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Model Diagnostics for Regression

After fitting a regression model it is important to determine whether all the necessary
model assumptions are valid before performing inference. If there are any violations,
subsequent inferential procedures may be invalid resulting in faulty conclusions.
Therefore, it is crucial to perform appropriate model diagnostics.

In constructing our regression models we assumed that the response y to the

explanatory variables were linear in the parameters and that the errors were
independent and identically distributed (i.i.d) normal random variables with mean 0 and
constant variance 2.

Model diagnostic procedures involve both graphical methods and formal statistical tests.
These procedures allow us to explore whether the assumptions of the regression model
are valid and decide whether we can trust subsequent inference results.

Ex. Data was collected on 100 houses recently sold in a city. It consisted of the sales
price (in $), house size (in square feet), the number of bedrooms, the number of
bathrooms, the lot size (in square feet) and the annual real estate tax (in $).

To read in the data and fit a multiple linear regression model with price as the response
variable and size and lot as the explanatory variables, use the commands:

> Housing =read.table("C:/Users/Martin/Documents/W2024/housing.txt",header=TRUE)

> results = lm(Price ~ Size + Lot, data=Housing)

All information about the fitted regression model is now contained in results.

A. Studying the Variables

There are several graphical methods appropriate for studying the behavior of the
explanatory variables. We are primarily concerned with determining the range and
concentration of the values of the X variables and whether there exist any outliers.

Graphical procedures include histograms, boxplots and sequence plots. We can use the
functions hist() and boxplot() to make histograms and boxplots, respectively.

In addition, scatter plots of all pair-wise combinations of variables contained in the

model can be summarized in a scatter plot matrix.

A scatter plot matrix can be created by typing:

> pairs(~ Price + Size + Lot, data=Housing)

From this plot we can study the relationship between Price and Size, Price and Lot and
Size and Lot.

B. Residuals and Leverage

The leverage of an observation measures its ability to move the regression model all by
itself by simply moving in the y-direction. The leverage measures the amount by which
the predicted value would change if the observation was shifted one unit in the y-

The leverage always takes values between 0 and 1. A point with zero leverage has no
effect on the regression model. If a point has leverage equal to 1 the line must follow the
point perfectly.

We can compute and plot the leverage of each point using the following commands:

> results = lm(Price ~ Size + Lot, data=Housing)

> lev = hat(model.matrix(results))
> plot(lev)
Note there is one point that has a higher leverage than all the other points (~0.25). To
identify this point type:

> Housing[lev >0.2,]

Taxes Bedrooms Baths Price Size Lot
64 4350 3 3 225000 4050 35000

This command returns all observations with leverage values above 0.2 in the Housing
data set.

To study the influence of this particular point we can make scatter plots and specifically
mark this point using the points() function.

For example:

> plot(Housing$Size, Housing$Price)

> points(Housing[64,]$Size, Housing[64,]$Price, col='red')
> plot(Housing$Lot, Housing$Price)
> points(Housing[64,]$Lot, Housing[64,]$Price, col='red')
Note the 64th observation is plotted in red in both graphs for easy identification.

The residuals can be accessed using the command results$res where results is the
variable where the output from the function lm() is stored, i.e.

> results = lm(Price ~ Size + Lot, data=Housing)

Prior to studying the residuals it is common to standardize them to compensate for

differences in leverage. The studentized residuals are given by:

s 1 hii

where ei is the residual and hii the leverage for the ith observation. Studentized residuals
can be computed in R using the command:

> r = rstudent(results)

An influential point is one if removed from the data would significantly change the fit. An
influential point may either be an outlier or have large leverage, or both, but it will tend
to have at least one of those properties. Cook’s distance is a commonly used influence
measure that combines these two properties. It can be expressed as

ri pii
p 1 1 pii

Typically, points with Ci greater than 1 are classified as being influential.

We can compute the Cook’s distance using the following commands:

> cook = cooks.distance(results)

> plot(cook,ylab="Cooks distances")
> points(64,cook[64],col='red')

Note the Cook’s distance for the 64th observation is roughly 0.90.

If we ultimately decide we need to remove an observation from the data set and refit the
model, we can use the command:

> dat2 = dat[-64,]

This command creates a new data frame called dat2, which is a copy of the data frame
dat except it excludes the 64th observation.

C. Residual Plots

We can use residuals to study whether:

The regression function is nonlinear.

The error terms have nonconstant variance.
The error terms are not independent.
There are outliers.
The error terms are not normally distributed.
We can check for violations of these assumptions by making plots of the residuals,

Plots of the residuals against the explanatory variable or fitted values.

Histograms or boxplots of the residuals.
Normal probability plots of the residuals.

We plot the residuals against both the predicted values and the explanatory variables.
The residuals should be randomly scattered about 0 and the width should be equal
throughout for the constant variance assumption to hold.

> par(mfrow=c(1,3))
> plot(Size, results$res)
> plot(Lot, results$res)
> plot(results$fitted, results$res)

To make the same residual plots using the studentized residuals type:

> r = rstudent(results)
> plot(Size, r)
> plot(Lot, r)
> plot(results$fitted, r)
A Normal probability plot of the residuals can be used to check the normality
assumption. Here each residual is plotted against its expected value under normality.
To make normal probability plots, as well as a histogram, type:

> qqnorm(results$res)
> qqline(results$res)
> hist(results$res)

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