TA-Rules 7thCPC 130717

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N0.19030/11?017-f .

Govemmenl of lndia
Ministry of Finance
epartment ol Expenditure

NewDelhi, the 13rh Julv1017

gf nLE_$gegBAxgus
subieet:Travelling Allowance Rules " lmplementation sf the Seventh Central pay

, Consequent upon the decisions taken by the Government on the recommendations

Pay Commission relating to Tmvelling Allowance entitlements to civilian
of the Sevenlh Central
employees of Central Govemment, president
is pleased to decide the revision in the rates of Tr*vefling Atlowance as set cut in
the Annexure to this oific*

2' The 'Pay Level' for delennining the TFIDA entitlement is as indicated in
Oentml Civil Service {Revised pay}
Rules 2016.

term 'Pay in the Level'for the purpose of these orders reier to Basic Pay drawn in appropriale pay
Iin the Pay
* The
Matrix as delined in
Rule 3{S) of Central Civil Services {Revised Pay} Riles, 2016 and does not include
Non-Practising Allowance {NFA}, Mi}itary Servrce Pay
{M$P) o,'any or"i'er type of pay iike specialpay, etc
4' However, if the Travelling Allowance cnlitlements in terms ol lhe revised entilement$
now prescribed result in
a lowering o{ the existing entitlements in lhe case of any rndividual, groups cr classes of
ennployecs, the entigements,
particularly in respect of mode of travet, class *{ accofimodalion,
etc., sfrall not be lowe|.ed. ihey wiil instead continue
to be governed by the earlier orders on the subiecl till such time as they beccnne eligible, ln the normal
coune, for the
higher entitlements

5' The claims submilted in respect of journey made on or after 1s: July, ZAIT rnay be regulated
, in accordance
withtheseorders. lnrespectof.ioumeysperformed'priorlolsr July,2017, theclaimsmayberelulaledinaccordance
with the previous orders dabd 23.09.2008.

6 lt may be noted that no additional funds will be pravided on a*count ol revision in TfuDA
ent1iemenls. it may
therefore be ensured that permission to ofiicial lravei is given
,|udiciously and restricted only to absotulely essenil;l
official requrrements.

7. These orders shall take effect from 01*r July, 2017

B. Separaie orders will be issued by Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Railways in respect oi Armed Forces
personnel and Railway employees, respectively

g' fn so far as the persons serving in the lndian Aiidrt & Acca4sdpartment are concerned, nese ordefs issue
in consultation with the Complroller & Auditor Generat of lndiai
. attached. frt
Hindiversion is
{llirmala Dev}
Deputy $ecrelary lo the Government of India


All Ministries and Bepafiments of the Govt. sf tndia etc. ar per standard diotribution lisl
Copy to: C&AG and [J.P.$.C., ste. as per slandard endorsenrent list.
Annexure-to rcilitlry{Illry*, Departrn*nt of Erpndihrre
. o,tr.t{o.1*03$I11rfir_e.v'oatia tor.lry xir.
ln sup*rsession of &partnent of Expnditure'*
o.M, N0. 1g03013/100&F,lv dated a3.og.?sg,
in respsct of
Travellirq Aito*,a*e the rub*dirg provi$o;
qppm* wftrr eftcr tuam 01.g7,r01r :
2. Enti{f*n€nt$ for Jos-mes on Tour sr Tnining

A{i} Travel Entitlernenb wittrin the Co**try

larclin_f9y f{qtrii
14 and abow
8b 11
5 and bebw ".", _Fnryf.leFryqt
f irct Class/AGilf/AC Ctrair car lV tlain

{tll lt has aho been dwkts is allolv the Govemment

oficiab b t&vsl by Frcrniurn Train#rcmi'm T*al
Tmirr8uwha Trains, th€ rcimbuBernsnt to Premium
Taffrat charges for hlringof kkeb and fre reimbnrrsement sf
DynanidFbxi-farc in $hatabdifraidlanilOurcnb
Tmins wtrib on omeial tourl training. Reimbursecent
sws€s sfi'ch ht5 *xed hre, wifl remain of ra{kel seva
continue to
ftpmiunrlPremium Ta*ar/suvidhd shatabdirRa!,chanil
allorffid" Trawl enti$ernent br sre punrey in
swonto Tmins wiil be cs under i

1? and above

{iii} The revised frawl entit|ements ae subjeet !o fulbring:-

{a} ln cass of places not eonnscted by rail, tnvel

by AC bus hr all those enti$ed ta travet by Ae
. above by train and by Oekrxe/ordinary bus for
oihers is artsueu"
ll Tier and
{ili tb) In cass
{ ry1,F':i"TP*l ptaccs co*rcebd by mit, baver by any
rneans of Busic han$pryt is
t allct{€d ptov}ded tre totalfare dws nst axcesd fre rriin
tur" tt
i:i (c) All mileage-pins eamed by Govemment employees
on tbkets purchas*d fsr oficial tnavgl sha|| be

' ttlilized ly frt8 conemed dspartment fur o&rei otreral

trawl by iheir ot?d i;y usqe of *rese
rylfs.r*r purpos€s of priStr* ravel $ rn of$*, wifi atraci departrnentat
ensure that the benefils
adion. This is to
or"rt of official travel, wfrich is funded by tte G"yg;mdi, srx)ura aecnre to fre

{d) ln ease o{ nsn'availabili$ of seals in entifled dass, Govt.

servants may travel in tire ctms klow their
enti$ed class

g" InbmationalTravel€ntitiernent:

g. Fntitl*rnsnt for iourn*ys by $ea or by River Stramer

{i) For plaees ather than A&N Group cf lslandr and La*hadxreep Gr*up of lrland r

{ii} For travel befieen the mainland and the A&lrl Group of lslands and kkrhadneep
Group o{ lsland by ships operated by tha $hipping Coryoration of India Limited :.
^-* *--t
&y lw*jl_*r
ky Lw$ ir*tea'f
'il i- _ _*Igypl":ntitlement
I and ahve *- 1"* -'

I rhluxe class 1
fltsv j{cabilcl?s!

3 and
--l-"-: _*99l{ la' Cabin cgss
Bunk class
*""--* i
__ ",,s



O. lllileage Alknrance for Josmep by Ro*d :

{i) At places wtrere specific rates have been prescribed :-

I Pay Leveitn
pay Madil f
enti*e*ents -
l--: - - :*-*"---*--n
i 14 or abve

i "'''rf-
Actuat fare by any rype oi pubtic bus ""-'oR
--- including AC brs
| | I

1 i At prmribod mte$ 0f AC taxiwhen the jaurney is actually prfonned ryAC taxi

lloRi I

i I
At prescribeU mtes for auto rickshaw for journeys by auto rickshaw, onn eat, scooter,
etc. I

I i motor cycte, moped, I

t; toli*--
1""6 i Su*r as above with trre siception frx ioumeis ly liUtax' wirr ntt ua pennissiule*-l
a inO S I Rcrult tare by any rt* ur
Br' rype of lru,,'., bus rnr*O*
pubtic r*" orher than AC bus

j nt prescriuec
I ratos for auto fickshaw for joumeys by auto rickshaw, own car, seooter,
motor rycle, rnopsd, sft. I

|l----"-***-l : I

| 3 and below i Actual {arc by ordinary public bus oniy

II l. ".,-"'.-,-,,$n
I At prescrihd rate* ior aub rickshae{ tor iouffieys by autorhkshaw, o$,n scooter,

L__ _"__ | motor cycle, moped,.g$,"_ I

{ii} At placec whsre no *pecific rates have been preecribcd either by Sl* Oir*ctor& of Tnasprt of tfie
cqnc*med $taie w of the neighboring $Ket:
carltaxi -ffi.
p*rni**A in own
ali- per Xm

i For pumeys performd by aub *ckshav , i Rs. 1?J- per Km c --_*.*""-.--".--"--.'*.J I

At plres *rf*ere no specific mbs have been pres*ibed, the rale per km willfurther dse by 25 percant whenever DA
incremes by 50 percent
Daily Allowance on Tctrr

Pay level in
-* iniitlement
14 and ahve Reimbursement for hotel accommodation/guest house of up to t2,500/- per day,
I i Reimburuement of Ae kxi charges as per aetual expendiiure eomrnensurate with official
I I engag*ments for travet within the cig and

fTz-no tl I Reimuursement foi hotet accornmodationrguest house of up to t4$00$;ld;t,

i I
Reimbursement ol AC taxi charges of up to 50 km per day for lravel within the city,
of food bitls not exeeeding {1000t per day.
l___ -- -- __1,,t1-bursen'!ent
gGli- --iReimbtrse$eniror hotet accommocatioCIguest house ot up to ti,i5# per,Ut, --

i n.iriu,r***nr sf non-Ac rr-i ;;rs* ;i,,p ; k;;'d; rr';;;;ruis,ffihe city,-- 1

I Reimburcement of iood bilts not cxceeding {9001 per day. *


6 to I i Reimbursenrent for hotel accommodationlguest house ot up to ti50 6dti, i

Reimburser*cnt of non-AC laxi charyes

;i l'telmbur$erftsnt charges of up to 12251- per day for travel within the city, I;

i Reirnbursement of food bills nct exceedirg t8001- per day. l

^- i

5 and below , Reimbursemont for hotel accornmodationlguest house of up to t4$0 per day, I

Reimbursernent of non-AC taxi charges of up io t113f per day for

Rejlnbursenent ol food bills nst exceeding {500/. per day.


:, (ii) Reimburcenent of Hotel chartge€ :- F*r levels 8 and klow, lhe arnouni of claim {up to &e ceiling} rnay be
paid witttout pmducti*n of vouchers againsl selfqertified claim only, The seltcertified clairn should clearty indicate the
priod etc Additionatly, for stay in Class 'X' cities, the ceiling for all employee$ up to Level
of stay, name of dwelling, I
would be E1,000 per day, but it wifl only bc in the form of reimbunernem upn praducticn of relev*nt wuchers. The
ceiling lor reirnbursement of hoiel charges wilifurther rise by 25 percent whenever DA incrcases by 50 persent

{iii} Reknbursement of lravelling charges i $imilar to R*imbursement of staying accommodation charges, for
levels I and below, the claim (up ta the eeiling) may M paid without production of vouchers against selt certified claim
only, The self-certiti€d claim should clearly indicate the period of !1avql, vehicle numb'ei', etc, The c*iling for levels 11
a*d belorry will {urther rise by 25 peruent whenevbr DA increases by 50 percenl. For joumeys on foot, an allowance of
Rs.'t2l per kilometer travelled on fooi shall be payable additionafly. lhis rate will furlher increase by 25% whenewr 0A
increases by 50%.

{iv) Reimbur*ernent af Food charges :- There will be no sepanle reimbursement of food bills. Instead, fte lump
sum amount payable will be as per Table'E{r} above and, depending on lhe length of absence from headquarten,
would be regulated as per Table {v) below $ince the concept of reirnbursernenl has Mn drne away wilh, no vquchei:s
wlll be requir*d. fhis methodalogy is in llne wiih that followed by lndian Railways at pre$ent {with suitabb enha*esmenl
oi rates). i.e. Lump sum arncunt payable. The lump sum amount will incrcase by 25 percent whenever DA increase by
50 percent.

{v} Timing restrictions

Lenglh oi absence Amoqnl$yaqq_ __ I

:i lf absence from headquaders is <6 hours of Lurnp sum amount
3C% j
:I' lf absence from headquarter:s is between 6-12 hours l0oroof Lump sum amount " _ i
1-Jf,abseqggjpm hqqdquarters is >12 hsurs ,,-.-, 100Ye o{ lgqrp gq{"n,qm9-gt1*,_-,- _,_ _-J
Absence from Head Quarter will be reckoned frcm midnight to midnight ard will be calculated on a per day

{vi} In case of stay{oumey on Governrnent ship,

boats eh. or joumey ts remots places on losilrnules
etc for
scientitic/data collectian purps€$ in organiaation like
Fsl, $urvey of India, G$l etc., daily allowame wig & paid at rate
equivalent to that provided for reimburcement of
bod bil|" However, in this case, the amount $,ill be sanctioned
sl the sctual expenditure incuned on {his ffiount with the approval
of the Head of Departmenvcontrolfing
Note : DA rates for foreign trav*l wlll be regulated
as prescribed by Ministry of Extemal Affairs,

3. LA. on franslgr
TA on Transfer includes 4 *omponents : - (i) Travel
enlitlement for self and family {ii} Composite Transfer and
packing sr*nt {cTG}
{ii,} Reimbursement of cha[es on transportition of pereonat ulr#r 1to; n*i*uu*rnent of
charges on tlansportatian of conveyanee"

til Tr*vel Entittsm*nts ;

{a} Travel.entitlemenls as prescribed for tour in Para 2 above,

except br Intemational Trarrel, $,i;1 be
applicable..in. case of joumeys. an lransfer. The genenal
condi*ons of admissibility p1gs**bgd in
S.R. j 14 rryifl, hourcver, c*ntinue to be applicabte.

{b} The prorrisians-ryl3ting to srnall iamily norms as contained

in para 4(A) of Annexure to fr#o Finance
o.M. F'No' 1012198-lc & F.No. rg030i2lg7-Elv dt. 1r1, Apri' 199s
, shaticontin*e b bo apptieabte.
{ii} Compo*ite Trar:*fer a*d Facking Grant
{C?G} :

{a) The Cornposite fransfer 6ranl shafl be paid at the rate

of B0% of the last month,s basic pay in case of
trans{er involving a change o{ staiion loeated at a distance
sf or mole than 20 kms fiom each other,
However, for transfer to and liprn the lslafid teniiories c{ Andarnan,
Nicobar & takshadrreep, CTG
shalt be paid at the rate of 100% of last nronth,s bas* pay.
Furthet NpA and MSp shall noi
included as parl of basic pay while deiermining entifierneni toicrg.
{bi In cases of transfer to stations which are at a distance
oi less than 20 kms irom the otd station and of
transfer wilhin the same city, one lhird of the composite transfer grant
will be admissible, provided a
change of residence is actually involved.

{c} ln eases where the transfer o{ husband-and wife kkes place within
six rnonths, but after 60 days of
the lransfer of fhe spouse, fifu percent of the transicr granl on transfer
shall be allowed to the spguse
transfened later' No transfer grcnt shall be admissibleio the spouse
transfened liter, in case both the
transfers are ordered wilhin 60 days. The exisling provisions shall continue
to be applicable in case ol
tnnsfun after a period of six months of mom. Other rules precluding transier granl
in case of transfer
at own request sr transfer other thaa in public interesl, shall confnue
to afply unchanged in their

{iii} Tra*sportation cf Fersonal Effects

i Level
t - ***"^ ] By Trainl$teamq - -
i 12 and above , 6000 Kg by goods irain/4 wheeler wagon/
1i--- ; 60p.0 Kg by goods trainl4 wheeler-wagan/

i-'- *'-*- 1

, 3000 ka
l"{"and below i i:ioo ks

The rates will further rise by ?5 pcrcent wnenever 0A increasss by 50 percent.

The rates for transpo,rting the
gntlbd weighl hy Steamer will be equal to the prevailing rates prescribed by such transport in ships oper:ated
by $hipping Corporation af indra. The ciainn for reimbunernent shall
be admissible subjecl o the prodaction of
actual receipt# vouchers by the Govi. servant" Productlon of reeeiptslvcuchers
is nr.andatory rn rlo tnmier
cases of Nsrth fastern Region, Andaman & Nicobar lstands
and Lakshadweep also.

Transportation of personal e&cts by road is as per kilorneter b*sis only, The classific*lign of cities llouns for
lhe purpose of tpnspodation of penronal efecb is dona anray with"

{iv} Traneportation of Oonveyance.

The general conditigns af adrnissibility of TA on Trans{er as prcscribed in $.R. 116 will, horreyer, cantinue b
be applicable.

{ T.A" E{rt$emenlst netl{n$ Egr$gyg*g

TA on Retircment irpludes 4 componenb : - {i) Travel entifienent for self and farnily {ii! Composite Transbr and
@(iW gratt {CTG} {iii} Reimbu$ernent cf charyes m tnnspodation of penonal e&cts (iv} Roimbunernent ot
chxgcr an tran*prt*lion *f onveyanee

{|l Tr*velEntitlam*n&
TnarclentiSernenb as pe*cdbd &r tsur?tnn$fer in Para 2 abw, exe*pt far Inbm*ional Trawl, will be
appllc*ble in sase of joumeys on re$rernent. Tlle gelenlesrditions of admixib;ilig ptcscdbed in $,R.14? will,
houc{er, continue to k aBplieable.

{ii) CompasiteTrxnsferGrant{C?G}

ta) The Conrpoeite Tranefur Gra* shall be Fd at the rate of 80% of the last mon$r's ksic pay in case of
those employees, wh* on rctirement , $eilled down at places other than l*t sktion{s} of tleir duty
l€ated at a dis$rcs of *t more than 20 krn. flowver, in case of sefilerrent to and frcrn *re lsland
teritorie$ of Andaman, Nicobar & Laksfrad{ecp, CTG shdl be paid at ttre rde of 1Wo of last rsn&'s
basic pay. Furfier, NPA and MSP shall net h
included as part of basic pay while deiorminirq
entiilement fsr CTG. The transfer insidenkl$ and rasd nile*ge br jouraeys bctueen the reslderpe and
te milway statlsn/bus stand, ste", at lhs oH and new station, are alrdy suhrrned in fia composi&
transfer gmnt and will not k separately dmissible.

{b} As in the case of serving ampfoyees, Govomrnent servantr who, on rctircm*nt, settle at th€ lasl shtisn
cf duty ibelf or within a di$arce o{ less th*n ?0 kms may be paid *ne hid of the CTG subject to fn
candition lhat a change olrcsidenc* ie mtually invol@.

(itil Tnnsport*tion of P*rsonel Fffec& :' $ame as Pam 3tiii) above.

{iv} Tnnsportation ef Conveyance :- Sarne as Para Xiv) ahve,

The geneml snditions of adrnissibilig of TA sn Relilernenl as pr€scribetl in S.R. 147 {.ill, ltorew, conlin$e b&

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