick up, and the Kirin will glow brightly. Just evade its attacks
and wait for an opening. If it scrapes the ground and stands still, attack the
face; it s weak spot.
Note: Its lightning attacks can stun you, and they vary in attack range. Some
strike in front of the Kirin, some behind, and some all around it.
Sub quest A: Grab the Guild Flag from the supply chest and go to area 8. Find
the hole in the wall of the mountain and go through. Once you climb up to the
spot with Kusharu s skin, look to the left and climb up the rest of the
mountain using the vine. When you reach the top, place the Guild flag near the
hill to complete the Sub quest. (Info given by SpeedFunk)
Weakness: Dragon?
Quest #56: Oonazuchi (Swamp & beach)
Contract: 400z Sub quest A: -
Reward: 3600z Sub quest B: -
Objective: Repel or Kill Oonazuchi
Strategy: Look below for a strategy.
Weakness: Dragon
===== [11](THE FOREST AND HILLS QUESTS) =================
Quest #57: Attack of the Rathalos (Forest and hills)
Contract: 350z Sub quest A: Cut off the Rathalos tail
Reward: 3400z Sub quest B: Kill 2 Chachabu (Info given by SpeedFunk)
Objective: Slay the Rathalos
Strategy: The Rathalos is Rathians counterpart. He s much more aggressive,
stronger, and faster than the Rathian. Instead of standing under him (Which can
get you killed), wait for an opening to attack. (When he blows a fire ball,
when he s recovering from a charge, when he lands after flying around...etc) He
flies to area 5 when he s weak.
Weakness: Dragon

Quest #57: Attack of the Reosoul (Forest and hills & Tower)
Contract: 350z/700z Sub quest A: Slay the Rathalos (Tower Only)
Reward: 3400z Sub quest B: -
Objective: Slay the blue Rathalos
Strategy: As with the Rathalos, just try to stay out of the way of his
charge attack. And if you have armor that is weak against dragon element, you
may want to be more cautious.
Note: Rathalos uses dragon element when it s in fury mode.
Weakness: Dragon
Quest #57: Troublesome pair (Forest and hills)
Contract: 700z Sub quest A: Slay the Rathian
Reward: 3400z Sub quest B: Deliver 1 egg
Objective: Slay the Rathalos
Strategy: Try to stay clear of getting both the Raths in the same area at
the same time; or you ll probably end up getting killed. Fight the Rathian
first if you want to do the sub quest. If not, just go ahead and kill the
Rathalos. Be sure to be very careful, and bring many potions, traps, flash
bombs, or whatever you can think of.
Weaknesses: Dragon

Quest #58: Oonazuchi (Forest and hills)

Contract: 400z Sub quest A: -
Reward: 3600z Sub quest B: -
Objective: Repel or Kill Oonazuchi
Strategy: This is probably my favorite dragon to fight; mainly because he
looks really cool, and he s invisible most of the time. Make sure you bring 10
of the blue bombs that fly up in the air and explode, along with 5 flash bombs.
Go to area 9 (I recommend a Tachi as a weapon, since it reaches high places and
can cut tails better than most other weapons.) and watch the intro video. Now
you have two choices; either flash bomb it and attack the head until the horn
breaks, or attack its body. If you decide to attack the head, first run in
front of it and throw a flash bomb. This is where the bombs come in. Start
using bombs on its head until you run out, or if you have a Tachi just use
regular attacks. (If you can t find the head while it s flashed I can t help
you) It shouldn t take too long for the horn to break. Now start attacking the
body for a while. Now start to work on the tail. If you haven t noticed
already, when Oonazuchi attacks you, you can see it perfectly; giving you a
good idea of where the tail is. Once the tail is cut Oonazuchi will not be
cloaked anymore and you can finish the quest easily.
He won t last long after he is uncloaked but there are a few attacks you should
watch out for. The most annoying attack to me is when he whips his tongue side
to side hitting you if you re close. This attack also steals an item from you.
The only other attack that s difficult to avoid is his poison attack. He ll
jump up in the air and spit poison gas below him. He has another attack that is
easy to avoid, but annoying if you get hit. He spits a green gas, or a green
ball at you. If you get hit by it, your stamina will be decreased to 25.
Weakness: Dragon

( VI )====Frequently Asked Questions===============

Question: Why do only the first three quests appear?
Answer: Try changing your season by going to the bed and choosing to sleep for
800z. If this doesn t work, check to make sure no one has any red bubbles. If
they do, complete the bubble; quests should appear.

Question: How do I make a potion?

Answer: Combine Sun plants (Found in area 4 of the Jungle, near the entrance to
area 3. Search the flowers and grasses) and Blue Mushrooms (Found anywhere,
search the mushroom patches.)

Question: Do I need to complete the Trial Quests?

Answer: No, but they are good practice and give you a good feel for the new

Question: Why does my health decrease in the desert?

Answer: You need to use a cold drink when you re in the desert during the day.
(The white juice) Use a Hot drink at night to save your stamina from decreasing
fast. (The red juice)

Question: What s your online name?

Answer: Legend_1

Question: How do I get online?

Answer: The process is very long, and I m not going to bother writing it here.
But, there are many topics on the Monster Hunter 2 board on Gamefaqs that
answers this question.

( VII )=====CREDIT===================================
Ghaleonn, David Cheng, Aries, and all you that helped me on Gamefaqs. - For their item list.
LUPO-9 and SpeedFunk for some help with the sub quests.
All those people online, MAPLE, Bitchx, Heather (Maya), LUPO, NAO, Pibacsal
(Baum), Pustulio, Spoopty, and all the rest for helping me.
Finally, Gamefaqs for using this guide on their site.

( VIII )=====Legal===================================

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation
of copyright.
Copyright 2006 Gary Porter

YIM: LegendayHunter (yes I forgot the r in the name shut up )
AIM: LegndaryHunt3r (Yet again my name is stolen)

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